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Revan is crazy


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You can't destroy force sensitives. As far as I know, the force is not something you would inherit from your parents (we know that it is possible but that is more of an exception than a rule). Force sensitives appear randomly among normal people. Wiping out all current force sensitives would not prevent new force sensitives in the future.


Now speaking generally about the topic, the destruction of all Sith and their knowledge would not prevent the evil. There will always be dark side force users who will somehow try to dominate the galaxy and they would just come up with a new ideology. The only difference it would make is that it wouldn't be called "Sith Empire".


This area gets a little murky due to GL and his introduction of midi-chlorians. Apparently, every single living thing has midi-chlorians in them and the amount of them determines if you will be able to use the Force and to what degree;it appears that large midi-cholrians counts in parents also seem to carry on in their offspring. The odd part is since midi-chlorians are just microscopic organisms that live in their hosts,they would have no way of being passed on from parent to child because all inherited genes and attributes are passed on at the chromosomal level.


I personally don't think wiping out all Force sensitives would be a viable solution due to Aristotle's idiom of "nature abhors a vacuum",killing all the Force sensitives might work for a time but Nature will quickly move in to replace those that were lost.

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Well considering Revan knows what the emperor is plotting it makes sense. But if you want to remove the the sith permanently you have to remove the jedi as well. The sith are just symptoms of the corruption within the jedi. Edited by Jaigen
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Well considering Revan knows what the emperor is plotting it makes sense. But if you want to remove the the sith permanently you have to remove the jedi as well. The sith are just symptoms of the corruption within the jedi.


Well, the idea that Revan would exterminate the Sith Empire by destroying billions of lives is VERY MUCH THE SAME decision when Revan used the Mass Shadow Generator, sacrificed a majority of his Republic Army and Fleet and Jedi Knights and defeated the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars.


At that point in the Mandalorian Wars, Revan was corrupted by the dark side, 1) by adapting to his own aggression like the Mandalorians, and 2) when he uncovered the Sith teachings on Malachor V.


Revan was also corrupted when he was in stasis for 300 years by the Emperor, thus causing him to show hints of the dark-sided Revan again by using the Foundry to exterminate the Sith Empire.


Both ways, the dark side would cause Revan to do something so extreme as genocide.


In the Revan novel, the Sith Emperor almost wanted Revan dead until he said "he might be of some use to me." He used Revan to 1) drain Revan's knowledge of the Republic and the Jedi, 2) corrupt him again ((his mind control didn't work after the fight)), and 3) turn Revan to the dark side again - be Darth Revan again - by having him uncover the Foundry and use it to exterminate ALL life in the galaxy. When Revan was in stasis, there was a telepathic link between him and the Emperor that allowed each to influence the other:


1) Revan persuade the Emperor to exercise peace on the Republic (a factor to the Treaty of Coruscant)/The Emperor gave Revan the idea to exterminate all life ((plus the location of the Foundry to do this; The Emperor knew where the Foundry was before Revan did))

2) The Emperor was draining Revan's strength/Revan was fighting that leech


BTW, Revan NEVER found the Foundry until after he was released from the Maelstrom Prison. My theory is this:: Revan was kept in stasis by the Emperor to plan the attack on the Republic, and use him again as Darth Revan, to exterminate all life. But once Revan was released, the Emperor didn't care ((That's why Malgus was under the belief that the Emperor released Revan)) because he knew that Revan was tainted by the dark side to complete part of the Emperor's plan. Besides, Malgus is the one who called for a strike team to the Foundry. Malgus never knew the Emperor's plans; that's part of the reason why Malgus wanted be Emperor himself.

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BTW, Revan NEVER found the Foundry until after he was released from the Maelstrom Prison. My theory is this:: Revan was kept in stasis by the Emperor to plan the attack on the Republic, and use him again as Darth Revan, to exterminate all life. But once Revan was released, the Emperor didn't care ((That's why Malgus was under the belief that the Emperor released Revan)) because he knew that Revan was tainted by the dark side to complete part of the Emperor's plan. Besides, Malgus is the one who called for a strike team to the Foundry. Malgus never knew the Emperor's plans; that's part of the reason why Malgus wanted be Emperor himself.


It's a good theory. Doesn't the ritual the Emperor needs to do require the deaths of billions to start it off? He could have let Revan go knowing he was tainted and burning with revenge on the Empire simply to have yet another person trying to kill billions and unwittingly working towards the Emperor's end goal.

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Considering that the Sith culture was never destroyed and it keeps coming back, if he had gone through with his plan, there would probably be no more sith in the future.


The Sith race (purebloods as they are in this time) were, for all intents and purposes wiped out after TOR. Even when it was thought that they had already been wiped out between the end of the Great Hyperspace War and Revan's time, there were still enough Sith and other Dark Side writings and histories available for those who sought them out.

Until Darth Ruin (2000BBY) there were no more Sith. Much of what was lost was recovered by these new Sith, and the same happened again after their time.


Revan would have to completely eradicate the Sith ever having existed from any and all records, and all their temples/writings/holocrons etc.

It would be a crusade that probably wouldn't end either, since the Sith have been known to hand around as ghosts.


Even after all of that, and assuming that Revan and whomever else takes part in this crusade is able to 100% resist the Dark Side and destroy/banish any and all Sith spirits, there still remains one problem. Preventing the rise of any other orders of Dark Side users.

The original Jedi couldn't do it, and no other iteration of the Jedi Order has done it either.


Revan's plan wasn't just crasy, it was completely insane.

Once again his arrogance and ego get the better of him.

Edited by Fyurii
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The Sith will always keep coming back :p You can't destroy the dark side of the force. As long as there is light, there will always be dark haha.


Exactly. So your saying we have to Kill them all? Jedi and Sith?


I agree.


Purge the force!

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Revan's crazy, all right.


Crazy like a fox.


For all the people making the case that you'd need to wipe out both Jedi and Sith to end thousands and thousands of years of the two factions duking it out, you're pointing out just how benevolent a character Kreia actually was.

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For all the people making the case that you'd need to wipe out both Jedi and Sith to end thousands and thousands of years of the two factions duking it out, you're pointing out just how benevolent a character Kreia actually was.


Except the Force can't be wiped out.

So there'll always be Jedi/Light Side followers, and Sith/Dark Side followers.

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Except the Force can't be wiped out.

So there'll always be Jedi/Light Side followers, and Sith/Dark Side followers.


Weren't the Rakata conducting some sort of genetic research to determine what caused their loss of Force-sensitivity en-masse? It's unlikely, but I'm not sure it's impossible for that to somehow be used against other species.

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Yes, and it certainly wasn't that the Force had been wiped out.


As I said (and you apparently ignored): It's unlikely, but I'm not sure it's impossible for that to somehow be used against other species.


Even if you don't destroy the Force, destroying the capability to be Force-sensitive would certainly wipe out the Force-sensitive orders.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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At this point, he and the Jedi Council are fueled by hatred. The Council knows that Revan wants revenge, and they don't care. They'll continue to use his power.


Not true, we know Revan met with the Jedi Council, we do not know if he fully briefed them on his plans. And also given that the Sith Emperor's plans to

wipe the galaxy of life

, Revan's solution seems tamed. And given that he's seen into the Emperor's mind and knows that martially he is nigh invincible, the best solution to save the Galaxy would be annihilation of the Sith Empire.


Seriously though, can you really see Master Satele just standing by and saying "Oh, you want to destroy billions of lives? Sounds good to me, proceed great great great great grandfather."

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Considering that the emperor wants to

destroy all life in the galaxy and use their deaths to gain even more power

, and that Revan has been controlled by him for so long, I would imagine it would be near impossible to feel good about sith, or the empire, after that ordeal.


I think he's going easy on them.

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I personally think that Revan had more or less in mind to just win the war and end the threat of the sith.


And he wasn't necessarily dark side or light side at the time, he walks the line between both and is therefore able to make decisions jedi would tend to stray away from.


The republic recognized this as a possible solution to the tyranny of the sith empire and backed up the once hero of the republic and only jedi who would "see" reason and want to win at all costs.


He has always been able to do what others would not to save the republic. (Evidence being Malachor V)

He also knew exactly how powerful the emperor really was, where as nobody else knew anything at all about him or his ideals.


Oh and as for the republic only helping him "hands off" there is a fleet battle between republic and imperial forces happening around the foundry as you push into it and many jedi and soldiers blocking the way to Revan. So I do not believe for a second they didn't back him up as much as they could.

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As I said (and you apparently ignored): It's unlikely, but I'm not sure it's impossible for that to somehow be used against other species.


Even if you don't destroy the Force, destroying the capability to be Force-sensitive would certainly wipe out the Force-sensitive orders.


Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Jesus) makes that argument invalid. He was created by the Force, as a response to Plagueis' very Dark Side fiddling with midichlorians. The Force is alive and has a will, and responds appropriately when it has to.

No doubt it would create another "saviour" who happened to have antibodies to any plague/pathogen/virus that interfered with the ability to feel the Force on such a wide scale. It wouldn't just be Force Sensitives after all, it would spread to all life, unlike the plague that severed the Rakata race of their Force Sensitivity, and the majority of them, their lives.

That plague was specifically targeted at them, and nobody else. Members of slave races that were Force Sensitive weren't affected, and neither were the Je'daii.

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He wants to wipe out 98% of the Empire's population, simply because they got sith ancestry? It's super extreme even from the view of a Sith.


Who'd have thought it? Three hundred years of being constantly mind-***** by an omnicidal megalomaniac drove Revan nuts.


Gee, there's a surprise. Talk about the law of predictable consequences!

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Not true, we know Revan met with the Jedi Council, we do not know if he fully briefed them on his plans. And also given that the Sith Emperor's plans to

wipe the galaxy of life

, Revan's solution seems tamed. And given that he's seen into the Emperor's mind and knows that martially he is nigh invincible, the best solution to save the Galaxy would be annihilation of the Sith Empire.


Seriously though, can you really see Master Satele just standing by and saying "Oh, you want to destroy billions of lives? Sounds good to me, proceed great great great great grandfather."


Well, we don't know if Revan met with the Jedi Council or not, or even if he did, Revan wouldn't have been ENTIRELY candid with the Council. I mean, the Jedi Order in the Old Republic era would NEVER do whatever it takes to win. Do you think the Jedi Council would've permitted something so extreme and murderous, despite the idea of victory??

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Sometimes mass extermination is the only option to ensure a better future for everyone.


I'm looking at you, Gungans.


If Revan had used the Foundry to destroy the Sith Empire, that would mean 1) Revan would've fallen back to the dark side again (just as what happened when he ordered the Mass Shadow Generator to be used to exterminate the Mandalorians with the cost of his own troops and Jedi), and 2) EVEN WORSE!! The Sith Empire would've wanted revenge again

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