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merc raiding dps

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Hi I'm wondering what kinda dps my rakata geared merc should be doing in SM Denova. on Toth/Zorn last night i did 360k dmg (not including the handler that jumps down) and on the tanks (which we couldn't beat) I did 481k-520k. Im pretty fresh to merc dps and my rotation is TMx3, unload if procced, RS, HSM, TM till unload is procced or RS/HSM is off cooldown and repeat. Gear is full rakata with healer offhand (old spec), black hole pants and black hole earpiece. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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Don't spam "TM until unload proc", do 2-3 TM then if unload hasn't proc'd, then use power shot. Also put explosive dart to good use, usually before you start casting unload and don't forget fusion missile. Edited by Sookster
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Don't spam "TM until unload proc", do 2-3 TM then if unload hasn't proc'd, then use power shot. Also put explosive dart to good use, usually before you start casting unload and don't forget fusion missile.

yes i use fusion missile with the insta cast/no heat abilities, explosive dart though? didnt realize i should add that to my rotation, will have to play around with that

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Don't spam "TM until unload proc", do 2-3 TM then if unload hasn't proc'd, then use power shot. Also put explosive dart to good use, usually before you start casting unload and don't forget fusion missile.


Uhhh, never use Power Shot as an Arsenal Merc. Explosive Dart is also extremely situational, like if you're running back in from the shield on tanks. If you're standing still, TM is a better ability to use if HSM/RS are on CD.


Also, IDK about Fusion Missile, I've never used it because I always pair TSO with HSM for more consistent help with heat venting, but if you're using it and Power Surge with Fusion Missile then that's just a personal preference.

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Uhhh, never use Power Shot as an Arsenal Merc. Explosive Dart is also extremely situational, like if you're running back in from the shield on tanks. If you're standing still, TM is a better ability to use if HSM/RS are on CD.


Also, IDK about Fusion Missile, I've never used it because I always pair TSO with HSM for more consistent help with heat venting, but if you're using it and Power Surge with Fusion Missile then that's just a personal preference.


Agreed. Only use explosive dart if you are on the move.

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Uhhh, never use Power Shot as an Arsenal Merc. Explosive Dart is also extremely situational, like if you're running back in from the shield on tanks. If you're standing still, TM is a better ability to use if HSM/RS are on CD.


Also, IDK about Fusion Missile, I've never used it because I always pair TSO with HSM for more consistent help with heat venting, but if you're using it and Power Surge with Fusion Missile then that's just a personal preference.


As pyro, I never use powershot, but as arsenal, if TM doesn't proc unload, power shot will and with ~1.2s cast time it's possible to pull it off. Explosive dart + 3Kish tick unload is a pretty good burst method.

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As pyro, I never use powershot, but as arsenal, if TM doesn't proc unload, power shot will and with ~1.2s cast time it's possible to pull it off. Explosive dart + 3Kish tick unload is a pretty good burst method.


You are doing it wrong sookster.


Pyro you should be using powershot to reset railshot while unload is on cd.

TM and powershot have the SAME cast time (1.5s).

Burst dps doesn't matter too much in raiding, unless the boss is going from invuln to vulnerable then explosive dart is a good situational use. But he doesn't have to worry about that often. 99% of the time TM is > explosive dart.

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You are doing it wrong sookster.


Pyro you should be using powershot to reset railshot while unload is on cd.

TM and powershot have the SAME cast time (1.5s).

Burst dps doesn't matter too much in raiding, unless the boss is going from invuln to vulnerable then explosive dart is a good situational use. But he doesn't have to worry about that often. 99% of the time TM is > explosive dart.


I've played my pyro merc since Jan, I'm doing it the way it works for me, power shot is a waste of space even though it can reset railshot it takes 3 or so casts before it procs anyways and by the time you get the third power shot off, unload is ready to go.

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so seeing as all the replies have been on my rotation and nothing on my numbers should i assume that my damage is way way off what i should be hitting? im top 2 dps almost every single warzone im in with only 2 pieces bm and rest rakata so i didnt think I was doing too poorly but based off the responses to this thread im guessing i have a lot of work to do to be hitting the numbers the rest of you guys do?
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I've played my pyro merc since Jan, I'm doing it the way it works for me, power shot is a waste of space even though it can reset railshot it takes 3 or so casts before it procs anyways and by the time you get the third power shot off, unload is ready to go.


If time is important then I've played mine since beta.


I'm not saying I'm the best, I'm just saying here's me demonstrating how the fire spec does sustained heavy damage:


If you know your class you'll know what the attacks are I'm using.


And since 1.3 I've been able to do even more: http://www.fryingtime.com/?filename=combat_2012-07-02_15_48_37_156250.txt


Add 30dps to simulate DoT damage increasing below 30% health.



If you wanted to be some kind of epic mobile spec and do epic damage you'll be let down because it does its best dps just like Arsenal, by casting.


Ofc you can do damage on the move, it just kinda sucks compared to what you can do by sitting down and casting.


Seriously, the cooldown for the Railshot proc is 6 seconds, the cooldown for Unload is 15 seconds and THAT is only a 75% chance to proc or a 1 in 4 chance of it failing on you and going back on its 15s cooldown...


Are you really saying you wait for Unload to give you a chance to proc Railshot?

Edited by Gyronamics
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I use PowerShot on my Merc Pyro in ops runs. Sporadically. Here's the problem with using PS in PvE - you can get better dps by putting Rocket Punch in your rotation rather than PS. If you do that, Rocket Punch has such a short CD, that it essentially pushes PS entirely out of your sequence.


It's also somewhat of a pain in the butt to use PS since you need to respec to have Muzzle Fluting. Which I never have when doing PvP.

Edited by Macroecon
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I use PowerShot on my Merc Pyro in ops runs. Sporadically. Here's the problem with using PS in PvE - you can get better dps by putting Rocket Punch in your rotation rather than PS. If you do that, Rocket Punch has such a short CD, that it essentially pushes PS entirely out of your sequence.


It's also somewhat of a pain in the butt to use PS since you need to respec to have Muzzle Fluting. Which I never have when doing PvP.


Some issues with that


Powershot gains 9% more damage on burning targets (now it does more damage than RP)

Also gains 15% crit from PVE Elininator set bonus which increases damage over RP again.

It has bonuses of being able to proc Railshot and it's a 30m attack not a 4m attack


Hating on Railshot proc in PVE is not helpful. When one procs it's free to use and of it hits a burning target it vents 8 heat. You get paid to use Railshot procs...


That's all the reason you should need to chase as many Railshot procs as possible.


The fact that Railshot along with TD is our hardest hitter is even better.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Hi I'm wondering what kinda dps my rakata geared merc should be doing in SM Denova. on Toth/Zorn last night i did 360k dmg (not including the handler that jumps down) and on the tanks (which we couldn't beat) I did 481k-520k. Im pretty fresh to merc dps and my rotation is TMx3, unload if procced, RS, HSM, TM till unload is procced or RS/HSM is off cooldown and repeat. Gear is full rakata with healer offhand (old spec), black hole pants and black hole earpiece. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Ignoring all the useless BS your numbers seem to be decent considering its SM. Rotation could use a slight tweak. TMx2 >unload(with or without proc)>TM>Railshot>HSM>TM till unload procs or is off CD using railshot and HSM whenever they are off CD. since unload is your hardest hitting ability you wanna use that whenever its up with or without a barrage proc. In your gear depending on your stats/mods you can probably avg around 1400 maybe 1500 DPS on the operations dummy.


EDIT: oh and ignore the first post you certainly do not want to use powershot. Shouldnt even be on your bar as an arsenal merc

Edited by Fossman
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Ignoring all the useless BS your numbers seem to be decent considering its SM. Rotation could use a slight tweak. TMx2 >unload(with or without proc)>TM>Railshot>HSM>TM till unload procs or is off CD using railshot and HSM whenever they are off CD. since unload is your hardest hitting ability you wanna use that whenever its up with or without a barrage proc. In your gear depending on your stats/mods you can probably avg around 1400 maybe 1500 DPS on the operations dummy.


EDIT: oh and ignore the first post you certainly do not want to use powershot. Shouldnt even be on your bar as an arsenal merc


Yea what's with the Hi-Jacked pyro merc input...??? Also, why RS before HSM?

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Yea what's with the Hi-Jacked pyro merc input...??? Also, why RS before HSM?


It will vent heat before HSM, keeping your heat lower and dissipating more heat.

Edited by Ifrit
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Even if Power Shot had a higher chance of proc'ing your Unload (it doesn't), it doesn't add Tracer Locks. In my experience, assuming you get one Unload in either via the proc or when its cooldown ends, you have just enough time to get back to 5 tracer locks before Rail Shot is ready to fire again. Throwing in a Power Shot instead of a Tracer Missile in there will most likely mean you're either firing Rail Shot at 4 stacks of Tracer Lock or waiting to get another Tracer Missile in, and thus not firing it as soon as the cooldown is up.


Either way will reduce your DPS.

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