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Did they just...stop caring or something?


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Hey guys,


We're all very aware of Bioware's lack of communication towards us, but what do you guys think it means? They refuse to talk about F2P possibilities in interviews, they're laying off developers, when they do answer questions they're just as optimistic as ever as if they still have 1.7 million people playing all day err day, and the rate at which they're pushing out content has dramatically slowed down since 1.1.


I mean, this IS my first MMO, and I don't know how it usually works, but are they fine with the game dying being the number one thing most people's mind right now and on their forum? Why don't they clear it up, all it makes me think is they don't want to give 'it' away and are giving us the silent treatment so they don't jeopardize their current playerbase.


I personally find it very annoying that they're just not saying anything about it. It's the hottest topic right now, they should answer, regardless of what the answer may be.


I really hope Bioware steps up and turns all of this around, both communication and the actual game. I would like to hear what you think about all of this, maybe this way we can get their attention.


This isn't an anti/pro-SWTOR thread, it's coming from a level headed consumer and is meant for those who are too, trolls will be ignored.

Edited by SithVeritas
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This is the same argument we hear every day and I just feel like it's an uninformed argument. You can't claim the developer team doesn't communicate when there's a weekly Q&A where they directly answer questions from the players. You can't say the developers don't communicate with the players when they have already held a guild summit in which over 300 players got the opportunity to sit down face to face with the developers and speak to them. The developers are constantly releasing news on twitter and facebook. They even have an official podcast in which they detail upcoming plans for the game and a myriad of other topics that concern the players.


As far as content is concerned, in 7 months we've seen a dynamic event, a new warzone, a new operation, a new flashpoint, and a new questing area for dailies on Corellia. We've also seen plans for a new quest line (HK-51) a new space mission, a new planet and a new species.


Seriously, I don't understand the internet's impatience with gaming. Sometimes I think the only way to satisfy the internet when it comes to MMOs is to release 50 years worth of content on day one and then another 50 on day 2 because by then all your "hardcore" gamers will have burned through half that day 1 content already.

Edited by aurellian
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This is the same argument we hear every day and I just feel like it's an uninformed argument. You can't claim the developer team doesn't communicate when there's a weekly Q&A where they directly answer questions from the players. You can't say the developers don't communicate with the players when they have already held a guild summit in which over 300 players got the opportunity to sit down face to face with the developers and speak to them. The developers are constantly releasing news on twitter and facebook. They even have an official podcast in where they detail upcoming plans for the game and a myriad of other topics that concern the players.


As far as content is concerned, in 7 months we've seen a dynamic event, a new warzone, a new operation, a new flashpoint, and a new questing area for dailies on Corellia. We've also seen plans for a new quest line (HK-51) a new space mission, a new planet and a new species.


Seriously, I don't understand the internet's impatience with gaming. Sometimes I think the only way to satisfy the internet when it comes to MMOs is to release 50 years worth of content on day one and then another 50 on day 2 because by then all your "hardcore" gamers will have burned through half that content already.

i just agree with that... i can't say anything else... i understand that on 50lvl is not many content as on WoW ( which is most compared to ) but WoW has too many years of development which SWTOR doesn't have

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This is the same argument we hear every day and I just feel like it's an uninformed argument. You can't claim the developer team doesn't communicate when there's a weekly Q&A where they directly answer questions from the players. You can't say the developers don't communicate with the players when they have already held a guild summit in which over 300 players got the opportunity to sit down face to face with the developers and speak to them. The developers are constantly releasing news on twitter and facebook. They even have an official podcast in where they detail upcoming plans for the game and a myriad of other topics that concern the players.


As far as content is concerned, in 7 months we've seen a dynamic event, a new warzone, a new operation, a new flashpoint, and a new questing area for dailies on Corellia. We've also seen plans for a new quest line (HK-51) a new space mission, a new planet and a new species.


Seriously, I don't understand the internet's impatience with gaming. Sometimes I think the only way to satisfy the internet when it comes to MMOs is to release 50 years worth of content on day one and then another 50 on day 2 because by then all your "hardcore" gamers will have burned through half that content already.


Still compared to other MMOs they're really slow. Not only that, the mentality you have now is the one I used to have, but then developers started leaving, Ohlen and Erickson started dodging questions and EA suits said SWTOR was to blame mostly for their losses. I just can't ignore all the signs.


HK51 and the small preview we got on 1.4 just isn't enough. Especially considering, once again, how slow they are.

Edited by SithVeritas
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Still compared to other MMOs they're really slow. Not only that, the mentality you have now is the one I used to have, but then developers started leaving, Ohlen and Erickson started dodging questions and EA suits said SWTOR was to blame mostly for their losses. I just can't ignore all the signs.


HK51 and the small preview we got on 1.4 just isn't enough. Especially considering, once again, how slow they are.


I guess I don't understand why you think they're so slow. What are you comparing them to? Rift? If you look at Rift's content updates, SWTOR is releasing new content faster than Rift. WoW? There was a 10 month period of time between Lich King's final raid release and Cataclysm's release. During that 10 months, ZERO content updates to the game. What other game out there is releasing content faster than SWTOR right now?

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This is the same argument we hear every day and I just feel like it's an uninformed argument. You can't claim the developer team doesn't communicate when there's a weekly Q&A where they directly answer questions from the players. You can't say the developers don't communicate with the players when they have already held a guild summit in which over 300 players got the opportunity to sit down face to face with the developers and speak to them. The developers are constantly releasing news on twitter and facebook. They even have an official podcast in where they detail upcoming plans for the game and a myriad of other topics that concern the players.


As far as content is concerned, in 7 months we've seen a dynamic event, a new warzone, a new operation, a new flashpoint, and a new questing area for dailies on Corellia. We've also seen plans for a new quest line (HK-51) a new space mission, a new planet and a new species.


Seriously, I don't understand the internet's impatience with gaming. Sometimes I think the only way to satisfy the internet when it comes to MMOs is to release 50 years worth of content on day one and then another 50 on day 2 because by then all your "hardcore" gamers will have burned through half that content already.


umm they canceled the Q&A atleast untill further notice, and during the Q&A's they only picked out the easy questions while avoiding the bigger topics alot of ppl would be asking for. the last podcast i remember was for 1.3 and they posted it on the front page after the patch went live making that podcast moot.


as far as dynamic events go, GW2 has this all over in just about ever zone and they are only in beta, so i dont think its a good thing pointing out BW has done only 1 in 7 months lol.


the impatience comes from BW's lack of communication, they fired the community team and the one we have now started out nice, but now they barely post unless its to say they are closing a thread. we dont get dev responces on the PTS forums and then we get a buggy patch that we have to deal with for over a month cause they didnt listen to the playerbase and fix it first.


and if they want to "satisfy the internet when it comes to MMO's" they should try keeping atleast one of the promises they made pre-launch like when they told us we would get a content patch about every month, instead we get ignored.

Edited by GooseGrims
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the only 2 things that concerns me are


1) is the game working, can i log in and play?

2) am i still enoying it?


everything else on here when it comes to this subject, is just speculation and rumor, sure BW are quiet but until their silence affects my playing the game i'm not worrying (worrying can make you ill). i'll wait for the official announcement that is sure to be just around the corner, before i jump on the "its the end of the world as we know it" bandwagon

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the only 2 things that concerns me are


1) is the game working, can i log in and play?

2) am i still enoying it?


everything else on here when it comes to this subject, is just speculation and rumor, sure BW are quiet but until their silence affects my playing the game i'm not worrying (worrying can make you ill). i'll wait for the official announcement that is sure to be just around the corner, before i jump on the "its the end of the world as we know it" bandwagon


The world never ends, but maintance mode does feel pretty much the same. :(

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umm they canceled the Q&A atleast untill further notice, and during the Q&A's they only picked out the easy questions while avoiding the bigger topics alot of ppl would be asking for. the last podcast i remember was for 1.3 and they posted it on the front page after the patch went live making that podcast moot.


as far as dynamic events go, GW2 has this all over in just about ever zone and they are only in beta, so i dont think its a good thing pointing out BW has done only 1 in 7 months lol.


the impatience comes from BW's lack of communication, they fired the community team and the one we have now started out nice, but now they barely post unless its to say they are closing a thread. we dont get dev responces on the PTS forums and then we get a buggy patch that we have to deal with for over a month cause they didnt listen to the playerbase and fix it first.


and if they want to "satisfy the internet when it comes to MMO's" they should try keeping atleast one of the promises they made pre-launch like when they told us we would get a content patch about every month, instead we get ignored.


Ah I see, so you're comparing a game in BETA to a game that's LIVE. That doesn't seem like a fair comparison to me because you don't know how that beta game is going to perform once its live.


As for all these "firings" everyone keeps talking about, over half of those people who were supposedly "let go" were actually on contracts and their contracts ended. That means a lot of those people KNEW their jobs with Bioware were going to be ending. You are right in claiming that some of the staff didn't know they were going to be terminated, but a lot of them did. As for the contracted people, its not a bad sign at all. When you hire someone to build a wall for you, once the wall is finished you don't keep them on staff. They get hired by someone else to build another wall.


And again, you keep speaking about this lack of communication, but the head of the new community team LITERALLY just did an in-depth interview about the state of the new community team around the 11th of this month. You know they were busy getting ready for Comic-con as well over the last few weeks.

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They are trying to figure out what to do. Its like the boss said, "Ok, until we know ourselves whats going on, no one communicates with the player base". Silence of the Devs.


I think they are all still a bit in shock on how the games popularity has gone. They thought this was a slam dunk, how could it not be...We have a great ip, and we, Bioware, being the best company in the World...recipe for greatness..


Bam, the game is perceived and commented on as a mediocre at best attempt at their first MMO.


When you thought you couldn't make a better game and you find out people dont agree with you, what can you do?

I wouldn't be surprised with the tone of the next big announcement being extremely defeatist and admitting they're wrong.

You can't keep expecting people to keep their heads buried in the sand. They have to come up for air at some point.

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Ah I see, so you're comparing a game in BETA to a game that's LIVE. That doesn't seem like a fair comparison to me because you don't know how that beta game is going to perform once its live.


To be honest GW2 has transfers even at BETA while SWTOR struggled pushing out transfers months after release.


Deal with it.

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Ah I see, so you're comparing a game in BETA to a game that's LIVE. That doesn't seem like a fair comparison to me because you don't know how that beta game is going to perform once its live.


As for all these "firings" everyone keeps talking about, over half of those people who were supposedly "let go" were actually on contracts and their contracts ended. That means a lot of those people KNEW their jobs with Bioware were going to be ending. You are right in claiming that some of the staff didn't know they were going to be terminated, but a lot of them did. As for the contracted people, its not a bad sign at all. When you hire someone to build a wall for you, once the wall is finished you don't keep them on staff. They get hired by someone else to build another wall.


And again, you keep speaking about this lack of communication, but the head of the new community team LITERALLY just did an in-depth interview about the state of the new community team around the 11th of this month. You know they were busy getting ready for Comic-con as well over the last few weeks.


if i was comparing something SWTOR that GW2 couldnt do then it wouldnt be fair, but the fact that a game in BETA is further along in terms of content then a game out for 7 months is just sad.


i would like to see proof thats why they were let go, doesnt seem to me the CEO would be "on contract" to be let go. and i never claimed someone didnt know they were losing there job, i said they fired the community team and the new one started out nice and now only posts to say they are closing threads. idk what you consider a good sign but when the CEO leaves/gets canned its not good.


sry but that is a lack of communication, i doubt anyone gives a flying womprats *** about the "state of the community team" we want info about the game we are paying for not the community team that is ignoring us and not even trying to asnwer the big issues.

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To be honest GW2 has transfers even at BETA while SWTOR struggled pushing out transfers months after release.


Deal with it.


every1 seems to forget that the swtor that went live is not the swtor ppl played in beta, yet every1 thinks GW2 will be?


*edit* also GW2 is F2P, if it was sub i could understand ppl saying it would steal swtors subs but with it being F2P, i think ppl will simply have both, i wouldn't play and pay for 2 sub based games but i would for one GW2 doesn't change that

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