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Now that recruit gear is free.


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It's completely obvious that you save up coms pre 50 but that doesnt really get you very far .


No pve gear in pvp at all , so your tellng me using orange augmented belt and bracers with a L25 or L26 armouring and mod. augmenting it and then later upgrading the mod to a BM and then War Hero one from cheap gloves is a bad idea we should stick to recruit>BM>War Hero route instead. Ok whatever you say i'd like to see the figures behind that.

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It's completely obvious that you save up coms pre 50 but that doesnt really get you very far .


No pve gear in pvp at all , so your tellng me using orange augmented belt and bracers with a L25 or L26 armouring and mod. augmenting it and then later upgrading the mod to a BM and then War Hero one from cheap gloves is a bad idea we should stick to recruit>BM>War Hero route instead. Ok whatever you say i'd like to see the figures behind that.


You should use recruit untill you get bm, I don't like it but it's the best way.

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It's completely obvious that you save up coms pre 50 but that doesnt really get you very far .

Max WZ comms and max ranked comms converted back into WZ comms can get you 7 pieces of BM right at 50. Granted you lose out on a WH piece but on my alt I just wanted full BM as fast as possible. Granted not everyone pvp's that much when grinding thus they have the option of recruit gear which they SHOULD take. It's free 126 rating gear.


No pve gear in pvp at all , so your tellng me using orange augmented belt and bracers with a L25 or L26 armouring and mod. augmenting it and then later upgrading the mod to a BM and then War Hero one from cheap gloves is a bad idea we should stick to recruit>BM>War Hero route instead. Ok whatever you say i'd like to see the figures behind that.


There is this stat called expertise, you should look into it.

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I have and unfortunately an extra 40 or so doesnt make up for losing over double the amount in stats . Trading back rated coms for unrated at 1:1 , thats bright i have better things to do thanks .
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I have and unfortunately an extra 40 or so doesnt make up for losing over double the amount in stats . Trading back rated coms for unrated at 1:1 , thats bright i have better things to do thanks .


Then get thrashed for 6k and be completely useless to the team. I will continue to mark pve gear players and type in "marked player is a free kill" until people stop being stupid or BioWare does something smart for once and adds a requirement to have expertise to enter a warzone.


There has actually been so many pve geared players in pvp lately that me and my friends make it a game to see who can crit the highest on them. 7.5k is the record and that was against a rakata geared player.

Edited by Raansu
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I don't disagree with the OP about needing a minimum expertise to join a 50 match, but I still like the idea of getting the credit option. People who PVP a lot will have 3500 ranked WZ comms and 2000 WZ comms when they ding 50. So they can buy a few WH pieces and BM pieces. So take the cash, buy the rest of the recruit gear that you need. You will end up keeping a lot of the cash and be fully geared.
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I don't disagree with the OP about needing a minimum expertise to join a 50 match, but I still like the idea of getting the credit option. People who PVP a lot will have 3500 ranked WZ comms and 2000 WZ comms when they ding 50. So they can buy a few WH pieces and BM pieces. So take the cash, buy the rest of the recruit gear that you need. You will end up keeping a lot of the cash and be fully geared.


See the thing is, the credit token was meant to be sort of a refund type deal for those who actually bought the gear before it became free. I really believe they are going to remove the token eventually and I think they should as well. I've met way too many fresh 50's that took the credit token instead of the gear and saying straight up that they don't need the gear all while wearing level 45 greens...

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See the thing is, the credit token was meant to be sort of a refund type deal for those who actually bought the gear before it became free. I really believe they are going to remove the token eventually and I think they should as well. I've met way too many fresh 50's that took the credit token instead of the gear and saying straight up that they don't need the gear all while wearing level 45 greens...


But if the expertise has a minimum to play, they can't do that. You missed the first part of what I said.

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But if the expertise has a minimum to play, they can't do that. You missed the first part of what I said.


No I didn't miss it and recruit gear is still free. There is no need for the credit token. Anyone who had purchased recruit gear prior to 1.3 has gotten their credits back, that was the entire point of the token. It doesn't need to be there anymore. Take the damn recruit gear and whatever slots you fill from saved comms you replace with the upgraded BM gear.

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OK. If you have dinged 50 and have full RWZ and WZ coms stacked then you can buy BM gloves and boots (and unlock your first set bonus), buy WH earpiece and you have to play one or two war zones to get the WH implant. That is if you don't like to be scammed by trading your RWZs for WZs. Or you could buy more BMs including the main hand weapon (not advisable for healers though). If you have enough credits you could buy orange belt and bracers and mod them with high grade purple mods but IMHO opinion that's just a waste of resources because BM bracers and belt are really easy to acquire.

Disclaimer: All above are just suggestions and ideas.

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Then get thrashed for 6k and be completely useless to the team. I will continue to mark pve gear players and type in "marked player is a free kill" until people stop being stupid or BioWare does something smart for once and adds a requirement to have expertise to enter a warzone.


There has actually been so many pve geared players in pvp lately that me and my friends make it a game to see who can crit the highest on them. 7.5k is the record and that was against a rakata geared player.


So having 100 or 200 expertise missing means you get thrashed for 6 to 7.5 k by you and your chums , dream on ......

Don't talk to me about full Rakata players , thats 0 expertise and quite often bad stat optimisation. There are plenty of stats , not just expertise and although expertise is the most important stat in pvp, without cunning ,surge, crit , power and endurance your expertise won't do a lot. To sacrifice everything for expertise with the full recruit gear is just stupid.


Full recruit against full Rakata ,yes Full recruit wins but Full recruit against Recruit mixed with choice pieces of stat optimised pve gear then Full recruit loses if you are dps in the solo queue.


This is only for folk who already have some good pve optimised gear to use . Its easy enough to get good gear before 50 with money.

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You can't get rid of the free token. What about the people like me who were already geared out before they even noticed the free stuff? You can't use it for your companions unless they are the same class as you (the recruit armor is tailored to your specific class) and it's kind of pointless to have it if I already have Batllemaster gear.


I say just let the people with no PvP gear wallow in their utter defeat. Eventually they'll get it through their thick skulls that dying over and over isn't fun, and that PvP gear helps. I used to be one of those people (I didn't even know what recruit gear was I was such a noob) so shoot them a whisper politely notifying them that recruit gear will help them out. They may not even know about it. If they get snarky, fine, let them die; because you know they will, over and over.


If your team loses? Get over it. You aren't going to win every single match all the time. It's just a game, and losing one match isn't the end of the world. Just kill people, get your medals, and move on to the next match.

Edited by Trooper_One
(Spell-check is your friend)
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No I didn't miss it and recruit gear is still free. There is no need for the credit token. Anyone who had purchased recruit gear prior to 1.3 has gotten their credits back, that was the entire point of the token. It doesn't need to be there anymore. Take the damn recruit gear and whatever slots you fill from saved comms you replace with the upgraded BM gear.


I didn't mean to upset you. I still disagree though. Why would I get the full set of recruit gear and just not use a few pieces. It is a waste of money. I also have a 50 that was fully geared before they invented recruit gear. I don't see how forcing someone to take recruit gear that they don't need is more fair to the older players.


Everyone has the exact same choice. Take the money or take the gear. It doesn't matter if you were in full WH or only level 20 when they made the offer. Everyone gets the same offer.


I think it would actually be better to remove the option to take the gear. Just give the credits. Let them buy what they want, but you need a minimum of expertise to pvp at 50. Make it 900 or whatever it is for the full recruit set.


Then nobody can complain about anything at all. Everyone would be treated the exact same. Ding 50, great, here is 420,000 credits. Wanna PVP? You need an expertise of 900.

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800 expertise =

+16% damage boost on players.

+14% Damage Reduction from players

+9% healing boost during pvp combat.


The tooltip doesn't take expertise into account when showing ability damage.


Of coarse the tooltip doesn't account for EXP, but if you actually looked at my number for recruit gear attack, you would see that I took EXP into account for my damage. It's lower even with the EXP percentage added..

Here I am with 5RAK/7COL:


Force in Balance rating: 1520-1584

HP: 16322

Here I am in Recruit:


Force in Balance: 1249-1313 *1.1662= 1457-1532

HP: 12352


Yeah expertise is really helping here.:rolleyes:

Shall I go on?

Comprehension is a good thing...


I currently have 1370 expertise which is




If you want to role into pvp with ZERO expertise and give me a free +24% damage boos be my guess. Any decent player is smart enough to go in with recruit gear, ESPECIALLY since it is free gear now..


Ok so lets look at my attack on you:

If I were in my PvE combo at the the non-crit max on you is 1283

If I were in my Recruit at the the non-crit max on you is 1240

43HP is really gamechanging..../sarcasm oh wait.. 43HP for PvE config.... LOL....I guess you didn't really look at the screenshots either because you also would have noticed my crit and surge are higher in PvE gear....Pew-Pew


So lets look at it from your point of view as you "drop your 6k bomb":

In PvE HP Remaining: 10322

In Recruit: 7192

Now this is a crit hit example, non-crit attack further diminish EXP gains in relation to HP loss and PvP medpaks based on Max HP.


I had no player buffs as well, the gap gets larger in favor of PvE if I introduce the knight, trooper, sage buffs as they are percentage adds to Damage Bonus, Max HP, and Main Stat, but I won't go into all the math behind that one.

The only scenario where EXP might matter in this scenario is if someone was healing us at the same time all the time, but how often is someone healing you, and only you? In a PuG, almost never unless you got a friend healer that is foresaking the rest of the team.. Given the same instance in time/attack/damage-heal calc, recruit gear is a wash or worst after you get past columi. That is an abstract thought that probably goes way over ur head. Nvm...


Shall I go on


Please go on. You havent' really shown anything that I already told you was a dumb argument.

Rakata is not better than recruit gear. When are you scrubs going to get it through your thick skull that you NEED expertise in pvp.
You wearing rakata = me getting a free 6k hit on you. I instantly mark anyone wearing pve gear. You need expertise from recruit gear. Unless of course you like getting +24% additional damage done to you.
LOL, just showed a 7COL/5RAK example. I just crit'd you for 8mil


or do you wish to continue being a scrub? PvP with expertise or go do something else. You are not welcome in warzones with your pve gear and BioWare needs to require expertise to queue just like group finder needs a proper gear check

Scrub? Do you even know what scrub means? Valor rank 82 (see the screenshot if you think I am bsing). I run around with 750-800EXP by choice. I got 12 pairs of WH gloves, I have tried all gear combinations from PvE epics to WH and everything in between, including Cent/Cham pieces, and played a TON of WZ's. I constantly outpace higher EXP players. Am I leet? Hell no. I'm an average player. So if I am about as effective in either sets, it tells me EXP is doing little (at best) to give me an "advantage".


Are you a decent player? IDK, but saying "any decent" just proves you know very little about this game to even comment on PvP. I can +-/* that's all. Apparently you can't or just too damn blind to see it and feel the nerd-rage that is gear greifing, is justified when you don't closely look at what the person is wearing (as I have shown) and analyze their options. If they had BM, but wore Rakata, ok, then yeah question their choice, but I am sure you took the time to ask them if they had it right?:rolleyes: Your whole thread is predicated on knowing how EXP works when you compare it to PvE gear, but you really have no clue.


It seems my calcs and thoughts escapes the logic and reasoning portion of your brain. Maybe you should check ya-self before you give your gear checks.... Pew-Pew.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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Buffs to incoming healing are also pretty useless when you actually don't get any healing , which happens probably more than 50% of the time when you are running in unrated solo queue.

I send a personal whisper thanking for the heals after a WZ everytime - not joking.


but i don't get that chance very often. when i ACTUALLY have a healer healing me, it doesn't even feel like i'm pvp'ing.. :p

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There needs to be a requirement to have a minimum amount of expertise to even be allowed to queue for a level 50 warzone. If you want to take that 300k credit token then you just lost your chance to enter a warzone. There is no excuse to be going into a warzone with pve gear with recruit gear being free now.



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I like both aspects of the game and find a lot of food for thought in this thread. That being said, I'm not going to turn down a free set of gear. I may tinker with switching out pieces out of curiosity, but, that's part of the fun, and possibly what training dummies can be used for.


My problem: How many people play, and how many read the forums? By extension, how many of the people wearing PvE gear in a WZ do you actually think are going to come to the PvP forums and catch a thread like this? I mean no disresect to any of the posters, I'm just wondering, eve with 100% agreement between all readers, will there actually be much change in the actual game environment?


I think it would actually be better to remove the option to take the gear. Just give the credits. Let them buy what they want, but you need a minimum of expertise to pvp at 50. Make it 900 or whatever it is for the full recruit set.


Then nobody can complain about anything at all. Everyone would be treated the exact same. Ding 50, great, here is 420,000 credits. Wanna PVP? You need an expertise of 900.


I think this is brilliant. At the very least it could make some curious enough to find out what expertise does.

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