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Why do you not play ranked PvP?


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How can you explain to a person you don't know that you are good enough?


Most PUG organisators can't afford to have comcealment ops in their group, because they require alot more team support that mara and PT to be effective. Most of them don't know it, but suspect, and use popular trend "dps ops is a bad choice in group, compearing PT/Mara"


Because I know deception assassins and concealment operatives that do awesome in ranked pvp and are a pain to play against...Best 1v1 spec in the game,awesome burst and stealth.It might be worse then Powertech and Marauder but in the end it comes down to the player in my opinion..

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You're right, it is possible and some people with creds to burn do augment their BM gear, but it's cost prohibitive and a huge waste of money if you're not pulling the mods and putting them into some other moddable gear since you have to turn in your BM gear to get WH gear. Most players don't augment their BM gear.


I disagree. Considering the time it takes to farm the ranked commendations, you could easily do the Black Hole and convenient Ilum dailies in between warzone queues and have more than enough cash to keep your gear augmented as it progresses. You are right that you will absolutely want to pull your augment out before you trade up your gear.


I resisted at first, but once I realized how long the grind is and how much more powerful I'd be after augmenting, I bit the bullet. What else are you going to spend those credits on, legacy perks? Gimme-a-break.


Re: ranked matches being more efficient for gearing up:

That's not a very safe assumption that it was intended, since Bioware has a demonstrated propensity for unintended game mechanics. The Ilum Valor farming bug was a prime example of this. And even if that's true, in the current Ranked system you are facing one of two guild teams with 2k+ rating that are simply going to embarass your PUG. You're not likely to be matched against another PUG of equal Rank because most players are avoiding Ranked WZs like it's the Ebola virus.


It looks like participation is fairly low on your server. I'm on a pvp server where ranked queues pop constantly and you can easily go several matches before you face the same team again.


Also, you only embarrass yourself if you allow yourself to be embarrassed. If you say, "Hey, we're a pug, so we should not expect to beat these guys. Let's try our best, make it as close as we can, and get our medals," then I don't see the problem. Again, if the matchmaking was better it would be quite possible to face a similarly skilled team and have a real chance.

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Groups make me use vent. I'm like, "Nah, don't care enough about this game to listen to you lot babble nerdingly."


Instead, I just monkey around on a couple normal warzones a few times a week , still waiting for the game to be better.


Thing is, you dont need vent to be good. You just need to not be clueless. Honestly, when I listen to vent I never, ever talk. Pushing to talk involves me actually not PvPing. So I don't.

Not to mention, I like enjoying the sounds of the game and combat, and not as you say people barking commands.


Things like "heavy east" " 3 inc grass" don't require voice.

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I don't play ranked because I'm around 2-3 months away from having Aug WH gear.


and THIS is a huge problem that origin server folks have. Destination server populations were already high, like mine (Fatman). People rolling around in 1280-1320 expertise while I'm stuck at 1000ish. It takes time to catch up.


It's a fair tradeoff for a live server again, but I mean, it is a problem, temporarily. I'm about a month from being properly caught up now.

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and THIS is a huge problem that origin server folks have. Destination server populations were already high, like mine (Fatman). People rolling around in 1280-1320 expertise while I'm stuck at 1000ish. It takes time to catch up.


It's a fair tradeoff for a live server again, but I mean, it is a problem, temporarily. I'm about a month from being properly caught up now.


If everyone in battlemaster gear queues for ranked not having warhero is not an issue. There would be enough teams Queuing that you wouldn't always end up against that full augmented warhero geared team. You should augment your battlemaster to be competitive. You will gear up faster by playing ranked matches, since they award ranked coms.


Too many people are scared of a low ranking and here is my point of view. If you don't queue at all your rank is zero, so low as possible. If you wait til you get the gear in a Month, you probably still won't beat the fully min maxed war hero teams who have been perfecting their strategies in ranked over the last month.


Keep in mind this is preseason. At the end of preseason all ranks will be reset (unless bioware changes this from what they previously announced) and more than likely there will be a new tier of gear to aquire.


So start queuing now. Get the experience working as a team.


Besides, the ranks will mean nothing if there is not a large enough pool of people queuing.

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1) I'm still building my gear because no one will let me on a team until I get like 1200 exp minimum.


2) My deception Assassin is not wanted so I leveled my healer merc now I have to get gear on him too.


Mainly I just need better gear. It makes no sense that they released the RWZ gear before RWZs came out. So anyone who put in the work and has the best gear has a decided advantage over you. I have NP with this, they put in the work instead of taking a break like I did, but I sure as hell am not going to be their punching bag just to make their e-peen feel better. The sad part is that once I get enough expertise to compete in RWZs my gear will be 85% complete and I will be burnt out on WZs. So I will complete my gear and then probably take a break. Wouldn't surprise me if this is what many people have done.


Also why not allow a team of 4 to que for RWZs and then match them with another team of 4. This might not be as organized as a full 8 man single guild team, but would be better than just allowing solo queing.

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I just don't like getting 7 other people together and organizing/managing them nor do I like to be organized/managed whenever I play. There is just too much downtime and too much bs; I've gotten used to lone-wolfing it and enjoy not having to answer for every move I make whether it's right or wrong. Most of my characters are on Jung Ma and there's not enough there for rwzs or the group finder; I've recently started up a now near 50 on Fatman - I'll probably give things another try there soon.
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It's too cumbersome to get 8me players even with friends/guilds. It is just way too convenient/quicker to go solo queue. Add solo queue ability to ranked and you'd see a ginormous jump in participation.
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So you think it's a better idea that the matchmaking system doesn't match the teams, and both teams sit in Q for hours not getting to play at all? Ya that's a much better idea.


Actually, that's precisely what the Ranked system should do. RWZs are not for grinding or farming gear. Regular WZs are for that. RWZs are for pitting the best against the best. After working their way up the ladder against comparably rated teams, if a team is the best, then they will not play Ranked matches very often (only against other high rated teams). That's how the system should work, not matching a high rated team with a low rated team as a matter of expediency. That low rated team should only be playing other low rated teams to work their way up the ladder. If there is no effective match, then the WZ shouldn't pop for either.


The matchmaking in the current system is beyond terrible and is ruining the entire experience for both high rated teams and low rated teams. Just look at some of the feedback in this thread. XServer queues will help alleviate this somewhat as it will increase the pool of teams. However, that assumes there is a working matchmaking system in place, which I personally don't believe exists at this time.


One thing is certain though, so far the matchmaking has been a complete disaster. Teams with 200 wins and 2-3 losses or 85 wins and one loss is a complete joke, especially on the same server.



You're right, it is possible and some people with creds to burn do augment their BM gear, but it's cost prohibitive and a huge waste of money if you're not pulling the mods and putting them into some other moddable gear since you have to turn in your BM gear to get WH gear. Most players don't augment their BM gear.


All of my Marauder's BM pieces are augmented, and they were augmented at the first opportunity. Everyone should be doing this for regular WZs, let alone rated. Not doing so results in a pretty profound stat gap. That is not to say they should be dropping purple mods in those Aug slots, but they should at least be dropping in blue Augs which are pretty cheap and usually sell for around 20k/piece.


I'm assuming, of course, that peeps have an alt that can make Aug kits. Every player that is committed to PvP in the slightest should have an alt at this point that can pump out MK-6 kits. So the only real out of pocket cost is the Augments themselves, if your alt cannot make those. I have two Synthweavers on two different servers for my Pub and Imp mains. The only augments my toons have to buy at this time are Overkill augs.

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Oh please, how much will the population have dwindled by then? You really think cross server queuing is the great white hope for PvP? We said that about rated, and look what a massive disappointment they are.


And LOL at "OMG they want fast PvP gear". So what? Gear shouldn't be a factor in the outcome of PvP, so fast and easy gear can only make PvP better. How does solo = no competition. Our current system is the one with no competition. Solo just means you have to be more dynamic in how you play. You can't just roll a full team full of FOTM and expect to be top dog. You have to learn to play with different people playing different classes and specs. If anything, it is YOU who wants no competition.


Amen brutha!

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ranked warzones should be


1) free to play with


2) free level 50 chars and


3) equal gear while having


4) cross server queues and


5) spectator mode


-> greatest thing ever, but prob easier to just make a new game...

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Actually, that's precisely what the Ranked system should do. RWZs are not for grinding or farming gear. Regular WZs are for that. RWZs are for pitting the best against the best. After working their way up the ladder against comparably rated teams, if a team is the best, then they will not play Ranked matches very often (only against other high rated teams). That's how the system should work, not matching a high rated team with a low rated team as a matter of expediency. That low rated team should only be playing other low rated teams to work their way up the ladder. If there is no effective match, then the WZ shouldn't pop for either.


The matchmaking in the current system is beyond terrible and is ruining the entire experience for both high rated teams and low rated teams. Just look at some of the feedback in this thread. XServer queues will help alleviate this somewhat as it will increase the pool of teams. However, that assumes there is a working matchmaking system in place, which I personally don't believe exists at this time.


One thing is certain though, so far the matchmaking has been a complete disaster. Teams with 200 wins and 2-3 losses or 85 wins and one loss is a complete joke, especially on the same server.



The top 1on1 player in Warcraft 3 ladder is something like 600-400. I hope people don't get the idea that this means any random guy has 40% chance of beating the very best 1on1 player in the Warcraft 3 ladder. No, his winning record isn't anything ridculous because the game is pretty good at ensuring he is matched up against someone who is at least in his league for 1on1.


Obviously matchmaking gets harder with more selective criteria. For example the top 4on4 team in Warcraft 3 is something like 10-0, i.e. the game can only find 10 matches it deems worthy for the top 4 man team in Warcraft 3. I'm pretty sure this also means the War3 matchmaking will simply refuse to match the top 4 man team with lesser 4 man teams if it decide their skill level is too far apart, unless you believe there are exactly only 10 games of Warcraft 3 ever played and the top 4 man team happened to play in 10. It should be obvious that this 4 man team can easily farm a lesser team for more rating points, but the game won't let them to do that.


Now as you can see you start getting way less games when you've more selective criteria (top 4 man team played roughly 1% of the games compared to the top 1on1 player) but that's the game developer's problem, not the player's problem.

Edited by Astarica
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One thing I've seen in my server is that some can't get into rated because teams are stacking teams with only certain classes. If you aren't a class that supports the build/strategy, you don't get in the game.


Its been something that has to be done because if everyone else is running a stacked build, and you have a balanced build you're going to get steamrolled every time.


I was lucky to be one of the stacked classes, but I don't play primarily because the prime time for ranked play on my server is after I go to sleep. When I can and do queue, ranked queue pops don't occur.

Edited by AryiaLee
*grammar edit*
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4) No solo ranked queues. This was a SERIOUS mistake.




This again.


I don't have all day to play so I mostly play solo and I think it's pathetic that I can't get ranked on my own skill at pvp.


There is absolutely no reward for solo players or even anything saying how good one is at kills/healing/objectives/amount of medals earned/mvp votes. ex. If I hit ____ kills/medals on toons by valor level 20 I would just receive the same valor title as everyone else. If I play all week on a level 50 solo and top the list I get nothing of these ranked rewards because I am not on a "team". Well I thought we were all on a team when we entered the match.


Is it an even match for solo pvpers (some of which may be new to the game) against full groups who are probably on skype or what have you? No it is not. Ranked for ONLY teams has only made this worse. We need a better match up for everyone not just those who have time to group up.


I would also like to know what is the criteria for the number of players allowed in wzs and how it works because I'm still seeing lopsided groups with 9-12 players so can't we keep it to 8 and have more matches??? I would like a break down.


Anyway enjoy the game.

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Seems on our server the queue takes a long time. I've only queued up with a team twice and it took a long time in comparison to regular. Mostly I queue solo and it pops quick there. So fun vs waiting I'm thinking its the waiting thats killing it. My worst part was the two times I queued ranked, they were huttball and I just hate huttball.
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Because its the same thing/content as non ranked, but i have to get seven other folks to join me.


It feels pretty cheap, and that doesnt help my motivation much either...

Edited by Tic-
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If they made WH gear available only by playing ranked the bracket would be alive but they can't do it because there would be even more QQ from lazy/ bad players about gear holding them back.


Really? So make it so if you want to play ranked, you HAVE to start out completely undergeared, and then call the people who have a problem with that "lazy/bad"?


I don't play ranked because I am not fully geared (Just need my WH belt, and to aug it out). When I am, I will. Why on earth would anyone start out with a built in disadvantage when the games "count"?

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I'm sorry, I was unaware instant 5k+ smashes with no ramp-up time or set-up required took skill, then again I could be wrong right?


Newsflash, this whole game doesn't require much skill to be good.


On a side-note, you've obviously never played a focus guardian if you think that spec has no ramp up time or set-up.

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Really? So make it so if you want to play ranked, you HAVE to start out completely undergeared, and then call the people who have a problem with that "lazy/bad"?


I don't play ranked because I am not fully geared (Just need my WH belt, and to aug it out). When I am, I will. Why on earth would anyone start out with a built in disadvantage when the games "count"?


If you think missing one piece of WH gear is what's keeping you from doing well in RWZs, I just have to say lols to that.

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Really? So make it so if you want to play ranked, you HAVE to start out completely undergeared, and then call the people who have a problem with that "lazy/bad"?


I don't play ranked because I am not fully geared (Just need my WH belt, and to aug it out). When I am, I will. Why on earth would anyone start out with a built in disadvantage when the games "count"?


When I started doing Rated WZ's I was still missing 4 peices of War Hero gear on Dimes. Since then, my DPS and HP has gone up a little bit, but It's the player that counts the most.

Edited by DimeStax
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Assembling a PUG RWZ group takes too much time and effort which eats up too much of my precious little recreational time.


Plus being a Sorcerer healer means I get to be the greased up deaf guy all night and that gets old pretty fast.


I limit my PvP right now to getting my warzone completions done as fast as possible, then switch to leveling alts.

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