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Official Q&A Thread for July 20th Blog Post

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*MAJOR SPOILERS* I was wondering, is Bioware ever going to continue and/or resolve Revan's story in the game? The Foundry was very unsatisfying in regards to the story, what with him disappearing and all. After all, somebody has to kill the Emperor since the Hero of Tython didn't.
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Currently, Imperial Agents, especially operatives, lack knockback moves. In fact, the only knockback move that operatives have is fragmentation grenade, which isn't even one in PvP. I also know that a patch is coming later this year, including new abilities for each class. Will Agent knockbacks be included?
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With alts being the focus in TOR because of different classes having unique story lines, playing multiple characters means leveling up through content more than in other MMO's. Are there any plans to make more planets for leveling up as opposed to the old school formula of just making planets for level cap increases?
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Oof, lost the energy to see if this is a repeat, if so, I apologize...


With the game 8 months old and only 8 slots at launch, many of us have filled all 8 of them with alts (which was encouraged by Legacy). With upcoming Cathar availability + the fact that HK will require both factions (and many have filled 8 slots with all 1 faction --> no trade between faction at launch), what are the chances we'll get access to additional character slots?


Paid or unpaid, it seems like new content may be gated for many without additional slots.

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Any plans on making star ship flying manual controll?

having the flying automatic is quite boring and easy, probably why not many people do space combat.


also a cockpit camera view would be great and make you feel like your flying it.

i hope are considering these ideas.

Edited by Mizaki
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Why does your design team remain so insistant that a male character cannot have short sleeves, lower collar, or basically show any form of skin other than their face? Do you realize how hot it is on Tattooine to be wearing that many layers?
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Are you aware of the BIG BUTT issue with Jedi Knight robes? Please see sig for more details.


BTW i have asked this question in every single Q&A with no answer.


Quoting this to reaffirm it's importance to all Jedi Knights.

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As the Raid Leader for my guild, I have noticed that melee DPS classes are being consistently outperformed by range DPS classes, even when players are of very similar skill and gear. Combining this with the high amount of damage that melee DPS take and the amount of movement they have to do in Operations Boss fights, it seems that they got the very short end of the stick. Are there plans to buff melee DPS classes to restore some end game balance?
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The hard mode denova raid is just awful. My guild is fully equiped with max availiable gear and we run KP and EV on nighmare mode as normal runs. Out of the numerous denova runs we have only defeated the first boss set (the two monsters) once. Two play issues: 1. the two bosses jump together and don;t always part again no matter what the tanks do. 2. The mobs leading up to them respawn after about five trys. This is important because after it is gettting late in the evening and the players are frustrated to see mobs respawn is enough to call it quits for the evening. The point is zero respawn.

After hearing a furious argument between playwers about raids (including lots of threats to quit the game) there are two main points. 1. Challenge is important. However if at this moment in time the players are experienced, know what they are doing and fully geared (after much video watching and trial and error), the boss mobs should be defeated at least 1 our of three times). 2. Players play for the satisfaction of winning. Real life cn be the pits but defeating the game is something that makes you feel good. So beating you head against hard mode denova is just awful. (story mode is easily defeated).

So also increase and improve the loot drops please. At least if we can defeat the first mobs then getting a chance at the new gear will help the mood of the players.

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Is there a chance you might implement a score sheet for PVE players? Currently you have a PVP score sheet at the end of every game, (with healing, dps, objective, etc stats) but PVE has none. I would love to be able to compare these stats during Ops missions so we know what everyones strengths and weaknesses are in our guild. Edited by ZackAlklazaris
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You have said before that to get HK-51 we need one high level character on one side and medium level on the other side, but can guildies boost low-level character to get him or is the level requirement set to trigger the quest?
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Regarding the Advanced Class of Assault/Pyrotech for Commandos and Mercenaries.


Will there be any thought as to redoing the luck and proc lockout timer based action point regen for this advanced class.


I say this in light of the Gunnery/Arsenal Advanced Class having their core regen skill made totally passive and a stacking buff being allowed to stack twice as fast, essentially requiring no further attention from the player.


All that on the grounds of quality of life improvement. This is a class which can realistically do a very powerful rotation with four skills.



On the other hand to control Assault/Pyrotech requires "fishing" for a 45% chance on a proc after each 6 second lockout. A 75% chance is also available on a 15s CD.


That then needs to mesh with fire debuffs on a target which themselves are a proc or they require significant action points to provide a guaranteed debuff.


So a sustained rotation relies on chance.

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