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Are canon stories going to be released?


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Maybe I'm alone in this, but it bothers me knowing that my characters aren't the real, canon ones. I get around this by just playing the story like a movie and making a backstory that is separate from the playable quests. So will BioWare ever release the official stories, for the sake of Star Wars lore?
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Oh, ugh. I'm still mad they canon-ified Revan. I sincerely hope they don't issue a dictate saying that The Official Smuggler or whatever went through, made 95% different decisions from mine, and is now built into the universe as a dependency. It reduces my character to an irrelevant daydream, and I'm not convinced you have to do that in order to build an effective future story.
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In some cases if you look the classes up on Wookiepedia it kinda gives an illusion of what might be 'canon' for that particular class, with inclusions of 'what if' should you choose other options. I'm not sure if that's actual game canon though so don't hold me to it. Plus it would be FULL OF SPOILERS. So maybe don't go there :D


You usually have to search specifically by a particular title like 'hero of tython' for the jedi knight one.

Edited by Belora
adding in a sentence
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I read somewhere, can't remember where exactly, but it was a Bioware post(I think) that more or less said that "canon" for each class would be to play through the entire game choosing option 1 on the response wheel every time. Having played most of the way through IA that way, it holds up pretty well, although there were a couple places where I was like, "Really? That's what you're going with?" In this particular case, you end up with a hardline loyalist super-professional, who does whatever she has to do to get the job done in the most efficient manner possible; if killing someone accomplishes the goal, she'll do it. If bribing them is more advantageous, she'll do it. At the end of chapter 2 I think I was Dark I, but not very far into it, and had floated in and out of neutral several times.
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I read somewhere, can't remember where exactly, but it was a Bioware post(I think) that more or less said that "canon" for each class would be to play through the entire game choosing option 1 on the response wheel every time. Having played most of the way through IA that way, it holds up pretty well, although there were a couple places where I was like, "Really? That's what you're going with?" In this particular case, you end up with a hardline loyalist super-professional, who does whatever she has to do to get the job done in the most efficient manner possible; if killing someone accomplishes the goal, she'll do it. If bribing them is more advantageous, she'll do it. At the end of chapter 2 I think I was Dark I, but not very far into it, and had floated in and out of neutral several times.

That's very interesting, because I've noticed that the LS/DS choices tend to switch spots on the wheel. This could have some merit.

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That's very interesting, because I've noticed that the LS/DS choices tend to switch spots on the wheel. This could have some merit.


If I recall correctly that quote actually was saying that 1 was the dialogue spot that was "iconic" for the class. So the 1 choice for the SW would be the choice that the devs thought Darth Vader would take/say. For SI what they think Palpatine would say. JK, what Luke would say. So it isn't necessarily what the canon choice is, just what the iconic choice is(which may or may not be the canon choice).

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I read somewhere, can't remember where exactly, but it was a Bioware post(I think) that more or less said that "canon" for each class would be to play through the entire game choosing option 1 on the response wheel every time. Having played most of the way through IA that way, it holds up pretty well, although there were a couple places where I was like, "Really? That's what you're going with?" In this particular case, you end up with a hardline loyalist super-professional, who does whatever she has to do to get the job done in the most efficient manner possible; if killing someone accomplishes the goal, she'll do it. If bribing them is more advantageous, she'll do it. At the end of chapter 2 I think I was Dark I, but not very far into it, and had floated in and out of neutral several times.


This actually makes sense, and while I did not read anything supporting it, I trust that you're telling the truth, and from what I've seen in the game...as I said, it makes sense.


If you can come up with a source, though, please do. I would totally look up the dialogues and follow them through myself just to see.

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I would like for Bioware to clarify how the story went for future reference in videogames/novels, but there isnt much to happen otherwise. The Jedi are lightside, and the sith are darkside. I have only played the whole story for the Jedi Knight, but some of the accomplishments of the characters


The knight kills a lot of powerful sith lords including the Emperor (the voice anyway)


are so notable that I'd like to see more come of them than, "Oh yeah he did save the galaxy but we'll celebrate for 5 minutes then we'll forget him". Maybe they could create a kotor 3 game and wrap all the storylines together and lead to how it eventually gets to the Brotherhood of Darkness/Army of Light era.

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So will BioWare ever release the official stories, for the sake of Star Wars lore?


I don't think BioWare have any control over that. I think it is completely in hands of Lucas Licensing.


Anyway I am pretty sure they will eventually release the official canon storyline. They always do.

Edited by Path-x
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Maybe I'm alone in this, but it bothers me knowing that my characters aren't the real, canon ones. I get around this by just playing the story like a movie and making a backstory that is separate from the playable quests. So will BioWare ever release the official stories, for the sake of Star Wars lore?
They are "canonified".

Look up Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Darth Nox, Ace, Havoc Squad Commander, or Cipher Nine on Wookieepedia, among others. Or just look up Cold War Characters, and click anything that seems more like a title.

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