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Do you think we are overpowered?


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We used to be able to counter them, 1.3 nerfed our burst damage badly..... Now by the time we get a Marauder/Sentinel to 50% health were usually dead....


I still see snipers pull good burst, in marksman there's snapshot, you manage to cast aimed shot (which is lowered by 1 second with talent) and immediately do the instant sniper shot right after the cooldown is done (bypassing the GCD), I've been doing that on my gunslinger and that kind of stuff needs to be fixed, I also do it on my operative, after finishing off casting kolto injection I immediately hit surgical probe for a larger heal.

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All mara's defence abilities have very short duration - only laughable 4-6 secounds.

Indeed, very simple to kill mara - stun him, run away, and kill from the distance. Snipers kill maras always on far distance.


When all mara's defence abilities on cd, mara fast and successfully killed on melee distance by snipers, pyros, tankasins, ever good madness sorcs. Stun, dot, shot, kill. If mara cannot touch you, he cannot generate rage for his damage management and he cannot generate self-healing. He dangerous only in melee fight without any interrupts of his damage.


Indeed, there are only 2 really OP classes - pyros and tankasins. First have too much damage and burst, OP compared with pure dps-classes, and tankasins have too much damage and survivability compared with other tanks and stealthers.

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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All mara's defence abilities have very short duration - only laughable 4-6 secounds.

Indeed, very simple to kill mara - stun him, run away, and kill from the distance. Snipers kill maras always on far distance.


When all mara's defence abilities on cd, mara fast and successfully killed on melee distance by snipers, pyros, tankasins, ever good madness sorcs. Stun, dot, shot, kill. If mara cannot touch you, he cannot generate rage for his damage management and he cannot generate self-healing. He dangerous only in melee fight without any interrupts of his damage.


Indeed, there are only 2 really OP classes - pyros and tankasins. First have too much damage and burst, OP compared with pure dps-classes, and tankasins have too much damage and survivability compared with other tanks and stealthers.


A lot of false information here.


Rebuke - can last up to 30 seconds on a 1 min cooldown (20% damage reduction).

Saber ward - 50% defense and 25% less force/tech damage for 12 seconds.


That being said GBTF/Stealth is needed on Maras BUT they should be immune to healing while these are active.


Snipers have a chance against a mara the other classes you listed really have no chance against any decent mara assuming equal gear levels.


Pyros are only OP when they are stacked. Not sure what you really can do about this.

Tankasins are by far the worst PvP tanks so they need the extra damage and is why they wear DPS gear.

Edited by Kawiki
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Yeah me too, ever since I rolled a Marauder at launch. In fact, Marauders are not only OP, but so easy to play, that every time I run into one in a WZ (there are approximately 14 per WZ according to anecdotal forum gripes) we end up just fighting forever, or until servers go down every Monday. I've missed weeks of work, it's a pain.



14 per WZ? that sounds about right:




also, 1.4 million in a rated:




Several things with sentinels make you wonder:


• The low cooldowns on some abilities

(when I started playing in December and didn't know the other classes that well, I imagined GBTF had like a 5 min CD)


• Rebuke with the potential to be up 50% of the time, and with several classes requiring dots for procs/snares, incidental aoe splash dmg, it's up for a long time giving protection from ALL dmg, making your so called "low armor class" above a heavy armored dps.

The armor argument isn't even a good one, it's about 5% diference between armor classes, ~20% light, ~25% medium, ~30% heavy armor, so to claim you are "too squishy" without your array of defensive cooldowns is just silly, everyone is, and no other class has the same amount of CDs.


• Saber ward should be Guardian exclusive



• Every AC, except the 3 with a tanking option have a PvE de aggro ability that simply says:

"Reduces the threat towards all current enemies"


Force camo, which is the sentinel "PvE" de aggro ability says:

"Obscures yourself with the Force, becoming difficult to detect, reducing your threat towards all enemies, reducing all damage taken by 50%, and increasing movement speed by 30%. Lasts 4 seconds. Dealing direct damage ends the effect prematurely"


_Can also be talented to break movement impairing effects as combat


_2 seconds extra duration AND extra 20% run speed as watchman


oh...ok then, guess the other class devs didn't read the memo to make the "PvE" de aggro something usefull for the rest of us :(



• The amazing group utility, 15% group wide dmg buff and Transcendence that alone can win a game, not to mention people often forget that it also increases defenses for 10% for the entire group


• Best interrupts in the game as watchman, can keep someone from casting for a really long time, force kick on 6 secs CD locks for 4, jump in your face every 12.5, choke.


• Aoe mezz, root(s), snares, healing debuff, 90% accuracy debuff, etc etc etc


The defenses would be "ok" if sentinels had a hard time to reach and stay in melee range - they don't - between a short CD leap, transcendence, snare, root, choke, and force camo sentinel uptime on target is very high, while packing the best dps in the game atm.

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