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More Romance not less


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Out of my 5 characters I have one at level 50 so I've seen a lot of gore, shooting, stabbing, threats and general bad behavior but when it comes to the meager romance portion not only are the choices for female characters questionable (Zenith is not available but Theran is, sort of) but love is censored and in some cases a dark side choice. Really?


A game that costs $60 (and up) and requires a paid subscription requires a working adult to set up and maintain so we should be treated as adults. We all know some under 18s are going to play but that's a parenting issue not a random stranger on the internet or game developer issue. If Bioware is going to censor love because of children who shouldn't be playing why is the violence not?


Don't get me wrong I'm not asking for more censoring I'm asking for more romance in the game. After long fights a kiss then a fade followed by a use your imagination cut scene is not satisfying. More options for females would be nice. It might be mostly males playing but some of us are really female behind the female characters.


I'm starting to go off topic a bit so bottom line: More romance not less

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I agree, there should be more romance, not less. I'd like to see some Legacy companion emotes like /hug or /kiss that behave like the companion dance ones. And while I never ran into the problem until leveling my BH, I'd like more romance options in the crew.


I'd definitely like to see the random "click" emotes changed for our companions. They're so...negative. "I don't have anything to say right now" is just... And Felix? The Jedi Counselor's romantic love interest, responds with "don't push your luck" and another one that says the staring is getting creepy. How about some nice emotes like "Hey, beautiful," or "You need anything?" or even "That tickles!"

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I fully and completely agree with this, mass effect has full on love scenes so i don't see why this game shouldn't. Nothing at all wrong with including it in the game, if people don't want it they could just have a toggle to have their boring fade to blacks.
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Most parents are MUCH more comfortable with violence than sex. Odd but true.


But I agree on the note of more gender equality, having played a male smuggler and female bounty hunter to 50, there's a HUGE difference.

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Yes please... I really think all classes (and genders) should follow the Sith Warrior romance set-up: You have two choices in a romance option who have (a leaning to) Light Side or Dark Side respectively, not one character that you have to either revolve all of your character around, or force them to fill half their room with gifts you buy off the GTN. They should have imaginative sex scenes, the characters should react differently not just after the romance arc is complete, but also during it, slowly reacting differently and asking you to talk more politely as you build affection.


This game was initially 17+ I'm pretty sure, so why the hell did Bioware reduce the rating? They need to stick with Mature games, it's what they are good at and anything less than that is a disservice to fans that have been faithful and loyal to their cause.


I could even name the possible romance arcs for most classes (for Females, males have no such luck unless you have two females, but both females are romancable if you do have two)...

Jedi Knight: Doc, Sergeant Rusk

Jedi Consular: Iresso, Zenith, possibly Tharan Cedrax.

Smuggler: Corso, Guss Tuno

Trooper: Aric Jorgan, Tanno Vik

Sith Warrior: Already has 2 respective romance arcs for both genders (Although I should note Lieutenant Pierce needs some rewriting...)

Sith Inquisitor: Andronikos Revel, Talos Drellik (Khem Val is an honorable mention)

Bounty Hunter: Torian Cadera, Gault (Blizz is an honorable mention)

Imperial Agent: Vector, Doctor Lokin, first possible dual romance (We all know they get along well together...)

Edited by Kuronan
Giving Possibilities...
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I also agree with this! What I thought was interesting is that you work so hard on affection for your companions (obviously to help with your Profession & Crew Skills) but your character has the option of Romancing one out of your five companions. They do a nice little scene where yall hook up, get married, and then your companion husband or wife sends you 3 gifts in the mail with these letters of love & devotion. And then... well, that's it. It just stops. Nothing more after that. I was disappointed, as I know many were.
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I like more romance but animated sex can still be cut to a black screen. If you all need some nookie, then you need to try pushing yourselves away from the computer once in a while or play Fallout New Vegas and download some mods from the New Vegas Nexus. Come on people, it's Star Wars!
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I was delightfully surprised with how the Akaavi story ended up, but then there's personally insulting side story about Guss hitting on Akaavi, then giving her a bathing suit, then it's like the romance never happened. She still talks to me the same, and its like.. well like nothing ever happened.


I didn't expect a ton but a little would have gone a long way. :( The writing was amazing though.


Some of the other stories from what I've seen are kind of awkward. If this is a mature game though, it'd be nice if it had some mature moments in it besides the violence and mayhem.


I like more romance but animated sex can still be cut to a black screen. If you all need some nookie, then you need to try pushing yourselves away from the computer once in a while or play Fallout New Vegas and download some mods from the New Vegas Nexus. Come on people, it's Star Wars!


What're you talking about? Who's this in response to?

Edited by siegeshot
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