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Star Wars fun facts


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So earlier today i was thinking to my self "Who on earth came up with the word vader for Darth Vader and/or what does it mean?" (yeah i think about some decently random stuff). So i decided to use the first website i always use if i need answers for something like this... Google Translate, and as it turns out Vader means Father in dutch. I just thought that was kind of cool and was wondering if you have any star wars fun facts to share? :D
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So earlier today i was thinking to my self "Who on earth came up with the word vader for Darth Vader and/or what does it mean?" (yeah i think about some decently random stuff). So i decided to use the first website i always use if i need answers for something like this... Google Translate, and as it turns out Vader means Father in dutch. I just thought that was kind of cool and was wondering if you have any star wars fun facts to share? :D


Vader comes from Invader which is what we first saw Darth Vader do, Darth used to = In, InVader, InSidious.

Edited by Tuscad
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  • 2 weeks later...
Vader means father in the dutch language.


Then again, there's a good deal of real words that mean something else in some other language somewhere. A made-up name coming up in some real language is nothing unusual. The famous bounty hunter Boba Fett is always worth a mention as his last name Fett means "grease" or "fat" in Swedish. A greasy fellow, that. :D


But to stay on the topic: one Star Wars related language fact is that writers (games, books etc) sometimes rip off words straight from Finnish for some reason. Maybe they think they won't get caught by using a small and obscure European language spoken by a few million people... No one seems to have checked if there's any sales of English-language Star Wars products in areas where Finnish is spoken.

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The "Huttese" Language is based on a Chinese dialect. So, when RotJ was originally released they did not need to include subtitles for the Chinese version.


Also Jabba the Hutt was originally supposed to be a bipedal furry creature. So when the first encounter between Han and Jabba (in ANH) was first filmed a man in a furry coat played the role of Jabba. The scene was subsequently cut from the original release, but it was brought back in the Special Edition. Only problem was that by then the Hutts were slug-like creatures and during the filming of that encounter Han walks behind the actor filling in for Jabba. To maintain the scene, Han had to walk around Jabba, but they could not displace him six feet back to account for the tail. That is why in the Special Edition you see Han literally step on Jabba's tail.

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The "Huttese" Language is based on a Chinese dialect. So, when RotJ was originally released they did not need to include subtitles for the Chinese version.


Also Jabba the Hutt was originally supposed to be a bipedal furry creature. So when the first encounter between Han and Jabba (in ANH) was first filmed a man in a furry coat played the role of Jabba. The scene was subsequently cut from the original release, but it was brought back in the Special Edition. Only problem was that by then the Hutts were slug-like creatures and during the filming of that encounter Han walks behind the actor filling in for Jabba. To maintain the scene, Han had to walk around Jabba, but they could not displace him six feet back to account for the tail. That is why in the Special Edition you see Han literally step on Jabba's tail.


Equally interesting, William Hootkins who played Red Six's Porkins was considered for the stand in for Jabba but decided to take another project after reading the script. When he later heard that they were looking for Rebel pilots he reapplied and got the Porkins role. Originally he was disappointed not to be an Imperial on the Death Star as he felt they got better roles but was later glad to have played a hero character.

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Fun Fact: Harrison Ford wasn't the first choice for Han Solo. In fact he was a stage hand that ran some lines with the cast, when the actor playing Han Solo pulled out. He was soo good they decided to cast him. :p Edited by TheBetty
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Fun Fact: Jarjar dies when a Kolto tank falls on him....well not fact, just wish.


Fun Wish #2: Jarjar dies when he starts spouting that 'mesa mesa' crap in front of a Sith Lord, and suffers a fatal blow to the head, from the hilt of a lightsaber.

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Fun Fact: George Lucas created a "Holiday Special" for Star Wars. It included Han Solo and Chewie traveling back to Chewie's home planet where he would celebrate "Life Day" with his family.


The entire short film is in 100% Wookie Dialect with subtitles. It was only aired on Television twice, ever. George Lucas defined it as his biggest failure and personally vowed to destroy any copy. But thank god for people like us, saving every bit of comedy gold.


And yes, it's real.



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Fun Fact: George Lucas created a "Holiday Special" for Star Wars. It included Han Solo and Chewie traveling back to Chewie's home planet where he would celebrate "Life Day" with his family.


The entire short film is in 100% Wookie Dialect with subtitles. It was only aired on Television twice, ever. George Lucas defined it as his biggest failure and personally vowed to destroy any copy. But thank god for people like us, saving every bit of comedy gold.


And yes, it's real.




Okay, um, just to clarify a few points.....


Lucas was approached by CBS to make this special and agreed.

He wrote up a script which included Chewie and Han making their way back to Kashyyyk.

It was actually supposed to be more of a made for TV movie type special.

Unfortunately, the netwrok execs decided that what would be better, is if it was turned into a variety special!!

(This was all the rage in the 70s, since everyone and his little brother had variety shows).


Lucas had not retained creative control over it, so it was turned into something far different than he had imagined.


This is one of the main reasons that Lucas has never let anyone else have creative control of his product, and one of the reasons that SWG and SWTOR have to jump through so many hoops just to add content.

Specifically to keep something like this from ever happening again.


I know, I watched the original broadcast in my Star Wars jammies when I was 7.

And it has only ever aired once in the United States.

Not twice.


The only good thing about the special was the Boba Fett cartoon.

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As for Fun Facts:


When watching ANH, after R5-D4 (Red) blows his motivator, when the camera cuts back to R2-D2 you can clearly see R5-D4 still sitting in the row of droids.

However, the next scenes show the jawas going out to Luke to bring him back.

Clearly an editing mistake (and one I am surprised they didnt' fix in any of the "special editions".


And when Luke it attacked by the Tusken Raider, as he is laying on the ground and the Tusken stands over him, raising his gaffi stick and lets out a warcry....

The original shot is just the Tusken crying once and raising the stick straight up, but the editor thought this needed a bit more, so he looped the shot a few times.

If you watch closely, you can see that the image rewinds and forwards a few times, and that the warcry is just the same noise repeated.

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I can't think of any that aren't here already, but rather. I have a question my fellow star wars nerds can answer:

When did they go from Kolto to Bacta tanks?




According to this article, it was sometime between the Jedi Civil War and the Galactic Civil War.

They began to realize that Bacta was more effective than Kolto.

Couple this with the fact that Kolto was only found on one planet while Bacta was a synthetic product, and that led to its eventual disuse.

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