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Poll: For or Against roots respecting resolve bar


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I dont get you people, you complain about being chain rooted and snared and say there is no way around it. Try specing into root and snare breaking abilities for pvp.


Vanguard / PT - have hydrolic override / mirror to break and be immune to roots / snares for 8 secs.

Mercs / Commando - have deguaes in pyro tree to break roots and snares + cure to cleanse most snares

Shadow / Assassin - have force speed to break roots and snares when talented + resilience to become immune

Sorc / Sage - have cleanse to break roots and snares + force speed to deny snare effects for a short time

Operative / scoundrel - have cleanse to break snares and roots + evasion

Sniper / gunsligger - have hunker down to become immune to all cc

Sentinals / Mara - have force camo when speced to break roots and snares

Jugs / Guardians - have cc immunity on force leap when speced


So every spec in the game has some form of cc immunity and/or immunity to snares and roots and/or breaking of snares and roots for a period of time.


So stop complaining about snares and roots and start running some specs that give you this type of utility instead of pumping everything into dmg talents. If damage talents are all you spec into its your own damn fault not the game design



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How does it purely benefit melee ? AFAIK range are impacted by root as well. If a fleeing gunslinger want to avoid getting pwned by a melee, getting rooted or snared is not exactly helping. First thing I do when I start chasing a sniper or a merc on my shadow is to snare him to make sure he will feel my lightsaber.


The answer to that question should be obvious.


In any case a gunslinger already has cc immunity - hunker down.

Edited by PloGreen
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Common sense made humans believe for thousands of years that the earth is flat. Then came science and said, nope it's round (which doesn't contradict common sense BTW), but people had to burn before those entranced in their views started to accept the truth. Common sense and empirical evidence have their limitations, don't base all your opinions on those alone. When the game developers say "OK we really thought about this and this is how it's supposed to work." why should we listen to your empirical arguments? And it's not just blindly believing them, some of us actually have the common sense to understand their arguments.

All that remains to be said is "Adapt and overcome" and don't let your frustration cloud your judgement as I know how painfully it is to die 2 meters away from the scoring line ;).


There's a big difference between common knowledge (often wrong due to bad guesses, superstitions and lack of scientific knowledge/facts) and common sense. But common sense can be wrong if your entire frame of reference is based on bad common knowledge (common sense would tell someone they'd sail off the edge of the world eventually if they thought the world was flat).


But here we have a very clearcut resolve system: resolve is supposed to fill when a character is cc'd, and when you get hit with too much of it you are supposed to be immune. That's the definition. That's the logic. In this thread are people saying "it's not really cc" or "it's not detrimental so it shouldn't fill the bar". The only argument I've seen that is relevant amounts to "but my character needs to be able to cc regardless of resolve" and that should be its own thread (as should ideas for an overhaul of fhe resolve system).

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There's a big difference between common knowledge (often wrong due to bad guesses, superstitions and lack of scientific knowledge/facts) and common sense. But common sense can be wrong if your entire frame of reference is based on bad common knowledge (common sense would tell someone they'd sail off the edge of the world eventually if they thought the world was flat).


But here we have a very clearcut resolve system: resolve is supposed to fill when a character is cc'd, and when you get hit with too much of it you are supposed to be immune. That's the definition. That's the logic. In this thread are people saying "it's not really cc" or "it's not detrimental so it shouldn't fill the bar". The only argument I've seen that is relevant amounts to "but my character needs to be able to cc regardless of resolve" and that should be its own thread (as should ideas for an overhaul of fhe resolve system).


It works fine as it is. All i see is qq from players seemingly unable to grasp the concept of teamwork, cc breakers and defensive cooldowns.

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Huttball will be over in an even quicker pace than it is now with all the leapy crap going on if there are no roots after full resolve.


maybe a bit. there is a chance that the wz maps would have to be adjusted. something like tweaking the cc system is going to have to be a trial and error process and on this issue i'm all about trying things out, even if there's the possibility that it fails hard.

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Common sense made humans believe for thousands of years that the earth is flat. Then came science and said, nope it's round (which doesn't contradict common sense BTW), but people had to burn before those entranced in their views started to accept the truth. Common sense and empirical evidence have their limitations, don't base all your opinions on those alone. When the game developers say "OK we really thought about this and this is how it's supposed to work." why should we listen to your empirical arguments? And it's not just blindly believing them, some of us actually have the common sense to understand their arguments.

All that remains to be said is "Adapt and overcome" and don't let your frustration cloud your judgement as I know how painfully it is to die 2 meters away from the scoring line ;).


Actually, seeing as the Greeks and Egyptians and presumably others knew the earth was round (and even calculated its radius), I'm not sure where you'd get thousands of years. I'm not even convinced a flat earth was that commonly believed in the "dark ages." Every time a ship sails over the horizon, the roundness of the earth is demonstrated. Columbus didn't have a hard time getting backers because people thought the world was flat but because they suspected his math was bad.


Regardless if you're right, common sense isn't necessarily common. It's stuff everyone should be able to figure out (like wash your face before your rear), but not that many people do.

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Huttball will be over in an even quicker pace than it is now with all the leapy crap going on if there are no roots after full resolve.


I doubt it. Getting rooted in a fire pit with full resolve isn't something I see *that* often, it's just complete BS when it does.

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Very much against roots/snares either filling resolve bar or, as some have suggested, not working on full resolve players.


Those of you who never cease complaining about marauders/sentinels will howl at the moon when you realize that a fully resolved marauder/sentinel now has no way to be stopped.


Snipers/gunslingers are meant to be the counter to marauders/sentinels. Take away the effectiveness of our root and we become sorc/sage with guns.

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I too am totally against this as it would break the game as it currently is.


At most I'd be willing to entertain the notion of a root turning into a 10% movement snare when white-barred but this would need to be tested on the PTS to death to make sure that doesn't break the game.

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The answer to that question should be obvious.


In any case a gunslinger already has cc immunity - hunker down.


Which is a self root... so prevent roots on you by rooting yourself in place... genius why didnt i think of that ;)


P.s. Against roots affecting resolve.

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Roots, interrupts, snares- all CC should be effected by resolve, resolve should be a couple seconds of being able to move normally- since that's the only couple seconds you'll have in a game where you aren't locked in place and unable to do anything.


That, or give some more CC immunity/break abilities to each of the classes.

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I doubt anyone here who thinks adding roots to resolve is actually 2000+ rated.


Roots are fine. Adding them to resolve would break pvp, and utterly destroy certain classes.


I'd be fine with making cc break have a lower cd though. Like 1.5 mins instead of 2.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Roots should absolutely not respect the resolve bar.


It would destroy balance as it is. If sprint/leap while carrying the ball would trigger a reset, then maybe. Otherwise it would be even more easy to lolrun/leap to score without any good passes.


I know it's frustrating for a melee to get rooted a lot, but it's a balance issue between melee/range as well. Ranged classes need roots to keep the melee at bay.


Also, many AC trees have anti-root/snare abilities. What happens is, people don't pick them, and then complain roots are OP...


Why can't people just undestand: resolve builds when you can't act (stunned). You can act while rooted/snared (use your abilities).

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