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Soooo.. GW2 is coming and you do nothing to keep the PvP-Players here?


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Hardly a threat? Gw2 has over 1 mill pre orders. I remember pre transfer playing on a server that went days without even one wz b/c no one was on. Swtor doesn't need a new mmo to kill it, it does that on it's own.


Pre-orders doesn't mean jack, just look at this game for a fine example. People will stay if it's good or will stop playing, but the whole pre-order hype is a terribad way of looking at a games success.


If you're a child or no-lifer (or some rich fat-cat bastard that doesn't actually have to work for a living. Or raise a family, etc.) sure. Otherwise, when it comes to MMO's, not so much.


It's not hard to play 2 different games, even if one holds a full-time job, married & has kids...and pulling an average paycheck. Time management isn't difficult for most people.

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1st) 5 hours a day = no lifer. That's a rediculous amount of time to be able to sit and do nothing on a computer.

2nd) 15 hour work weeks are a pittance. That's barely part time work.

3rd) Getting blasted 2-3 nights a week also kind of helps prove you have no life nor responsibilities.

4th) " Grown adults who have no real responsibilities other then work" .... Considering that "work" is 40 - 80 hours a week if you're actually working full time, your perception of things seems very far off.


Throw in having a family, or trying to have a social life at ALL, going to the gym to counteract your aging and slowing metabolism, handling the responsibilities of life (yard work, house maintenence, maintaining the vehicles for said family, etc etc).

College kids are pretty much the perfect example of a no-lifer by contrast. There's a reason that adults constantly wish they could be back in college. Life was so so much easier then.



pffft, kids



Work alone takes a ton of time even if you got no other responsibilties at all. Unlike college you can't just not show up to work if you're interested in still making a living whereas in college I know guys who only show up for the final exam.


I read somewhere the most hardcore guys in MMORPG tend to fall under either:


1. In school/college

2. Has a job in a socialist enviornment (Europe/Canada, partiuclarly any public sector job)

3. Disabled


If you're not in one of those 3 there's a point where you got to start working instead of playing games no matter how much you like games. Well maybe if you're independently wealthy you don't have to worry about that. I knew a handful of guys who seem genuinely independently wealthy and can just not work at all, but not everyone is so lucky.

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I just think its funny how the mmorpg social community works, (GM's, Raid leaders, High rated pvpers) seems in game the more time you spend in game, the "cooler" you are . In RL though the more time you spend playing a game less "cool" you are. Its kind of ironic lol
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If you have a good rated team the rated warzone comms flow in faster than you can spend them. I'm pretty much just using them to gear up alts now.


Yeah, that's a big IF. aren't many of those.

All I have to say is it must be nice. I'm relegated to trying to help carry PUGs.


About once every 2 weeks I end up cancelling my sub. Then 2-3 nights later I have a 'good pug night' and I un-cancel. I want to enjoy the game, really, I do. It's more of a struggle then I hoped it would be, post transfer though.

Edited by islander
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1st) 5 hours a day = no lifer. That's a rediculous amount of time to be able to sit and do nothing on a computer.

2nd) 15 hour work weeks are a pittance. That's barely part time work.

3rd) Getting blasted 2-3 nights a week also kind of helps prove you have no life nor responsibilities.

4th) " Grown adults who have no real responsibilities other then work" .... Considering that "work" is 40 - 80 hours a week if you're actually working full time, your perception of things seems very far off.


Throw in having a family, or trying to have a social life at ALL, going to the gym to counteract your aging and slowing metabolism, handling the responsibilities of life (yard work, house maintenence, maintaining the vehicles for said family, etc etc).

College kids are pretty much the perfect example of a no-lifer by contrast. There's a reason that adults constantly wish they could be back in college. Life was so so much easier then.



pffft, kids



Wow, you sound jealous.

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I'm really not sure why people keep bring up the whole "you can play 2 games". Everyone knows that hell you can play 2000 games at once.

The point is there is a group of players who subbed to swtor to pvp, a large part of those people have or will try gw2 for pvp. Once they pvp in gw2 there will be no reason at all to sub to a game that has so little to offer in comparison.


That is something people have to start realizing. I could honestly list 20 things easily about the pvp that is far and superior. It's just a fact. Why would someone pay a sub to actually have less things to do and options of playstyle etc when they can not pay a monthly sub and get 10x the value


I originally thought it was only going to impact pvp players and they announced there is no "end game" pve but their dynamic (adjusts to your level) dungeon system for 5 member parties is actually more content then SWTOR raiding offers.


And people who are going to go play in panda land is a very very miniscle %, gw2 otoh is very bad new for swtor

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1st) 5 hours a day = no lifer. That's a rediculous amount of time to be able to sit and do nothing on a computer.

2nd) 15 hour work weeks are a pittance. That's barely part time work.

3rd) Getting blasted 2-3 nights a week also kind of helps prove you have no life nor responsibilities.

4th) " Grown adults who have no real responsibilities other then work" .... Considering that "work" is 40 - 80 hours a week if you're actually working full time, your perception of things seems very far off.


Throw in having a family, ................... easier then.



Perfect post to show that the term "nolife" is meaningless. Your version of life is so depressing that apperently everyone wants to return to nolife, which apperently is seen as something positive for the individual. Though i agree that 5 hours a day infront of a computer might be a tad ....much.


I just think its funny how the mmorpg social community works, (GM's, Raid leaders, High rated pvpers) seems in game the more time you spend in game, the "cooler" you are . In RL though the more time you spend playing a game less "cool" you are. Its kind of ironic lol


That's actually the reality for a lot of professions/positions irl as well. You could be a really well respected plumber among your fellow plumber, but in the end you're still just a plumber for the outside world. Hell even physicians are seen as moneygrabbers these days...

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How about some balance changes? How about structured PvP for 1-49? How about a reworked Ilum? How about some change to current Warzones to make them less zergy and more objective based? How about Arena? How about a possibility to make Tournaments? How about a freaking duel zone on the fleet?


I mean, the fight isn't lost, GW2 isn't Star Wars and not everyone will enjoy the combat in it, so go Bioware? I mean, it seems that Bioware is doing nothing atm to keep the PvP-Players here.


Thanks for reading!


Thia was never to be a pvp centric game. It sort of happened that pvp was fun.


Reworkled Ilum is coming

WZs in any game are a zerg fest possibly you mean an AV type WZ to be done

Arenas will create more issues due to the QQing OMG DUAL HYBRID OPS ARE OP NERF THEM

Tournaments are simply for the FOTM classes see above

Duels? There is no Class balance and nor should there ever be.


As for GW2 it will what the last one did. Have a great community based on selling rare dyes.


For teh hard PvPer in your life it will be planetside 2

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I am just going to leave this here, its your beloved GW2 on the highest settings




when was that taken at the end of 2010 in alpha tests? lol the game looks nothing like that now lol

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when was that taken at the end of 2010 in alpha tests? lol the game looks nothing like that now lol


No it doesnt look like that at all. I dont have nay idea why people do garbage like this

SS on max setting on a timex sinclair maybe or a c64


I'm not saying the graphics are AoC quality but 100s better then that nonesense

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Thia was never to be a pvp centric game. It sort of happened that pvp was fun.


Reworkled Ilum is coming

WZs in any game are a zerg fest possibly you mean an AV type WZ to be done

Arenas will create more issues due to the QQing OMG DUAL HYBRID OPS ARE OP NERF THEM

Tournaments are simply for the FOTM classes see above

Duels? There is no Class balance and nor should there ever be.


As for GW2 it will what the last one did. Have a great community based on selling rare dyes.


For teh hard PvPer in your life it will be planetside 2


Dumbest arguments I have ever read in a long time, sorry. No idea how to answer on this bad post :S PvP needs balances patches. A lot actually. Look at League of Legends. They balance and change number every two weeks. Or look at dota. Hell, even BF3 or MW2/3. So just because it would require balance changes BIoware can't add any new content to this game? Well, shut the servers down then.


EDIT: I mean, right. The balance in Warzones is perfect atm. It isn't like that 3 classes outshine all other classes, right?

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I am just going to leave this here, its your beloved GW2 on the highest settings




This only works when a large population hasnt played the beta yet......

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I am just going to leave this here, its your beloved GW2 on the highest settings




there are only... 6-7 skills keybound?


how many skills do people use actively in this game?

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there are only... 6-7 skills keybound?


how many skills do people use actively in this game?


considering the human mind is designed to only function effectively in subsets of 7 data points, 6-7 skills is the perfect amount for twitch based gameplay. most SWTOR classes boil down to ~5 core abilities, give or take 2, and everything outside of that is entirely situational. Comes down to whether you think performing perfectly with a simple system or performing well with a mildly more complex system is more impressive.

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Well I never thought I would say it but I will be leaving for GW2 after experiencing the BWE 2 and 3. There are several reasons but the main ones are these 3.


1) I'm actually just focused on enjoying the game and exploring never knowing what dynamic event might popup near me versus linear old school questing and constantly chasing a carrot on a stick.


2) WvWvW is just an unbelievably fun experience that really has me hooked. If SWTOR ever featured something along these lines I would keep paying and playing. I actually envisioned how bad *** SWTOR could have been with something like this.


3) Even though I make good money and can easily pay I'm finding myself having at least as much or more fun in F2P and B2P games that makes me question why even play a subscription based game. These give me the freedom to spend as much as I want and when I want.


Right now I have two that I regularly play with two more on the horizon.

1) World of Tanks

2) Tribes Ascend

3) GW2 (Coming Soon)

4) Mech Warriors Online (Coming Soon)


Thus considering my limited free time for playing games I'm done once my 6-month subscription expires.

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there are only... 6-7 skills keybound?


how many skills do people use actively in this game?


I haven't played in beta, but from what I've seen you have 10 keybinds for main skills. Depending on your profession and weapons there may be other abilities used in specific situations in addition to those 10. The skills available to you are based on a combination of which weapons you are using at the time and will change during battle if you switch weapon sets at certain costs or with certain talents to fit situations. So you won't have 30-40 abilities keybound at all times like SWTOR, but you still have that many abilities at your disposal through different setups.

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there are only... 6-7 skills keybound?


how many skills do people use actively in this game?


Depends on class and other factors. Skills 1-5 are based on the weapon you're using and most classes can use 2 weapon sets. Skills 6-0 are based on what you choose out of a skill pool of 15-20 skills give or take(elementalists have way more). So you're running around with around 15 keybinds + a button used to execute a downed opponent. However there are also abilities which give you acces to a completely new skillbar full with abilities. So it's hard to say how many more abilities you have to use, aside from the earlier 15 that I've mentioned. The way the abilities are designed(cd based except thieves) means that there aren't a lot of skills which you actively ignore.


On my necro for instance I had 15 normal skills, 1 finisher and 10 other skills which I could use trough other abilities and i guess 4 abilities in the downed state. So around 30 skills.

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I could care less about GW2. Sick of medieval fantasy. Don't like the zerg-fest either. That's why I could care less if world PvP ever comes back.


If its your bag, more power to you. Have fun.


That is the beauty of the GW2 WvWvW. There are multiple maps with multiple objectives. Sure sieges on big castles are a bit zergy, but there other objectives like towers which usualy feature medium size battles, or supply camps which usually feature even smaller battles or even smaller still escort supply caravans which usually end being small scale skirmish battles. You can also assist mercenary mob camps and get them to fight on your side.


The map is designed in a way to reduce the effectiveness of only zerging up and giving smaller marauder bands and even soloists opportunities to contribute. This also contributes to better performance even though hundreds of players are engagin on the same map area.


It is hard to explain but this link provides detailed info http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World

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there are only... 6-7 skills keybound?


how many skills do people use actively in this game?


Each individual weapon gives certain abilities to use. The first 3 skills are based on your main hand weapon. The next 2 are your offhand weapon skills based on which offhand you're using. Number 6 is always a healing skill of your choice and the rest are utility skills of your choice. I myself played a Necromancer and my weapon choices were axe, dagger, sceptre,and 2 hand staff for main hand weapons. Offhand weapons were dagger, war-horn, and focus. On top of that once you hit level 10 or something like that you unlock the ability use an additional weapon set and are able to swap weapon sets on the fly - even in combat. Weapon swapping is essential. When you swap weapon sets just the first 5 skills change - your utility skills remain the same. In addition to the weapon sets and utility skills you also have a class ability which obviously varies per class. For the necromancer mine was Death Shroud. I built up a resource called life force by using my weapon set attacks which fuels death shroud. When I activated death shroud all damage done to me was absorbed by my life force resource instead of my health pool. In addition while I was in death shroud I was given new ability's to use and I could only use these certain abilities while shape-shifted. Any character who reaches zero health does not die but rather becomes put in a downed state. In a downed state you have 4 abilities to use to fight your way back alive. A enemy can ethier 1) Dps you to death or 2) perform a finishing move which takes about 3 seconds to do and is channelled. Your allies can also come to your aid while you are in the downed state and bring you back into the fight. They can also do this even after you have died ( but it takes a lot longer ). The system is complex but easy to learn.


I see a lot of ignorant people bashing the game and it is obvious they know jack **** about it. The pvp is vastly superior to SWTOR. Swtor is good game in its own right but to me personally it is not worth 15 bux every month for the devs to slowly "fix" the game ( which I should not even have to pay for ). GW2 going to be very popular and lots of people are going to play it whether the haters want to admit it or not. It is a innovative and very well polished game.

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Each individual weapon gives certain abilities to use. The first 3 skills are based on your main hand weapon. The next 2 are your offhand weapon skills based on which offhand your using. Number 6 is always a healing skill of your choice and the rest are utility skills of your choice. I myself played a Necromancer and my weapon choices were axe, dagger, sceptre,and 2 hand staff for main hand weapons. Offhand weapons were dagger, war-horn, and focus. On top of that once you hit level 10 or something like that you unlock the ability use an additional weapon set and are able to swap weapon sets on the fly - even in combat. Weapon swapping is essential. When you swap weapon sets just the first 5 skills change - your utility skills remain the same. In addition to the weapon sets and utility skills you also have a class ability which obviously varies per class. For the necromancer mine was Death Shroud. I built up a resource called life force by using my weapon set attacks which fuels death shroud. When I activated death shroud all damage done to me was absorbed by my life force resource instead of my health pool. In addition while I was in death shroud I was given new ability's to use and I could only use these certain abilities while shape-shifted. Any character who reaches zero health does not die but rather becomes put in a downed state. In a downed state you have 4 abilities to use to fight your way back alive. A enemy can ethier 1) Dps you to death or 2) perform a finishing move which takes about 3 seconds to do and is channelled. Your allies can also come to your aid while you are in the downed state and bring you back into the fight. They can also do this even after you have died ( but it takes a lot longer ). The system is complex but easy to learn.


I see a lot of ignorant people bashing the game and it is obvious they know jack **** about it. The pvp is vastly superior to SWTOR. Swtor is good game in its own right but to me personally it is not worth 15 bux every month for the devs to slowly "fix" the game ( which I should not even have to pay for ). GW2 going to be very popular and lots of people are going to play it whether the haters want to admit it or not. It is a innovative and very well polished game.


:eek: another necromancer, thought we where extinct

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it appears to me that BW has since left the building, leaving there bank account open to funnel what subscriptions they have remaining..

I seriously doubt they will spend another dime on this game.

No feed back, No communication and No response to the player base..


Sad really as I enjoyed this game greatly.

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:eek: another necromancer, thought we where extinct


Yeah, I saw lots of complaints about how they "nerfed" the class. From watching the videos of previous events it was blatently obviously they were OP as heck. However, before the beta forums closed a developer posted in the necro forums saying that the necro profession was one of the top 2 professions that the team was looking at and felt need the most love. So, im pretty excited about that.- especially since I was already doing very well this last beta event.


Anyway, I hope BioWare forum lackeys don't delete this thread. I know there was another thread discussing GW2 but it also had a lot of good positive feedback on what SWTOR players wanted for this game. I felt it was pretty stupid to ignore and delete all the great feedback it had - just part of the many reasons I cancelled my sub.

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And? What does that have to do with the price of milk?


Everything. Where do you think those GW1 players are going? GW2. I've played GW2 beta weekend and fell in love with the pvp and the pve and the exploration. When i got back in to play TOR on Monday, I couldn't do it. PVP frustrated the hell out of me. Balanced? I hightly douibt it. A level 50 in recruit gear will get slaughtered by a level 50 in war hero gear not to mention that once the war hero geared player knows you go down easy in your recruit gear, they hunt you down like rabid animals. No it isn't balanced. There is no way it could be. Even in battlemaster gear, you are not going to be able to take down those in war hero gear and many of the people pvping don't or won't help you kill the damned BH who is up on the pillars shooting missles. It's frankly crazy that my sorc healer was the only one going after the BH.


I'm leaving SWTOR. I got sick of fighting my way into an instance then having to fight my way out. In GW2, there are alternate exits or a button to exit instance. I pvp'd in GW2. It's awesome. The beauty of the world, the WvWvW. I'm sorry, SWTOR will lose people like me who'd rather not pay $15 a month on a game that frustrates the hell out of them. SWTOR has 8 stories. Once you're done with them, you're done. There is no exploration. There isn't even space exploration. I wanted to love this game. I played both KOTOR and KOTOR 2. In fact I've played many Bioware games. It seems to me that Bioware doesn't care about their fan base. And for the one who mentioned HK51, you have to have a level 50 on both factions. The quests outside the stories are monotnous and boring. Who wants to do that. Not me and not many people.


One more thing, I'm tired of the rude, arrogant 14 year olds (actually many 14 yr olds are more mature than these people) who pvp and criticize, call names and frankly curse at members of the team because they can't, in their recruit gear, stand against those in war hero gear. These children need to grow up

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