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Pro-skippers, politeness will get you further


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I'll make this simple for you....................then don't PUG!!


Everyone is paying their $15 a month. If other peoples idea of fun is to watch every second of every cut scene that is their perogative and it's tough luck for you, you're in the same PUG as they are. Drop and re-queue if you don't like it.


Except we need to remember they're in the minority so it's vote-kick them back to the tail end of the DPS queue if we don't like it. :D

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Are you going to pay for my sub for forcing me to play the way you want to? How about pay for the subs of all 3 of us who are in there with you who don't want to watch the cutscenes? Oops, too late. We vote-kicked you.

Doing a flashpoint with cutscenes = intended way. Doing it without cutscenes = optional way which works only if EVERYONE is up for skipping them. This is how the game works. This is how Bioware made it.

Vote kick... it's a flaw really. The idea of vote kicking is ok, but in its current state it's too easy to abuse it, kicking everyone you don't like unlimited number of times. The devs should improve it asap imo. WoW vote kick system is a very good example how it should work.

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Except we need to remember they're in the minority so it's vote-kick them back to the tail end of the DPS queue if we don't like it. :D


You assume you can figure out who it is. What do you do when all 4 of you are saying "spacebar already!"? Start kicking and hope you get the right one?

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Are you going to pay for my sub for forcing me to play the way you want to? How about pay for the subs of all 3 of us who are in there with you who don't want to watch the cutscenes? Oops, too late. We vote-kicked you.


You are allowed to skip the convos. You just have to watch the "Waiting for another player" message. If there are 3 jerks who wish to kick a player because they want to watch the story and get the vote on me, I can deal with that. You can deal with finding a new tank or healer.

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You assume you can figure out who it is. What do you do when all 4 of you are saying "spacebar already!"? Start kicking and hope you get the right one?


Since I only do hardmodes on a tank or healer, I'm likely to say, "Sorry, I don't have the time or patience to watch these cutscenes yet again," and then type /leave.


But to each his own I guess.

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I can speed run Taral V 4-5 times in the time it takes me to run Esseles with dialog.


I can run Esseles twice speed mode in the time it takes to run it once story mode.


I have better things to do with my ingame time than watch the same cutscenes for the 100th time in a hard mode flashpoint, and so should you. If you don't, as others have said, you can solo just any flashpoint in story mode if you really want to see the story.


You are out of your mind if you think that you are important enough to tell people to go solo if they want to see a Flashpoint story. If folks want to skip, they will. If they don't, you get to deal with it. Instead of telling folks to go solo, how about you don't use the group finder or queue with a pre-made of skippers. Kicking people out of a group for playing the game as intended is asinine and borderlines abuse of the vote kick option.


Like I said, I can deal with getting back in the queue. If you don't have 3 votes to kick me, I guess you will have to rage quit.

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You are out of your mind if you think that you are important enough to tell people to go solo if they want to see a Flashpoint story. If folks want to skip, they will. If they don't, you get to deal with it. Instead of telling folks to go solo, how about you don't use the group finder or queue with a pre-made of skippers. Kicking people out of a group for playing the game as intended is asinine and borderlines abuse of the vote kick option.


Like I said, I can deal with getting back in the queue. If you don't have 3 votes to kick me, I guess you will have to rage quit.


Yep, I certainly can drop my tank or healer out of the group and the players who want to watch the reruns for the 100th time obviously have the patience to wait for another tank or healer. Works for me.


I can just log over to another character who hasn't done a hardmode yet for the day and re-q... or I could log a different one to level up... or go craft some stuff... or run a LFG raid with my guild and friends if enough are on.


Like I said, I have plenty of better things to do with my game time than watch the same old cut-scenes yet again. No rage. Just more fun / entertainment value for my hour of game-time.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Good luck getting Qyzen or Scourge to not stand in the red circles at the end.


It takes some micromanaging and is less forgiving but its very possible. If I can keep Pierce and myself away from the AoE and Slow of the final boss in BT I can easily keep them away from them the lightning strikes in Esseles. Like I said HMs are easy and I have done BT with no healer.


The option to queue for spacebar or not spacebar runs will not work since Fresh 50s would pick spacebar hoping to get carried and watch the content anyway. If they can't even put in a gear check, what makes you think they can execute this well?


They have to see how it splits the community but so long as it doesnt double the wait time for either side id be ok with that.

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Yep, I certainly can drop my tank or healer out of the group and the players who want to watch the reruns for the 100th time obviously have the patience to wait for another tank or healer. Works for me.


I can just log over to another character who hasn't done a hardmode yet for the day and re-q... or I could log a different one to level up... or go craft some stuff... or run a LFG raid with my guild and friends if enough are on.


Like I said, I have plenty of better things to do with my game time than watch the same old cut-scenes yet again. No rage. Just more fun / entertainment value for my hour of game-time.


You talk as if the other people care if you leave or not.


You have every right to play the way you want but don't expect everyone to play the same way...especially when your preferred method is optional and not intended.


You stated before you are a guild leader. Why even do PUG's then...I am sure you have a good core to faceroll through the FP.

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I've been very lucky with group finder, but then i use it with my 2 tanks, not hard to find a new group it it comes to it. I always politlely ask "can we spacebar?" at the start of all fp's followed by " have you all run this before?"


Politeness goes a long way, and if I recall, never had any objections when I use manners.


That said, group finder loves giving me the sub-teen suicidal aggro grabbing DPS player with major OCD issues when it comes to clicking on the gun turret on Kaon. The rest of group jumps to high ground and many lol's ensue.


No offence to any dps players btw, its just the ones with manner/maturity problems are almost exclusively mdps

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You talk as if the other people care if you leave or not.


You have every right to play the way you want but don't expect everyone to play the same way...especially when your preferred method is optional and not intended.


You stated before you are a guild leader. Why even do PUG's then...I am sure you have a good core to faceroll through the FP.


I didn't say I'm a guild leader. But officer or member status with a guild applies equally to your question...


I do PUGs when there aren't enough of my guild members and friends online who want to run a hardmode flashpoint. I have precious little time to play and I really dig that the LFG feature is finally in the game so I can spend a lot less time with the tedium of getting groups.


Before I queue, I do spin through guild chat and friends list to see if anyone's interested. Even when I get some, we rarely have a full 4 ready to go soon-ish. So I usually find myself with at least 1 random member.


Here's what I don't get... that nobody has explained to me yet.


You're in a hard mode flashpoint. One you've already done. Probably dozens of times.


WHY do you want to watch the cut-scenes AGAIN? How many times have you seen them? What's the benefit of seeing them yet again?

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I didn't say I'm a guild leader. But officer or member status with a guild applies equally to your question...


I do PUGs when there aren't enough of my guild members and friends online who want to run a hardmode flashpoint. I have precious little time to play and I really dig that the LFG feature is finally in the game so I can spend a lot less time with the tedium of getting groups.


Before I queue, I do spin through guild chat and friends list to see if anyone's interested. Even when I get some, we rarely have a full 4 ready to go soon-ish. So I usually find myself with at least 1 random member.


Here's what I don't get... that nobody has explained to me yet.


You're in a hard mode flashpoint. One you've already done. Probably dozens of times.


WHY do you want to watch the cut-scenes AGAIN? How many times have you seen them? What's the benefit of seeing them yet again?


When somebody on the team just refuses to hit space bar, I feel it is not my right to force them. But it is my right to quit the team and find another. I exercise that right quite often.

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I didn't say I'm a guild leader. But officer or member status with a guild applies equally to your question...


I do PUGs when there aren't enough of my guild members and friends online who want to run a hardmode flashpoint. I have precious little time to play and I really dig that the LFG feature is finally in the game so I can spend a lot less time with the tedium of getting groups.


Before I queue, I do spin through guild chat and friends list to see if anyone's interested. Even when I get some, we rarely have a full 4 ready to go soon-ish. So I usually find myself with at least 1 random member.


Here's what I don't get... that nobody has explained to me yet.


You're in a hard mode flashpoint. One you've already done. Probably dozens of times.


WHY do you want to watch the cut-scenes AGAIN? How many times have you seen them? What's the benefit of seeing them yet again?


That is a secondary question to the topic though. What about the people who never did the FP? Or those that are sick of not being able to watch the cut scene even once and they take a stand at that one time?


How hard is it to put up with 5 to 10 extra minutes once in a while?


Personally I do not watch them more than once. I don't watch movies more than once except for rare ones, do not read books twice, but I know many many many people that do.


The same with cut scenes...some enjoy them....every time they see them...is it so off putting to have to watch them once in while again?


I do not see the whole need to quit over this. Someone being a loot whore....sure. Someone manically pulling every mob in the zone...sure. Someone just being a plain immature tard....sure.


But having to watch cut scenes? Take a piss, sip your beverage of choice....but to quit seems like the kid who takes his ball home when people do not want to play by his rules.

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If it's a normal FP (sans BT/Esseles) just watch the cut scenes. It's not that bad.


HM FPs? Different story.


If you're in a HM FP you are there for a) columi gear and / or b) black hole comms. That's it. You're not there "for the story" (you saw it in normal mode). The faster the run is over, the sooner I can do other things. If Esseles pops, and people insist on watching the cut scene, I'll just drop and re-queue. I will get my comms faster that way.

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If you're in a HM FP you are there for a) columi gear and / or b) black hole comms. That's it. You're not there "for the story" (you saw it in normal mode).


Thank god there are other people to tell me what I'm running flashpoints for. I might have mistakenly come up with my own reasons for being in one.


In the end to me the issue isn't spacebarring or not. Sometimes I just want to spacebar through, and other times I feel like watching the cutscenes again. The issue I have is when people decide that they get to demand that I and others play by their rules and expectations. If you want to spacebar and someone isn't then ask them, like one human being to another, if the group can skip the cinematics. You only make people resentful and less inclined to comply by being a *****

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It would be awesome if there was a selection for "Speed Run" on the Group Finder. I will keep my fingers crossed that we get that. It would be fair to everyone and really group together people with the same goals in mind.


In the meantime:

Story Mode default = watch cutscenes, do all bosses

Hard Mode default = watch custscenes, do all bosses


I believe it is incumbent upon those who want to speed run/skip cutscenes/skip bosses to ask nicely to do such. It is NOT the responsibility of someone who wants to watch the cutscenes and do the bonuses, REGARDLESS OF THE MODE, to state that they want to do what the game is set up for them to naturally do.


Some PUG folks just run ahead and get oh so annoyed when you say "please wait" - they often don't want to do the bonuses, let you reload or even heal between battles. "This content is so easy, you don't need to heal!" they will say.


That may be their choice, but *I* want to heal between battles. I want to have a strategy with the group, not just rush to the next fight. If someone wants to do it differently, they should ask, not presume. They should ask, not insult or condescend.


Hard Mode or Story Mode, I always ask the rest of the group if they understand the how a particular boss works, just as I speak up in FP's I've never done before. Suprisingly, many people actually HAVEN'T done certain FP's before and don't know the mechanics. I even ran an FP with a tank who didn't know what the word "aggro" meant. Did I yell, scream, insult, name call? No. I helped him out, I explained, I ACTED LIKE PART OF A TEAM.


It's not a tough concept. If you want to speed run, that's fine - but ask if the rest of the team is down with that. If they aren't, then accept or leave the group. But don't expect that everyone wants to do it your way instead of the way the game plays naturally and then get cranky when they don't.

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I have 4 level 50s. But since I mostly PvP (I've done, hmm, 2 FPs a long time ago, and only 4 OPs, 3 hardmode, all on my Gunslinger). So if I ever decide to do the FPs I most certainly won't be hitting the spacebar. I may start doing some for the dailies at some point :p
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do story mode for the story /thread


You are apparently unaware that you're at least the 2nd person in this thread to say almost exactly that. And it's been refuted. Try reading more of the thread instead of saying silly things that have already been spoken to, eh?

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Why do I feel like the people who are screaming and impatient with watching cut scenes are the same people screaming and honking their horn because, god forbid, you're driving the speed limit! *gasp* Edited by Gwendytopia
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Why do I feel like the people who are screaming and impatient with watching cut scenes are the same people screaming and honking their horn because god forbid you're driving the sped limit! *gasp*


No they were the people screaming for cross server a while back, wonder why!

Edited by mothear
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That is a secondary question to the topic though. What about the people who never did the FP? Or those that are sick of not being able to watch the cut scene even once and they take a stand at that one time?


If they haven't done the story mode yet, they are probably insufficiently geared for the hard mode. Therefore they should probably queue for the story mode. Then they can watch the story during the story mode. Wow, problem solved!


How hard is it to put up with 5 to 10 extra minutes once in a while?


It's not 5-10 extra minutes once in a while. In Taral V it's the difference between a run lasting 15 minutes or over an hour. In Esseles it's about double the time.


Personally I do not watch them more than once. I don't watch movies more than once except for rare ones, do not read books twice, but I know many many many people that do.


The same with cut scenes...some enjoy them....every time they see them...is it so off putting to have to watch them once in while again?


I do not see the whole need to quit over this. Someone being a loot whore....sure. Someone manically pulling every mob in the zone...sure. Someone just being a plain immature tard....sure.


But having to watch cut scenes? Take a piss, sip your beverage of choice....but to quit seems like the kid who takes his ball home when people do not want to play by his rules.


Like I said, I have better things to do with my limited game time than to watch the same cut-scenes over and over and over again. I would rather vote kick someone and get a replacement. Failing that, I would rather drop group and go do something else.


I do not have infinite time to play the game. I have a job that's somewhat more than full-time. I have a beautiful wife who for some strange reason still likes to spend time with me. I have an amazing daughter who's rarely home any more (all growed up) so when she is, I spend time with her.


I have better things to do ingame when I have the time to play too... better than watching repeats of cut-scenes that were "ok" (not stellar) the first time through... for the Nth time.


I have yet to see anyone give a coherent reason for watching the same cut-scenes a dozen times, other than to grief others by forcing them to wait longer in flash points.

Edited by DarthTHC
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