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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.4 patch notes.


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Stealth has now been removed from this class meaning that Hidden Strike is now unusable also meaning that they now have only three usable damage dealing spells.


Vibroknifes have been removed and Operatives now use their bare hands which means that they cannot use Backstab, Shiv or Laceration.


The medicine tree has been removed as there was a mistake in programming and they were only supposed to have two talent trees, one of them being completely unusable.




Marauders can now use Vibroknifes if they wish.


They now have a consistent stealth.


Marauders now have a fourth talent tree called Overpowered.


They have now got a talent Overpowerednes - allows the marauder to spec into all four of his talent trees.




Powertechs can now use lightsabres.


They now have force cloak.


They also have a fourth talent tree called Overpowered.


They also have a new talent Overpower which also lets them spec into all four of their talent trees!

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Stealth has now been removed from this class meaning that Hidden Strike is now unusable also meaning that they now have only three usable damage dealing spells.


Vibroknifes have been removed and Operatives now use their bare hands which means that they cannot use Backstab, Shiv or Laceration.


The medicine tree has been removed as there was a mistake in programming and they were only supposed to have two talent trees, one of them being completely unusable.




Marauders can now use Vibroknifes if they wish.


They now have a consistent stealth.


Marauders now have a fourth talent tree called Overpowered.


They have now got a talent Overpowerednes - allows the marauder to spec into all four of his talent trees.




Powertechs can now use lightsabres.


They now have force cloak.


They also have a fourth talent tree called Overpowered.


They also have a new talent Overpower which also lets them spec into all four of their talent trees!


You actually don't need a vibroknife for the "vibro knife moves"

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Have you ever tried doing it unequipping a vibrokinfe?


I have used knife attacks while having the vibro-knife unequipped. You can still do it you just lose the stats on the offhand, on closer inspection you can notice the skills that use knives in the animations don't actually say "requires vibroknife", whereas the abilities for ranged attacks clearly state the need for a blaster rifle.

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Stealth has now been removed from this class meaning that Hidden Strike is now unusable also meaning that they now have only three usable damage dealing spells.


Vibroknifes have been removed and Operatives now use their bare hands which means that they cannot use Backstab, Shiv or Laceration.


The medicine tree has been removed as there was a mistake in programming and they were only supposed to have two talent trees, one of them being completely unusable.




Marauders can now use Vibroknifes if they wish.


They now have a consistent stealth.


Marauders now have a fourth talent tree called Overpowered.


They have now got a talent Overpowerednes - allows the marauder to spec into all four of his talent trees.




Powertechs can now use lightsabres.


They now have force cloak.


They also have a fourth talent tree called Overpowered.


They also have a new talent Overpower which also lets them spec into all four of their talent trees!


I heard on the grape vine that PT's and Mara's will get a skill called "All-in-one", on no GCD, with no CD, that just 1-pop's people, with a 45m range, learnable at level 2 for a peanut and a dirty hankey. Just what I heard though.

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I heard on the grape vine that PT's and Mara's will get a skill called "All-in-one", on no GCD, with no CD, that just 1-pop's people, with a 45m range, learnable at level 2 for a peanut and a dirty hankey. Just what I heard though.


Hehe. Why am i not surprised :p ?

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Lol... Operative is actually a very good class. My damage (granted, lethality) is very good for both PvE and PvP. And overpowered marauders? They're prathetically weak. Just "evasion" and "shield probe", and flash bang and debilitate. Stay behind him, shoot some poisons, and a shiv knife to the back.


Power techs are pretty strong, but I just keep up Kolto injections, and same stealth out, heal up, and take out your weakened PT from stealth.

You people shame the Operative coat of honor.

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Lol... Operative is actually a very good class. My damage (granted, lethality) is very good for both PvE and PvP. And overpowered marauders? They're prathetically weak. Just "evasion" and "shield probe", and flash bang and debilitate. Stay behind him, shoot some poisons, and a shiv knife to the back.


Power techs are pretty strong, but I just keep up Kolto injections, and same stealth out, heal up, and take out your weakened PT from stealth.

You people shame the Operative coat of honor.


I am guessing your operative is either below 50 or you are a lvl 50 in recruit gear of another class.

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Lol... Operative is actually a very good class. My damage (granted, lethality) is very good for both PvE and PvP. And overpowered marauders? They're prathetically weak. Just "evasion" and "shield probe", and flash bang and debilitate. Stay behind him, shoot some poisons, and a shiv knife to the back.


Power techs are pretty strong, but I just keep up Kolto injections, and same stealth out, heal up, and take out your weakened PT from stealth.

You people shame the Operative coat of honor.


Shield probe is crap and is the worst shield in the whole game. Evasion lasts for 3 seconds and it only works on some attacks. What about flash bang and debilitate?? How can you use them to beat a marauder. I guess you can flash bang and heal yourself up but he will probably trinket. And you cannot possibly kill a marauder in the duration of debilitate it just won't work. Also they have a s**t load defensive cooldowns probably the best ones in the game. You probably play a mara to say that they are "pathetically weak".


Now, you say you keep up Kolto injections... a 2.5 second cast.... are you serious??? I'm sorry but if you are able to heal yourself with a 2.5 second cast then there is something wrong with that PT. The only use for that heal is to get a medal for a 2.5k heal. And again there just isn't enough burst to take down a PT even if you re-stealth IMO you are just lying."Coat of honor" my ***. RP much?

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Shield probe is crap and is the worst shield in the whole game. Evasion lasts for 3 seconds and it only works on some attacks. What about flash bang and debilitate?? How can you use them to beat a marauder. I guess you can flash bang and heal yourself up but he will probably trinket. And you cannot possibly kill a marauder in the duration of debilitate it just won't work. Also they have a s**t load defensive cooldowns probably the best ones in the game. You probably play a mara to say that they are "pathetically weak".


Now, you say you keep up Kolto injections... a 2.5 second cast.... are you serious??? I'm sorry but if you are able to heal yourself with a 2.5 second cast then there is something wrong with that PT. The only use for that heal is to get a medal for a 2.5k heal. And again there just isn't enough burst to take down a PT even if you re-stealth IMO you are just lying."Coat of honor" my ***. RP much?


Depends on the Marauder ... many of them are FOTM re-rollers (probably ex-Operatives) with very little skill. PT's are more of a problem, mostly because it takes very little skill to take people down as a PT and they have the advantage of heavy armour and decent defensive CD's as well.

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It's funny when people complain about a DPS class being good at... well DPS-ing. lol


I think you are missing one of the points of this thread which is us pointing out that a DPS class... well sucks at DPS-ing !

Edited by Tobradex
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm back! My operative brothers, I have come to explains hat I meant in my original post.

A marauder has one disadvantage: armoring. Their defensive abilities don't last long, and undying rage takes 50% HP.

Flash bang is your friend. Use it when you need to interupt, heal, or just time out their defensive ability. If a marauder uses undying rage, throw a flashbang at them, when they stun-break, debilitate, get behind them, shoot poisons, backstabb, shiv, overload shots (good DPS in between shiv cool downs) and laceration, if you're speced. I suggest you cough up a tactical advantage for stim boost, and adrenaline probe for some CD spams. (use and. Probe only for those extra CDs, just to fit in more shots). An explosive probe followed by shiv is hilariously effective. Evasion is key, and shield probe should go WITH it. Use this if the marauder uses ravage, or something of similiar devastation. This next part is key: some marauders heal with bleed DOTS. Simply self-cleanse these ASAP!

Power techs are another story. It is a more confusing and close fight. My friend (power tech) volunteered to duel me while we test the Op vs PT problem. So far, I think I found their weaknesses. But screened and a vid will probably be better! I'll update them in if you want.


Furthermore, yes, I was pre-50, and now I'm not. I still do the same damage, I don't see a problem.

And the "coat of honor" was just a pun, because operative armor is usually a trench coat.

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I'm back! My operative brothers, I have come to explains hat I meant in my original post.

A marauder has one disadvantage: armoring. Their defensive abilities don't last long, and undying rage takes 50% HP.

Flash bang is your friend. Use it when you need to interupt, heal, or just time out their defensive ability. If a marauder uses undying rage, throw a flashbang at them, when they stun-break, debilitate, get behind them, shoot poisons, backstabb, shiv, overload shots (good DPS in between shiv cool downs) and laceration, if you're speced. I suggest you cough up a tactical advantage for stim boost, and adrenaline probe for some CD spams. (use and. Probe only for those extra CDs, just to fit in more shots). An explosive probe followed by shiv is hilariously effective. Evasion is key, and shield probe should go WITH it. Use this if the marauder uses ravage, or something of similiar devastation. This next part is key: some marauders heal with bleed DOTS. Simply self-cleanse these ASAP!

Power techs are another story. It is a more confusing and close fight. My friend (power tech) volunteered to duel me while we test the Op vs PT problem. So far, I think I found their weaknesses. But screened and a vid will probably be better! I'll update them in if you want.


Furthermore, yes, I was pre-50, and now I'm not. I still do the same damage, I don't see a problem.

And the "coat of honor" was just a pun, because operative armor is usually a trench coat.


their armoring is the same as ours- medium armor.

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1) Flat out do more damage than Operatives, in any situation

2) Have a small resource pool with easy ways to quickly make it much larger, on short cooldowns

3) Have the game's only on-use, group wide DPS cooldown (and it works in PVP!)

4) Don't have positional requirements for their best or any attacks

5) Can Force Charge at something that's either right in their face or 30m away, and root them (Anni spec), or even charge two different targets in a row (Rage spec)

6) Have better interrupts

7) Have passive DoTs activated by an ability off the global cooldown (similar to Acid Blade, but Lethality has no equivalent)

8) Have a better Vanish than the actual stealth classes which drops combat reliably

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Stealth has now been removed from this class meaning that Hidden Strike is now unusable also meaning that they now have only three usable damage dealing spells.


Vibroknifes have been removed and Operatives now use their bare hands which means that they cannot use Backstab, Shiv or Laceration.


The medicine tree has been removed as there was a mistake in programming and they were only supposed to have two talent trees, one of them being completely unusable.




Marauders can now use Vibroknifes if they wish.


They now have a consistent stealth.


Marauders now have a fourth talent tree called Overpowered.


They have now got a talent Overpowerednes - allows the marauder to spec into all four of his talent trees.




Powertechs can now use lightsabres.


They now have force cloak.


They also have a fourth talent tree called Overpowered.


They also have a new talent Overpower which also lets them spec into all four of their talent trees!


is this confirmed??

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