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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vehicles on Fleet need to end.


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I think the devs need to cut out this tap dance, cut directly to the matter, and make it clear to all players on all servers:


The Red Zone is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers. There is no parking in the Red Zone.

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Having to run everywhere on the station would annoy me far more than the occasional idiot blocking a terminal. It would be nice if you had to dismount to access anything though. All the hover sounds at the GTN are annoying. Dismount you lazy bastards. ;)


I like this idea, as well as the one where there are no vehicles on Fleet but everyone gets the 110% (or whatever your current vehicle gives you) speed buff while there. Don't know what is easier to implement, but something really does need to happen. I don't care if you can click through them or not, it's damn ANNOYING! I KNOW they are proud of those big ones and want everyone to see, but frankly, we DON'T CARE! Sorry to be rude, but that's just the way it is. All it does is make you look like a dumb, immature jerk when you deliberately annoy people with them. Besides that, who actually even notices "who" the person's name is who owns the vehicle? If we don't know who you are, or care, then what good is the so-called "bragging"?:) I think there are other more appropriate places in the game to "see and be seen" by others.

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I think there are other more appropriate places in the game to "see and be seen" by others.


And if you're sitting in you Winnebego, we can't see the really cool, expensive armor you're surely wearing, either.

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I think the devs need to cut out this tap dance, cut directly to the matter, and make it clear to all players on all servers:


The Red Zone is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers. There is no parking in the Red Zone.


"Listen Betty, don't start up with your red zone sh** again."

Edited by Rikalonius
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The problem can be solved simply by making players automatically dismount when accessing the GTN, mission terminals and mail boxes. It's not that hard.


Then we can bring back the Korrelias speeders.

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The problem can be solved simply by making players automatically dismount when accessing the GTN, mission terminals and mail boxes. It's not that hard.


Then we can bring back the Korrelias speeders.


but these griefers they don't access the terminals, they just sit there in in order for you not to be able to.

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Have players really gotten so lazy that they can't tolerate running 30 seconds from one side of the station to the other? Do we really need it to take 23.4 seconds instead of 30?


What genius decided to allow speeders in the fleet in the first place?

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but these griefers they don't access the terminals, they just sit there in in order for you not to be able to.


Exactly, that is why I would prefer auto dismount zones. They get kicked off their boat as they approach.

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Have players really gotten so lazy that they can't tolerate running 30 seconds from one side of the station to the other? Do we really need it to take 23.4 seconds instead of 30?...


That's not it. It's simple common courtesy. The kind of stuff you do everyday with out thinking about it.


You are standing at a store shop window and you move over a little when others join you. You are checking your snail mail at the centralized mailbox, and you get out of the way so others can check their mail.


Really, people shouldn't have to even ask.

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All you have to do is make it so if if they try and access the mailbox or the GTN they automatically dismount.


It's a bit far to go not allowing people to mount up on the fleet. It will never happen anyway. Plus there are also more than just one mailbox or GTN to go to.

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Far too often some slick player thinks it's funny to park his vehicle in the view path of a terminal. Since players won't be considerate of other players, I say prohibit vehicle travel on fleet all together. Since players want to act like children and purposely irritate other players, then the means to irritate must be removed. Here is a screen shot of the type thing that happens every single day. This is just one small example of how people deliberately annoy others on fleet.


These players were asked to move or turn off their vehicles because it obstructs people's ability to interact with the terminal. The response given was, "That's the point, rofl"


If they want to act like kids, then I say remove the ability all together on fleet. This has got to be the number one issue on fleet with all servers. This behavior needs to end.


If you are on Ebon Hawk, I lost a name to you. :(:p


I support this thread.

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the flleet is tiny. most times i dont even mount up anyways. using mounts indoors just isn´t very starwarsy imo.

i´m all for no mounts inside spacestations and in houses and whatnot. indoor runspeed buff i might support, but most likely not.

it´s not like there´s alot to do in this game anyways.

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You cannot block any vendor, kiosk, mailbox, or cargo hold with a vehicle in this game. This is because speeders float and all interactable objects go all the way to the ground, and many are also taller then even the largest speeders.


This. I've heard people saying this about the large speeders for a long time. I've even seen it done but I have never once been unable to interact with an object.

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That's not it. It's simple common courtesy. The kind of stuff you do everyday with out thinking about it.


You are standing at a store shop window and you move over a little when others join you. You are checking your snail mail at the centralized mailbox, and you get out of the way so others can check their mail.


Really, people shouldn't have to even ask.


Common courtesy in MMO's died long ago. This is the end result of the solo, ultra-simple gameplay that pervades the industry today. There are simply no ramifications for having a reputation as a jerk. Same can be said for obnoxious, juvenile /general spammers. This nonsense would get you quickly blacklisted back in the day and you would have been stuck at level 10 with nobody wanting to group with you.

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Far too often some slick player thinks it's funny to park his vehicle in the view path of a terminal. Since players won't be considerate of other players, I say prohibit vehicle travel on fleet all together. Since players want to act like children and purposely irritate other players, then the means to irritate must be removed. Here is a screen shot of the type thing that happens every single day. This is just one small example of how people deliberately annoy others on fleet.


These players were asked to move or turn off their vehicles because it obstructs people's ability to interact with the terminal. The response given was, "That's the point, rofl"


If they want to act like kids, then I say remove the ability all together on fleet. This has got to be the number one issue on fleet with all servers. This behavior needs to end.


Hate to say it, but when people like you rage about it, it makes me giggle and join in :D

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No, they need to ban large speeders from fleet, or space stations.

Limit them to planet-side only.

They are simply too large, makes me feel like the annoyingly huge, sparkly, loud mounts you can buy on WoW.

"LOOK AT ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!" is what those people are saying in real life.

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Common courtesy in MMO's died long ago. This is the end result of the solo, ultra-simple gameplay that pervades the industry today. There are simply no ramifications for having a reputation as a jerk. Same can be said for obnoxious, juvenile /general spammers. This nonsense would get you quickly blacklisted back in the day and you would have been stuck at level 10 with nobody wanting to group with you.



I'm not sure I agree with this. Common courtesy doesn't exist anywhere online - read any forum anywhere. Common courtesy exists in the real world, where your real self might actually have to interact with the real people around you again, in some kind of meaningful way. Plus, there's the option that some people might take exception to your rudeness, and punch you in the face.


I like the idea of prohibiting speeders but giving everybody a speed buff. No more rudeness allowed. Until then, I'm going to report everybody - it's the only time the rude people will experience a consequence for their actions.



I think it says a lot of bad things about our species in that when there ISN'T a consequence for our actions (i.e. all online interactions), we will act like jerks most of the time.

Edited by DPCummerbund
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Why even let them get to you?


As others have said it is fairly improbable that you ever cannot click on what you want to get to...they simply do this to visually frustrate you and you play into it.


As the other poster said, I have yet to not be able to reach or click on any interact-able object in fleet even with this going on.


These posts, and when you speak to them in game basically feed their immature feeding instincts and make them repeat the actions.


if no one ever said a thing to them and went on their way...they would not do it.


They do it because of people like you (no offense meant, but laugh it off, click lower or off to the side and move on).

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Nope. Removing vehicles entirely from the fleet would be a very stupid decision. If you took the time to think about it, you'd see there's a very easy solution. 10m radius from those specific terminal act as if you're "inside", telling you you're about to be knocked off your mount if you stay in the area. Simple as that.


Side note, I've never once had this issue with people blocking the way. Seems to me you just have bad luck.

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Nope. Removing vehicles entirely from the fleet would be a very stupid decision. If you took the time to think about it, you'd see there's a very easy solution. 10m radius from those specific terminal act as if you're "inside", telling you you're about to be knocked off your mount if you stay in the area. Simple as that.


Side note, I've never once had this issue with people blocking the way. Seems to me you just have bad luck.


Like so: reposting for visibility.

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Far too often some slick player thinks it's funny to park his vehicle in the view path of a terminal. Since players won't be considerate of other players, I say prohibit vehicle travel on fleet all together. Since players want to act like children and purposely irritate other players, then the means to irritate must be removed. Here is a screen shot of the type thing that happens every single day. This is just one small example of how people deliberately annoy others on fleet.


These players were asked to move or turn off their vehicles because it obstructs people's ability to interact with the terminal. The response given was, "That's the point, rofl"


If they want to act like kids, then I say remove the ability all together on fleet. This has got to be the number one issue on fleet with all servers. This behavior needs to end.


So to punish one you punish the masses? It's people like you that make life miserable. Here is an idea, report the player and tell ur friends to do the same. This way HE gets punished not me.

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So to punish one you punish the masses? It's people like you that make life miserable. Here is an idea, report the player and tell ur friends to do the same. This way HE gets punished not me.


The most commonly proposed solution after banning speeders is to give everyone a speed buff. Nobody gets punished.

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