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Most Powerful Player?


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or most powerful player character that is! Who, in your opinion, is the most powerful "character" of the playable classes? Feel free to rate just the ones you know or drop in and argue with a class's place on this list. Also, keep your arguments more reasonable than just "force users crush non-force users", explain why they in particular would.


Use Spoilers when referring to details, Some of us know all or most of the stories but for the sake of those who don't please be polite.


now I like the Agent (Mega LS Agent Spoilers)

Because he was able to challenge (and survive) direct combat with (arguably) the most powerful member of the Dark Council at the time. He was so strong that the sith where scared of him, and rightly so as he overcame the brainwashing and took down an ancient and immensely powerful galactic conspiracy almost single-handedly and can now blackmail any leader in the known galaxy at will.



In order I say

1) Agent

2) Sith Warrior

3) Jedi Knight

4) Bounty Hunter

5) Sith Inquisitor

6) Trooper

7) Jedi Consular

8) Smuggler (sorry but kicking people in the nuts doesn't make you stronger that someone who throws rocks)


The are my opinions, feel free to prop up your class just like I did and remember to keep it at least somewhat realistic and use spoilers for story content please.

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I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you regarding Agent being number one.



It is true that you do survive Jadus, but you are never actually able to DEFEAT him. Survival doesn't really indicate strength; it indicates resourcefulness. Don't forget Watcher Two said that they don't have the means to kill him and he'll annihilate anything less than a army.



Personally, I'd say Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior is strongest because both:



Defeat the Voice of the Emperor



Sith Inquisitor is probably up there too, assuming



He/she kept ghosts at the end.



This is based on strength/power. If we're going for resourcefulness/intellect or something like that, I'd probably would place Agent at top.


Anyways, just my opinion.

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1. Consular/Inquisitor - Unlimited Force power, great influence on a galactic scale and the coolest class names.


2. Knight/Warrior - Mastery of the arts of war, great power in the Force and the ability to overcome almost anything thrown at them.


3. Trooper/Bounty Hunter - Advanced technology, powered armor, mastery of weapons and squad tactics put these two elite combatants higher than their counterparts.


4. Agent - Though often a pawn in the games played by those above her, the Imperial Agent has access to some dirty tricks and excellent military training to give her an edge.


5. Smuggler - The Smuggler has no powerful magic tricks, no expert training, no advanced technology or influence over powerful individuals and military regiments. He has no weapons. No defenses. No plan. But somehow... He still keeps going. Because that's how he rolls, Natural 20 on the Dice of Life, Master of Chance.

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One of the best lines of the Consular:


"I have an army."


And it's the same with the Inquisitor. Inquisitor has the better fleet, Consular the better ground forces. And both can not be blackmailed by the IA, if they are played according to their sides alignment.


The Agent can blackmail "half the people of the galaxy", and I'm pretty sure the Dark Council and the Jedi Council are not among these.


The Jedi Knight is the Jedi's best fighter, according to Satele. So in an one on one, I'd rather bet on him than the Agent. He and the Sith Warrior would probably win any duel, if it was fair.


Smuggler is also interesting: In the DS ending



he becomes the galaxies greates crimelord.



Bounty Hunter and Trooper are over all the least powerful (exept LS smuggler), but they are specialists in their field. You wouldn't send a Trooper or hire a Bounty Hunter to kill mighty Jedi/Sith like Satele or Darth Marr, but you would use them to take out important leaders:



Trooper: the leading Imperial General

Bounty Hunter: the Supreme Chancallor





Fighting power: Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior


Political power: Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor


Specialists in their fields: Trooper and Bounty Hunter


Unknown: Agent and Smuggler, both can end up with a lot of power behind the scenes, or just as some who do important work for their bosses. Agent is over all probably much more powerful than the Smuggler, but for example:



If the Smuggler becomes the galaxy's greates crimelord and the Agent becomes a double agent for the Republic, the Smuggler could very well have more influence. The greatest weapon of a double agent is to remain hidden.



This is of course not a ranking. What is more powerful, political power or power in combat? Are you more powerful when your superiors send you after important targets, or when you don't rely on superiors/job offers?

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Didn't the Cabal maneuvered Jedi and Sith alike for thousands of years ? There would be no war unless the Cabal was signing off on it, right ? It's like Malgus in the Deceived novel, he was an excellent fighter and commander, but he didn't get his way because of politics and ends up getting heh... heh.. the shaft


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Jedi Knight, if you ask me:



You defeat several of Darth Angral's most promising apprentices, then Darth Angral himself. Then you defeat Lord Scourge, the Emperor's Wrath at the time of the Knight Questline, in single combat. You manage to break free of the Emperor's control (albiet with the help of Orgus Din's Force Ghost) and defeat 2 fallen Jedi Knights and a fallen Jedi Master. Finally, you invade Dromund Kaas, fight your way through waves of Imperials and Sith, and manage to defeat the Emperor himself in a duel. If that isn't powerful, what is?


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Jedi Knight, if you ask me:



You defeat several of Darth Angral's most promising apprentices, then Darth Angral himself. Then you defeat Lord Scourge, the Emperor's Wrath at the time of the Knight Questline, in single combat. You manage to break free of the Emperor's control (albiet with the help of Orgus Din's Force Ghost) and defeat 2 fallen Jedi Knights and a fallen Jedi Master. Finally, you invade Dromund Kaas, fight your way through waves of Imperials and Sith, and manage to defeat the Emperor himself in a duel. If that isn't powerful, what is?


Well for Sith Warrior,



You fight Overseer Tremel while you're still an acolyte and you defeat him. He even states he knew you were powerful, but not like that. On Nar Shaddaa, you fight Lord Rathari. Tatooine, you face Jedi Master Yonlach and his student with the greatest mastery of lightsaber he's ever seen or something like that. And finally, at the end of Act 1, you fight another Jedi Master; Nomen Karr, and defeat him as an apprentice (Doesn't Jedi Knight class become a full-fledged Jedi Knight after Tython/Coruscant at beginning of game? :confused:).


At the end of Act 2, you fight Darth Vengean (Albeit, with Draahg's help, but he held back). And, importantly, on Voss, Sel-Makor takes over Emperor's Voice and you're forced to fight him, winning. Also, end of Act 3 in Jedi Knight, you don't actually fight Emperor at full strength and such, you fight his Voice. This is confirmed in a mail sent to SW after storyline (Hand says Jedi invaded Kaas City and crap and killed new Voice). And of course, the Sith Warrior kills/defeats Darth Ekkage on Belsavis who is listed as one of the greatest Sith Assassins of all time, and Lord Draahg, the supposed 'unkillable' Sith Lord on Corellia. And lastly, you kill/defeat Darth Baras.



I'd say JK and SW are about equal.

Edited by Ardim
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Bounty Hunter and Trooper are over all the least powerful (exept LS smuggler), but they are specialists in their field. You wouldn't send a Trooper or hire a Bounty Hunter to kill mighty Jedi/Sith like Satele or Darth Marr, but you would use them to take out important leaders:



Trooper: the leading Imperial General

Bounty Hunter: the Supreme Chancallor



I disagree with the bounty hunter, to a point.



Bounty Hunter have the option of killing Tormen (possibly a member of the Dark Council, can't remember, might just be a candidate for it.) And he is a pretty darn powerful Sith. Might not be the best, but he's got some power. Plus he killed Jun Seros, or at least mine did. He was the battlemaster of the Jedi, one of the most elite fighters in the galaxy.



It depends is all. The bounty hunter has killed some pretty high standing Jedi and Sith. Would he succeed in taking down the others, maybe not but based solely on my story, they would give him the job.


I'm biased as I only have some experience with other classes and have 2 50's. But from what I know, this would be my list:



Bounty Hunter/Trooper


Though trooper could be under the hunter, in my opinion anyway. (To be fair, I do NOT know who/what the trooper faces during his story.


The rest I don't really know about, so I'll stop here.

Edited by LordTaral
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I would have to say the Sith Inquisitor ends up being in the most powerful position, even with out making the final DS choice (

Keeping the ghosts

). I would say that making that last DS choice over the LS one would be enough to tip the scales with a toe to toe fight against the Wrath. All of this is of course Darth Nox, not Darth Occulus and definitely not Darth Imperius.



At the end of the Inquisitors story, you end up maintaining a MASSIVE power base, with your fleet each possessing The Silencer on each dreadnaught you have, which is at least four. Assuming no other Moffs join your cause after defeating Thanaton. The Silencer has the potential to defeat an entire fleet in a single blast. Given the choice, my Inquisitor would test fire the weapons on a planet's surface to see the effects on the surface.


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To me, it's toss up between Agent and Knight. Agent has behind-the-scenes power. He knows what's going on, and no other player class in the game has a clue.


Knight, for sheer raw power in the Force. I have to pick him above the Warrior because...



While the Warrior defeated a Voice of the Emperor, the Emperor wasn't fighting back. That was Sel-Makor in control. When the Knight faced off against a Voice, The Emperor was hell-bent on tearing the Knight apart.


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To me, it's toss up between Agent and Knight. Agent has behind-the-scenes power. He knows what's going on, and no other player class in the game has a clue.


Is that why the Agent is manipulated by his/her superiors from day 1 on Hutta and doesn't really get to act by his/her own accord until late in Act III? >_>

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Is that why the Agent is manipulated by his/her superiors from day 1 on Hutta and doesn't really get to act by his/her own accord until late in Act III? >_>


Actually He is "normal" until the event of the ending of Act I. That event is why they fell they *have* to manipulate him.

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While the Warrior defeated a Voice of the Emperor, the Emperor wasn't fighting back. That was Sel-Makor in control. When the Knight faced off against a Voice, The Emperor was hell-bent on tearing the Knight apart.



True, but considering the fact that Sel-Makor possessed the Voice, wouldn't that mean he would have access to everything the Voice is capable of? And I heard someone once say Emperor was severely weakened when he fought the Knight, but I don't know if that's true. Meh, their strengthes are pretty debatable. You've got your opinion and I've got mine. I still say they're about equal :p


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Smuggler by far.



1. Seriously obviously the most ******, would you kick a sith lord in the nuts with no tricks, up close, without the force, I think not.

2. Dosn't have to flinch about the whole "no relationships" thing. I mean lets see 40 yr old virgin or break jedi code? hmmm

3. Owns own ship.

4. Coolest lines in game.

5. May I remind you of an event 3000 yr from this time? "Your all clear kid, now blow this thing and lets go home!"

Sith lord loses to knight, knight has to get butt saved by regular joe, hmm lets see who is best. :cool:

Edited by KraidenDove
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Knights and Warriors, in my opinion. Enormous Force potential, supreme martial prowess, no more attachments\commitments than they want themselves (least political\social\influence\wealth dependency).


They're the raw manifestation of the glory of the Force. Whereas an Inquisitor seeks power and influence - tools through which his will can be done, a Warrior becomes this power, and can gain much for lending it to those who seek it. Pretty evident in the SW+Darth Baras relationship.

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True, but considering the fact that Sel-Makor possessed the Voice, wouldn't that mean he would have access to everything the Voice is capable of? And I heard someone once say Emperor was severely weakened when he fought the Knight, but I don't know if that's true. Meh, their strengthes are pretty debatable. You've got your opinion and I've got mine. I still say they're about equal :p



Not necessarily, since that Voss body the Voice was inhabiting wasn't as strong in the Force as the bodies the Emperor was used to. Besides, the Emperor WANTED the SW to kill that body so he could move on. Therefore, he was fighting an inner struggle with Sel-Makor and was able to hold back some of his power. Remember, the Emperor was one of the most powerful Sith who ever lived. Both in Force power, and willpower. He was, for all intents and purposes, Immortal, and he no longer had Revan in his head by that time.


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Not necessarily, since that Voss body the Voice was inhabiting wasn't as strong in the Force as the bodies the Emperor was used to. Besides, the Emperor WANTED the SW to kill that body so he could move on. Therefore, he was fighting an inner struggle with Sel-Makor and was able to hold back some of his power. Remember, the Emperor was one of the most powerful Sith who ever lived. Both in Force power, and willpower. He was, for all intents and purposes, Immortal, and he no longer had Revan in his head by that time.



Ah, okay. Still, the SW is a very powerful Force user in terms of raw power. Overseer Tremel and Lord Rathari both state that his/her power is shocking. Both Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior both face a lot of crap and come out on top, which is why I say they're equal. I'm sure if the Warrior were placed in the position of the Knight during final battle in Act 3, with the same knowledge of the Emperor the Knight had at the time, the Warrior would come out on top just like the Knight.


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To me, it's toss up between Agent and Knight. Agent has behind-the-scenes power. He knows what's going on, and no other player class in the game has a clue.


Still, the Inquisitor and Consular both have armies and official political influence on the highes level. I haven't played Agent yet, is he really more powerful then them on a political and military level at the end?


I disagree with the bounty hunter, to a point.


Though trooper could be under the hunter, in my opinion anyway. (To be fair, I do NOT know who/what the trooper faces during his story.


Well, to trooper works more as a team, if I'm right. They take out an Imperial Superweapon and lead the assualt on the strongest imperial fortress on Corellia, I think. The Bounty Hunters team seem to have a more supporting role.


So my guess: Trooper alone is not as powerful as the Bounty Hunter alone. But Havoc Squad is more powerful than the Bounty Hunter + team.


I think if the Bounty Hunter goes against the SW or JK, he has no chance. He might have a chance against the SI and JC (at least against the JC, even if my main is JC), but they could also make him a higher offer. And



the JC has a Voss ally who can see the future. It might be possible for him to avoid confrontation or have his army ready.


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Still, the Inquisitor and Consular both have armies and official political influence on the highes level. I haven't played Agent yet, is he really more powerful then them on a political and military level at the end?


Militarily? No. Politically? He knows all the dirty little secrets and who all is in on the conspiracy. I definitely recommend playing Agent last or nearly last, since you won't believe your eyes at who is in on it. Characters from other character stories and planets. Left my jaw on the floor like :eek: more than once.

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Well I have to say Sith Warrior.



Because of the simple fact that he/she became Wrath which is basically an extension of Emperor who is pretty much the most powerful man in the galaxy. The Wrath is more or less on the same level as the Dark Council. It is true that Dark Council has a lot of political power but if anyone goes against the Emperor he will be disposed one way or another by the Wrath.


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JK beats Emperor's hand or whatever, and the Hand holds the same abilities and power as the Emperor because its the Emperor pretty much in another body. If you play SW sometime after beating the main story you get mail that says Emperor has been wounded badly and went into hiding on a secret planet. Considering SW takes place a little bit after JK, the Emperor was wounded from that fight. .

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