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why doesnt anyone care?


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i love talking to people which is the mauin reason i play MMO


but seems like 90% of people in gaem just ignore me, even people in my guild


and i had soem frineds from SWG int his guild and we used to run heroics everyday, and i thought we were cool


and when i found htem here they are just like oh, hi...


i was so excited to see them and htey dont even care


and all day in my guild everyoine just ignores me, the leaer is cool but its like no oen else is anythign


and during quests i invite people who doign same stuff as me, they dont even reply , at least say NO if ud ont want to group

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been there. My WoW guild used to be like that. You'd see dozens of people online and I asked a question or tried to start a conversation about anything and people would just stay quiet. I get that some of them are doing something and can't reallt type and others aren't even paying attention to the chat, but when you have 30+ players online, I'd expect a little bit of human interaction.


I don't share this problem while grouping with other people in TOR, though. They're usually nice and chatty like me =P


You're not the problem, OP (well, I don't know you, maybe you are, but that's not the point =P). The way MMOs work nowadays has made people more individualist., I think.

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Sadly i know what you're feeling . Even in my guild mainly cause they are talking on mic so they don't care about the chat on channel.

On their forum when i m posting something i don't even get one reply , the only good point most of them say 'hi' in game and sometimes they are trying to do a party to do dailies ,pvp but it's not often.

so when i m talking in guild chat i m being ignored i even when i m on mumble they are not even talking i m trying to make them react but i feel like they are dead sometimes there some people talking to me but they are playing an other game XD.

Each night got 15 members connected in my guild i m mainly playing with my FL peoples are in different guilds , weird but it's better to play with them than my guildies :/

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I'm really sorry that you all seem to be unhappy with the interaction of your guild/server. I can say that we never have that problem in my guild, there's always a running joke or trivia conversation going on, and even when it might be quiet, I know that I only have to say something to start a convo going.


It really does make the gaming experience more pleasurable. If you're on Jedi Covenant, look me up, I'm always glad to talk.

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I love talking to people as well, though I have my silent moods. I mostly talk in gchat or /General, and more often than not I get plenty of responses. I also appreciate others talking, as long as it's not non-stop. Some people just never shut up, and get on my nerves, regardless whether I'm in a chatty mood myself. Edited by Sauska
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I wasn't goin to post this at first but...is your grammer always like that? Because that might be annoying after X time.


But, how active is the guild you are currently in / what server are you on? Are you trying to initiate serious conversations or just friendly comments, etc?


Also...what server from SWG are you from? ;) I mainly rolled on Europe-Farstar....damn I miss my Commando there haha.

Edited by Eillack
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Hi there Friend,

I am not in a guild and I only partner up with my BF and we play together, but I am always respectful (I am a newbie, so I still mess up frequently...like accidentally attacking another player during a mob...oops!!) I will answer you when you talk to me, I will respond when I am online alone and you send me a request to join a group, and I hope that everyone else can be that way, but that is not always what happens, sadly. I must say if I am online alone it is normally because I am crafting and getting ready for bed, so to anyone who has asked me to partner up and I decline, I am sorry...I would have loved to play on, but I have to be to work so early I can't stay on :(

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Your not on your on mate. I've played many mmos over the years and your experiences have been present in all of them. I liked mmos for the interaction with players from around the world... It became the main reason for me playing them. I found it distressing when people you counted as dear friends eventually fade away. Now I predominately solo apart from heroics and find the experience better than logging on and find non of your online friends on or tells being more and more being ignored. After all it's a game and should be stress free and never something that should replace interaction with people in the real world I made that mistake once
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This happens sadly. I've lived through one guild fading into dust, and I know how annoying it is when people don't even bother to say "no" when you ask for help/etc. The worst in my opinion is when someone ELSE calls for a heroic and you ask if they need your class or something, and they don't bother to respond even then. *shakes head*

But there are pleasant people out there, just gotta find them. :)

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The one guy in the thread talking about the OP's grammar and didn't spell grammar right... really?


This happens quiet a bit, don't take it personal OP. Guilds can be cliquish too. Some folks are just that way.

You just have to roll with it.

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This happens sadly. I've lived through one guild fading into dust, and I know how annoying it is when people don't even bother to say "no" when you ask for help/etc. The worst in my opinion is when someone ELSE calls for a heroic and you ask if they need your class or something, and they don't bother to respond even then. *shakes head*

But there are pleasant people out there, just gotta find them. :)


this is one of the main reasons guilds fall apart. medium to large guild have their own little clique and when you search up the glist they are usually running together. if you ask for help and there is no reward for them it falls on deaf ears (not to bash dps but it usually happens to dps toons). over time members of the clique leave or rage over pixels and the guild will invite outside players to raid and skip over the not-cool-kids. if you see this happening drop that guild in the middle of raid nite. when someone logs on and ask "how is the raid going?" wait for answer and then drop.

Edited by vojinsa
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It all depends on the guild and the people that are in the guild. I was in a few guilds like that on SWG (starsider) but when I came over to SWTOR I met a couple of people and we began a roleplay while waiting for SWTOR to be released and became very good friends. We started a guild and even though we are small if someone is on we do talk in between killing stuff. A lot of times we will roleplay in guild chat.


I can say yea there are some people like that but there are also some that are not. I was lucky to find people that actually care and will help you and talk to you.


Just keep looking they are there.


Good luck and take care.

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Having played many MMOs, I can tell you this is not unique to TOR. Most online games like this gear the bulk of the game to be "soloable", but then add in heroics and other such things to encourage teams to form.


Actually, I think TOR does a better job at encouraging teamplay than many other games do, with their social points.


As for people ignoring you, I can only tell you from my own experience it depends how I'm approached. Nothing upsets me more than blind group invites, they feel rude. But a whisper asking if I want to team for a mission or a boss fight will usually get a positive response from me (unless I'm multi-tasking and won't be at my keyboard enough to be an asset to a group).


If your guild won't chat with you....well, maybe you need a more friendly guild :)

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i love talking to people which is the mauin reason i play MMO


but seems like 90% of people in gaem just ignore me, even people in my guild


and i had soem frineds from SWG int his guild and we used to run heroics everyday, and i thought we were cool


and when i found htem here they are just like oh, hi...


i was so excited to see them and htey dont even care


and all day in my guild everyoine just ignores me, the leaer is cool but its like no oen else is anythign


and during quests i invite people who doign same stuff as me, they dont even reply , at least say NO if ud ont want to group


Very same reason im not in a guild in this game or was in wow anymore, i dont see the point going one as its like u described :p very lucky if i, you or any1 finds a random guild where ppl actually talk.

All this is prolly as ppl dont know any1 so no1 talks, every1 waits and then when one talks they r too scared to ansa :p ive tried 4 guilds in this and alls been very quiet and unresponsive so why stay.


Sometimes it feels your grouping with an NPC to do some quest together, they dont ansa anything u say and then when everything is done it looks like some script hits and u get "thx cya later"

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It's early morning and I can't sleep, so I suppose I can offer a reply. I guess I am one of those people about whom you are complaining. I tend to ignore almost everyone in the game (minus select guild mates) and although I see 90 percent of every word written in guild chat, I only reply to the stuff I feel warrants my time. I play on a PVP server which is not RP. I can offer a few reasons:


1. I am annoyed by the younger population of this game very easily. Everything from text speak, to "the sky is falling" game predictions just flip a switch in my brain to not register having read stuff like that. "I read on Reddit....derp de derp, and trolls" just get ignored so fast in my mind I really could care less what is being said.


2. Beyond the immature players, many personalities annoy me based on principle. Although I find myself currently in a guild with very elite players, just a few weeks ago I was the guild leader of a guild I ran since Launch. Some people are just so annoying with their know it all attitudes (telling me how to play my class, when they don't play it), or more recently, people who have not bothered to learn to enunciate their words. That gets under my skin so fast, and its a real shame when people who really know what they are talking about have no idea how to communicate.


3. When in vent/TS/mumble when certain people log into the voice server I immediately drop to another channel with a password on it. I try not to make a big deal of it, and I am sure people must think I have migranes 365 days a year, but I don't want to just chat about whatever comes to mind.


4. This final reason, is far more frequent in this game. But it really upsets me when people don't do the research themselves. Yes, I will answer a brief question about a class that I know, but I am not going to give a dissertation about Juggernaut, and I am certainly not going to type it out. I learned by researching, others can do the same. The single biggest way to get on my subconscious ignore list is to question what I say. I do not have time to argue with a level 17 Juggernaut about talent point selection. If you are 50, and running the same stuff that I am, and in similar high end gear, I will theory craft with you at some point, but I really cannot even begin to express how infuriating it is when people critique my spec or my gear. "OMG u waste two points in Improved Force Scream?" I assure you, I do not have the time, nor the desire, nor do I care about your spec, so why do you care about mine?


People annoy me, I have never hidden this fact. It is on me to remove myself from situation that annoy me. So you will rarely find me in places like that do. I don't really talk in pug groups. I certainly don't talk in pug raids. And chatty people in a voice server just get muted.


None of what I said was meant to be offense, though I am sure some will find it as such. There are just personalities in this world that I cannot stand.

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There is chat and there is chatter. There are also things that I believe should be kept to ones self.


I am not an antisocial sort, but I am also not going to talk to anyone about anything. All depends on the subject and my mood.

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My guild is friendly for the most part. I've been lucky enough to be in a mature guild and very laid back, and there's always 1 person in my guild who would make everyone laugh and have a good time while raiding and doing other stuff.


They understand as well that I loathe talking on the mic (my mic keeps messing up so I just don't talk at all), and the only way I can interact with them is through in game chat though I always join in mumble so I can hear what's going on.

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