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Resolve is fine - QQ posts proves your bad


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I think as people are coming from other games they suppose this game should work the same. I play SWTOR as SWTOR and try to forget anything I've done in other games. Mechanics are objective. If you have a problem with them, you need to move on.
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Thank you for the post. I'm glad I was able to finally decipher what the baddies perceived as "broken resolve" in that other thread =p If that's not what prompted the post, oh well, good on you for thinking the same thing.
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So true. Resolve works just fine for me. But I guess some people just cant figure it out....even though there is a freaking guide stickied!


If you QQ about resolve then you are just telling people that you are clueless about the game mechanics.

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So true. Resolve works just fine for me. But I guess some people just cant figure it out....even though there is a freaking guide stickied!


If you QQ about resolve then you are just telling people that you are clueless about the game mechanics.


That guide is completely useless and is based off of 1v1 scenarios which never happen in pvp.

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You have a healer or guard don't you :p The theory behind resolve is great, however it doesnt currently mesh well with the TTK being as low as it is and resolve for most people is nothing more than the little white bar ticking down next to your portrait while you wait to respawn...
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... seriously


Depends on what you think resolve should be imo.... Roots should be added to resolve, or at least make it so you cant be rooted when you have resolve. Gets pretty annoying when a sniper roots you in fire pit when you have full resolve or you have multiple people jumping at you every 3-5 secs, which roots you as well.

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Depends on what you think resolve should be imo.... Roots should be added to resolve, or at least make it so you cant be rooted when you have resolve. Gets pretty annoying when a sniper roots you in fire pit when you have full resolve or you have multiple people jumping at you every 3-5 secs, which roots you as well.


ye ye. you want to make capture the flag, not a huttball.

if roots generate resolve, lets make defencive abilities remove resolve.

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That guide is completely useless and is based off of 1v1 scenarios which never happen in pvp.


The mechanics of resolve work exaclty the same no matter how many peple you are up against. When you should pop your CC breaker is a subject for debate that can depend on several things, including number of oponents but that does not change the fact that the guide gives accurate information.

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Depends on what you think resolve should be imo.... Roots should be added to resolve, or at least make it so you cant be rooted when you have resolve. Gets pretty annoying when a sniper roots you in fire pit when you have full resolve or you have multiple people jumping at you every 3-5 secs, which roots you as well.


And posts like this prove that you have no understanding of the bigger balance picture, in addition to being bad.

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Imo It's not about those opposing the current resolve system being generally bad or worse then those for it, they just have another oppinion of how they would like it to work.


Personally i dont really mind the current system, i can live with it and understand it's mechanics nps. However, i admit it's not fun those times you get chainrooted in any scenario. And against certain group setups, that sometimes happens quite alot.


Luckily the majority of my matches are not like that, but if they would be i probably would unsub and look for something else, since i do pay and play for fun.


-Is the current system frustrating many pvpers so much that they are/will be leaving because of it? -If so we do have a problem wether you like resolve or not. We all play for fun, and the game kinda needs to be just that for the vast majority - or obvious things will happen..


If the vast majority finds the current system just fine, then we have no issue either obviously. Personally i have no real estimate of what those numbers are...


I dont think it's broken, but im not sure it's ideal either - time will tell.

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The mechanics of resolve work exaclty the same no matter how many peple you are up against. When you should pop your CC breaker is a subject for debate that can depend on several things, including number of oponents but that does not change the fact that the guide gives accurate information.


Not to mention that 1 vs 1's happen a lot as well.

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That guide is completely useless and is based off of 1v1 scenarios which never happen in pvp.


The fact that you would think such a thing sort of proves that your knowledge and awareness of PvP is severely lacking, and probably anything you comment or suggest about CCs and Resolve would not be very credible. :rolleyes:

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Imo It's not about those opposing the current resolve system being generally bad or worse then those for it, they just have another oppinion of how they would like it to work.


No they don't. :) They disguise it as an opinion, but simply eyeballing the crap they spew is usually enough to immediately spot out that they actually know nothing of the system and its implications, and how you may practically apply it to their own advantage -- they say stuff, and claim stuff, which a person who knows the system would never say in the first place.



Personally i dont really mind the current system, i can live with it and understand it's mechanics nps. However, i admit it's not fun those times you get chainrooted in any scenario. And against certain group setups, that sometimes happens quite alot.


Luckily the majority of my matches are not like that, but if they would be i probably would unsub and look for something else, since i do pay and play for fun.


In turn, the current system allows one of the best inter-class balanced games in the market nowadays. Equal number of hard stuns and mez to all classes - same tools given to everyone, but differing utilities with the existence of additional supplementary CCs like knocks, or utilitarian powers like snare and root.


Frankly, compared to some other games that have been prominent over the years, the "imbalance" between SWTOR classes are actually not even in the slightest way serious at all. The whiners should try fighting an ice mage with a warrior in WoW.



-Is the current system frustrating many pvpers so much that they are/will be leaving because of it? -If so we do have a problem wether you like resolve or not. We all play for fun, and the game kinda needs to be just that for the vast majority - or obvious things will happen..


Don't fool yourself.


People. always.whine. Priod. They rarely, if ever, actually leave. I've seen it in any type of competitive game out there. When there's a competition, and the players are behind the monitor and enjoying a certain amount of anonymity, people's ego start inflating in massive proportions.... which unfortunately never matches the skill level... and when they lose, they start looking for an excuse to protect their ego. Every first step into PvP begins with acknowledgement of the fact that you suck. Everyone sucks in the beginning. Some people realize that early on, and then start studying the game so they could play better. Others assume its not their fault, because they think themselves as a skilled player.


Trust me. These guys? The moment you change the system into diminishing returns or something, they're gonna start whining about it again.



If the vast majority finds the current system just fine, then we have no issue either obviously. Personally i have no real estimate of what those numbers are...


I dont think it's broken, but im not sure it's ideal either - time will tell.


Psychologically speaking, these Resolve whines actually have nothing to do with the system. The whiners just pick resolve because they think that's the reason why they're so often (despite their L33T M4D SkiLLz) crushed by better players. You change resolve to the way they want? They'll start whining about something again. Hey, resolve's fixed, but I'm still dying way too often.. must be something else... ... so they'll whine about classes, balance, skills, and on and on and on and on.. and they'll still be whining about something.


They should whine about themselves, IMO. :rolleyes:

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Don't fool yourself.


People. always.whine. Priod. They rarely, if ever, actually leave. I've seen it in any type of competitive game out there. When there's a competition, and the players are behind the monitor and enjoying a certain amount of anonymity, people's ego start inflating in massive proportions.... which unfortunately never matches the skill level... and when they lose, they start looking for an excuse to protect their ego. Every first step into PvP begins with acknowledgement of the fact that you suck. Everyone sucks in the beginning. Some people realize that early on, and then start studying the game so they could play better. Others assume its not their fault, because they think themselves as a skilled player.


Trust me. These guys? The moment you change the system into diminishing returns or something, they're gonna start whining about it again.


Psychologically speaking, these Resolve whines actually have nothing to do with the system. The whiners just pick resolve because they think that's the reason why they're so often (despite their L33T M4D SkiLLz) crushed by better players. You change resolve to the way they want? They'll start whining about something again. Hey, resolve's fixed, but I'm still dying way too often.. must be something else... ... so they'll whine about classes, balance, skills, and on and on and on and on.. and they'll still be whining about something.


They should whine about themselves, IMO. :rolleyes:


And those players never get the satisfaction of figuring something out. It made my nooby day way back when I went "OHHHHH" after figuring out the synergy of my Pyro Merc abilities and making a rough rotation that worked way better than just kind of judging enemy health level and using an appropriately powerful damage ability like I had been doing. My first coherent thought thereafter was "I learned to play! Woo"


There's been a few other key moments of "I just learned to play, awright!" and they're always rewarding =]

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IMO all CC breaking abilities should reset on death and the resolve immunity i think should be about 5 sec longer. I also would not be opposed to snare and roots being on a DR BUT NOT added to resolve. Again my opinion.
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