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Poll: For or Against roots respecting resolve bar


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For. Roots can be as lethal as stuns. Although personally, I think they should just ditch resolve and institute diminishing returns. Resolve is a neat idea, but it seems to be iffy when it comes time for it to actually work the way it's supposed to.
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Actually, seeing as the Greeks and Egyptians and presumably others knew the earth was round (and even calculated its radius), I'm not sure where you'd get thousands of years. I'm not even convinced a flat earth was that commonly believed in the "dark ages." Every time a ship sails over the horizon, the roundness of the earth is demonstrated. Columbus didn't have a hard time getting backers because people thought the world was flat but because they suspected his math was bad.


While true that it is most likely not very many actually belived, it still took Columbus about 4 years to get backing from Ferdinand.


On topic though, yeah, roots need to stay. As others said, it keeps ranged competative against melee.

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I speak as a PT Pyro (so you know i get snared / rooted all day long) when I say, no, do not add it to resolve bar.


this is what balances the classes out. there's a counter to my melee range OP-ness.


if you remove the ability to snare / run away from pyro, then BW will have to nerf my damage to compensate.


i'd rather be able to beat the crap outta the people who don't know better than to snare.

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I speak as a PT Pyro (so you know i get snared / rooted all day long) when I say, no, do not add it to resolve bar.


this is what balances the classes out. there's a counter to my melee range OP-ness.


if you remove the ability to snare / run away from pyro, then BW will have to nerf my damage to compensate.


i'd rather be able to beat the crap outta the people who don't know better than to snare.


I don't want to turn this into a nerf pyro thread, but this post made me chuckle. You have auto snare that can proc on all attacks and high burst ranged attacks. Pyro is probably the least affected class as far as roots on resolve go.

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I don't want to turn this into a nerf pyro thread, but this post made me chuckle. You have auto snare that can proc on all attacks and high burst ranged attacks. Pyro is probably the least affected class as far as roots on resolve go.

i fail to see how this does not still reduces me to irrelevance?


what does it matter if you're slowed, but i'm rooted? i still can't close the gap?

Edited by oredith
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Resolve builds on knockbacks.


That's because they take control away from your character. KBs and pulls interfere with casting abilities and certain abilities just don't go off when KB/pulled away. Roots and snares don't interrupt your abilities like KBs and pulls do.

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If they do this, then they have to change the way force leap works. Maybe it should apply a snare to the target or increase player movement speed, but there has to be something to guarantee that after a leap a warrior can attack the target.
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That's because they take control away from your character. KBs and pulls interfere with casting abilities and certain abilities just don't go off when KB/pulled away. Roots and snares don't interrupt your abilities like KBs and pulls do.


Not true. Roots and Snares affect Force Run.

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That's because they take control away from your character. KBs and pulls interfere with casting abilities and certain abilities just don't go off when KB/pulled away. Roots and snares don't interrupt your abilities like KBs and pulls do.


So what you're saying is, interrupts should add to resolve? o:

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So what you're saying is, interrupts should add to resolve? o:


I think it would be nice. Getting chain interrupted on my healer is annoying as hell, when I have all of 1-2 heals I can chain cast (being a commando).


But in all seriousness, resolve is for things that take control away from your character like the devs have stated. Roots and snares should not be on resolve.

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/100% Against

Think of the epic wails we'd hear from the forums as nobody's snares/roots are working "ever":Dbecause of resolve and blah, blah, blah. There would be monumental QQ. I know I would.

I used to think it should. I don't anymore. Does all the CC suck? Yes, no doubt and I won't pretend otherwise. I hate it.

That being said, keep in mind it's not "just" happening to you. Everyone is experiencing the same thing so you're all on even ground. Sure some classes deal with CC better than others. Easy solve is to roll one of those classes.

If you learn to accept that you ARE going to be CC'd often, then combine that with a bit more patience while being CC'd, and pay better attention to "picking your spots" to use your CC break......?.......I think you will find you actually have more success.

Consider being CC'd as an opportunity to take a quick moment and plan a couple moves ahead of your opponent?

Assuming your CC break isn't up, what else is there to do? Take your fingers off the panic button and think about things.

This last part is key.....come in a little closer, I don't wanna say it too loud and wake the bads......

"before you ever get CC'd you should have a plan as to what you should/could do to turn the tables on ANYONE".

For goodness sake, there is a **** ton of CC in this game and if you don't already have a plan of escape/bait/switch before you head into battle then the answer here is: you need more time in the drivers sear of that character. CC in any game sucks. SWTOR has a lot of it. Plan ahead and you too can have tiger blood like Charlie Sheen.;)



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Even if there's a huge difference in numbers between for and against, it'll still be just a tiny percentage of the entire SWTOR community. Even then, why leave a game's balance to people who have never balanced a game in their lives? For the record, I think resolve works just fine.
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If you want to see an example of what making Snares/Roots give immunity does to PVP, simply look at Rift, where this happened.....and instantly made the game only playable to beefy tank types who just kept rolling over the squishier toons who could no longer keep these guys off of them.


It single handily broke Multiple Mage specs in that game... and to this day, Mages are gimp compared to Warriors/Rogues because they're the squishiest toon in the game with virtually zero escape options while Melee in that game have multiple gap closers.

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Roots shouldn't respect the resolve bar or generate resolve. However there should be a separate diminishing return on roots, such that no individual class is disadvantaged, but chain rooting is mitigated. I think rooting someone in fire in Huttball is a good mechanic, especially for non-ranked games where you have tons of silly stuns flying around outside of fires. However you shouldn't be able to keep someone in place permanently by chaining together roots, since numerous roots have very short CDs. That has nothing to do with individual class mechanics and everything to do with the overall ebb and flow of the game. Edited by DeimosAmon
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This thread is a non sense.


Anyone asking about changing root thing or is playing a melee class or has absolutely no idea about how this game works.


Right now is working as intended cos if they change root mechanic they would have a hard work rebalancing classes cos melees would be overpowered like hell. Things like leap or many of the gap closers should be rebalanced cos right now class balance was done with the current system.


It wont happen so is pointless.

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Resolve is broken. The benefits of resolve don't come into play until you're nearly dead anway, and then those benefits disappear while spawning. Just give diminishing returns for like abilities.


None of what you said indicates that resolve is broken. If you are dying that often you should team with healers or if you are a healer, get tanks that know how to guard you. It is working fine as is.

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