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All These Angry/Quit Threads Makes Me Sad


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See, expecting SWG2 was your first critical mistake.


I'm also not sure why this feels like a single player game to folks. Warzones are multiplayer, questing is ALL multiplayer if you WANT it to be, raids are multiplayer. This game is every bit the MMO WoW, RIFT, SWG. or anything else is.


I absolutely agree with your last statement though. It looks to me that although Bioware made some serious rookie MMO developer mistakes - the biggest being the open world PvP fiasco,. Still, EA has once again set the agenda and driven another great IP into the ground. About as fast as SOE did with SWG, sadly.


For me, the "Single player" comment comes from the lack of social areas, social classes and social items/abilities.


There are no non combat toons (chefs, dancer, designer, whatever). These non combat toons typically hang out in the same spots, and those spots turn into cool hang out areas for socializing. Where do we socilize in SWTOR? The fleet? I guess so, but there is nothing really cool, social or unique about it.



I've never played WoW. So I cant compare SWTOR to WoW at all. I did play SWG on and off for years, and that game had some amazing features, but it was also run by people who clearly had no idea how to run what they were in charge of.


I do agree that coming into SWTOR hoping it was SWG2 was a mistake, because that is setting the bar pretty high. I cant think of anything in SWTOR that is unique or worth remembering compared to other titles.


I had my 1st "oh no" moment in this game last summer while watching a .dev team video about the space side of the game. A tube shooter? I immediately knew they were cutting corners. Half of SW is space, why would you put such a weak mini game in for such an important aspect? Not to mention that space has been completly left alone really since launch.


Other things that irk me are the awful engine (Ilum slide show), the fact that Ilum was removed with no replacement, very slow server transfer release (they were needed in early FEB), no meaningful dev interaction, poor support, poor bug fixing, laughable patch testing before live and the list goes on.


Man, I wish I was a bug on the wall for the senior staff at BW for some of the meetings they have there. I would love to know what goes on at the office.

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Would you buy a phone today if it didnt have a camera or color screen? Ofc not. Why? Because DEVELOPMENT pushes ppls expectations aswell as technology. You want to make it as a company today, you look around for whats needed, whats expected of the consumers.


All bioware had to do is look around on what was going on with the current state of mmo's, see how they developed. And they made a huge mistake not implemting some basic things at launch. These things, sometimes even very small, frustrate the experienced gamers, and they turn away once they see how poorly this game is performing.

This is where you are wrong. My phone 8 years ago had a colour screen and camera. You are asking for a built in office compatability sweet, 10 well developed games, and OCR program, translation suit, and 3 setting phaser.

TOR has a lot of stuff other games don't have that took a lot of development work, and I think if it were up to Bioware the game wouldn't have been released so soon. WoW didn't have all the features it could have had at the time. I was a CoH player, and a Warcraft RTS fan, but WoW didn't have the graphics, or initial fun factor that CoH had. And Blizzard had the opportunity to do all the things you mentioned to improve their game. But for me it wasn't good enough until the first expansion, AND THEY WERE RAKING IN MONEY.

It's really not realistic what we expect from an MMO now.

I say this with conviction because NO GAME IS LIVING UP TO THESE EXPECTATIONS.


I believe TOR is no where near perfect, and it was released too soon, but it's still a great game, and it's definitely more enjoyable playing with a friend, which is what makes it a multi-player game.

There has been an incredible demand in every MMO I have played to have the bulk of the content completable solo, so you can't be surprised when you get that.

And the only reason I'm on the forums is because the game still interests me and I can't play now . . .

Edited by Evgen
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