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Resolve system is a total joke for warfronts


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Worse players talk down, berate, and laugh in other peoples faces telling them they just suck. Kinda makes me glad I don't play on The Bastion.


When a "bad" player asks me for help in-game (which they do all the time) or posts a genuinely constructive post that doesnt have glaring holes in its idea and thesis, then i will gladly respond with the most helpful answer i can provide.


However when idiots post on the forums sayin ridiculous stuff like remove all stuns, its silly. Thats all the pvp forums have to offer these days

Edited by Motoeric
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When a "bad" player asks me for help in-game (which they do all the time) or posts a genuinely constructive post that doesnt have glaring holes in its idea and thesis, then i will gladly respond with the most helpful answer i can provide.


However when idiots post on the forums crying about things that are TOTALLY FINE, it drives me nuts. Infact i just come on these forums when im grumpy in the morning while i drink my coffee and get un-grumpy.


But if everthing is all fine as you state it, where have all the people gone that started the game on release?

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the system itself is fine if it would be combined with a approriate TTK wich isnt the case so either it needed to be changed to fit the current TTK or the TTK needs to be changed to be 6-10 times slower than now. currently the only time you have your resolvebar dimnishing is while waiting for the WZ-door to reopen...
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But if everthing is all fine as you state it, where have all the people gone that started the game on release?


On to do other things. Don't make it seem like the PvP was the #1 reason people quit the game. That's so simplistic it's idiotic. If you've played any MMO from launch you would know subs always drop off. Not everyone likes the game. I don't like WoW, never have, never will, yet millions have very fond memories of it. I don't.


You might not agree game mechanics are the best they could be, but at the end of the day THOSE ARE THE MECHANICS. If you would put 100% of the energy you use raging over the apparent imbalance trying to learn why and how it works you would adapt.

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the system itself is fine if it would be combined with a approriate TTK wich isnt the case so either it needed to be changed to fit the current TTK or the TTK needs to be changed to be 6-10 times slower than now. currently the only time you have your resolvebar dimnishing is while waiting for the WZ-door to reopen...


6-10 times slower than right now? Right now I can survive 1v1 with a Marauder in WH gear for around 2 minutes (the CD on my CC). You honestly think 12 to 20 minutes would be a better amount of time?

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It doesn't take much or long to reds to flood an area in these super small pvp maps. I will blame resolve every single time as well when I get stun locked to death. Herp a derp, thanks for the post though.


So even with no stun, you'd still get your *** kicked. Obviously the problem isn't you.

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QUOTE=aurellian;4890552]Yea Bioware never listens to it's playerbase.


Players: We want more servers!

More servers opened....

No that was all down to BW .. lack of MMO experience showed how they handled the server loading.. as servers began to peak they should of closed off that server to new players and then let other build up... the only reason they opened up a plethora of new servers was for overated media hype of how perfect the launch was going / had gone against the high number of box sales.. well yes it went well but with 200+ servers to choose from no wonder.. then came the drop off...:rolleyes:

Players: My server is dead! We want server transfers!

Servers transferred.

Because BW opened up way too many servers to start with, didnt take into consideration that the high number of box sales doesnt mean that everyone is gunna stick around, especially after the huge performance mess the game was suffering after launch.. so all of those servers that never reach anywhere close to standard or heavy began to dwindle more and more.. but BW had no back up plan in place and subs started to accelerate... so after the end of year financials we began to see the "We hear you messages".. nothing to do with emergency band aid action ordered by the powers above of course... must be player pressure :rolleyes:

Players: We want more warzones!

Warzone added.

So you think adding a small WZ piece of content is player pressure... or maybe you forget they smashed apart an even bigger pvp zone in Illum and borked us on Ranked Warzones for months on end...... hmmm :rolleyes:

Players: Champion and Centurion gear are useless! Give us different armors!

Recruit, War Hero, Campaign and Black Hole armor added.

So introducing new armours etc has nothing to do with next gen gearing as the new content begins to come in and old stuff becomes redundant... kinda like what happens now when you reach 50 and all your gear before it becomes useless in Riads and HM's etc.. sure players disliked the armour appearances... but if you think that forced new gear into game I think your sadly at a loss.. without bringing in the next gear grind they would of lost a whole lot more players sooner due to boredom.. once they had all their fully modded gear what was left for them to do.... DING introduce a new set of gear to grind... a time sync until we can get the features that should of been in game at release implemted.. ie GF, Transfers.....etc

As for the resolve system, I think it works fabulously. And in the original poster's stance, nobody can survive the combined efforts of 3-4 people pounding on them all at once.

Agree... especially if your that lvl 10 and 2,3 or 4 nice high level reds descend upon you....

- - -

Now who was it that stood up and said... "We will design this game the way we want it to play, because we are also gamers and we know what makes them enjoyable!" (or something along those lines).... was it the players...hmmmm, lets ponder that for a whiles


Resolve may or may not work all the time but its still a useless mechanic in this game imo... I agree with others here, PvP should not of been designed to allow so much CC in it... but then again the PvP system is soooo screwed up anyway... lvl 10 - lvl 49 all in one WZ hmmm.. you can bolster stats all ya like but there is a huge void of abilities and gearing between the two.... whoever designed that system needs to be taken outside and manually shown what PvP imbalance feels like maybe then they would understand how their metrics are a load of tosh....

Edited by Bloodstealer
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6-10 times slower than right now? Right now I can survive 1v1 with a Marauder in WH gear for around 2 minutes (the CD on my CC). You honestly think 12 to 20 minutes would be a better amount of time?


in a 1vs1 the resolve bar doesn´t matter at all, nor the TTK.

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in a 1vs1 the resolve bar doesn´t matter at all, nor the TTK.


I'm sure engaging a target with full or almost full resolve would not turn out the same as one with empty resolve.


I guess I should have said that I was a healer. If it took one DPS 12 minutes, two DPS 6, or three DPS 3 minutes to down me things would be unbalanced. The thought of TTK being 6-10 times longer is just absurd. I would literally never die.

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I'm sure engaging a target with full or almost full resolve would not turn out the same as one with empty resolve.


I guess I should have said that I was a healer. If it took one DPS 12 minutes, two DPS 6, or three DPS 3 minutes to down me things would be unbalanced. The thought of TTK being 6-10 times longer is just absurd. I would literally never die.


guess you are a ops/scoundrel so kiting is easily done, but if two non range dps are unable to kill you within 5-15sec (if you´re not vanishing what would make the TTK infinite)they should uninstall their game.

Edited by Tankqull
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guess you are a ops/scoundrel so kiting is easily done, but if two non range dps are unable to kill you within 5-15sec (if you´re not vanishing what would make the TTK infinite)they should uninstall their game.


I'm a BG Merc. If I watch my heat, use my CC, and play smart I can survive 2 DPS long enough to get back to my DPS.

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On to do other things. Don't make it seem like the PvP was the #1 reason people quit the game. That's so simplistic it's idiotic. If you've played any MMO from launch you would know subs always drop off. Not everyone likes the game. I don't like WoW, never have, never will, yet millions have very fond memories of it. I don't.


You might not agree game mechanics are the best they could be, but at the end of the day THOSE ARE THE MECHANICS. If you would put 100% of the energy you use raging over the apparent imbalance trying to learn why and how it works you would adapt.


My guild quit over the PVP. Admittedly it was the lack of world PVP that did it, not the CC.

I enjoyed WoW for a few months untill I realiese that the RvR was a bit pointless. I blame it on DAoC being my first MMO. Probably looking back with rose tinted specs a bit though. One class had AoE CC!. How cheesy was that?.


I find CC in WZ's annoying. I'd glady have mine nerfed to break on damage for all classes. Or a % damage reduction whilst stunned.

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I like the Resolve system, most just dont know how it works.


It works just like it works when the pubs plant the bomb from the opposite side of the door in the voidstar. It works like when you revive in pvp on fire with 75% health and when a player in the WZ is missing from your ops frame and when you have 9 players on your team.

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Ok so when a mara/sentinel pops hit 99% dmg reduction, and i stun him, thats just bad pvp right? Using my cooldowns to counter his cooldown, that sounds ilke some jacked up PvP, who would ever want that? Chaining stuns on a healer to get a kill? Oh hey more smart thinking from good PvPers. Guess what, after we double stun that healer, tahts TWO LESS STUNS THAT we CANT USE for usually a minute. ZOMG!

And you are complaining about random CC in regular warzones.




(although I'm far from convinced a Mara/Sentinal should have such powerful [for PvP] CDs).


Because a mez works just as well to avoid the main effect - to stop him damaging you whilst you can't damage him, but it stops the cheese of the stun in other situations.


Stun is a brainless cheesey option, a mez requires more tactical thinking yet can result in the same effect.




This is no wild speculation, it works in Warhammer Online and works very, very well.


WAR has the best PvP mechanics of any MMORPG at the moment, by quite a way. :)

Edited by Goretzu
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I agree, the system is broken. However, here is what you have to do to manage it. Wait until your resolve bar is white before you use your CC breaker. The second it is white, use the breaker. That gives you maximum time to be immune to cc. Hope this helps.. But yes there is WAY too much cc in this game, hence the name Stun Wars.
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Lots of people are enjoying PvP just fine. :)


I think your just not doin it rite, like most of the people complaining about resolve.


Guess what, if they stun you, thats someone else that they CANT stun. People cant just go around stunning everything and laughing, its a choice when they use it and if they are stunning you then they see you as a big threat to pop a CD on.


You have a stun too! zomg!shift1


but who am i kidding, you stopped reading at my first line of reponse. :p


Yeah LOTS of people LOVE PVP in this game.. thats why they had to have a massive server merge and why on AUG 28 they will probably have to have another server merge, because PvP is just FAB in swtor!! On the upside, there won't be NEARLY as many stuns after the other games come out!!!

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Immunity to roots while full-resolved would be the only thing I think needs to be adjusted.


You're not suppose to stand a chance 1v4. Sorry if you get killed by them in under 8 seconds.


In a PvP game that is not a no-skill gear based stunfest you can. Check out this video.

.. Notice you actually have to aim and that you can have a good fight instead of .. stun stun stun stun stun stun stun....
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