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What does the lack of weekly Q & A mean?


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This. I have played most MMO's that got released last 5 years and i can tell same pattern follows all MMO's with silence before big announcement.

I guess what is going on currently is this - Bioware is monitoring subscriptions and looking how many people join for free lvl 15 trial and how many of them stay with game and subscribe. If that amount is not what EA thinks is good enough then by end of year they will announce F2P model (something similar to Lotro).


Remember most people have already transfered and Bioware has now good data to see how big is active total population, is it growing staying same or still falling.

My current guess (MMO experience from past) is that they release patch 1.4 and if thats not going to bring alot subscribers then im sure payment model will change. New content alone wont be game breaker here, they have to drastically change alot keypoints in this game like open PvP, more solo separated pvp, more endgame activities that DOES NOT count doing dailys (including LFG tool). More fluff and lots of variety like pvp space combat or grouped space combat, mini games.

Sure they can add all those one by one, but it wont be fast enough when this game uses so bad game engine that has problems even drawing old tech effects with alot people on screen.


Another thing i noticed i never seen any MMO i played last 5 years that had so many maintenace days in week or on one month that also last hours or even more than half days. That is my biggest concern when game is down often and still lagging kicking people out of servers.


You an I are pretty much on the same page.. I agree, one thing the whole mmo genre needs is some diversity in the game play, among a few other things, I find my game time is more like playing through the world and my toon does not feel like it is living in the world. I guess we will have to see, plus the moderation staff seems to be gone for the weekends now, there is a post on these forums right now with personal attacks against Bioware and is is still open, two weeks ago that thread would have been closed and removed in about 5 minutes. Really gives you the feeling the staff is cut way back. Which could be one reason the Q & A got pushed back, with another cut in the staff.

Edited by kevlarto
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All they really have to do is go back 3-4 weeks, copy and paste the "Q&A"s from there. It is then back to the quality and importance it usually has.


No real questions get answered.

Edited by Roalmo
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Is it postponed due to a world event being released this weekend?


Is the interview fired because of lay-offs?


Are the devs tired of answering the same 5 questions?


Do they not have the money to afford the write up?


They are busy figuring out how much to charge us to answer our questions, as Q &A answering is the first thing to hit the new FTP SWTOR Store. As you have asked them 3 questions with this post you owe them 19.95, will that be cash or credit as they don't take comms and ingame credits. If you refuse to pay you will be forced to merge (or is that transfer) to a new server.

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Is it postponed due to a world event being released this weekend?


Is the interview fired because of lay-offs?


Are the devs tired of answering the same 5 questions?


Do they not have the money to afford the write up?


I'd like to think they're doing a massive QA.

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I'll go out on a limb and say the delay means nothing.


As it is, I think 'waaaaay too many people assume the sky is falling on this game. When I venture out of the hothouse that is the SWTOR Forums, I find tidbits like this:



calm down people. One missed q and a and its the end of the world. It means one of the following:


1. the guy who does the q and a called in sick.

2. other things are in the works and they couldnt get to it.

3. the guy who does them was laid off and they are looking for someone to replace him.


Please lets just all Keep Calm and Chive On!

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I wouldn't worry about it, the Q&A's were completely lackluster and avoided the big questions anyway.


Yep... While I've been gone since early March, I still paid some attention to TOR info like these. They, mostly, were dull and oblivious to the big questions that many had. Not really a point for them anymore in my opinion.

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