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Best comment ever by one who clearly loves the CC abuse in this game. Lmao, how could i love CC and i am a Sentinel?


One I am fully geared. Two I am a Commando healer. Three this is by far the worst game ever in the aspect of CC. Fourth, in WoW there were tons of personal breaks you could use on cc. Almost all cc could be taken care of either though trinkets or just through dimishing returns. In WoW you cant be stunned then force choked and then die due to having two dps on you. Druids could shape shift when I played, priests could fear people off and bubble, pallies could cleanse, bubble etc. The list goes on and on with counters to cc in WoW. This game however has just three, CC before being cc'ed, pop your one and only cc break which doesnt make you immune to roots, or hope that between all the fing dots my cleanse can strip off the right crap.


In the end this game and the cc mechanic has totally failed. For one a simple change would be to break all cc except roots on damage. Have a immunity to cc that actually works unlike the resolve system. Have diminishing returns on snares, roots and mezes. I for one think its crazy to be mezed by one guy over and over while they are in stealth and not have any type of diminishing return. Oh and for my wonderful shield, you can still be force choked while its up. Thats a pretty solid mechanic, I dont think you can damage a pally in WoW when they bubble.


The over all take for this is the more and more cc issues are left by the wayside the more and more people will get sick of it. That ususally leads to people quitting (which they already have in droves). EA should of taken its lesson with Warhammer. It had the same exact system in the way of CC as TOR does.


I guess from your post the 12 servers left in North America isnt a sign that people are already tired of this game. This is just one aspect that needed to be addressed in the long list of issues overall.


That first statement made no sense =/

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I play Commando Élan on Nightmare Lands (Hydian Way exile). I totally agree.

The Commando is a glass canon, which means if we hit hard, we die quick. That is the balance for this class.

Therefore causing us to stand still for more that a few seconds is game over, I can no longer take any player 1 on 1 unless they are another commando. Even a medium spec Sorc can take me out 1 on 1. I can not scratch a WH sorc.

I am fully augmented WH spec DPS (assault, eliminator spec), yet can be killed in three to four hits by an Imp DPS. I can not do the same.

My cryo bomb or rakata freeze grenade will not stop someone on full resolve and I have no other way of slowing them down as my CC will not work either. Yet if I am on full resolve I can be frozen, stunned (mezz), slowed or stopped.

I just hope Bioware take note that the playing experience would be so much better if I could be like everyone else on full resolve or have the same abilities as everyone else to mezz people on full resolve. Otherwise in Huttball all I can do is chase someone healing them until the other side decide to shoot at me. Then it is back to start and do the same again.

PS I need 2 healers to keep me up.

PPS Walk a mile in my Berluti shoes before you criticise or troll. If you can not afford my shoes, do not talk to me.



Totally agree. Commandos are beyond gimp right now and they should start hot fixing some class balance issues. They were all too quick to hot fix some nerfs but as usual buffs to non dev favorites takes an act of God to happen. Resolve is a joke. Many CCs that use the "force" completely ignore resolve. Not every stun gives the same amount of resolve in accordance to the time stunned which needs to be fixed. Snares off resolve is one thing but roots need to be considered a CC just like knock backs and pulls are. Where are these highly touted "metrics" that show what classes rated warzone teams are stacking to win? I can say with absolute certainty that teams do not even consider stacking commandos.

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Totally agree. Commandos are beyond gimp right now and they should start hot fixing some class balance issues. They were all too quick to hot fix some nerfs but as usual buffs to non dev favorites takes an act of God to happen. Resolve is a joke. Many CCs that use the "force" completely ignore resolve. Not every stun gives the same amount of resolve in accordance to the time stunned which needs to be fixed. Snares off resolve is one thing but roots need to be considered a CC just like knock backs and pulls are. Where are these highly touted "metrics" that show what classes rated warzone teams are stacking to win? I can say with absolute certainty that teams do not even consider stacking commandos.


Every stun of same duration gives the same amount of resolve. No CC ignores resolve regardless of ability/damage type. Roots are part of the kiting/anti-kiting aspect of the game and have nothing to do with resolve. The rest of the post are valid points, but you're wrong in half of it.

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Every stun of same duration gives the same amount of resolve. No CC ignores resolve regardless of ability/damage type. Roots are part of the kiting/anti-kiting aspect of the game and have nothing to do with resolve. The rest of the post are valid points, but you're wrong in half of it.


No I am not wrong. I have been electrocuted while having a full resolve bar, choked with a full resolve bar and whirlwinded 3 times in a row with no effect on resolve. I understand how resolve is supposed to work. It is very broken right now and to try and say other wise is either ignorant or a troll attempt. Hell there was just a patch that made sure everyone's "stun breaker" worked properly.

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No I am not wrong. I have been electrocuted while having a full resolve bar, choked with a full resolve bar and whirlwinded 3 times in a row with no effect on resolve. I understand how resolve is supposed to work. It is very broken right now and to try and say other wise is either ignorant or a troll attempt. Hell there was just a patch that made sure everyone's "stun breaker" worked properly.


Where's the video of this happening? Combat log? No? Didn't think so. Come meet me on Begeren Colony (Kee'lo) and whirlwhind me 3 times in a row if you don't feel like Frapsing, I'll wait.

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No I am not wrong. I have been electrocuted while having a full resolve bar, choked with a full resolve bar and whirlwinded 3 times in a row with no effect on resolve. I understand how resolve is supposed to work. It is very broken right now and to try and say other wise is either ignorant or a troll attempt. Hell there was just a patch that made sure everyone's "stun breaker" worked properly.



i support this.


i'm rank 93 at the moment and i've pvp-ed ALOT over a long period of time. My entire guild is a pvp guild and we've seen it happen over and over. The resolve bar is often broken. There have been many times where it has shown a full bar and yet I've been stunned.


The resolve system just doesn't work like its supposed to. For e.g I've been choked and then stunned at the same time filling up my resolve bar instantly. While those two stuns happen, someone else throws on another stun and the duration of that stun is added onto an already full resolve bar meaning I had to sit through the first two stuns and then wait for the third stun to fall off before i could get free. If resolve even worked, it would disallow the third stun from affecting the player.

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Whatever needs/wants to be said about Resolve, let's first review the hard facts.


Bring us the video footage of Resolve not working properly.



Geez.. we've been asking for proof for what now, 8 months?



for most of us we don't want to run fraps and for the most part we dont focus on when something like that happens. instant reaction is to slam the cc breaker button rather than wait for it to happen. unless a situation is set up to test it, then only would one see it.


HOWEVER considering the considerable amount of people who HAVE experienced it, its not up to US as the PAYING customers to investigate this. I PAY for a game to work and be glitch free. I dont PAY so that I have to do the WORK of someone else whose paid by the company to check out these things. And as such as I have not ever seen a post by Bioware saying that the resolve system is glitch/bug free completely.

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For e.g I've been choked and then stunned at the same time filling up my resolve bar instantly. While those two stuns happen, someone else throws on another stun and the duration of that stun is added onto an already full resolve bar meaning I had to sit through the first two stuns and then wait for the third stun to fall off before i could get free. If resolve even worked, it would disallow the third stun from affecting the player.


And it does. Show me a situation where it doesn't and I'll eat the hat of your choice. Come to my server and stun me three times consecutively, I'll email you my account details and quit SWTOR. You are flat-out wrong and you have nothing to back up your claim, whereas LAST NIGHT I proved resolve works by stunning them 3 times where the third stun didn't do anything and I'll do the same for you if you're not willing to download Fraps and recreate this issue.


I will empirically prove that Resolve works if you're unwilling to prove it doesn't.

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No I am not wrong. I have been electrocuted while having a full resolve bar, choked with a full resolve bar and whirlwinded 3 times in a row with no effect on resolve. I understand how resolve is supposed to work. It is very broken right now and to try and say other wise is either ignorant or a troll attempt. Hell there was just a patch that made sure everyone's "stun breaker" worked properly.


This is just complete bs. Stop making stuff up, my whirlwind fills the resolve bar to three quarters, hard stun maxes out, then resolve kicks in. I've been playing sage since day one of early access and never has my cc "ignored resolve". You won't ever find my cc ignoring resolve, and I know you are just making crap up, no idea why but I would hazard a guess you are noob.


If you want people to listen to your point of view I suggest you stop making up situations that simply do not happen and take some time to learn game mechanics instead of asking for the game to be dumbed down to your level. There is no way you can whirlwind ed twice and hard stun. For one resolve kicks in as I have said and secondly whirlwind has a 60 second cooldown.


Post proof of this happening? You won't because you know it's bollocks.

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And it does. Show me a situation where it doesn't and I'll eat the hat of your choice. Come to my server and stun me three times consecutively, I'll email you my account details and quit SWTOR. You are flat-out wrong and you have nothing to back up your claim, whereas LAST NIGHT I proved resolve works by stunning them 3 times where the third stun didn't do anything and I'll do the same for you if you're not willing to download Fraps and recreate this issue.


I will empirically prove that Resolve works if you're unwilling to prove it doesn't.


Being a healer I've seen it plenty of times. Often being the focus target of opponents I've had to sit through multiple stuns from multiple opponents at the same time. If you're going to empirically prove that resolve works then by all means go ahead and test out every variable situation whether its every warzone, every type of opponent one by one, or in multiples as well as every type of stun consecutively. There are so many situations out there the same way that Bioware has failed to fix multiple bugs for months.


You can tell me last night you PROVED resolve works. While that is easy to say, you've simply tried a handful of situations at best. Who am I to believe? A handful of situations saying it works or my own eyes showing my i'm still stunned especially considering I pvp everyday in so many variable situations. And am I to believe that bioware has a resolve system that is completely fault proof when they can barely get other bugs fixed? For months they couldn't fix a bug that did not display certain people in warzones even though they were. Until now there are still bugs where if you get stunned, you get stuck in the spawn area or in a spot and you just can't move even with /stuck. Bioware's response? They haven't found every single situation where this bug can occur. So am I to believe you? Some random person on the internet? Or my eyes and bioware's constant screw ups?

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Being a healer I've seen it plenty of times. Often being the focus target of opponents I've had to sit through multiple stuns from multiple opponents at the same time. If you're going to empirically prove that resolve works then by all means go ahead and test out every variable situation whether its every warzone, every type of opponent one by one, or in multiples as well as every type of stun consecutively. There are so many situations out there the same way that Bioware has failed to fix multiple bugs for months.


You can tell me last night you PROVED resolve works. While that is easy to say, you've simply tried a handful of situations at best. Who am I to believe? A handful of situations saying it works or my own eyes showing my i'm still stunned especially considering I pvp everyday in so many variable situations. And am I to believe that bioware has a resolve system that is completely fault proof when they can barely get other bugs fixed? For months they couldn't fix a bug that did not display certain people in warzones even though they were. Until now there are still bugs where if you get stunned, you get stuck in the spawn area or in a spot and you just can't move even with /stuck. Bioware's response? They haven't found every single situation where this bug can occur. So am I to believe you? Some random person on the internet? Or my eyes and bioware's constant screw ups?


Resolve works as intended, if you don't understand how it works - that's on you.

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I've identified your problem.


oh right yeah..go for the funny and sarcastic.


if you dont even get simple english then let me explain it to you. i'd rather get out of the stun than wait to fraps it and let it take its full toll on me. I'm not stupid enough to die in a wz each time just to wait for that to happen.

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Being a healer I've seen it plenty of times. Often being the focus target of opponents I've had to sit through multiple stuns from multiple opponents at the same time. If you're going to empirically prove that resolve works then by all means go ahead and test out every variable situation whether its every warzone, every type of opponent one by one, or in multiples as well as every type of stun consecutively. There are so many situations out there the same way that Bioware has failed to fix multiple bugs for months.


You can tell me last night you PROVED resolve works. While that is easy to say, you've simply tried a handful of situations at best. Who am I to believe? A handful of situations saying it works or my own eyes showing my i'm still stunned especially considering I pvp everyday in so many variable situations. And am I to believe that bioware has a resolve system that is completely fault proof when they can barely get other bugs fixed? For months they couldn't fix a bug that did not display certain people in warzones even though they were. Until now there are still bugs where if you get stunned, you get stuck in the spawn area or in a spot and you just can't move even with /stuck. Bioware's response? They haven't found every single situation where this bug can occur. So am I to believe you? Some random person on the internet? Or my eyes and bioware's constant screw ups?

If it happens so often it should be a trivial task to take a 10 second Fraps clip of this one situation where it didn't work. As it stands, I've never seen one time where Resolve didn't work and plenty of times where it did, so the ball is in your court.


Pics or it didn't happen, as the internet saying goes.

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No I am not wrong. I have been electrocuted while having a full resolve bar, choked with a full resolve bar and whirlwinded 3 times in a row with no effect on resolve. I understand how resolve is supposed to work. It is very broken right now and to try and say other wise is either ignorant or a troll attempt. Hell there was just a patch that made sure everyone's "stun breaker" worked properly.


Ok, so a few things.


First, there is currently a bug which causes the resolve bars to reports incorrectly when you reset the UI, so that may be the cause of some of these items.


Second, I wonder if you are aware that if you have a full resolve bar but a CC is currently in effect, if you are hit with another CC before the first one ends that it still applies its effects. Basically, CC immunity only works from not CC. if you're already CCed, you can be CCed again. At least that is the way I have seen it explained, and it is consistent with my experience.


This is why it can be important to use your CC break when you have full resolve instead of letting the resolve run out - or at least it is the case in certain situations that this is the better move. Now, this doesn't mean the way the system works is perfect, but it is nonetheless a helpful piece of information to make it a little better of an experience.


Personally, I think the key item in need of fixing for resolve is simply how much CC it takes to build a full bar. Currently, I think it takes 20 - 30% too much. Changing that threshold should, I think make it all work very, very well.

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Resolve works as intended, if you don't understand how it works - that's on you.


yet constantly people bring it up.


yet constantly there will be those who disagree with you. just like with every class imbalance thread or every bug fix thread, there will be plenty who will bring up issues with it and there will be those who feel the need to defend it. but do feel free to link me a bioware post that states that resolve has ZERO issues.

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Post proof of this happening? You won't because you know it's bollocks.


I have no idea if he's lying or not, but I just wanted to say that I hate this line, and think it''s a BS demand every time I see it. Maybe it's a rare bug? Maybe he doesn't record video of every single PvP match he participates in? Maybe he simply doesn't care to spend the time trying to reproduce it, to convince a guy on the internet?


The lack of a video has no bearing on whether he's telling the truth or not. Which isn't to say he is.

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Second, I wonder if you are aware that if you have a full resolve bar but a CC is currently in effect, if you are hit with another CC before the first one ends that it still applies its effects. Basically, CC immunity only works from not CC. if you're already CCed, you can be CCed again. At least that is the way I have seen it explained, and it is consistent with my experience.


This is why it can be important to use your CC break when you have full resolve instead of letting the resolve run out - or at least it is the case in certain situations that this is the better move. Now, this doesn't mean the way the system works is perfect, but it is nonetheless a helpful piece of information to make it a little better of an experience.

The reason you CC break at full resolve is precisely because no further CC can affect you, so you break the one that filled the bar ASAP to limit the amount of CC that was applied to you in the first place, generally limiting you to eating one 4-second stun. If someone opens with an 8-second mez, that becomes trickier, but since they can't attack you, it's really up to you to decide whether you want to break it or not, but breaking that mezz essentially means you'll eat a 4-second stun later, which is the same total CC time as eating one 4-second stun and breaking the second one.

Personally, I think the key item in need of fixing for resolve is simply how much CC it takes to build a full bar. Currently, I think it takes 20 - 30% too much. Changing that threshold should, I think make it all work very, very well.

No. Every mezz in the game would then give you full resolve instantly, which would be incredibly stupid because then you could just break it instantly and be at full resolve with no ill effect. It's fine as is.

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I have no idea if he's lying or not, but I just wanted to say that I hate this line, and think it''s a BS demand every time I see it. Maybe it's a rare bug? Maybe he doesn't record video of every single PvP match he participates in? Maybe he simply doesn't care to spend the time trying to reproduce it, to convince a guy on the internet?


The lack of a video has no bearing on whether he's telling the truth or not. Which isn't to say he is.


Except it's not "just to convince a guy on the internet" as if it was simply a hypothetical, meaningless debate; he's crying for changes to an integral part of the system that would affect 100% of the playerbase because of an unsubstantiated report of a possible rare bug. Since it's not on Bioware's known issue list after having been looked into because of countless tickets reporting "broken resolve", it's safe to say Bioware has found no malfunction with the system.

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I said it in many Resolve threads and will say it again.


The way it currently works is 1) you're stunned, 2) two DPS pounce on you, stun you immediately again when the first stun's over and though at this point your resolve bar is full, you're also dead. By the time you get back into the battle, your Resolve bar will be empty again - rinse and repeat.


It drains way too fast, even in combat. Gives you what, 15 seconds of immunity? Should be a lot more than that. That way simply throwing stuns at people wouldn't be such a lethal weapon as people would actually have to plan ahead with stuns.


That, or make all CC to break on damage. Or even better, do both. Just reduce the amount of time we spend being CC'd and hammered upon while unable to do anything because it's frustrating in the extreme.

Edited by Siorac
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I said it in many Resolve threads and will say it again.


The way it currently works is 1) you're stunned, 2) two DPS pounce on you, stun you immediately again when the first stun's over and though at this point your resolve bar is full, you're also dead. By the time you get back into the battle, your Resolve bar will be empty again - rinse and repeat.


It drains way too fast, even in combat. Gives you what, 15 seconds of immunity? Should be a lot more than that. That way simply throwing stuns at people wouldn't be such a lethal weapon as people would actually have to plan ahead with stuns.


That, or make all CC to break on damage. Or even better, do both. Just reduce the amount of time we spend being CC'd and hammered upon while unable to do anything because it's frustrating in the extreme.


So two people shoot at you and you're alone, not being healed or protected, and you complain that you die quickly? So 2 people shouldn't be able to burn you down quickly, you should be able to 2v1 them? Sounds like you need to roll a Sentinel/Marauder.

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There are no videos of CC skills going through resolve because that doesn't happen. Maxim 2 CC skills may be used consecutive on a player before he gets active resolve that will protect the said player against subsequent CC. You may see animations of subsequent CC but they will never affect you. You may be lead to believe they do because you are under the effect of the CC skill that filled your resolve and you were unable to break it. For all intents and purposes roots&snares are not part of the resolve system (they do not give resolve and are not mitigated by resolve) since they are considered tools in the kite/anti-kite game-play between ranged and melee.

If you want me to believe your stories of being CCed 3,4,5,6..... time in a row you need to show me proof of that. Best proof would be a video capture of the event, either by yourself or by someone else (there must be hundred of videos on the internet). Anything short of that fells under the undocumented folklore mark , good for scaring toddlers, old women and newer players :cool:.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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So two people shoot at you and you're alone, not being healed or protected, and you complain that you die quickly? So 2 people shouldn't be able to burn you down quickly, you should be able to 2v1 them? Sounds like you need to roll a Sentinel/Marauder.


My problem is that they can take my full health down while I'm entirely incapacitated. CC breaker is on a 2-min cooldown, most stuns are on 1 min or less.


Resolve drains way too fast, and way too many people open up with a stun, followed by insane burst.

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I said it in many Resolve threads and will say it again.


The way it currently works is 1) you're stunned, 2) two DPS pounce on you, stun you immediately again when the first stun's over and though at this point your resolve bar is full, you're also dead. By the time you get back into the battle, your Resolve bar will be empty again - rinse and repeat.


It drains way too fast, even in combat. Gives you what, 15 seconds of immunity? Should be a lot more than that. That way simply throwing stuns at people wouldn't be such a lethal weapon as people would actually have to plan ahead with stuns.


That, or make all CC to break on damage. Or even better, do both. Just reduce the amount of time we spend being CC'd and hammered upon while unable to do anything because it's frustrating in the extreme.


Why isn't your healer healing you? Why aren't your teammates peeling for you?

You can't expect to survive sustained damage from two opponents while you are completely incapacitated. That isn't realistic at all. It sucks, to be sure, but PvP is a team sport. You are not Master Chief.


The normal amount of Resolve Immunity is 20+ seconds. It is not possible to have less than 12 seconds of immunity (this worst case scenario of 12 seconds is achieved by using an 800 Resolve Effect and then allowing your target's resolve to decay to no less than 600, then using another 400 Resolve Effect (600 + 400 + 200 = 1200 / 100 = 12)

Edited by Darth_Philar
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