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SWTOR Vote to Kick Abusive


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I'd personally ignore everyone of them that acts like an idiot. have you tried this, OP? Group finder won't pair you with someone on your ignore list.


Edit: Come to Corellian Run, there is less WOW **** here.


So some of us will be group finding with about 50% less of the population? Hard hassle with such a simple solution.

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I can't wait to see how many vote kicks I wrack up when I start joining groups of people in end-game content. o.o


I am not the greatest at any of the classes. I enjoy my characters and I have fun playing them. I am not socially adept either lol.


in my future fun times i foresee

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You keep saying that people need to think about your feelings, but are you thinking about theirs? There are people who genuinely do not want to watch those cut scenes. People who genuinely do not want to kill those mods, and you're doing exactly what you hate by making them do that. You're making a person do something they don't want because you're only thinking of yourself.


Yes. I do think of others feelings. I don't think I'm thinking by myself. Are you trying to say the majority is more important then me? That'd be hypocritical. I sometimes don't want to watch cut-scenes, but I'm not trying to kick someone for it. End result is I don't care if people hate me or not. It's how they treat me. The simple solution I can only think of is just put a few check boxes describing your play style. Not a big whoop.

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I can't wait to see how many vote kicks I wrack up when I start joining groups of people in end-game content. o.o


I am not the greatest at any of the classes. I enjoy my characters and I have fun playing them. I am not socially adept either lol.


in my future fun times i foresee


This player is just as important as the "Top Guild PvE'rs" Bioware needs to listen to them. Eyes closed, ears open.

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Yes. I do think of others feelings. I don't think I'm thinking by myself. Are you trying to say the majority is more important then me? That'd be hypocritical. I sometimes don't want to watch cut-scenes, but I'm not trying to kick someone for it. End result is I don't care if people hate me or not. It's how they treat me. The simple solution I can only think of is just put a few check boxes describing your play style. Not a big whoop.


It's just every time you start harping on about the minority, you come across as very selfish. If people start to hate you, however, they will kick you as they don't want to group with you. You may end up on their ignore list, because they don't want to group with you. It sucks, that's life. All you can really do is say what you want to at the start of the Flashpoint and why. Communication is key.

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This player is just as important as the "Top Guild PvE'rs" Bioware needs to listen to them. Eyes closed, ears open.


Lost you on that one.


I was saying I can't wait to see how many times i get vote kicked off when I start participating in the finder.

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It's just every time you start harping on about the minority, you come across as very selfish. If people start to hate you, however, they will kick you as they don't want to group with you. You may end up on their ignore list, because they don't want to group with you. It sucks, that's life. All you can really do is say what you want to at the start of the Flashpoint and why. Communication is key.


Why would people hate me? Like I said before I try to be as productive and social as possible in FP's. What's your point?

Edited by Vespassian
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Why would people hate me? Like I said before I try to be as productive and social as possible in FP's. What's your point?


You just said that you don't care if people hate you, implying that people do in fact hate you.


My point is you did previously state that the only communication you give during Flashpoints is to tell people which mobs to hit, not that you state at the beginning of the run that you wish to watch the cut-scenes and/or kill this or that mob for whatever reason.


But you know what? I'm done. I cannot currently fathom why you aren't trying to talk to your own server about this issue.

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You just said that you don't care if people hate you, implying that people do in fact hate you.


My point is you did previously state that the only communication you give during Flashpoints is to tell people which mobs to hit, not that you state at the beginning of the run that you wish to watch the cut-scenes and/or kill this or that mob for whatever reason.


But you know what? I'm done. I cannot currently fathom why you aren't trying to talk to your own server about this issue.


I don't know if people hate me. That's why I don't care.

Your point is more clear now. Thanks.

Like I'm going to the middle of the fleet and in /General with CAPS LOCKS announce this? lol might as well try to stick a bone in a rancor's mouth.

Edited by Vespassian
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I have 5 characters at Lv50, all with 70-80% Black Hole gear. I try to get as many daily GF HM's done a day that I can and will often queue solo in order to do so. There are a few things I can tell you that will perhaps "wake you up"


I always ask "Speed Run Please?" after saying hello...60% of the people respond yes, and I have NEVER seen a "no please". Although I have seen COUNTLESS people under the silly assumption that killing extra (avoidable) MoBs is a good idea. So, I ask who the h*ll these people are that think they can hijack a group (when I asked at the start and gave them ample time to state their intent) to play the game the way that THEY feel it needs to be played.


Killing MoBs in HM FPs is a complete waste of time. There is no debate on this, no difference of opinion, no to each his own. Whatever you want, credits, practice, fun can be obtained elsewhere with less difficulty.


Why have I never seen anyone ask "I want to hear the story, so please no spacebars"? Do you know what it is like to spacebar and have to wait xx amount of time looking at the same stupid part of the screen for a dialogue choice to pop-up? Why aren't you guys VOCAL or HONEST in game about your intentions? It wastes extra time as my mind wanders, my eyes get tired looking at a still screen with no sound...so an extra 5-10 seconds for me to realize that there is a dialogue choice to be made FOR EACH DIALOGUE CHOICE!



Perhaps there is a reason you don't state your intentions at the beginning of a run, perhaps it is because you KNOW that you will rarely find people who want to waste time as much as you do.


I really hope you understand at some point that you are the rude ones here. This is not a rude post because I can do SO much better. It is a "wake up" post filled with the truths of how you impact other player's days and what a self centered jerk you are actually being.

Edited by DenitharPurloin
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I have no reputation with people I never played before. I'm just another name you see on your fleet. What if I and others want to see the story but already have the gear for a hardmode. I'm not going to replay the flashpoint just to see the cut-scenes. People who don't consider anyone but themselves and the majority never stop to think about the minority. Minorities are just as important. People are people. No one should be left behind at any moment for the sake of what the majority wants. People will kick for no reason. I don't want to suffer. Have some sympathy for others and think about how they feel. Feels like I just replied to this comment. Did you not read previous ones?


Part of my point is that what is happening to you seems to be atypical. I realize there are inconsiderate and just plain mean people out there, but just because you want to go through the cutscenes and/or pull all of the trash mobs, does not make your desire any more important than the rest of the group. If they want to skip those things, then their wishes are at least as important as yours. You can't have it both ways. I suggest grouping with some friends, or seeking out others that want to kill every mob and watch the custscenes. You say you are being kicked for no reason. That may happen every now and then, but if it is happening often, then there is likely a reason. And yes, I did read previous ones. Perhaps you should take your own advice, and "have some sympathy for others and think about how THEY feel."

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Why would people hate me? Like I said before I try to be as productive and social as possible in FP's. What's your point?


Now I'm getting the impression you are just being argumentative for the sake of argument. YOU were the one that made the statement about people starting to hate you...

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I have 5 characters at Lv50, all with 70-80% Black Hole gear. I try to get as many daily GF HM's done a day that I can and will often queue solo in order to do so. There are a few things I can tell you that will perhaps "wake you up"


I always ask "Speed Run Please?" after saying hello...60% of the people respond yes, and I have NEVER seen a "no please". Although I have seen COUNTLESS people under the silly assumption that killing extra (avoidable) MoBs is a good idea. So, I ask who the h*ll these people are that think they can hijack a group (when I asked at the start and gave them ample time to state their intent) to play the game the way that THEY feel it needs to be played.


Killing MoBs in HM FPs is a complete waste of time. There is no debate on this, no difference of opinion, no to each his own. Whatever you want, credits, practice, fun can be obtained elsewhere with less difficulty.


Why have I never seen anyone ask "I want to hear the story, so please no spacebars"? Do you know what it is like to spacebar and have to wait xx amount of time looking at the same stupid part of the screen for a dialogue choice to pop-up? Why aren't you guys VOCAL or HONEST in game about your intentions? It wastes extra time as my mind wanders, my eyes get tired looking at a still screen with no sound...so an extra 5-10 seconds for me to realize that there is a dialogue choice to be made FOR EACH DIALOGUE CHOICE!



Perhaps there is a reason you don't state your intentions at the beginning of a run, perhaps it is because you KNOW that you will rarely find people who want to waste time as much as you do.


I really hope you understand at some point that you are the rude ones here. This is not a rude post because I can do SO much better. It is a "wake up" post filled with the truths of how you impact other player's days and what a self centered jerk you are actually being.


Oh. "Wake up". Me? Being self centered? No, no, no. That's not how anyone on my friends list sees me. This is legit the most ignorant "Everything always happened this way so keep it like this" post. The "wasting time" part for you is someone else's enjoyment. So tell me again, who is being self centered? Are we rude because we don't follow the rest of the sheep? Is this suppose to make you look tough or something? Giving us a wake up call? I call it a pure ignorance call. You are the example of people that hate us. Just because everyone that YOU meet is different from who I meet doesn't mean you can speak pure garbage, not truth, all over this topic. This is almost off topic. You're bashing people who like to take time on flash points and other PvE moments. Before you say I'm bashing anyone, I bash no one and speak up for what I and what few other people think.


"It is a "wake up" post filled with the truths of how you impact other player's days- Stop right there. Right back at ya.

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Part of my point is that what is happening to you seems to be atypical. I realize there are inconsiderate and just plain mean people out there, but just because you want to go through the cutscenes and/or pull all of the trash mobs, does not make your desire any more important than the rest of the group. If they want to skip those things, then their wishes are at least as important as yours. You can't have it both ways. I suggest grouping with some friends, or seeking out others that want to kill every mob and watch the custscenes. You say you are being kicked for no reason. That may happen every now and then, but if it is happening often, then there is likely a reason. And yes, I did read previous ones. Perhaps you should take your own advice, and "have some sympathy for others and think about how THEY feel."


Just because you want to skip cut-scenes and pull not some (not all) of the trash mobs doesn't mean your more important then the group either. There are no social classes. Everyone is on the same line bouncing up and down. I see that you know that :). And like I said in a previous reply it is hard to play with your friends with everyone is leveling now and there are short gaps when 2 or more of your friends are online. Guild wise: Almost every PvE guild is in the pure fact to skip the entire FP eyes closed. I can't really have sympathy for others if they have none for me :/

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Oh. "Wake up". Me? Being self centered? No, no, no. That's not how anyone on my friends list sees me. This is legit the most ignorant "Everything always happened this way so keep it like this" post. The "wasting time" part for you is someone else's enjoyment. So tell me again, who is being self centered? Are we rude because we don't follow the rest of the sheep? Is this suppose to make you look tough or something? Giving us a wake up call? I call it a pure ignorance call. You are the example of people that hate us. Just because everyone that YOU meet is different from who I meet doesn't mean you can speak pure garbage, not truth, all over this topic. This is almost off topic. You're bashing people who like to take time on flash points and other PvE moments. Before you say I'm bashing anyone, I bash no one and speak up for what I and what few other people think.


"It is a "wake up" post filled with the truths of how you impact other player's days- Stop right there. Right back at ya.



BS mate. People are kicking you for a reason, and you want that to stop. Play with your friends then. Problem solved.


Stop posting crap on the forums



EDIT: Just tell me why you do not tell people "I want to hear all the dialogue and kill all the MoBs" before you start the Flashpoint. Just answer that one question.

Edited by DenitharPurloin
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Now I'm getting the impression you are just being argumentative for the sake of argument. YOU were the one that made the statement about people starting to hate you...


Was I not clear? I stated I don't care if people IF people hate me. Then I said why would people hate me from your previous post that you said people DID hate me. A little confusing lol

And no, I blanking hate drama. I'm pushing myself to speak up, and no, I don't want to argue, arguments will happen between different people. Aware of that, you are. So really, I'm not looking for trouble. Really looks like it, IK. It's what happens when the black sheep says Behhh. Not a racist comment if you considered that.

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Oh. "Wake up". Me? Being self centered? No, no, no. That's not how anyone on my friends list sees me. This is legit the most ignorant "Everything always happened this way so keep it like this" post. The "wasting time" part for you is someone else's enjoyment. So tell me again, who is being self centered? Are we rude because we don't follow the rest of the sheep? Is this suppose to make you look tough or something? Giving us a wake up call? I call it a pure ignorance call. You are the example of people that hate us. Just because everyone that YOU meet is different from who I meet doesn't mean you can speak pure garbage, not truth, all over this topic. This is almost off topic. You're bashing people who like to take time on flash points and other PvE moments. Before you say I'm bashing anyone, I bash no one and speak up for what I and what few other people think.


"It is a "wake up" post filled with the truths of how you impact other player's days- Stop right there. Right back at ya.


Ok. I've read through everything and I think I understand where you are coming from.


You ARE being self-centered, you have unfortunately wrapped yourself in a blanket of being the "Voice of the Minority." To say these others are bashing you is ignorant and you appear to be hiding behind "If you don't understand this YOU are ignorant" speeches. I agree the GF has been used in the past to kick for stupid reasons. It happens.


But what you are doing is NOT constructive. When I read your posts I get a sense that you are automatically applauding whomever happens to be agreeing with you and, while not ignoring, not acknowledging what others have to say.


I can't even describe how much this has made me want to face-palm. I agree with what another poster before said that it doesn't look like English is your first language based on the grammar of the text and character names on your sig, so maybe this is all just language barrier issues. At least I hope it is.

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BS mate. People are kicking you for a reason, and you want that to stop. Play with your friends then. Problem solved.


Stop posting crap on the forums


Friends? Gah. You didn't read anybody else's comments... It's hard to get on with friends when you're leveling different alts, and so is your friend. Problem found. All PvE guilds now are made to speed run every FP. I'm kicked because the majority disagrees with the minority.

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Friends? Gah. You didn't read anybody else's comments... It's hard to get on with friends when you're leveling different alts, and so is your friend. Problem found. All PvE guilds now are made to speed run every FP. I'm kicked because the majority disagrees with the minority.


Just tell me why you do not tell people "I want to hear all the dialogue and kill all the MoBs" before you start the Flashpoint. Just answer that one question.

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Just because you want to skip cut-scenes and pull not some (not all) of the trash mobs doesn't mean your more important then the group either. There are no social classes. Everyone is on the same line bouncing up and down. I see that you know that :). And like I said in a previous reply it is hard to play with your friends with everyone is leveling now and there are short gaps when 2 or more of your friends are online. Guild wise: Almost every PvE guild is in the pure fact to skip the entire FP eyes closed. I can't really have sympathy for others if they have none for me :/


Perhaps, you should examine why your friends and guild are not willing to group with you. If you "can't really have sympathy for others" then you ARE just being selfish. The group finder allows you to pick story-mode. YOU choose not to. Make more friends, or find a friendly guild, that has people willing to run through in the method that you want. It's not that difficult. If you are continuously getting kicked, then it is most likely something you are causing. Everyone is not as nasty and inconsiderate as you would paint them. Find people that want what you want, and group with them. Why would you argue for them to add more options to the GF when you don't even use the ones that are already provided?

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BS mate. People are kicking you for a reason, and you want that to stop. Play with your friends then. Problem solved.


Stop posting crap on the forums


This guy


Listen, its very simple. If you are getting kicked out of groups often then maybe just maybe YOU are the problem. Lets do some simple math here. What is the most common factor here? You. Now then what is the problem? You are getting kicked out of groups on a regular bases. So if Y and Z don't want to play with X and A, B and C don't want to play with X, then the issue here must be X. Now go find your friends Q and his twin brother Q and S T F U

Edited by Silko
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If you queue for a hardmode flashpoint, you should expect the other players to want to get done. They've already seen the story. They don't need the loot. They need the BH commendations and that's it. The quicker they can get that done, the sooner they can get to what they enjoy in the game.

From your description it sounds like they (whomever they are) don't enjoy the game at all. Why do the FPs at all if they don't enjoy them? They don't need the loot, they don't like the story, from the sounds of it they are jaded and burnt out and probably just gearing out companions anyway so...


You're asking people who actually enjoy the game to bend to the will of those who do not, assuming that everyone who has ever run a HM FP must not like watching the story since they've seen it already.

That's akin to fast forwarding through the Star Wars movies to just watch the fight scenes because you've seen the story already. Or more appropriately, it would be like going to the theater to watch the Star Wars movies and then trying to boot out anyone who won't let you fast forward to watch the fight scenes. We all know the story anyway, right?


If I queue for a HM FP (or anything at all for that matter), it's because I want to play with other players and I allow the game to find the group members for me since I can't (or won't) go find my own group of like minded players to do stuff with.


I should expect the other players (including myself) to have an ounce of respect for anyone else who is trying to enjoy playing the game, no matter what their playstyle might be. If that means I sit through the story for the nth time then so be it, it's a part of using the GF system. I give up my right to impose my will on others, as they do likewise to me.


IF I want to spacebar my way through everything, I can go make my own spacebar-centric group and pretend that there are reasons (other than playing the game for what it is) that I enjoy playing the game for.


Personally, I can't stand it when people expect everyone else to succumb to their will while opting to use a system that selects people at random to participate with you.


tl;dr: People pay to play this game, we need people to play this game with. Try to be nice to people when you can.

Edited by mokkh
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