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Why can't I just buy my gear with real money?


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I've bought these paints and paintbrushes, just as the rest of you have. I now find that it takes silly amounts of time to actually paint a picture. Why can't I just pay someone else to paint it and then put my signature at the bottom?


oh no.....you silly person......think first next time.


"i just bought this paint and these paint brushes. i just found out it will take silly amounts of time to paint my house, why cant i just pay someone to come and paint it for me, and let me enjoy the completed product afterwards?"


why sure, no problem at all.


i am still waiting for a decent reply to my posts. i am not someone who recommends they make "end game" gera purchasable for real money. i am infact suggesting that the entire gear system is completely broken, and so few games are trying to change it at all.


and, as a result, mmos keep going from 4 million subs to 1 million subs in a matter of months, or from 2 million subs to below 1 million subs in half a year....


players DEMANDING that the gear treadmill be kept for every mmo that is released, the players who claim to be "hardcore" and suggest that mmos are only for players with massive amounts of time, are partly responsible for this collapse.

Edited by Darth_Pants
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I have explained many many times on previous pages. Please go and read them. Also, i find it amazingly amusing that your counter argument is simply "why not"


Lol fine.


"BLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINd omg that is exactly what i am talking about.


why is gear a requirement for ANY content? at all? give me one reason that benefits the players in general.


why is SKILL and player ability not the requirement for content? why not have content accessible to everyone, but still reward more skilled players with unique looking gear form harder dungeons?


the gear requirement on content is only to make sure it takes alot of TIME to complete all content. its artificial"


Why is there a gear requirements for ANY content? To work towards something...This is a core fundamental of an MMO, to play with others to advance in a story line. This shouldn't be hard to understand. Just because John Doe can't do Operation Z on day 1 doesn't mean he should have access to it if he pays for it.


Skill and player ability IS required for new content as it takes SKILL to clear the current OP/Raid and get the gear. Obviously even with the new gear the next OP/Raid would take a lot of SKILL of clear. It took a heck of a lot more skill to clear EC HM and get geared up in Campaign then it took to clear HM EV/KP. However, it wasd still possible to clear EC HM without getting the full set of rakata gear from HM EV/KP.



"and this attitude is exactly what is wrong with mmo gaming. you only play the game to feel better than other ppl. you do not play WITH the server, you play in its face. your own two hands? nothing that can be solod is worth bragging about in a capitol city. unless ofc you actually think you solod that raid with the help of 7 / 9 other ppl watching?


The journey to get the gear is what should be enjoyable. The group atmosphere and playing with friends should be what is enjoyable. walking around a capitol city and saying "hahaha, im better than you because i have this and you dont" means nothing in MOST of the current mmos.


the fact that seeing someone else in the same gear as you devalues your play experience is so, so, so pathetic. and amusingly, based on your logic, you should stop trying to get a piece of armor once someone else on your server gets it, so as not to decrease his enjoyment of the item. in fact, all items should be first in first served, one item per server. no, screw that. 1 copy of each item over ALL servers. so everyone has a chance to get a world first and once they get it, no one can EVER match what they have achieved


This attitude you are showing, which is blatantly obvious by your "my own two hands" comment, is a sad sign of how bad things have become."


What about raiding with your guildmates is not enjoyable? I don't even get this post. It is ridiculous.



"Why can no one understand how blinded they have become?


You are so focused on "earning" and "working" and "effort" to get gear that you have all forgotten this is a game. The actual path you take to get gear is supposed to fun.


I see no reason at all to feel upset that someone is wearing the same gear as you and you feel somehow that you "deserve" it more than them"


Why shouldn't people have to work towards gear? This again doesn't make any sense. Once you hit end game you need something to work towards. The way SWTOR made this game has it set up so YOU CAN EXPERIENCE THE ENTIRE STORY WITHOUT NEEDING GOOD GEAR.



Again, why do casuals NEED campaign gear to enjoy the game? Casuals play the game to live through the story and they have full access to it. By granting them an incredibly easy access to obtain the highest level gear in game it only devalues the achievements of people who put in the time/have the skill to clear the hardest content in the game.

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i am still waiting for a decent reply to my posts. i am not someone who recommends they make "end game" gera purchasable for real money. i am infact suggesting that the entire gear system is completely broken, and so few games are trying to change it at all.


and, as a result, mmos keep going from 4 million subs to 1 million subs in a matter of months, or from 2 million subs to below 1 million subs in half a year....


players DEMANDING that the gear treadmill be kept for every mmo that is released, the players who claim to be "hardcore" and suggest that mmos are only for players with massive amounts of time, are partly responsible for this collapse.


And do you have any data to back this up, as opposed to the actual Companies making the games as they are?


Because, in THIS particular case.. you`re full of hot air.



They said they will revamp raiding... we can clearly see how... by claiming they would until they launch.



Oh look.. 500 explorable worlds by 2025. We get only one for 2012 though...


16:30 .. they acknowledge that it is a problem, but it won`t stop them 10 mins later to announce cross faction requirements, like the PLAYER`s question never existed. Simple case of "going on with our plans, with or without the player`s opinion"


THEIR words, from THEIR proposed ruleset for the game. No outside pressure or request, since this game is really far from what it was expected of it. And almost NOTHING from which players wanted got in, past what they already decided it would, long before this Forum came alive, or even when we had confirmation of a KoToR MMO.


[EDIT]And we have "raid or die" model, or "grind or die", because Bioware FAILED to think of anything else to keep you one day longer subbed past leveling to 50, not because players want it or not.

Edited by Styxx
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Legendary Gear is for Legendary content, if you are not praticipating in legendary content due to time constrants why do you need the gear?


Besides, you can easily survive Story Mode eternity vault with pink grade 22-23 Armors/Mods/Enhancments/Hilts/Barrels, which can easily be obtained via the GTN, daily comendations or your own crafting (for the 22's)

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Lol fine.


"BLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINd omg that is exactly what i am talking about.


why is gear a requirement for ANY content? at all? give me one reason that benefits the players in general.


why is SKILL and player ability not the requirement for content? why not have content accessible to everyone, but still reward more skilled players with unique looking gear form harder dungeons?


the gear requirement on content is only to make sure it takes alot of TIME to complete all content. its artificial"


Why is there a gear requirements for ANY content? To work towards something...This is a core fundamental of an MMO, to play with others to advance in a story line. This shouldn't be hard to understand. Just because John Doe can't do Operation Z on day 1 doesn't mean he should have access to it if he pays for it.


Skill and player ability IS required for new content as it takes SKILL to clear the current OP/Raid and get the gear. Obviously even with the new gear the next OP/Raid would take a lot of SKILL of clear. It took a heck of a lot more skill to clear EC HM and get geared up in Campaign then it took to clear HM EV/KP. However, it wasd still possible to clear EC HM without getting the full set of rakata gear from HM EV/KP.



"and this attitude is exactly what is wrong with mmo gaming. you only play the game to feel better than other ppl. you do not play WITH the server, you play in its face. your own two hands? nothing that can be solod is worth bragging about in a capitol city. unless ofc you actually think you solod that raid with the help of 7 / 9 other ppl watching?


The journey to get the gear is what should be enjoyable. The group atmosphere and playing with friends should be what is enjoyable. walking around a capitol city and saying "hahaha, im better than you because i have this and you dont" means nothing in MOST of the current mmos.


the fact that seeing someone else in the same gear as you devalues your play experience is so, so, so pathetic. and amusingly, based on your logic, you should stop trying to get a piece of armor once someone else on your server gets it, so as not to decrease his enjoyment of the item. in fact, all items should be first in first served, one item per server. no, screw that. 1 copy of each item over ALL servers. so everyone has a chance to get a world first and once they get it, no one can EVER match what they have achieved


This attitude you are showing, which is blatantly obvious by your "my own two hands" comment, is a sad sign of how bad things have become."


What about raiding with your guildmates is not enjoyable? I don't even get this post. It is ridiculous.



"Why can no one understand how blinded they have become?


You are so focused on "earning" and "working" and "effort" to get gear that you have all forgotten this is a game. The actual path you take to get gear is supposed to fun.


I see no reason at all to feel upset that someone is wearing the same gear as you and you feel somehow that you "deserve" it more than them"


Why shouldn't people have to work towards gear? This again doesn't make any sense. Once you hit end game you need something to work towards. The way SWTOR made this game has it set up so YOU CAN EXPERIENCE THE ENTIRE STORY WITHOUT NEEDING GOOD GEAR.



Again, why do casuals NEED campaign gear to enjoy the game? Casuals play the game to live through the story and they have full access to it. By granting them an incredibly easy access to obtain the highest level gear in game it only devalues the achievements of people who put in the time/have the skill to clear the hardest content in the game.


all terrible answers. still not a single decent argument was presented. nothing made any sense at all. who on earth are you to tell other players, casual or not, what they should and should not be able to do in game? i never said that you should not have things to aim for and items you want in game. i have said the exact opposite. i think all mmos should have items you want. i just think that having requirements for entry into the place where the gear is obtained, other than player skill and ability, is such an old and outdated idea.


and no, the entire story is not available to ppl in any gear. the lvling story can be seen, and if that is where you think the story ends, then i guess they failed at adding story to anything post 50. something they promised on many occasions.


you all continue to parrot the same answer "why does a casual NEED the raid gear" without any of you being able to say why a casual shouldn't have access to all gear? no one has answered that yet....


also, no one has been able to give a single negative to standardizing stats at max lvl. i have set out the positives, but no decent reply?


its really sad to see that out of everything in swtor, all the issues, all the problems, all the let downs and all the crazy amounts of downtime, the community was the first thing to completely break.

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Making gear purchasable with real world money cheapens the gaming experience as a whole for every player. The reason "Buy to win" is a failing model is because it further accentuates the imbalance between people of different economic statuses in the game.


To be fair, this disparity already exists, specifically in PVP content, which is solely time investment to gain access to upper gear tiers in a timely fashion. The original design of operations was such that it was easy for a group of 8-16 people, all with limited time, to simply set aside 1-3 hours a week and have a reasonable chance of

1) clearing the content


2) gaining access to beginning tier gear


the shift in difficulty with patch 1.2 made it less accessible, as the time demands to learn the mechanics of a fight and the severe buff of trash mob numbers and difficulty made anything less than a 3+ hour investment into learning the new instance a failing endeavor.


this was rectified in patch 1.3 with the increase in access to black hole commendations for all players, with a paltry 20-30 minute time investment a nice a player could gain 35 extra black hole commendations a week, not including extra benefits for clearing advanced content.


In the current meta-game, I see no need for cash purchase of gear. If you desperately need to find a manner to access high end gear, or high end benefits, you can go to a third party site (against the ToS) and buy credits, or farm them yourselves, to get high level augmentations and kits. the baseline gear (columi) that is readily accessible to all players at level 50, with augments, is more than viable to allow an experienced group to begin trying out the new operation and gain access to rakata and blackhole level gear.


the only gear at the current moment not available to those with limited time constraints would have to be campaign (except for the boots). the amount of time invested in a full HM E C run, including trash clearing, is a multi-hour endeavor, and is not condusive to 1 hour window attempts.


I seem to have digressed a great deal, let me get back to why direct purchase of gear is a negative for both the game and the players. MMORPG's exist solely for character development. you invest the time or effort into getting access to upper gear levels because it either 1) helps you min/max your gear or 2) unlocks unique appearance options (a-la war hero) that are cut off from those that don't invest the time to unlock them. For the cosmetic options, I feel it offers an incentive to long-term players that the appearances and titles require significant time investments to attain. Without grind, you don't have an MMO, because grind is what gives the game its longevity. As far as min/maxing with top end gear, this is another area where its a long term grind to keep people interested in playing the game for extended durations.


If you offer shortcuts to people with buying gear, hard core players will take them. It is basic psychology, if you have a crutch you will use it. The faster these people max their gear, the sooner they run out of things to do and stop playing. for the casual player, offering a purchase path to gear removes any sense of accomplishment from clearing a boss or winning that one specific item you've been hunting. Overall it kills the massive appeal of the game, as it takes a struggling end-game scenario and makes the entire endeavor seem all the more pointless.

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like what? successful?


to reply to your standardization of statistics at maximum level, this is a design change that can only happen before launch without adversely affecting the player base.


The idea of everyone having the same stats is good from a balancing standpoint, but undermines the RPG part of MMORPG. the only path of development in SWTOR at level 50 right now is stat development through gear upgrades and changes. If you remove this function, you improve the appeal of the game for a minority and kill the appeal for the majority, as well as piss off every person who's been enjoying the process of gear upgrades, or those bitter about the time invested into developing their optimizations.

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I've bought the game and paid for my subs, just as the rest of you have. I now find that this game (like many other mmorpgs) all but locks you out of the high end content unless you have silly amounts of time to spend getting the ridiculous gear that imbalances pretty much everything. In these games gear is everything, with perhaps a little sprinkling of co-ordination of one's keyboard fingers.


I work hard and have young kids, meaning that I'm lucky to get on once or twice each week. There is no chance of me getting my pvp kit to play at a fair level or join operations. I have one 50th level character. At the exponential rate of gear-upping (if that term should exist), I will simply never be able to take part in aspects of the game I already pay for.


So why can't I just pay Bioware, or EA or whoever money to furnish my character with the required gear? I have some money but little time.


The usual argument against this is for players to be rewarded for the time they put into the game. They already do and I have no problem with that - the usual rewards through the usual channels will always be there. But for the remainder like me, why not let us purchase what we need to at least participate in the end game stuff? The players that spend time will still be rewarded by having heavier wallets!


I know many will be against buying your way to gear (and eventual success?), but it's the same in real life. For example, if I wash my clothes I don't first mine minerals, refine them and then design and construct a washing machine. I go and buy one as I do not possess the technical know-how or have the time to do otherwise. Why is this game any different? Money exists to allow people to acquire goods and services that you do not know how to provide and/or have the time to provide.


Also, selling gear through official channels would stamp out (or at least impact) the farmers you can look up on any internet search. The market is there, just no one wants to admit it.


As I understand it, the game is for fun and, in my eyes, not another set of burning hoops that I need to jump through to get my money's worth through my subs.


Let me just buy my gear!


You dont want to buy gear. Part of the fun is gearing up. Also i think your placing WAY too much value on gear and not enough value on skill.

When i first hit 50 on my sentinel, full recruit w/ bm weapons, i didnt feel undergeared whatsoever. Same with my operative healer.


Its an L2P Issue.

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to reply to your standardization of statistics at maximum level, this is a design change that can only happen before launch without adversely affecting the player base.


The idea of everyone having the same stats is good from a balancing standpoint, but undermines the RPG part of MMORPG. the only path of development in SWTOR at level 50 right now is stat development through gear upgrades and changes. If you remove this function, you improve the appeal of the game for a minority and kill the appeal for the majority, as well as piss off every person who's been enjoying the process of gear upgrades, or those bitter about the time invested into developing their optimizations.


What the OP doesn't realize is that the "gear grind" is the replacement for the "level grind" that casual players demanded be removed from the game.


It's really just a more boring version of the same thing. Be careful what you wish for, or demand.

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What the OP doesn't realize is that the "gear grind" is the replacement for the "level grind" that casual players demanded be removed from the game.


It's really just a more boring version of the same thing. Be careful what you wish for, or demand.


I don't thnk it is a very good "replacement" for your so-called "level grind" (I think leveling in SWTOR is anything but a grind). I do think that "gearing up" is a good thing. Just don't like some of the tedious methods/mechanics used in SWTOR to do so.

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Buy gear with real money? Hell no!


Please Devs, for all that is holy, do not do this.


Many MMO's I've played started out like this; you had to earn your gear with luck and a few hours of play here and there. Then the designers got greedy and you could buy all the gear. Then they took it even further and released better gear that could only be bought with money. After that, even better gear came out and it cost around 50-100$ each. This continued to happen and prices on gear skyrocketed. So basically, if you weren't rich and willing to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on the MMO then you'd be a weak, crappy player forever.


SWTOR is a friendly, decent MMO compared to others because it doesn't only care about exploiting it's players for money.

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all terrible answers. still not a single decent argument was presented. nothing made any sense at all. who on earth are you to tell other players, casual or not, what they should and should not be able to do in game? i never said that you should not have things to aim for and items you want in game. i have said the exact opposite. i think all mmos should have items you want. i just think that having requirements for entry into the place where the gear is obtained, other than player skill and ability, is such an old and outdated idea.


and no, the entire story is not available to ppl in any gear. the lvling story can be seen, and if that is where you think the story ends, then i guess they failed at adding story to anything post 50. something they promised on many occasions.


you all continue to parrot the same answer "why does a casual NEED the raid gear" without any of you being able to say why a casual shouldn't have access to all gear? no one has answered that yet....


also, no one has been able to give a single negative to standardizing stats at max lvl. i have set out the positives, but no decent reply?


its really sad to see that out of everything in swtor, all the issues, all the problems, all the let downs and all the crazy amounts of downtime, the community was the first thing to completely break.


This is a terrible retort as well. You seem to be digging your head in the sand and ignoring the fact that casuals have ACCESS TO THE ENTIRE STORY. You always just ignore this fact and tell me that this is a terrible argument.:rolleyes:


So please, tell me which part of the game is INACCESSIBLE in story mode without the required gear level?


I'll give you a hint: there isn't any.

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This is a terrible retort as well. You seem to be digging your head in the sand and ignoring the fact that casuals have ACCESS TO THE ENTIRE STORY. You always just ignore this fact and tell me that this is a terrible argument.:rolleyes:


So please, tell me which part of the game is INACCESSIBLE in story mode without the required gear level?


I'll give you a hint: there isn't any.


Ok go find a full group of ppl in lvl 45 quest greens and tell me how ec ends.


You are confusing being able to enter a part of the game with being able to complete and experience / enjoy it.


My 3 year old can open lord of the ring books but I very much doubt he can read them.

Edited by Darth_Pants
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to reply to your standardization of statistics at maximum level, this is a design change that can only happen before launch without adversely affecting the player base.


The idea of everyone having the same stats is good from a balancing standpoint, but undermines the RPG part of MMORPG. the only path of development in SWTOR at level 50 right now is stat development through gear upgrades and changes. If you remove this function, you improve the appeal of the game for a minority and kill the appeal for the majority, as well as piss off every person who's been enjoying the process of gear upgrades, or those bitter about the time invested into developing their optimizations.


Correct and wrong. It could easily happen at the launch of any major content patch eg a new tier or more likely with an expansion.


But I agree 100% that it could not just be changed on the fly without upsetting a lot of ppl. Thing is, a lot of ppl are already upset. They are leaving Swtor and other mmos in their hundreds of thousands.


At some point a game will address the issue and ppl who claim to be part of the majority will find themselves in a very small minority, farming content they don't enjoy so they can get gear they don't like the looks of, so they can get the stats required to enter the next tier of content, so they can get the gear with the stats they need to enter the latest raid content.

Edited by Darth_Pants
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Buy gear with real money? Hell no!


Please Devs, for all that is holy, do not do this.


Many MMO's I've played started out like this; you had to earn your gear with luck and a few hours of play here and there. Then the designers got greedy and you could buy all the gear. Then they took it even further and released better gear that could only be bought with money. After that, even better gear came out and it cost around 50-100$ each. This continued to happen and prices on gear skyrocketed. So basically, if you weren't rich and willing to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on the MMO then you'd be a weak, crappy player forever.


SWTOR is a friendly, decent MMO compared to others because it doesn't only care about exploiting it's players for money.


I'm really interested in knowing the name of that mmo. I find that kind of thing funny to research and read the forms etc. what was I called?

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I don't thnk it is a very good "replacement" for your so-called "level grind" (I think leveling in SWTOR is anything but a grind). I do think that "gearing up" is a good thing. Just don't like some of the tedious methods/mechanics used in SWTOR to do so.


Gearing up increases your stats, nothing more. Levelling up increases your stats, and gives new abilities (sometimes).


I don't think it's a good replacement either, or that any replacement was needed in the first place, but that's what it is.


Both are staples of RPG's and MMO's. Taking out one or the other harms what an RPG or MMO is, taking both out is turning it into Space Saint's Row.


Pandering to people who don't like MMO's or RPG's is not a good way to sell an MMORPG. That seems obvious to me.

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I'm really interested in knowing the name of that mmo. I find that kind of thing funny to research and read the forms etc. what was I called?


Go research the history of Pirate King Online or Destiny Online, if it's even possible. lol. Both of those are English versions of a Chinese game and their companies love to exploit their players for as much money as possible.

Edited by Radzkie
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Taking out one or the other harms what an RPG or MMO is, taking both out is turning it into Space Saint's Row.


There are a couple that do work as games without gear (Don't Rest Your Head and All Flesh Must Be Eaten) in as much as the gear does not increase your stats, though you may wish to equip yourself with various items, such as a large office printer. However those sorts of games likely wouldn't work too well in the digital/MMO environment as they do require a greater amount of player-DM interaction, something you won't get in an MMO. That's also probably part of the reason why puzzle or trap based instances don't occur very often, or in large numbers, in most MMO's, but that's another discussion for another time.


I would say I'm in favour of having to invest a certain amount of time into getting gear, but now I know I'll be jumped on by the anti-time brigade. What I will say before they leave my tattered, broken corpse on the walls is that I don't agree with how Bioware's artificially inflated the time required. A lot of the higher gear seems to have been rather badly itemised when put in conjunction with other sets or pieces, so players have to spend more time getting more gear to correct this issue. My Agent is almost fully in his optimised Black Hole gear, but that's because he was lucky with how the Agent gear is laid out - my Sorcerer is going to be a much longer trial for me as some of the enhancements/mods on the Black Hole gear is simply not useful to her. It's annoying and I'd wish they'd change that aspect of the gear grind.

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I really like the way that Blizzard does this with Diablo III. Where you can buy stuff with real money, but you're buying it from players and not from the company. I wouldn't mind something like this at all with crafted items and maybe badge gear. I could trade in my extra badges into money and someone else could turn their money into gear.
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Ok go find a full group of ppl in lvl 45 quest greens and tell me how ec ends.


You are confusing being able to enter a part of the game with being able to complete and experience / enjoy it.


My 3 year old can open lord of the ring books but I very much doubt he can read them.


Nobody said anything about ALL players being able to get to ALL end-game content. Because EC IS end game Tier 2 operation.


The reality still stands = you can experience in lvl 45 blues your story arc and get to Columi in a REALLY short time, especially in a Guild that can boost you a bit... and they`ll be happy to.


Columi gives access to everything bar EC HM, IF you are somewhat decent. If you are half bad, it won`t give you access to Lost Island HM and EC SM too.


For having access to everything Tier 1 AND part of Tier 2, which was specifically designed to the "soul consumed raider", you are complaining a bit too much.

Edited by Styxx
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My advice to OP would be to not bother playing games like swtor that are still using gear as the only incentive to carry on playing the game. It won't be long before this type of game will be extinct. The days of people grinding the same old crap for daily rewards to buy virtual gear are numbered.


SWTOR soon after it it becomes free to play and adopts legendary weapons and a cash shop will no doubt be little different to other pay to win mockery games such as LOTRO.


I would suggest something like GW2 where there is no gear grind and the emphasis is on actually enjoying what you are playing rather than repetition and grinding.


Unfortunately Bioware are again ten scats behind everyone else using outdated gameplay mechanics that many players have grown tired of and will not tolerate any more.

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Nobody said anything about ALL players being able to get to ALL end-game content. Because EC IS end game Tier 2 operation.


The reality still stands = you can experience in lvl 45 blues your story arc and get to Columi in a REALLY short time, especially in a Guild that can boost you a bit... and they`ll be happy to.


Columi gives access to everything bar EC HM, IF you are somewhat decent. If you are half bad, it won`t give you access to Lost Island HM and EC SM too.


For having access to everything Tier 1 AND part of Tier 2, which was specifically designed to the "soul consumed raider", you are complaining a bit too much.


um...you need to go back and have another go at reading. someone said EXACTLY that......seriously....thats some funny stuff...its on the last page....


go back. read it...

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