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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Executive Producer Rich Vogel Bails on TOR


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The trolls with the usual replies need to grow up and act their age instead of trying to start flame wars.:rolleyes:


If you don't want to play the game just cancel and leave quitely like most other mature adults.


We will, as soon as Guild Wars 2 is released.


Then you won't see the rest of us anymore.

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Yep now it is BEAware. If I had a gaming company like the old Bioware I would never sell it unless I was dying or getting old and senile.


Something tells me if you were offered millions upon millions of dollars for your company (Meaning you'd never have to work another day in your life...) that you would indeed sell to EA.

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We will, as soon as Guild Wars 2 is released.


Then you won't see the rest of us anymore.


And then you people will be over there saying how Gw2 "failed" and was overhyped/didnt meet your expectations. Then you will find some other MMO to hype up as the next best thing.. and repeat this cycle all over again.

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Something tells me if you were offered millions upon millions of dollars for your company (Meaning you'd never have to work another day in your life...) that you would indeed sell to EA.


Nope, I would love the games that my company was churning out too much. We all know what happens when EA happens.

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Well they had some issues managing the game development so considering the status of the game it's not a surprise here.


Now I wonder about Dallas Dickinson?


To me managing a MMO development with the mindset of short term victories is wrong at the core.

BioWare used the Colonel John Boyd fighter pilot model of decision making' date=' which says that the winner of a dogfight is the one who makes the most decisions the fastest. [/quote']


Anyway my thoughts goes more to the people who had way lower salaries and who worked not less hard and well got fired anyway whatever they did their best, because of the wrong decisions of a few.

Edited by Deewe
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And then you people will be over there saying how Gw2 "failed" and was overhyped/didnt meet your expectations. Then you will find some other MMO to hype up as the next best thing.. and repeat this cycle all over again.


No dear Ratham, this may not be the right place to discuss but let me give you an example.


Unoptimized engine excuse:


Areanet: We apologize for the inconvinience, we know there are some issues with the engines and we are planning to optimize it as we go. Please bear with us and enjoy the game.


Bioware: No, there's nothing wrong with the engine. It's your low-end computers! Our engine works as intended but we promise to optimize the engine so that the low-end players can play aswell.


Yeah, I'd rather throw my money at Areanet when that day comes.

Edited by Sammennn
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The trolls with the usual replies need to grow up and act their age instead of trying to start flame wars.:rolleyes:


If you don't want to play the game just cancel and leave quitely like most other mature adults.


Personally, I'm just waiting for Planetside 2. I've got into the beta but that hasn't started yet. I love this game and have enjoyed my time playing it but everything is just too easy and there isn't enough stuff to do.

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Look it sucks when people lose jobs. It's not to say they are bad people, but maybe they were just not in the right spot. I'm sure Rich is extremely talented and I wish him the best in the future ...




How is it not a good thing when someone who has failed the community over and over again has left the game? This is the man who is personally responsible for "future content" meaning


He's the one who said 1.3 and 1.4 would be much faster then 1.2, and wasn't able to deliver

He's the one who said we would have ranked in 1.2, but only delivered 1/4 of what he promised in 1.3

He's the one who said we would have same sex relationships with the first content update back when that was a big topic, then never talked about them again even when they didn't show up in the first content release

He's the one who felt the main focus of the devs should be a new companion rather then new zones

He's the one that promised nightmare Denova and failed to deliver

He's the one that planned 10 bosses in Denova but could only deliver 4


and the list goes on and on and on


Hell, every minute someone with that track record continued to work for the company was a very bad sign. It's great that he's gone and might be replaced with someone who understands the community better and can deliver results.


This is a great day for SW:TOR. Now just get rid of the head PVP designer and we are golden.

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Personally, I'm just waiting for Planetside 2. I've got into the beta but that hasn't started yet. I love this game and have enjoyed my time playing it but everything is just too easy and there isn't enough stuff to do.


You lucky lucky LUCKY person...


Let me know if the # of players in a battle causes fps problems :D

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Jokes on you, you're still here paying for this game / wasting your time on the forums. :rak_03:


And what a big joke it is.


I stand to lose what? Fifteen dollars? Man, someone, somewhere is getting one hell of a laugh out of that at my expense. I truly hope they are enjoying it, because their life must be seriously lacking in humor.


The joke isn't on anything, the joke is SWToR. We all fell for it, and that doesn't make me anymore of a fool than you.

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Hes got a degree in like.. theater / script editing

Honestly PvP in TOR is a mixed bag. Some stuffs are awesome and some other are... meh?


The most annoying now is it's CCWARS and well we have ranked WZ without rules, like you can have 5 goalies in a team (healers) and none in the other and you can have people shooting with guns and others darts.


A ranked match should be based on teamplay and skill not gear.

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And what a big joke it is.


I stand to lose what? Fifteen dollars? Man, someone, somewhere is getting one hell of a laugh out of that at my expense. I truly hope they are enjoying it, because their life must be seriously lacking in humor.


The joke isn't on anything, the joke is SWToR. We all fell for it, and that doesn't make me anymore of a fool than you.


And yet here you are.

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No dear Ratham, this may not be the right place to discuss but let me give you an example.


Unoptimized engine excuse:


Areanet: We apologize for the inconvinience, we know there are some issues with the engines and we are planning to optimize it as we go. Please bear with us and enjoy the game.


Bioware: No, there's nothing wrong with the engine. It's your low-end computers! Our engine works as intended but we promise to optimize the engine so that the low-end players can play aswell.


Yeah, I'd rather throw my money at Areanet when that day comes.


If you think so little of the developers why not just log off the game and leave. I haven't played SWTOR since a couple days after 1.3 hit and I may be moving on. But I'm certainly not going to constantly berate and complain about the game. I had a good time in my six months of SWTOR. I hope that the game gets enough content to get me back. But if it doesn't then I'm happy I got to play a kick-butt story based MMORPG for six months. That's 5 months longer than I played Skyrim. *shrug*

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No offense to anyone. Personally I enjoy the chapters in this game better than any other MMORPG I have ever played over the last 15 years. The story is an accomplishment for MMO tech. If you don't agree I don't care...it is the internet. What I don't enjoy are the designers (not the programmers) copying World of Warcraft and playing it so safe with the game. BioWare is better than this. Free to play won't fix any of these issues that E@ and Luc@s @rts are concerned about in terms of profit. Or I could be wrong and it will. But I have to point out China. That is a major market they need to nail in the same way WoW has. Again this is just my internet opinion.


Layoffs are never a good thing to go through. I wish everyone the best. I am sticking with SWTOR, Eve, LOTRO, and TSW. I could utterly care less about WoW and want to see it's influence deleted from the design layout.

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And yet here you are.


It's like a train wreck. I'm sorry, I can't help it.


I'm not sure why this would concern you. Most of you seem more concerned about my entertainment and what I do with my free time than the fact that you are clinging to a sinking ship. I would be evaluating my priorities if I were defending this game on the forums rather than playing it, yet still making remarks about how other people should have better things to do with their time.

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- "Come, work with us, we will make great game and you wil be able to unleash your vision"

- "Now do this and this because people are growing restless and we know better what is good for a game"

- "Game took a hit, apparently you messed something up, we can't keep such big team, half of your friends no longer work here"

- "Work, work, work, not on this, on that, can't you see players crying? Work!"

- "What you mean by 'I can't work that fast with reduced team'? Oh, and your lest idea - NO."

- "What you mean by 'I'm leaving'?"


Some people stay on game because they need this work or don't want to let players down, others just leave.

Only good thing this could mean, is possibility that EA will realize that they don't own people.

Yeah, that's gonna happen.

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I blame the community. Too many selfish "I want it now" players in the MMO genre. MMOs take a LOT of money to create, and once created it still takes much time and even more money to become great. WoW was 10 times worse at launch, but got lucky and was given the chance to grow. And now since WoW is where it is, people just expect to have all the same features and more right at launch.


Don't get me wrong, EA/Bioware has made some bad choices as well, but I definately feel the community is to blame even more.

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