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  1. Sorry for my agressive comments. You are wrong. - here are Kreia's prophecies. I am revanite, but why we do so is that Revan is only hero in SW with so aggressive antifans. We just protect our favourite character. What Kreia said is canon. It was she who told us about revan . I do not fight canon, but Revan , Obi-wan, Exar Kun etc, don't have defined power, and we cannot say who would win. Tell me what lies did i say? I only quoted what Kreia (she DIDN't lie on Malachor V its fact) said , what Wookiepedia say, and what I knowfrom Kotors. Revan had great knowledge of the Force .It's canon(he stopped powerful Force lightning, Obi Wan could not). He was great warrior(defeating mandalor and Malak isn't quest for typical Jedi). Canon too. He was powerful. We cannot deni that. Most of SW heroes are powerfull. You say I lie, cause I say Revan would defeat Nomi and Ulic or Obi. You don't know that, noone does. Luke defeate Abeloth who was multiply times stronger in Foce than he.I don't know who is stronger : Exar, Revan, Obi etc. Who cares? Han Solo is awesome character thoe he couldn't defeat even little Sith girl in single combat. I am angry cause you say Revan was week, stupid or something like that. It isn' true. He was powerfull , wise and coldbooded. He was hero, and defender, conqueror and murdere, Jedi and Sith. That's what make him so awsome character. Despite he is't alpha and omega, for me is the best SW character, it's just an opinion.
  2. It's enough for me. I give up. Nothing will force you to acept my view. Tor characters suck. Do not answer cause I end this discussion.I lovem Nomi, Exar Obi etc. But for me Revan is the best of all time, becouse of his grey character and speciality. You dont acept that- your problem We shall see meatbags who will laugh last, when Tor will fall, and Kotor Origins will raise showing true awsomeness of Revan. Now I can quit .
  3. Revan wanted to anihilate Empire, to stop Emperor. Killing one nation is far better than anihilating all life. And so far, Foundry was ****ed up becouse it was written by people who even didnt know who actually revan was.
  4. Lore? my statments are fully developed from experienced got from Kotors and "Revan" and Tor. PS: I am Polish so dont remind me about grammar
  5. Did you play Kotor 2 ? Kreia said that Sith empire(not sith Empire as Tor shows) wait somewhere in dark, and Revan went to fight it> I playd this game 21 times, so dont say Kreia lied. When she told Exile that she manipulated her from beginning and what are her motives did she lied. Play that game before commenting. What about revan, read Drew Karpyshyns books, "Darth Bane" trilogy and "Revan". Then say he is weak. I have one question. Why do you do everything to make Revan weak. Kotor fans like Revan not becouse of power, bu his "speciality", but he was strong, stronger than any jedi in his times. For me comparing people from other era is stupid. Why can't conversation look like this: " Revan is nice character but i better like ObiWan and Exar Kun, becouse of this and that" -"Oh yea they are nice, but revan is awsome becouse of this and that"? Why? Answer me please. You know, its antiRevan fans are agressive, you attack our favourite character, we even dont mention him. Why cant we Talk about our beloved characters more peacfully? Quote:There is no passion - there is a peace. There is no ignorance- there is knowledge There is no chaos-there is harmony. PS; Revan's idoeology after redemption was very similar to Luke Skywalker's(except for Foundry where Revan was charactered without Drew Karpyshyn's aid)
  6. Correction: It would be far better if Kotor 3 was developed exept for Tor which pretend to be "Kotor 3,4,5,6,7". Observation: Tsl made Revan one of greatest Sw character, so it is good for me. Query: Would you agree with me meatbag?
  7. I have one simple- NO. Vitiate , and Nihlus are parsites, their power is drained from other creatures, strong in Force. By the way, Nomi was strong in her battle meditation only, so is rather compared to Bastila. Ulic and Exar were strong, I agree, but had smaller knowledge of the Force, and were idiots if we talk about tactics. For me Ulic would be defeated, after long and difficult fight, but defeated. For me Exar is equal in teh Force, so it depnds on lightsaber skills. PS:Arguments like: Exar stoped Senat, defeated Jedi master etc, can be matched with defeating Malak, Mandalore, anihilating Nyriss, and withstandig Vitiate, or breaking powerful Forceblokade only using Force. And of course The Heart of teh Force. Kreia lied with many things within TSL, but Exile and Revan were only one she loved, like her children. She always stated that Exile was powerful than anything than she had ever seen, and still was weeker than Revan.Lies and manipulations were directed to kill Sith, arrogant old(not every)Jedi and making Exile stronger so she can follow Revan or teach Force users.Did she lied about Revan and Sith? No.
  8. 1. Revan is so strong, what makes you thinking he isnt strongest Jedi in his times. 2. Vitiate is ****** copy of Palpatine. 3. I talked about known Galaxy.
  9. I do not make Revan new Chosen One, but i hate when someone say he was bad becouse of that, that and that. Itsidiotism. Revan would defeat Obi only using Force. Again why we even compare them. Revan is officialy stated as The most powerfull Jedi in his times, Obi can be greatest soresu user, but Revan rather use Shien and Jar'kai. And iI dont say he is greatest of all, but in his times he was greatest, u cannot regret it. He is like SW Batman, u dont like making him new Chosen One, I get it, but calling him weak is just ********. Again :READ about him in Wookiepedia. Lets just maybe think about more probable duels, like Luke + Vader vs Yoda and Obi. Revan cannot be compared becouse in his era there wasnt anyone who was at least as strong as him. Its like puting Exar Kun here, or Darth Bane. When they lived they were the strongest . And so far , why do you think Obi can defeat Revan, what makes him so strong. I know he was powerful , but Revan had one of the greatest knowledge of the Force ever(not first place, that one has Darth Caedus), only about Darkside was greater than everything what Brotherhood of Darkness knew.
  10. I have one question. Why the hell do you compare Force users from another timeline? Its like you've compared fighting skills of ROman leegionist wiith Middle-aged knight. And thuis- Revan defeated by Obi? Seriously? Obi was great Jedi best during Clone Wars, but Revan was greatest warrior , best tactic, most powerfull force-user in his times. He had power to withstand fight with Emperor ALONE and had knowledge of the Force so big that he could hit with both light and dark side in the same moment(written in TOR:Revan) . He could hold Force lightning with hand like Yoda. Read about character before talking about him. And by the way:Revan was described as pure power , The Heart of the Force, in KOtor 2 TSL, where he didnt appear. What happened to Revan in Tor is ********. Fans dont state that he is new Chosen One , but read him Wookiepedia, about him. And last thing- I know what arguments against him u have,so give them, and i with pleasure will withstand them and than crash .
  11. Revan wanted just take down Vitiate, not destroying Empire, and with Meetra, he could do it. Please, if that idiot, Scourge, didnt betray them , they would kill Eperor with finger in their asses. He just wanted to check what was on Nathema , and than was cought. Exile just wanted to save him thats all. Its pefetic to read tor-boys who think Revan was maniac and fool. HELLO!?! That guy saved Republic 3 times( it was he who prevented Emporor from striking to early and destroying weakend Republic). Men with his power, and skills was the only one who could save Republic.
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