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All Marauder/Sentinel FOTM Re-Rolls Complaining About Roots


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I think you missed the point of his argument. In that Hydraulic Overrides is supposed to make you immune to any slows/stuns for 8 seconds when most of the times it doesn't.


That is not what Hyraulic Overrides is supposed to do.


Grants 8 seconds of immunity from movement-impairing effects, knockdowns and physics and increases movement speed by 30%.


Slows, Roots, Knockdowns, and Pulls/Pushes are listed. Stuns and Mezzes are not.

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That is not what Hyraulic Overrides is supposed to do.


Grants 8 seconds of immunity from movement-impairing effects, knockdowns and physics and increases movement speed by 30%.


Slows, Roots, Knockdowns, and Pulls/Pushes are listed. Stuns and Mezzes are not.


this is why the full resolve with hydraulic overrides is the only combo in this game that is immune to anything except raw damage :)

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I, as a Combat Sentinel, hope they never allow roots to affect Resolve. Thank You.


yeah combat sentinel can chain root far better than any other class in the game with a 12 sec cool down 3 sec root, a 15 sec cool down 3 sec root, and a 27 sec cool down 3 sec channeled uninterpretable root/massive damage. throw a root grenade in there and you can keep someone chain rooted for a long time...


of course chain rooting someone isn't usually that useful for 1v1 but in rateds you can keep a healer away from those he needs to heal or stop a ball carrier in their tracks.


once you've had a lone sentinel chain root you for 20+ seconds you too may complain about chain roots. I'm not saying they necessarily should add to resolve, that would really mess up the leap mechanics but I think there needs to be some way to stop endless chain roots.


maybe a short root immunity after a certain number of roots within a short period of time. I don't like the idea of adding a cool down with root immunity because it would let melee simply over run ranged when the cool down is up, ranged should have their time with their roots to do their damage but after 3-4 chain roots on someone they should also have an opportunity to move.

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No you cannot kite them all day with df/gs. I have fought many of you with my assassin and you have never been able to kite a thing. Pulse break on dot dmg. Most pvp is fought outside 1 vs 1 meaning I will take dmg. There is not one kiting class in this game that can get and keep range.


Its why I stopped playing ranged. Pull, slows, speed, cc breaker.


You might be able to cc and run away, but you are not killing me with your kiting. You might drop me with your superior dps (maybe). You might do alot of things to try and put separation between us, but I promise you. You are not kiting.


Most people complaining of cc do so because its not right. Not because of some advantage seeking purpose. I roll cc heavy in pvp. I've had the cc-immunity class. I have hated this resolve system from day 1 realizing how it functioned.


I can kite Mara's and keep them perma CC'd as long as I don't DOT them and no one hits them.

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I played a Sentinel at 50 for 3 days (recently) seeing as how it was my first character but never achieved 50 until last week.


There's is little no problem with being rooted.



The only root that a Sentinel or Marauder has any trouble with is against a sniper's knockback/root which is easily countered with Force Camouflage.


I've seen both sides of the coin as Sorcerer healer and a Sentinel DPS.


Sentinel is far too easy and should require skill to play.


I destroy any Sorcerer/Sage Healers without full War Hero AND guard (me having only BM Weapons, Gloves and the rest being Recruit gear). The PvP balance in this game is a joke.


TL;DR OP's post is completely off and should be disregarded as 100% false.


Regardless I don't want to play a game where I'm forced to play an overpowered class to do any good, two days left of subscription.

Edited by BurnsTwoThree
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I played a Sentinel at 50 for 3 days (recently) seeing as how it was my first character but never achieved 50 until last week.


There's is little no problem with being rooted.



The only root that a Sentinel or Marauder has any trouble with is against a sniper's knockback/root which is easily countered with Force Camouflage.


I've seen both sides of the coin as Sorcerer healer and a Sentinel DPS.


Sentinel is far too easy and should require skill to play.


I destroy any Sorcerer/Sage Healers without full War Hero AND guard (me having only BM Weapons, Gloves and the rest being Recruit gear). The PvP balance in this game is a joke.


TL;DR OP's post is completely off and should be disregarded as 100% false.


Regardless I don't want to play a game where I'm forced to play an overpowered class to do any good, two days left of subscription.

On my Sentinel I play stupid specs like 3/17/21 and still get top damage in WZ's. Not like the class is any harder than my Vanguard.

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I played a Sentinel at 50 for 3 days (recently) seeing as how it was my first character but never achieved 50 until last week.


There's is little no problem with being rooted.



The only root that a Sentinel or Marauder has any trouble with is against a sniper's knockback/root which is easily countered with Force Camouflage.


I've seen both sides of the coin as Sorcerer healer and a Sentinel DPS.


Sentinel is far too easy and should require skill to play.


I destroy any Sorcerer/Sage Healers without full War Hero AND guard (me having only BM Weapons, Gloves and the rest being Recruit gear). The PvP balance in this game is a joke.


TL;DR OP's post is completely off and should be disregarded as 100% false.


Regardless I don't want to play a game where I'm forced to play an overpowered class to do any good, two days left of subscription.


What is wrong about my initial post? The fact that there is 3 Anti-Root threads on the first page of the PvP forums, or my clearly stated opinion of why I believe Sentinels/Marauders are not OP (again this is an opinion, it can be neither right or wrong). I'm not sure what you're trying to say, other than "please nerf marauders/sentinels" which was not the intention of this thread.

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The Sniper/Sorc versus Marauder can't be taken in just a vacuum. The actual WZ mechanics greatly favor the Marauder even if in theory, if you met one of those guys out in the middle of nowhere they've a decent chance of defeating a Marauder. What happens in a WZ is that you'll root/kb a Marauder but all that does is knock them into range of another melee, so they just turn around and start beating that guy instead until root wears off. This means your root effectively did nothing.


Also there are other players in WZ, and a lot of time you have a case where it'd literally look like a tag team match, i.e. you root one Marauder, he tags another Marauder who now beats on you with no root while the rooted Marauder hits a random melee nearby. You're obviously losing the fight badly because you used your root on the first Marauder. Note that this isn't the same as two guys working together. From the perspective of the second Marauder you're just some guy who for some reason didn't root him at all so of course he'll beat you down. On the other hand, if you had 2 rooters you have to coordinate your roots because you could waste your root otherwise, or worse yet you might knock a rooted target into one of your ally. The attacking side needs no coordination since whoever didn't get rooted will just keep walking forward to the target anyway.

Edited by Astarica
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The Sniper/Sorc versus Marauder can't be taken in just a vacuum. The actual WZ mechanics greatly favor the Marauder even if in theory, if you met one of those guys out in the middle of nowhere they've a decent chance of defeating a Marauder. What happens in a WZ is that you'll root/kb a Marauder but all that does is knock them into range of another melee, so they just turn around and start beating that guy instead until root wears off. This means your root effectively did nothing.


Also there are other players in WZ, and a lot of time you have a case where it'd literally look like a tag team match, i.e. you root one Marauder, he tags another Marauder who now beats on you with no root while the rooted Marauder hits a random melee nearby. You're obviously losing the fight badly because you used your root on the first Marauder. Note that this isn't the same as two guys working together. From the perspective of the second Marauder you're just some guy who for some reason didn't root him at all so of course he'll beat you down. On the other hand, if you had 2 rooters you have to coordinate your roots because you could waste your root otherwise, or worse yet you might knock a rooted target into one of your ally. The attacking side needs no coordination since whoever didn't get rooted will just keep walking forward to the target anyway.


I prefer to corral marauders rather than fight them, especially one's who tunnel-vision me. As dirty fighting all my control abilities have reduced cooldowns, so long as no one breaks my roots, knockbacks, or mezzes I can effectively control them as long as I need to. However, if I fight them; you are correct I cannot kite them for long.


If you're a marauder who holds grudges and is determined to tunnel-vision me, as long as no one interferes I'll make it my personal goal to frustrate you as much as possible.

Edited by DimeStax
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I prefer to corral marauders rather than fight them, especially one's who tunnel-vision me. As dirty fighting all my control abilities have reduced cooldowns, so long as no one breaks my roots, knockbacks, or mezzes I can effectively control them as long as I need to. However, if I fight them; you are correct I cannot kite them for long.


You'd have to be fighting well outside of the major action to ensure that. If you're at say the obligatory initial mega brawl at south in Novare Coast, it's almost impossible not to have someone who accidentally broke your root/mez or you accidentally knock someone into a friend (or vice versa). Ideally a strong rooting class want to fight a Marauder 1on1, but that only applies in say the side node solo defense, and you'd be totally screwed if the enemy just decide to bring 2 guys. If you have even 2 guys a lot of your tricks are greatly diminished without having very good coordinatino, while 2 melee on offense don't need coordination. It's just whoever isn't rooted is going to be the chasing you.

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I can kite Mara's and keep them perma CC'd as long as I don't DOT them and no one hits them.


The Maras you fight are not bad, are terrible or beyond. Camo for example?. And is just an example, Maras got tons of awesome tools.

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You'd have to be fighting well outside of the major action to ensure that. If you're at say the obligatory initial mega brawl at south in Novare Coast, it's almost impossible not to have someone who accidentally broke your root/mez or you accidentally knock someone into a friend (or vice versa). Ideally a strong rooting class want to fight a Marauder 1on1, but that only applies in say the side node solo defense, and you'd be totally screwed if the enemy just decide to bring 2 guys. If you have even 2 guys a lot of your tricks are greatly diminished without having very good coordinatino, while 2 melee on offense don't need coordination. It's just whoever isn't rooted is going to be the chasing you.


As a sniper you're mostly on the outskirts of the battle and people usually have to run out of there way to you. Using south node of Novarre Coast as an example, I'm usually on the side of that big obstacle in the back-middle of the area. If a melee runs up to me and makes it by my roots, it takes nothing for me to step behind him and knock him backwards away from the battle where people have a less chance of breaking my CC's/Roots. If they send two, people, I wait for both to get there, AoE knockback root them both and reposition to a more congested area where they're more likely to get taunted and where a healer or a tank can see me to cover me. No one can effectively CC more than one opponent at a time for long periods of time, that wasn't my point. My point was that one on one it's easier for me to control a marauder than to fight him given their range limitations and my numerous control abilities.

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The Maras you fight are not bad, are terrible or beyond. Camo for example?. And is just an example, Maras got tons of awesome tools.


Cammo is 4 seconds, and if I'm not fighting them why do I care if they cammo? I CC them and forget about them until my root/cc is about to break, then I reapply it. Sometimes I'll even wait till they get to me again before I reapply. They don't do much damage is one hit unless they're focus specced, so unless I let them sit on me for a while I'm usually ok.


Marauders have a ton of Anti-Focus Fire abilities. They are very hard to kill with good healers and tanks around them, so my solution is isolating them, CCing them, and letting them just sit there doing nothing until their healers are down. If for some reason I get into trouble, It's time to run for my healers and tanks. Snipers/Gunslingers don't have a hard time with Marauders/Sentinels, 1v1 the difference is Guarded by the Force or Undying Rage which usually will win the fight for them. But we have a significant control and range advantage over them that makes more sense to utilize than using all our resources to try and kill them.

Edited by DimeStax
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this is why the full resolve with hydraulic overrides is the only combo in this game that is immune to anything except raw damage :)


Bingo. Best used when white barred or when you have your stunbreaker up.

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Cammo is 4 seconds, and if I'm not fighting them why do I care if they cammo? I CC them and forget about them until my root/cc is about to break, then I reapply it. Sometimes I'll even wait till they get to me again before I reapply. They don't do much damage is one hit unless they're focus specced, so unless I let them sit on me for a while I'm usually ok.


Is a 8 vs1 Mara. Then is ok, Mara always die.

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Roots and snares don't need to be on resolve period




You people need to learn to play if you think they're that big a problem.



Also if you complaining marauder is op'ed because ranged players all basically facetank> knockback> facetank then you're bad and so are the people you're playing against.

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