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Marauders.. Cmon now (tryin 2b constructive)


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Agreed, this statistic is absolutely ridiculous. I could (maybe) understand if 90% of those specced to DPS were these AC's or if maybe 50% of the people seen were these AC's, but 90% is outrageously incorrect. I still see an extremely high amount of shadow/sin and sorc/sages that haven't rerolled yet. Now I would go as far as to say that 99% of top rated PVP teams have at least one of each of these classes (as well as one healing op/scoundrel).


I believe it was based on a count from 147 Ranked Warzones played by a particular player. He logged the ACs (or estimated AC, as the scoreboard doesn't clearly distinguish) and shared his results. Combined, Mara/Sent and PT/Vang made up a large percentage (I don't remember the exact amount, but it was around 90%) of the opponents he faced.


The class distribution appears to be much more even in non-ranked warzones.

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I believe it was based on a count from 147 Ranked Warzones played by a particular player. He logged the ACs (or estimated AC, as the scoreboard doesn't clearly distinguish) and shared his results. Combined, Mara/Sent and PT/Vang made up a large percentage (I don't remember the exact amount, but it was around 90%) of the opponents he faced.


The class distribution appears to be much more even in non-ranked warzones.


Just a note, this would mean of 1176 players that they faced, 90% would be 1058 PTs and Maras. That would leave 118 other AC's showing up which means that 29 teams rolled without a healer assuming that every other team had 1 healer (and all leftover players were healers). Whether it be 1 or 0 healers, this person counting better have gone 147-0 against these teams unless they are just terrible. Even at 80% that would be 941 of them, meaning 235 not of these AC's. Assuming all 235 are healers, that still leaves 59 games where there was only 1 healer.


I'm not debating that stacking PTs and Maras is bad, but 6 or 7 on your team is not feasible for winning in rated.

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You know how long it takes to set up a 5k Sweep/Smash, if you just sit there and don't move or anything your bad... also that 99% shield lasts 5 seconds. If you can't stun a Marauder and then kite them after they just wasted 50% of they're current Hp and you STILL can't kill them something is wrong honestly...


So two people are standing right next to each other and do nothing at all but spam buttons. 100% of the time the same one wins and the other loses. But that's the losers fault for being bad and not moving.


Wait ... do you understand, at some level, how misguided that statement is?


Basically what you are saying is that class x (in this case, marauders) should win every fight 100% of the time unless the person they are fighting does something that prevents them from winning. That's not how balance works. BALANCE would mean if they both sat there and did nothing at all but spam buttons one would win about 50% of the time and the other about 50% of the time. Above that each would have a set of abilities and counters; option other then sitting around. If they both use all these options, then one should win about 50% of the time and the other about 50% of the time.


Every argument for FOTM classes being balanced is always the same (sages used to say it, now Marauders say it, next month powertechs will say it). We CAN be beaten if someone plays their class perfectly and we don't, so we are balanced.


It's like giving a baseball team a 5 run handicap vs all other teams and saying "well yeah, if you just sit there and don't score 6 runs you are just bad"

Edited by lexiekaboom
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OP needs to find a new hobby, when evenly geared and "both" know their class 1vs1 with sentinel is about as tough as any other skilled class 1vs1. Now if the person does not understand how to handle a Sentinel then yeah rofl stomp every time.
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OP needs to find a new hobby, when evenly geared and "both" know their class 1vs1 with sentinel is about as tough as any other skilled class 1vs1. Now if the person does not understand how to handle a Sentinel then yeah rofl stomp every time.


Is there any other class this is true for? For example, if you don't understand a sage with you get rofl stomp 100% of the time?


So .. if it's true for one class, but not true for any other, that if you don't know exactly how to beat them you will die ... how is that not OP?

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Is there any other class this is true for? For example, if you don't understand a sage with you get rofl stomp 100% of the time?


So .. if it's true for one class, but not true for any other, that if you don't know exactly how to beat them you will die ... how is that not OP?


You say it's not true for any other, sorry but I very much disagree.

And yeah go up against any player who skilled in their class and you will get you but handed to you almost always if you don't understand that class.

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Your arguments are based on personal perception, not reality. Just because, from your point of view, most people think the way you do, it does not make it true. Honestly, you are doing a disservice to those who agree with you.


I like you. You know what fallacies are.

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I won't make claims as to whether they are OP are not.


What they are however, without a shadow of a doubt, is possibly the most obnoxiously irritating class I've ever faced in PvP in any game.

Things would be fine if there were only 1-2 in each battleground. But there aren't, they're possibly the most played class out there together with Juggs (who are nearly as annoying).


In each warzone with 4-5 Sith Warriors (and that's a lot of warzones nowadays), I pull my hair out of my *********** head out of frustration. Fights tend to go like this: I see a stream of dudes in spiky armor leaping through the air, I am rooted and snared (50% for 12s tyvm) and all of them start executing ravage, most commonly while one of them is force choking you. Even if you pop your CC break, it's too late because you can't get out of their range before you are dead.


Then you get back in, and it's just a big followup of: intimidating roar, force choke, snare, root, intimidating roar, force choke and so forth.


To make matters worse, you can't even frakking kill the damn marauders when you manage to peel them off your team and focus them yourselves, as they have 2 "get out of jail free" cards (stealth + UR).

Not only that, but any time you try to be a ******** and go cap a point that has none of them on it, you get a whole stream of them racing at you with their speed boost and the above mentioned leaping pain train is back to hit you in the balls.


Note: the above is a gross oversimplification, but it is reality.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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I won't make claims as to whether they are OP are not.


What they are however, without a shadow of a doubt, is possibly the most obnoxiously irritating class I've ever faced in PvP in any game.

Things would be fine if there were only 1-2 in each battleground. But there aren't, they're possibly the most played class out there together with Juggs (who are nearly as annoying).


In each warzone with 4-5 Sith Warriors (and that's a lot of warzones nowadays), I pull my hair out of my *********** head out of frustration. Fights tend to go like this: I see a stream of dudes in spiky armor leaping through the air, I am rooted and snared (50% for 12s tyvm) and all of them start executing ravage, most commonly while one of them is force choking you. Even if you pop your CC break, it's too late because you can't get out of their range before you are dead.


Then you get back in, and it's just a big followup of: intimidating roar, force choke, snare, root, intimidating roar, force choke and so forth.


To make matters worse, you can't even frakking kill the damn marauders when you manage to peel them off your team and focus them yourselves, as they have 2 "get out of jail free" cards (stealth + UR).

Not only that, but any time you try to be a ******** and go cap a point that has none of them on it, you get a whole stream of them racing at you with their speed boost and the above mentioned leaping pain train is back to hit you in the balls.


Note: the above is a gross oversimplification, but it is reality.


Not going to lie. This is some of the funniest **** I read in a while. I tried to imagine that whole scenario happening and it just looked funny as hell to me lol. It reminded me of the Sharkticons jumping onto their prey from the original Transformers movie.

Edited by DarkSaberMaster
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Alright i dont want this post to be your standard QQ I'm sure some trolls will say I am but i am actually trying to be alittle constructive, this is a topic about 90% of players agree with... Marauders are alittle unfair, heres why.


First off I want to say I play this game almost religiously, so this is coming from someone with experience in many different classes I have 3 fully geared (WH/Campaign - Blackhole) lvl 50's, a Merc, a Sniper, and a Juggernaut.


Marauders are a little unfair in this game, some people will say HEY NO WAY I BEAT MARAUDERS! yeah uve beat marauders, because they scale with gear insanely. Low gear/level marauders are no problem, like some people say sure they r squishy, but have u ever been against a highly geared marauder? Not so squishy anymore, actually they are pretty tanky. Let me explain a few reasons why I feel marauders need slight adjustment.


marauders have the top dps out of any class and this is a fact from research. this is okay! they are melee and medium armor! BUT when you factor in these facts


Marauders can go stealth

Marauders have 99% dmg reduction shield

Marauders give entire team a big damage increase with bloodthirst

Marauders give huge speed increase to team with predation

Marauders can heal themselves, thier DoT's heal them... wow...

Marauder can leap, huge dmg aoe smash

All this included with biggest burst OR sustained Dmg in game and no energy problems because of rage system

they become just too much. What are they thinking giving this much power to one class?


I myself think no other class is over powered everythings pretty even (mercs do need some love) but other than this everythings fine. Marauders need tweeking.


Id say if anyone disagrees with this... 95% chance your a marauder.. so please dont post on this if ur marauder cuz ofcourse ur gonna disagree cuz u want to keep the most overpowered character in game.


so i guess everyone go roll a marauder till they fix this. its ungodly powerful even when a noobs playing it.:D


p.s. the 99% shield lasts for how long? like 6 seconds? thats about 50% of the time a 1v1 takes... cmon now u cant damage them for half ur fight... sure they say cc them during this time! ya sure CC them if thier resolve bar isnt full... 90% chance if u havent used a stun on a good marauder by this time your dead anyway.


I can make a list of class abilities too. It doesn't mean anything.

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First off I want to say I play this game almost religiously, so this is coming from someone with experience in many different classes I have 3 fully geared (WH/Campaign - Blackhole) lvl 50's, a Merc, a Sniper, and a Juggernaut.


And yet, you have never played a Marauder to endgame...


marauders have the top dps out of any class and this is a fact from research.


Actually, they don't. Competent PTs out DPS my Marauder in almost every WZ. Marauder/Sentinels may be the best melee single target DPS class, but PTs/Vans are the best overall single target DPS class. The extra range that they possess is a huge bonus. Good Snipers/Slingers can out DPS Marauders/Sents pretty easily as well.


Id say if anyone disagrees with this... 95% chance your a marauder.. so please dont post on this if ur marauder cuz ofcourse ur gonna disagree cuz u want to keep the most overpowered character in game.


Of course! Who needs perspective in a nerf discussion? All QQers unite! lol


so i guess everyone go roll a marauder till they fix this. its ungodly powerful even when a noobs playing it.:D


Please do this right away. And be sure to post screenshots of your persistent unstoppable uber pwnership in WZs. I patiently await your total and utter faceroll domination.


By the way, the reason I originally rolled a Marauder was because my Shadow lost a 1v1 to one in Ilum (my Shadow doesn't lose many 1v1s). Instead of making a QQ thread and looking like a douche, I made a new toon to learn the class like the back of my hand.


p.s. the 99% shield lasts for how long? like 6 seconds? thats about 50% of the time a 1v1 takes... cmon now u cant damage them for half ur fight... sure they say cc them during this time! ya sure CC them if thier resolve bar isnt full... 90% chance if u havent used a stun on a good marauder by this time your dead anyway.


Honestly, the linchpin for the QQers argument is always this one skill...Undying Rage. As if this skill defines the Marauder class. Yes it is an excellent skill, and arguably the best defensive skill in the game. However, I would totally advocate it's removal if it would stem the tide of baddie QQ. Unfortunately it would not. They would just clamor for nerfs to something else if it were taken away.


Which brings us to the issue of why QQers really don't like Marauders/Sents. That being, they just don't like to die. And the Marauder, even more so than a PT/Van, Sniper/Slinger or Tanksin (classes that are equally as potent, but receive demonstrably less QQ), is in an opponent's face cutting them down the entire time. There's just something enfuriating about getting worked toe-to-toe by another toon, especially when you're bad but think you are good.


There was another AC that performed similarly at launch but is no longer in many QQ discussions...the Operative/Scoundrel. Ops/Scoundrels angered QQers so much that they unsubbed. Now look at those classes...neutered horribly and only deadly in the most geared and capable hands. :(

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i thot i told u two marauders not to post, ofcourse its just been u marauders complaining about post so far... alright so they cant do both the splash and heal at same time? how does that negate the OP at all?


So, you're trying to be constructive, yet at the same time, you don't want to hear from and refuse to listen to any point of view that disagrees with yours. :rolleyes:

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What's bugs me is that everyone seems to think pvp happens in some 1vs1 vacuum where there are no other players.

Sure, marauder can be cc'd for the 6 seconds that it takes to drop cloak of pain. Problem is there's usually 2-3 marauders from each team in a big pile smashing eachother.

Camo is usually only used to get a new free opener.

Undying rage is perfect for buying extra time on a node/door while your team is respawning. And naturally there's no real downside with it, like reduced damage done while it's active.


If anything really needs to be rethinked by Bw with marauders it's undying rage. It's serves no real purpose other than prolonging a fight that your team already lost and gives your team a better chance to respawn before cap/plant.

Edited by Helistin
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Marauders can go stealth - for like 5 secs lol, ever heard of going after them when they use it nab?

Marauders have 99% dmg reduction shield - once again for 5secs, ever heard of run away, stun, kite, stealth if u can? trololol @ you another BAD crying.

Marauders give entire team a big damage increase with bloodthirst - every 5 mins clown.

Marauders give huge speed increase to team with predation - Decent , problem?

Marauders can heal themselves, thier DoT's heal them... wow... - Not for much, point?

Marauder can leapuge dmg aoe smash - If there playing a spec which can only do that, AOE Smash, lol again.


All this included with biggest burst OR sustained Dmg in game and no energy problems because of rage system

they become just too much. What are they thinking giving this much power to one class?



My reply is in BOLD


P.S. - As stated in my sig, i play assasin so try and get funny or smart i dare you.

P.S.P.S. - I Wreck full WH/Augged Sentinel's, and i mean all of them.


L2P and find the next fotm that aint Sent or Vanguard,/Pyro's so i can continue to wreck them all. nabski's.

Edited by arkzehhh
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You know what really funny? People saying there is 5-6 Mara in every WZ therefore they must be OP. In many WZ I play in I see an abundance of snipers and pt. very few Mara or jugg. Heck I was just in a WZ where no joke the other team didn't have a single melee. 4 snipers 2 mercs and 2 op healers. That was an ugly voidstar loss for us too. Also on my server in the 10-49 I see mostly snipers/slingers and PT/van. If mara/sent was so OP wouldn't you see more of them being leveled up?
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You know what really funny? People saying there is 5-6 Mara in every WZ therefore they must be OP. In many WZ I play in I see an abundance of snipers and pt. very few Mara or jugg. Heck I was just in a WZ where no joke the other team didn't have a single melee. 4 snipers 2 mercs and 2 op healers. That was an ugly voidstar loss for us too. Also on my server in the 10-49 I see mostly snipers/slingers and PT/van. If mara/sent was so OP wouldn't you see more of them being leveled up?


This. In the 10-49, I see more Scoundrels/Operatives, Slingers/Snipers, PT/Vanguards and Juggs/Guards. More so the Scoundrels/Operatives. All the teams I end up in are mostly composed of some form of Scoundrel/Gunslinger. Even in the 50 bracket, I see more of everything else than I see Marauders/Sents. I guess people are anticipating the inevitable nerf to come and are going Smuggler/IA. Or they got the memo that those classes are still pretty powerful despite the nerfs they have received. Marauder/Sent may have been the FOTM last month. But this month? Naw.

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