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Ea tells Raptr that they are considering f2p


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:csw_trooper: Personally, I’m getting extremely tired of all these “Free to Play" speculations, until they post it in the development thread or on the SWToR home page I will not believe the speculators. :csw_fett:


Well getting info from EA is not as easy as that , from what i've seen anyways.

But anyways...If they considered lowering subscription cost I think they would be just fine.

But then again how much of a percentage does LucasArts get from this game. It seem like all the people forget one thing,George Lucas ,love him or hate him, soley owns the rights to anything Star Wars.So if the so called magic number of 500k subs is needed, how much is needed to keep paying Lucas? I have no clue, does anyone know??

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what sad is this is nothing but an example of the ignorance of this gaming community. They are half quotes taken out of context talking about the game being free to level 15.



But then again these "media" outlets feed on the ignorance of readers to provide the response the OP did


There not media outlets, there glorified bloggers (IE: nobodies)

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This is what I see:


1) Loss of subscriptions that led to free transfers from dead servers

2) Executive Producer Resigns

3) Massive Layoffs

4) More Layoffs

5) Free to play, right now just until L15 but maybe full F2P later

6) GW2, MOP and other titles looming

7) Next year we will get something new for SWTOR


So you lose subscribers in a subscription based game, your EP resigns, you cut your staff and your competition will increase soon and you might go to F2P. You only do those things if your losing money or predict a loss of revenue. These are steps in the wrong direction, but we will have to see. Maybe it will be all good in the end, I doubt the game will shut down like SWG did anytime soon, but it may (likely will) become even more of a niche.

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Once again..this game will NEVER be completely free to play. It will be 15 dollars a month with a vanity cash shop in the future and that 15 dollars will be ALL we will pay for everything that comes to the game. yes, even expansions. 15 dollars a month for everything that comes out for the game. Seems like a great deal to me. That's what BioWare has wanted to do from the beginning. 15 dollars, and you get it all! free content updates/expansions. 15 dollars a month pays WELL enough for that.
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I can't believe anyone would seriously think this game ISN'T going Free2Play. You people need to seriously wake up and smell the coffee, because threatening to cancel your subscription doesn't mean **** if they are thinking of cancelling it for you.
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I can't believe anyone would seriously think this game ISN'T going Free2Play. You people need to seriously wake up and smell the coffee, because threatening to cancel your subscription doesn't mean **** if they are thinking of cancelling it for you.


A pure f2p game will never work. Even with a money shop.


They'll keep the subscriptions, and give those subs access to everything in game. The f2p players will be limited to many things, like no sending mail, no access to the gtn, a restrictive credit cap, limited storage, etc. Perhaps even a couple of tiers, like basic f2p, and then like a silver package. They could even limit DLCs to having f2p people buying them, while subscribers get them just for subbing.

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Free to play isnt free but its not the devil many say it is. ;)


Yes it is. It is worse that p2p. And with these graphics this game needs to be much more polished in that department to compete with other f2p mmo's

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"IF" it goes F2P they'll lose more than they gain. GW2 is another F2P game that is polished way better than this game and has more interesting features, at the moment for it's launch than tor does 8 months in. Edited by spectreclees
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Once again..this game will NEVER be completely free to play. It will be 15 dollars a month with a vanity cash shop in the future and that 15 dollars will be ALL we will pay for everything that comes to the game. yes, even expansions. 15 dollars a month for everything that comes out for the game. Seems like a great deal to me. That's what BioWare has wanted to do from the beginning. 15 dollars, and you get it all! free content updates/expansions. 15 dollars a month pays WELL enough for that.


Your ignorance is amazing. I got a good laugh out of it at least, so thanks for that! ;) It's posts like this guy (and his previous stuff I've read before) that make me even THINK about keeping a sub just for these forums. The comic releif that comes with all the internet fights, e-tears and shenanigans that happen here are almost priceless!

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Honestly, they didn't need a group finder for the first few months because of the community on each server.




Since end game was lacking, people decided to leave TOR, so finding groups became harder.


If EA didn't rush this game out, I would bet that Bioware would have made end game more fun, would have made Open World PVP more inciting.


No they wouldnt have. It would have been exactly like it is now, with only minor adjustments like legacy and cut scene adjustments.


Dont put all the blame on EA. Its Biowares baby and they did all the work with the people they wanted. Remember they kept the entire crew on for the complete making of it. Bioware was praising it before launch. They were not saying it wasnt ready yet or that they need more time. They were pushing it out the door because they thought this is what game the players wanted, and when the players got it they were discusted with it.


Name any other game that has lost over 2 million subs in the first 7 months. Escecially one that they want to call a great sucess.

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"the free-to-play model works. I wouldn't say the information is perfect, but it pretty much apporaching perfection in that if something is great, people will hear about it. If it's free-to-play they may they get hooked on it and then you have the opportunity to monestise it."

-- Greg Zeschuk (co-founder of Bioware and vice president at EA)


If you think this game isn't going f2p you need to take a cold shower and wake up.

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Name any other game that has lost over 2 million subs in the first 7 months. Escecially one that they want to call a great sucess.


I know the game has lost a lot of subs over the months(I'm astounded they had as many as 1.7million tbh) but do you have any proof what so ever that the game has lost 2million subs?


Or are you just pulling facts out of your arse again?

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Dont put all the blame on EA. Its Biowares baby and they did all the work with the people they wanted. Remember they kept the entire crew on for the complete making of it. Bioware was praising it before launch. They were not saying it wasnt ready yet or that they need more time. They were pushing it out the door because they thought this is what game the players wanted, and when the players got it they were discusted with it.



You're right. This is a direct quote from the head honcho at Bioware in May of 2011: "The reaction that we've had, and a lot of people playing it have had -- we've done a lot of consumer testing and there's a lot more to go -- but the common reaction we get from our fans when we play it, or the testers, ourselves, and our teams, is that frankly once you've tried it, you just can't go back. You don't want to try other MMOs anymore. I think that's what imbuing the game with a sense of heroic purpose and identity achieves." -- Ray Muzyka


They really thought the game was going to be a huge success, and making players feel special through the super-voiced acted solo quest lines was the key. The lack of a group finder was inconsequential . . .

Edited by Jjix
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I know the game has lost a lot of subs over the months(I'm astounded they had as many as 1.7million tbh) but do you have any proof what so ever that the game has lost 2million subs?


Or are you just pulling facts out of your arse again?


Amazing. This person still on the forums lulz. (not you, the person you are quoting)


As for the topic, F2P is not a bad thing at all. It is how they implement it. If it is Pay 2 Win then obviously that is terrible and doomed for failure.


But if it is pay for your updates than yes...it should be.


Lets be honest. Bioware has not been pumping out the updates monthly like a P2P MMO should be. In that case every month we don't get something new to get excited about is a month where people will not be satisfied with their purchase.


At least with F2P we are not paying for that. We'd just pay for Makeb when it releases.


It really is no big deal as long as they are not selling gameplay advantages in the store.

Edited by Crash-X
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Going to say this to whom it may concern. This game goes F2Play, I am done. I can see it now, "Congratulations, you have finished chapter 1. For more exclusive content and chap. 2, visit our on-line store and experience the second part of your Star Wars saga for only 15.99 plus tax". F2Play is exactly that, I pay a monthly sub so I can enjoy the entire game and everything it has offer in my own time. F2Play is terrible model and I pray this game doesn't go that route. If it does, my canceled sub can added to the droves who will also exit the game for the same reason.
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