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What is solo gameplay like? Which abilities are key? Looking at fun factor :)


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I love the idea of the Scoundrel and love healing in Flashpoints. What is the solo gameplay like? I am not crazy about some of the Scoundrel attacks - it does not very Star Warsy to slap someone with my blaster or punch a fully armored Juggernaut. Are these key abilities? Or is there a rotation that uses attacks that may be more fun?


I love my Operative mainly because I like the vibroknife. If I do not like punching and slapping is the Scoundrel just not for me?


Thanks :)

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Blaster Whip and Sucker Punch do more damage than many of your other skills. Most Scoundrels use BW everytime it's up. I agree it's not what I wanted, but it works. Crazy that my fists and my hilt to more damage than my shots do! When you get a chance, you'll stun and more to the back to get off a shotgun blast and then it's on CD for 12 seconds.


There are some other ways to play (dots and and AOE) a scoundrel but most of them rely on close range and melee skills. :confused: I'd probably respec slinger if they'd let me.

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My experience is that the Scoundrel requires a more tactical approach than the other classes. The Jedi approach of "run up and kill everything" can be very difficult with this class. Using stealth to sneak past enemies is a big help, but can cost you XP. As far as abilities, the Tranquilizer Dart is my best friend ( as well as the Droid Slicing). Being able to take someone completely out of the fight for 60 seconds is a huge help in evening the odds. Back Blast, Sucker Punch, Head Shot, Shoot First, and Dirty Kick are all very useful. The Scoundrel storyline seems to be a little lighter than some of the other classes (the whole charming rogue thing). Some of the Boss fights can be pretty tough; there's been two or three that I've had to ask for help with, but if you plan the fights out well, you should be able to handle the vast majority of the game with no real issues.
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A lot of abilities use the shotgun in your standard fare


Well, two, to be exact.


One of which is only usable from stealth, and hence not typically available after the fight starts.


Scrapper doesn't use many more abilities than a Gunnery Commando, but the alternation between them is much more varied, like a Sentinel. Resource management is also much trickier on a Scrapper than on a Commando or Sage.


Also, if you pull aggro (which is likely when soloing at Level 50), you pretty much have one good attack available (Sucker Punch) because your other good attack (Flechette Roung + Backblast) has positional restrictions.

Edited by LagunaD
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Let's face it combat is very boring as a Scoundrel limited attacks huge penetly that you have to be behind to launch your 2 shotgun attacks and one of them can only be used in stealth...


Healing on the other hand is fun needs some love like alot of things in the game but it's well worth it in the end if you like healing that is.

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Let's face it combat is very boring as a Scoundrel limited attacks huge penetly that you have to be behind to launch your 2 shotgun attacks and one of them can only be used in stealth...


What you say about the attacks is certainly true, but I wouldn't call it "boring" compared to, say, a Commando. Just lacking in too many areas and situations, with nothing sufficient to compensate.


When you are fighting something being reliably tanked, and aren't being forced to hoof it between targets constantly (while watching Jedi leap or sprint past you, or Gunslingers, Sages and Commandos kill the target before you get there), and aren't getting knocked back or otherwise CCed every 10 seconds (which is to say: almost never), I find it very fun.

Edited by LagunaD
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