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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Racial Abilities: the Good, the Bad, the Broken?


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I'd like to hear what others' experiences are with racial abilities. :)


Which do you like?

Which do you think are lousy?

And which ones just don't seem to be working right?


So far I am not too impressed, so I thought I'd see what you guys think or if I just have lousy luck. xD So far:


Twi'lek: is this broken? Half the time I get the derptastic "stomp in place while wildly pumping arms" dance. The other dance I get seems unique though and is pretty neat looking. Or is there a way to pick which dance you want?

Miraluka: I tried to use the sense alignment ability once, didn't seem to work so I have ignored it since. I could have sworn I saw a note about it being fixed in a patch note . . . does it actually work now?

Human: rally is nice, fun for ops and FP groups, but there are so many humans that it doesn't seem all that special to have. 'Tis to be expected, though.


Not sure I posted this in the correct forum, but it didn't seem to fit on story and lore and racial abilities are a "social" thing for interacting with the "community" so I figured may as well put it here. ^^

Edited by Gwena
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I'd like to hear what others' experiences are with racial abilities. :)


Which do you like?

Which do you think are lousy?

And which ones just don't seem to be working right?


So far I am not too impressed, so I thought I'd see what you guys think or if I just have lousy luck. xD So far:


Twi'lek: is this broken? Half the time I get the derptastic "stomp in place while wildly pumping arms" dance. The other dance I get seems unique though and is pretty neat looking. Or is there a way to pick which dance you want?

Miraluka: I tried to use the sense alignment ability once, didn't seem to work so I have ignored it since. I could have sworn I saw a note about it being fixed in a patch note . . . does it actually work now?

Human: rally is nice, fun for ops and FP groups, but there are so many humans that it doesn't seem all that special to have. 'Tis to be expected, though.


Not sure I posted this in the correct forum, but it didn't seem to fit on story and lore and racial abilities are a "social" thing for interacting with the "community" so I figured may as well put it here. ^^


Broken: Miraluka. Doesn't work at all!

Good: Chiss: The review mission was good since only 2 classes could use chiss (BH and agent) really appropriate there! (main is 50 PT chiss ;))

Human: what you said

Pureblood: making khem cry is sooooooo worth it :)

Bad:hmmmmmm idk miralans (spelling) is lame


PS whats zabrak?

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I prefer Zabrak due to significantly shorter cooldown.



I think the Zabrak one also has the potential to fail. The person will get some kind of 'not feeling it' debuff. Which I kind of like.


And yeah Miraluka is broken. And the animation looks like I'm a trooper calling in a heal, should replace the tech nonsense with some sort of Jedi glow. I'd be happy if it looked cool even if it didn't tell us people's alignments.

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I don't think I've ever seen the Zabrak's, sounds neat! And that's a shame about the Miraluka ability. Sounds like it not only fails to do what it says, but also does not look quite right. >.<


I guess my Twi'lek's racial ability is the best of mine, then. Still wish the parlor dance was just the parlor dance though; words cannot describe how ridiculous my Twi'lek looks while doing that silly stompy default dance. Surely it must be a bug. :confused: Using that racial ability is like playing russian roulette! Yes, all that stomping and flailing about is dangerous, might traumatize someone that saw it. :p

Edited by Gwena
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My 'slinger is a Mirialan, and one thing I like about the meditative trance ability is it works when you are behind cover, unlike the coin-tossing smuggler regen. It's handy because it means I can put up my shields in a place where I've got full cover, and then take a breather and heal up while I strategise for the next fight.


So, good.


Sorcerer: Making Khem Val cry - priceless.

Edited by vian
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I prefer the interactive racial abilities (Zabrak, Human, Sith Pureblood, etc.) over the passive ones (Rattataki, Cyborg, etc.). Not to harass other players with, but to use on companions and NPCs as available.


As mentioned, the Pureblood beach-slap with Qyzen sobbing is top-notch. I also got a sort of ironic enjoyment out of forcing Darth Baras to salute me with my Zabrak SW.

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Human: Rally is ok, the long cooldown they added (1.2?) is annoying. But in general its cute.

Zabrak: Inspire Loyalty would be better if it worked just like Rally but instead of cheering they saluted.

Cyborg: meh

Mirialan: AWESOME for my Consular, I like it.

Miraluka: I like the concept, never "worked" for me but...

Twi'lek: Love their gypsy dance, hate the derp derp dance

Sith Pureblood: I like to slap my DS comp since I'm a LS Sith.

Rattaki: Haven't seen since beta and it was lame... heard its cool now.

Chiss: Never seen it.


They all need another pass through dev. As do the classes' "self heal". The trooper's is STUPID.

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Just speaking of of the racials of my 2 main characters:


Rattataki shadowboxing - I like it. Fits my tough looking female type 3 powertech well. I also like how it's a long channeled ability so I don't have to constantly keep clicking it. Fun to go up to my friends and "punch" them repeatedly.


Mirialan meditation - I think this is lame. It really has no utility since it doesn't recharge resources. It totally doesn't fit my scoundrel (who has no lick of force in his entire body). He's supposed to resent jedi, and yet can sit down and glow all pretty with peaceful force enemy. Eh, I just don't use it.

My suggestion for it, though, would be to allow it to replace your classes main "reload and recharge" by replenishing resources in addition to health. That would "fix" it, imo.

Edited by Stenrik
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