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Tanks!! Y u no guard us healers?!


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What is with you tanks not guarding the healer, or even worse let some lolmarauder rip me a new one because you were busy trying to kill the opposing player in heavy armor that is being guarded :|

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I play as a healer and tank in PvP. as a Tank I ask if there are any healers and try guarding them. I usually get crappy healers that don't heal me so I can't guard anything. My gameplan is to get 3 or 4 enemies targeting me and blasting me.


As a healer I either ask politely for a guard or start healing tanks rigorously till they get the idea. Communication. I notice matches that start off with little communication as far as gameplan have a higher failure rate.

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Because the lolhealer usually doesn't actually heal what's guarding them in pugs. Those healers can go off and sap their health on a node for all I care.


When I am on my Sage and someone guards me, I make sure I am helping them out.

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My own healing build is not optimized for single target healing. Instead, it's better if keep Static Barrier up on all nearby teammembers and my armor buff/heal-DOT on those with less than full health. Once all hell breaks lose, I will heal the most damaged teammember placing priority on Juggs/Maras/Pyros. So while you may not get a dedicated healer from me when you guard me, I'm keeping the rest of the team alive and keeping myself alive by being highly mobile.


Also, often the reason I am not a better single-target healer is that I get jumped and have to kite the bad guys. Could use some protection of the non-Guard type then too. ;)


The moral of the story: Protect your healers even if they are not dedicated to healing you exclusively.

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Because the lolhealer usually doesn't actually heal what's guarding them in pugs. Those healers can go off and sap their health on a node for all I care.


When I am on my Sage and someone guards me, I make sure I am helping them out.


You can't heal your guard if your face is being melted.

Your face is being melted if you have 2 DPS on you (if a sorc/sage, 1 DPS).

As a tank you need to be doing a lot more than a simple fire and forget with your guard ability. Your healer needs peels and taunts to be able to heal himself, let alone you.

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I'd say a good portion of PvP tanks only play this spec by lack of skills (i.e. they die too fast and can't do anything).


Don't expect those kind of tanks to waste their precious hp taking hits for you.


Of course, it's not every tank who plays like that. A lot of them guard, taunt, stun, etc. But a lot also finish the match with 0 protection.


Because the lolhealer usually doesn't actually heal what's guarding them in pugs. Those healers can go off and sap their health on a node for all I care.


When I am on my Sage and someone guards me, I make sure I am helping them out.


Why are you even playing a tank, then? You're useless to your team if you're not intercepting damage.

Edited by lpsmash
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Personally i play a hybrid immortal/vengeance Juggernaut (18/23 i believe) and I usually don't guard because I am usually in Shien (dps) stance and can only use guard in Soresu (tank) stance. However if I really need to guard someone i can hop into Soresu and cast guard (I usually only do this in hutt-ball for the ball carrier though). But when in Soresu I can do hardly any damage and really can't kill anything. And not to mention that even when i am in Shien stance I am still constantly taunting so i still sometimes come out number 1 in guarding as well as doing over 200k damage in a match (which isn't bad for a tank imo).


I used to play deep immortal Jugg and i found that the majority of the time you guard a healer it just means that the healer is going to last a second or 2 longer when getting ganked and you are going to die much faster (guarding causes you to take some of the damage from the player you are guarding) since neither you nor the healer can really stop the aggressor you are only delaying the inevitable (of course this usually isn't the case with a well organized group but we all know how rare that is to find in a pug). I find it much more effective to tank by using Shien stance and simply taunting off my healer and then immediately attacking and killing what is attacking my healer.


tl;dr If your not with a well organized group, guarding is not worth it. Especially for the tank.

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9 out of 10 pug tanks are aweful. If they're not guarding a sniper or a PT they might throw a guard on a healer until he gets stunned and burned down as the tank runs away doing his own thing. Generally the pug tank will throw a guard on the heals at the beginning just to get 10k prot points for a medal and forget he was a tank.


Most tanks play tank because they are bad dps, not because they want to protect healers/other players. At the end if they get called out for bad dps, they can say "i'm tank spec" or "i'm hybrid".

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I have three full on tank builds. All tank gear, all tank talents. One is a 50 jug, one is a 50 sin, one is a 45 (46?) PT. I guard, debuf, and snow any and all opponents on my healer. Even the worst geared healers I guard get the highest healing in the match when we win, and often when we lose.


Often, I hear great healing and get no votes even though I am by far the number one in protection. In pugs, I tell the healer "I vote you." Sometimes I get votes, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I get sorry I'm voting for my pal.

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Because there's a new bug which randomly prevents you from using guard on anyone till the end of the BG (this one is driving me crazy).


More seriously as i tank i almost always guard and follow healers except when the healer is not good, in that case i guard the high dps players. In some cases i will let the healers die to guard the big dps if both are low HP and opponents are almost dead, faster kill means tag in that case, i'm objective focused so i will guard the person that will help the most to get the objective healer or not.

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I've got a lowbie Shadow, and always toss gaurd on a healer (if there is one), at the beginning of a match. I then proceed to stay right on his/her hip taunting and disrupting attackers as much as possible. If, after a few minutes I see that i'm not receiving support from that healer, i'll go ahead and gaurd a competent DPS. Let's be honest, there's a symbiotic relationship between a tank and gaurded healer...when the other half isn't picking up the slack, what's the point? If i'm not getting support, then really i'm just cutting my uptime in half.
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This guy always guards a healer.


No, wait. That's wrong. I guard healers who have a clue. This goes both ways, and could just as easily be: Healers!! Y u no heal us tanks?!


Yeah, I'll guard you. I'll even send you a /tell before the match begins to let you know that I'm guarding you, and that I will be following you, not the other way around. I'll taunt for you. I'll peel for you. Hell, I'll die for you.


Truth is, there's just as many idiot healers are there are idiot tanks. Any healer that doesn't toss some heals my way to help keep us both alive gets left behind to die. That simple.

Edited by TheronFett
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As a healer I either ask politely for a guard or start healing tanks rigorously till they get the idea. Communication. I notice matches that start off with little communication as far as gameplan have a higher failure rate.


Healers!! Y u no announce your role in the waiting room?


As a merc healer, I announce my role by working up charges for super charged gas and casting my AoE heal which identifies me like a neon sign.


Playing my tank, I often have to guess who to guard when nobody is forthcoming with their healer role.

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Because the lolhealer usually doesn't actually heal what's guarding them in pugs. Those healers can go off and sap their health on a node for all I care.


When I am on my Sage and someone guards me, I make sure I am helping them out.


Those are bads.


You guarded my merc? have a kolto shell!


I ALWAYS watch for my guard, why? Well because its harder to get roflrolled with them protecting me ;D


Sadly, good tanks are hard to find..

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I've noticed this in both PvP and PvE doing LFG hard mode flashpoints. Sometimes I'll even have to explain what I want the tank to do. Then the tank can't maintain any threat/aggro so I get targeted and everthing falls apart. But, in regards to PvP..I'm now healing with my commando and when a tank guards me I'll focus on the tank and unless he's LOS'ing me or running around Rambo-style I will not let my tank fall as long as I'm alive. Good tank + heals = winning. I even had a guy yelling at the the team the other day for not killing the marked healers (I was on my sentinel). I explained that they were guarded and we're being taunted so they are hard to bring down without a good group (he was in full recruit btw). He then called me an idiot for thinking that taunts work in PvP...what? It was nice to see my entire team unload on him at that point.
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What is with you tanks not guarding the healer, or even worse let some lolmarauder rip me a new one because you were busy trying to kill the opposing player in heavy armor that is being guarded :|


lol, i never actually ask for a guard and I'm a sorc. I get them sometimes. Healers aren't the only spec valuable to guard though.

You don't need a guard to function. It helps, sure, but I mean come on.


funkiestj: LOL

Edited by islander
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I guard healers first and foremost, but I don't just guard. I try to stay glued to them, taunting, area taunting, kb'ing, kd'ing, slowing, stunning, peeling, and DPSing anyone who goes after them. But this is all assuming the healer is worth a damn, which usually isn't the case. More often, when I guard a healer and try to protect them, I don't get any heals from them; their positioning and situational awareness are terrible which makes protecting them effectively that much more difficult. And then at the end of the match, after I've been guarding/protecting them the entire match, with protection numbers ranging anywhere from 60k-300k depending on how often they actually heal me, I don't even get their MVP vote.


Every now and then I'll get to guard and protect a healer who actually knows what they're doing, and we faceroll the other team as a result. But this is the exception, unfortunately; not the rule. 9 times out of 10 the healers I see seem to be completely selfish, or just completely bad; they have no idea how to synergize in PvP; they don't pay attention; and they generally just aren't worth guarding (and dying as a result).

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You know I wish I had a healer to guard. I was playing my 36 Jugg the other day, when I ask if any healers wanted to run with me. I got a 29 Ops healer and it was the best PvP I have had yet. We went and took the enemy nood and they tried to kill us with 6 on 2 and couldn't. Over and over we killed them, me taunting, guarding and chilling screaming my *** off, the healer keeping us up and alive. I LOVED it. Made me wish I could find a GOOD healer to run with.


I have tried that a few other times but the healers I got were really bad and didn't know how to kite or to let me peel for them, so it just didn't work. There is nothing as fun or good as a good tank who taunts, slows and guards, with a healer who knows what he is doing.

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You can't heal your guard if your face is being melted.

Your face is being melted if you have 2 DPS on you (if a sorc/sage, 1 DPS).

As a tank you need to be doing a lot more than a simple fire and forget with your guard ability. Your healer needs peels and taunts to be able to heal himself, let alone you.


I do that on my tank...I get murdered while the dps is far off on nothing thats on healers. Sad part is most dps only play for medals.

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I guard healers first and foremost, but I don't just guard. I try to stay glued to them, taunting, area taunting, kb'ing, kd'ing, slowing, stunning, peeling, and DPSing anyone who goes after them. But this is all assuming the healer is worth a damn, which usually isn't the case. More often, when I guard a healer and try to protect them, I don't get any heals from them; their positioning and situational awareness are terrible which makes protecting them effectively that much more difficult. And then at the end of the match, after I've been guarding/protecting them the entire match, with protection numbers ranging anywhere from 60k-300k depending on how often they actually heal me, I don't even get their MVP vote.


Every now and then I'll get to guard and protect a healer who actually knows what they're doing, and we faceroll the other team as a result. But this is the exception, unfortunately; not the rule. 9 times out of 10 the healers I see seem to be completely selfish, or just completely bad; they have no idea how to synergize in PvP; they don't pay attention; and they generally just aren't worth guarding (and dying as a result).



This guy is the thread winner.



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Sin tank here, and there are a few things I'd like to chime in with here.


First, finding the healers is kind of a pain at the beginning of the match. One of the first things I do is inspect all of the potential healers. If I see "field medic's" or something, you're guarded. The problem I have is with sorcs. I see no consistent pattern with sorcs on which set they're wearing. I see dps wearing mystic's, heals wearing master's, and vice versa. Hell, I saw one sorc in full assassin pvp set once. Total nonsense!


Second, when I ask in ops "is anyone a healer?", it's because a large percentage of our team are sorcs, and guarding one of them is a crap shoot. The trouble is, when I ask, I generally get no answer. However, this doesn't mean there's no healer. I've had plenty of games where I ask, get no answer, then start getting heals when the game starts. I have come to the conclusion that healers do not speak English, for the most part. That's all well and good, but you'd better not start complaining to me, in English, when you are getting a new mud hole stomped in to your face region by enemy players.


Third, guard is not the only things tanks need to be doing. Taunt, damnit! At least with assassins, you have 2 taunts, on separate cooldowns. They debuff the target, they cause the enemy to switch targets off the healer (which with swtor's tab target system, is a huge deal usually), they get you lots of medals, and they're off the global cooldown.

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Just be happy that I spam taunts.


Understand that a big part of my assets are AOE.

That means I have to get up close and personal with multiples. Far to many healers complain that I run into zergs and die. Sorry...this is the tools that BW gave me to work with. Regardless, they think it is a waste to heal me.


If it is waste to heal me, then it is a waste to guard you


My class design is similar to suicide bomber. Get in a crowd and take as many with me as I can. Give me healer that understands that all I need is enough time to use up my ammo and we will have the beginnings of a great relationship.


In the meantime, I'm not switching from plasma cell to protect you.

Edited by Sungas
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Basically what everyone else has always said. I love to guard healers. And I throw out my taunts every single time they come off cooldown (both taunts in a crowd) and will try and KB and otherwise peel enemies off you.


90% of the time in pugs what this means is that I instantly explode from people ganging my guarded buddy and me not getting any heals. And after about two deaths of that it's back to DPSing and harrassment for me.


10% of the time with a great pug healer or if I'm PvPing with someone in my guild, it means we're basically unkillable.

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Just be happy that I spam taunts.


Understand that a big part of my assets are AOE.

That means I have to get up close and personal with multiples. Far to many healers complain that I run into zergs and die. Sorry...this is the tools that BW gave me to work with. Regardless, they think it is a waste to heal me.


If it is waste to heal me, then it is a waste to guard you


My class design is similar to suicide bomber. Get in a crowd and take as many with me as I can. Give me healer that understands that all I need is enough time to use up my ammo and we will have the beginnings of a great relationship.


In the meantime, I'm not switching from plasma cell to protect you.


Personally, as long as you didn't force me to compromise good positioning, I don't care what someone with your spec does. Let's throw out huttball because guarding there is situational.


If I'm trying to be 'invisible' and not take damage, and I get into a good healing rotation - and you want to go aoe 3-4 guys then by all means, I got your back - as long as I can still heal you.

The problem at least for my squishy rear end (and this may just be a sorc thing) comes when I have to move way out into the open just to heal you. At that point, I may end up having more problems then I had unguarded and out of the immediate line of fire.


edit: Sizzle - I personally choose my gear based on what I believe the best stats are. The differences between force master and mystic, absent the set bonuses, are pretty negligible. 20 points in X stat instead of Y.

I would never look at a sorc gear set and make any assumptions.

Edited by islander
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