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Everything posted by vnunes

  1. I too lost a couple of names. Thankfully, I was able to transfer to The Fatman where I already had a couple of characters. At least my main name was saved. But I would have to either delete the lv 21 smuggler I created with that name or wait for some kind of name change service. I guess a lv 21 toon is no big deal though. It sucks having to come up with new names now. Everything is taken. You have to be really creative or simply choose some random combination and hope you get attached to it. I'm not that upset about losing some of my names, but It is an annoyance. I get really attached to my characters names. They have meaning and purpose. And sometimes a theme. Having to choose something random or really different from your original intention is not cool =/
  2. been there. My WoW guild used to be like that. You'd see dozens of people online and I asked a question or tried to start a conversation about anything and people would just stay quiet. I get that some of them are doing something and can't reallt type and others aren't even paying attention to the chat, but when you have 30+ players online, I'd expect a little bit of human interaction. I don't share this problem while grouping with other people in TOR, though. They're usually nice and chatty like me =P You're not the problem, OP (well, I don't know you, maybe you are, but that's not the point =P). The way MMOs work nowadays has made people more individualist., I think.
  3. Naboo, Alderaan, Coruscant. Alderaan in particular looks really cool and gorgeous.
  4. I started as Republic. I actually like the good guys in Star Wars. I like my evil to have meaning, purpose, and that can't only be "we will rule the galaxy" like the Empire is. I was happy with my Trooper. He was heroic. He was courageous, he was loyal and he would stand against the armies of the evil Empire until we were victorious or he draws his last breath. He was aware that the Republic is not free from corruption or evil doers, but that was a way tamer fate than letting the galaxy be controlled by the Sith. Everything changed when his world (server) started growing empty by the day. The poor commander didn't have an army of brothers anymore. Didn't have people to stand with against the Empire, who also seemed like they were strugling with the same problem. Maybe the war was coming to and end? The commander became depressed and just stopped showing up for work. But new life came to be on another world ruled by one known as The Fatman. A world filled with people and possibilities where a young Bounty Hunter found her purpose in the world. She works within the Empire, doing their deeds to gain trust, but secretively frustrating some of their plans and feeding information to the veteran Commander, so that one day they may deal the decisive blow to the Sith. She's an Imperial at sight, but a Republic ally at heart. TL'DR: I love Republic, don't like Empire. But when my server became empty I was forced to switch, so I decided to play the other class I wanted to the most: Bounty Hunter, even though I had to be Imp to play as one. But I kinda imagine her as a spy or something like that. I work for the Empire, but I'm not one, and I made her an ally to my Trooper through Legacy.
  5. I know people are mad about the questions, but I sure was glad to hear someone else wants a "loop music" feature in the game. I mean, Star Wars and Old Republic has this amazing and vast soundtrack, and 90% of the time we're questing in complete silence. This is so annoying to me. I really hope they add this soon. but yeah, server populations are a real problem. It was easy to predict this would happen though. They opened so many servers at launch, it was impossible to even consider the game would retain that much players. They should have said from the beginning that they would do server merges in a few months so that now talking about it wouldn't become a PR issue. It's really discouraging to be on corellia on a sunday night and have only TWO players on the planet. That's sad. I don't even try to run FPs anymore. I'm just trying to finish my Commando's story and then I'm probably gonna create a character on another server or, if things go south, unsub and hope that Guild Wars 2 comes out faster
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