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Poll: For or Against roots respecting resolve bar


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Sorry but a gunslinger shooting me back 100 yards while I stand there rooted taking every shot up the ARSE and can do nothing but watch my health drop in chunks is NOT a fighting chance...it's an "IWIN" because I have NO CHANCE.


The root fails if he does damage to you, it ends prematurely just like any mezz.Which means that being dotted is you best moment to asttack classs with roots. In fact, lethality snipers cannnot take advatage of roots at all.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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erm ... why do [we] need a poll on this topic? I mean, it's pretty clear roots and snares are unpopular, but popular isn't a developmental decision. Though, I think it would be pretty hilarious to see marauders perma cc immune, imagine the whinefest once people learn they spend most of the match CC'd and still ruin warzones.
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Roots and snares are the only last way to slow or stop the ballcarrier in huttball, 99% of the time the ballcarrier is full resolve by the time he/she crosses the firepit onto the endzone and there's nothing that can be done besides dps, at least I can root every 9 seconds with creeping terror to slow them down.


Besides all that, CC in this game overall is very atrocious compared to majority of other MMO games.

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You didn't get it Bro.


As melee kills range when they are in melee range, 100% of the time (I mean you should know the sniper/gunslinger has no defensive cooldown, no kb, no stun, and no defense screen). When you're melee, a gunslinger dies in one vicious slash, it's known.


So if the range wants to keep a chance against the melee, the range HAS TO KILL him 100% of the time unless he got surprised by the said melee.


Range sees melee = melee should die.


That's actually how most range thinks :)


And no way a range should start to kite a bit.


By experience what I see the most when I have successfully reached my target on an hybrid shadow.


- Mercenary, BT, Sorcerer : hit and kite, I'll have to use my force slow because they will kite me, 100% of the time. Fair enough, that's the deal.

- Sniper : stays in cover and fight with me in melee range. Don't give a single **** being in melee range, will hardly get out of his cover to flee.


There is no ability to kite with gunslinger/sniper, only ability to kill from distance. They technically never move :)


Range does not get killed by melee 100% of the time in melee range. Not even close actually, in fact, if this is happening to you then perhaps you need to look up some guides or talk to people who know how to play ranged cause I see ranged beating melee on a regular basis.

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I think CC duration should be cut in half - stuns/roots, but I also think snares and roots should work with a full resolve bar, just the duration should be shorter with snares slowing me down by 30-50% movement speed and not 50-80%. Also make snares/roots/stuns curable (and give them immunity) to get people to use more than just a set profession.
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For allowing them not to effect fully resolved people, But not for roots increasing resolve.


Either this, give them their own resolve bar, or give everyone at least one break with an immunity to both for a short time after.


I really don't think they meant for roots to be what keeps you in place until your resolve bar is low enough to stun you again.

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Against. Duh. But:


why name it a poll if you don't update the thread with the results?


This ^. A poll thread is a responsibility.


We get it, you don't want to lose your leap root but hey if my sin can't force pull people with full resolve bar why should your guardian be able to root me? I mean Force Pull doesn't make you lose control of your character either right?


You're really equating getting stopped for 2-3 seconds with getting pulled 30 meters into an inferno? Without the root, the leap is useless. Play a Knight or Warrior, take off all your accuracy gear, and try to leap in pvp and have it miss. Pretty pointless, eh?


Here's the thing: all classes have specs (sometimes all their specs) that rely on roots to be effective, and all classes can be frustrated by roots. It's balanced, working as intended, fine, l2p, etc.

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I like it exactly how it is. It is an ability of a class just like leap, speed, heal and DPS.


And if this was 1v1 I would agree with you but when you play against 8 classes with that ability and you have one break on a timer that doesn't even help it is absurd.

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And if this was 1v1 I would agree with you but when you play against 8 classes with that ability and you have one break on a timer that doesn't even help it is absurd.


It is not 1v8 either. It is 8v8.

The root ability is on a cool down and everyone has a breaker. If everyone on a team is chain rooting one guy then the one guy is stuck, similar to how if one guy is focus fired on he dies.

In my opinion.

Ranged classes would be gimped out of the game without this ability.

Edited by richardya
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And if this was 1v1 I would agree with you but when you play against 8 classes with that ability and you have one break on a timer that doesn't even help it is absurd.


You may not yet realize, but root immunity would be very very powerful. I am not sure that ypu ypurself will be happy fighting against enemies that cannot be snared or rooted. I am not sure that even marauders will consider this a good change after playing it for a while.

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You may not yet realize, but root immunity would be very very powerful. I am not sure that ypu ypurself will be happy fighting against enemies that cannot be snared or rooted. I am not sure that even marauders will consider this a good change after playing it for a while.


Every game with PvP that I have played has some sort of limited immunity to CC, as well as some type of diminishing returns for CC and usually reduced CC in PvP. I could write out the long list of all the MMOs I have played and beta tested over the last decade but it would make no difference.


I love playing SWTOR but I would have a really hard time making the argument that SWTOR's PvP is better than many other MMOs.

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Every game with PvP that I have played has some sort of limited immunity to CC, as well as some type of diminishing returns for CC and usually reduced CC in PvP. I could write out the long list of all the MMOs I have played and beta tested over the last decade but it would make no difference.


I love playing SWTOR but I would have a really hard time making the argument that SWTOR's PvP is better than many other MMOs.


Roots and Snares are not considered CC in SWTOR. They are Kite tools.

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I am for roots not effecting the resolve bar


As far as I am concerned only a cc that debilitates the player should count toward resolve. You can still attack, can still pass a huttball, etc while rooted or snared therefore should not count

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Poll is pointless. Devs already have stated that it is working as intended for roots to be seperate from resolve. Changing it would screw up several specs and make huttball even more of a joke. The best thing BW could do in this case would be to stick to their guns and not give in to the crying on the forums.


What he said:p

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As a Jedi Seer with a "dispel" ability, I am ok with roots being allowed and/or not respecting resolve.


I completely understand others may have a different view, especially melee, so I can respect that view as well.


I can only speak from my own perspective, where as a healer that is on the ball, I can dispel many mechanics in PvP that others choose not to dispel, don't know they can dispel, or some other reason... so I think it gives a strategic edge in many cases.

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^ this. if you have full resolve you should be straight immune to ERTHANG. however I wouldnt enjoy roots applying to generating resolve.


If you had full immunity with full resolve, melees and close ranged dps characters will run amok - even moreso than they do now. Roots, slows, and stuns annoy everyone, yes, but roots and slows (which are off-resolve) certainly have a far more significant impact on melees and 10m range classes (some more than others). If roots/slows were added into resolve immunity, yet they themselves did not cause resolve to fill, many people would significantly reduce the frequency of their stuns/mezzes in favor of more root-capable class-composed teams and classes that have stuns/knockdowns that tend to fill less resolve (so that they can optimize their chain-stunning so as to kill the enemy out-right for when they DO use stuns).


Now, if they don't do this, they will simply be giving all melees and 10m ranged classes complete immunity to kiting mechanics which will easily result in more people complaining about PT/VG's, Assassins/Shadows (though tank specs are currently the least affected AC by roots/slows), Maras/Sents, and yes... rage/focus specced Jugg/Guardians.


Seriously, do any of you people not realise that warriors/knights cannot use their leaps if they are rooted? Imagine how much more easily (roots are the most effective counter for them when they are at full-resolve, currently, and they still feel as though they're finally closer to being capable of their maximum damage potential when resolve is filled) they'll seriously dominate if when they're at full resolve, there is no possible method to avoid their onslaught.

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If you had full immunity with full resolve, melees and close ranged dps characters will run amok - even moreso than they do now. Roots, slows, and stuns annoy everyone, yes, but roots and slows (which are off-resolve) certainly have a far more significant impact on melees and 10m range classes (some more than others). If roots/slows were added into resolve immunity, yet they themselves did not cause resolve to fill, many people would significantly reduce the frequency of their stuns/mezzes in favor of more root-capable class-composed teams and classes that have stuns/knockdowns that tend to fill less resolve (so that they can optimize their chain-stunning so as to kill the enemy out-right for when they DO use stuns).


Now, if they don't do this, they will simply be giving all melees and 10m ranged classes complete immunity to kiting mechanics which will easily result in more people complaining about PT/VG's, Assassins/Shadows (though tank specs are currently the least affected AC by roots/slows), Maras/Sents, and yes... rage/focus specced Jugg/Guardians.


Seriously, do any of you people not realise that warriors/knights cannot use their leaps if they are rooted? Imagine how much more easily (roots are the most effective counter for them when they are at full-resolve, currently, and they still feel as though they're finally closer to being capable of their maximum damage potential when resolve is filled) they'll seriously dominate if when they're at full resolve, there is no possible method to avoid their onslaught.


No one is asking for immunity for life here, how would a couple of seconds of not being able to be controlled going to ruin the game? Every other major MMO managed to put it in without ruining PvP.


No one is saying you can't use your roots to kite people, it just doesn't make sense for 8 people to all be able to use their roots on the same person and have no diminishing returns on them or immunity to it ever.

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Range does not get killed by melee 100% of the time in melee range. Not even close actually, in fact, if this is happening to you then perhaps you need to look up some guides or talk to people who know how to play ranged cause I see ranged beating melee on a regular basis.


You need to sharp your sarcasm detector up. Most ranges will tell you that root is essential because they get melted away if at melee range. Still it's far from true. Yes true, if they are surprised by a melee (they didn't get any hit on him and suddenly they end up with a jug/mara/sin on their back, they won't survive without an escape), but having the root 100% working is still overkill to survive.


The operatives you surprise once full resulve could also cry and say that his stun should work. Still it doesn't.


There should be some kind of immunity to root at 1 point anyhow.

Edited by Nolenthar
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No one is asking for immunity for life here, how would a couple of seconds of not being able to be controlled going to ruin the game? Every other major MMO managed to put it in without ruining PvP.


No one is saying you can't use your roots to kite people, it just doesn't make sense for 8 people to all be able to use their roots on the same person and have no diminishing returns on them or immunity to it ever.


So you want a change purely to benefit melee?



This change is the worst idea possible that anyone has suggested.


Add to this, some classes already have immunity to cc while using defensive cooldowns (shadow, jug), also some of the classes that would benefit this change have decent damage immunity cooldowns (maras). I dont see the problem with how roots are now, other than this suggestion or pol is a fairly substantial gift to melee players who dont actually need immunity to resolve as it stands now.

Edited by PloGreen
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So you want a change purely to benefit melee?



This change is the worst idea possible that anyone has suggested.


How does it purely benefit melee ? AFAIK range are impacted by root as well. If a fleeing gunslinger want to avoid getting pwned by a melee, getting rooted or snared is not exactly helping. First thing I do when I start chasing a sniper or a merc on my shadow is to snare him to make sure he will feel my lightsaber.

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