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Now that recruit gear is free.


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my biggest problem is with people who are militant about "expertise > * in pvp".


i had a guy in a CW who was relentlessly ragging on me because i was in my pve gear.


nevermind that

  • I solo capped grass
  • survived long enough to defend snow until the respawn arrived, to keep it from being capped
  • the guy ragging on me was caught chasing a wounded opposition, and left snow and let it be capped under him
  • i ended up with 2x more objective points than him, and 2x more badges


seriously, if only pvp gear gave you skills, this discussion would hold a lot more value.

Edited by oredith
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Checked my mail, no free requit gear there...

Anyone remember where they got the free requit gear?

it might have been a one time deal with 1.3 patch. not an ongoing thing.


were you lvl 50 already when the 1.3 patch went live?

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^ this.


anyone who sees someone wearing recruit gear knows they're easy pickings (13-14k HP, really?).


it's like running around with a big target on your head.


but whether you like it or not, you start out with it. so why the whole "having recruit means you're useless and paints you with a big bulls eye" argument is kind of lackluster. we all know the first tier of endgame PvP gear is not as good as the others, so why is this being brought up?

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Why cant Bioware make a PVE PVP sone?

It's a sone where you can PVP in your PVE gear.

So you cant enter here in PVP gear. You have to use PVE gear and your skill of playing a class

instead of being forced to have a certain amount of expertise to even be usefull.

i'm sure you have to use skil in PVP too, its just frustrating that you NEED to have a certain amount of expertise before you stop being slaughtered...


Maybe it should be that way...

It just had been cool to not being forced to be kicked around and slaughtered the first weeks of lv 50 PvP.

In PvE FP ans Story mode OPS I am usefull (not very good but atleast usefull) as a fresh lv 50...

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my biggest problem is with people who are militant about "expertise > * in pvp".

seriously, if only pvp gear gave you skills, this discussion would hold a lot more value.


Or if it gave them math skills....LOL :eek:




Here's the link to my results, Post #19. I can't seem to find my spreadsheet with the calcs on it ATM so I may need to recreate it >:(




The reason I asked is because I did a two piece swap between BM and Rakata a it showed very little in the way of "gains" for PvP. Note 262 on the link in my sig line...

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it might have been a one time deal with 1.3 patch. not an ongoing thing.


were you lvl 50 already when the 1.3 patch went live?


Cant remember but probably not since I have't got it...

So do i need do pay like 300K for it, or is it some quest I can do or something to get it free?

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Get to level 50....


I got to lv 50 around 3 weeks ago...

So where do I get it? Do it come in a mail or something?


you pick up the quest from the PvP quest terminal in the fleet. from there it immediately sends you to the PvP mission drop box right next to it where it gives you have the choice of one of two complete sets of recruit gear or the cash token.

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They need to remove the 'cash out' option from the Token.


Either use it to gear yourself, or your companions.


"There will be no money, but.... on your death bed, you shall receive total consciousnesses"


Couple problems with this... The gear is specific to your class so may not be useful for your companions, and my mains dont need a set of recruit gear, but people would spaz if they didnt give something to those toons who were already 50 at 1.3


I will say what I have always said since 1.2, you want people to wear the recruit gear, give it a bump, and make it orange.


For the record I am leveling an alt, and I will hit 50 with 3500/2000 comms banked so I can get 2 WH pieces and a BM, and I WILL fill out the rest with Recruit. But I can't blame the people who just don't want to spend 320k (Even if it was given free) on gear that BY DESIGN, you are meant to get rid of as soon as humanly possible. You want people to buy the gear, make it gear they actually want.


The reason I am willing to buy it, is that I have enough creds on my main, that 300k doesn't seem like much. But if you are new sub with your 1st 50? It is hard to spend that much on gear that everyone knows is horrible. I can't blame people for thinking "Level 3 speeder here I come".

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The reason I am willing to buy it, is that I have enough creds on my main, that 300k doesn't seem like much. But if you are new sub with your 1st 50? It is hard to spend that much on gear that everyone knows is horrible. I can't blame people for thinking "Level 3 speeder here I come".


The gear is free now...Hell its even good enough to compete with daily mods sitting at 126 rating. Even if you don't want to pvp its free gear that can easily be used in some of the HM FP's...There's no reason not to take it over a measly credit token.


Why cant Bioware make a PVE PVP sone?

It's a sone where you can PVP in your PVE gear.

So you cant enter here in PVP gear. You have to use PVE gear and your skill of playing a class

instead of being forced to have a certain amount of expertise to even be usefull.

i'm sure you have to use skil in PVP too, its just frustrating that you NEED to have a certain amount of expertise before you stop being slaughtered...


Maybe it should be that way...

It just had been cool to not being forced to be kicked around and slaughtered the first weeks of lv 50 PvP.

In PvE FP ans Story mode OPS I am usefull (not very good but atleast usefull) as a fresh lv 50...


And then all the people in campaign gear would be stomping those in tioneese gear. So how exactly would it be any different? Case in point, recruit gear is free, there is no excuse not to have it if you are a fresh 50.

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Checked my mail, no free requit gear there...

Anyone remember where they got the free requit gear?


Go to the Combat Training area, get the quest from the terminal, turn in the quest to get either a token worth 320k (sell at any vendor for 320k) or a free set of recruit gear.


It's not via mail.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Get to level 50....


I got to lv 50 around 3 weeks ago...

So where do I get it? Do it come in a mail or something?


You go to the PVP terminal, get the "new technologies" quest (actually, get all the available quests while you are at it)

Then click to the bounty board (the terminal next to PVP terminal, where you return for PVP rewards) and bingo

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just adding a question here... on the fleet on my server there is said that one can grind on this mission by playing many toon up to the first pvp granted level, get the mission, send credits to main and then create a new toon doing the same...


is this for real? i mean if this is possible then that is a severe hole in the system...

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just adding a question here... on the fleet on my server there is said that one can grind on this mission by playing many toon up to the first pvp granted level, get the mission, send credits to main and then create a new toon doing the same...


is this for real? i mean if this is possible then that is a severe hole in the system...



err.. what?


grind up to 50 to get credits instead of recruit set to send it to your main? If I am understanding you right, this is the worst grinding for money ever out there. Just do the level 50 daily quests and you will make over 200k in about 1.5 hours.

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err.. what?


grind up to 50 to get credits instead of recruit set to send it to your main? If I am understanding you right, this is the worst grinding for money ever out there. Just do the level 50 daily quests and you will make over 200k in about 1.5 hours.


ye that was what i did not understand... why would some1 grind to lvl 50 to just add 300k to another toon...

and some did claim that this mission were granted to levels below lvl 50...i belived it were given at lvl 50 only?

if that's the case tho i can sort of understand it...

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The gear is free now...Hell its even good enough to compete with daily mods sitting at 126 rating. Even if you don't want to pvp its free gear that can easily be used in some of the HM FP's...There's no reason not to take it over a measly credit token.



While I agree, remember if you would have quoted my whole text it actually said that I WILL buy recruit gear on my alt when he dings 50, but it is NOT anything I would use in HM flashpoints. I hit 50 with a toon shortly after 1.2 hit, and compared my current gear to recruit, and almost every piece would have gimped me in PVE vs my level 49 gear. Granted I was pretty twinked out at 49, but unless you're one of those dudes rocking lvl 35 greens @ 50, the recruit gear is ONLY useful for PVP.

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Hopefully this will put this to rest.



Here I am with 5RAK/7COL:


Force in Balance rating: 1520-1584

HP: 16322



Here I am in Recruit:


Force in Balance: 1249-1313 *1.1662= 1457-1532

HP: 12352


Yeah expertise is really helping here.:rolleyes:

Shall I go on?

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Hopefully this will put this to rest.



Here I am with 5RAK/7COL:


Force in Balance rating: 1520-1584

HP: 16322



Here I am in Recruit:


Force in Balance: 1249-1313 *1.1662= 1457-1532

HP: 12352


Yeah expertise is really helping here.:rolleyes:

Shall I go on?



800 expertise =

+16% damage boost on players.

+14% Damage Reduction from players

+9% healing boost during pvp combat.


The tooltip doesn't take expertise into account when showing ability damage.


I currently have 1370 expertise which is





If you want to role into pvp with ZERO expertise and give me a free +24% damage boos be my guess. Any decent player is smart enough to go in with recruit gear, ESPECIALLY since it is free gear now.


Ya expertise really isnt helping *sarcasm* :rolleyes:


Shall I go on or do you wish to continue being a scrub? PvP with expertise or go do something else. You are not welcome in warzones with your pve gear and BioWare needs to require expertise to queue just like group finder needs a proper gear check.

Edited by Raansu
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it might have been a one time deal with 1.3 patch. not an ongoing thing.


were you lvl 50 already when the 1.3 patch went live?


You don't get it via mail, you have to go to the pvp terminal thingy(where you get the dailies). You'll have to choose between recruit kit or token(choose token). Recruit gear sucks anyways and if you are really going to pvp, you'll get better gear in a week or so anyways. P.s. It doesn't matter if you were 50 before 1.3. I was 50 before 1.2 and i just came back from a huge break and i still got the token(obviously, cause I already had war hero).

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Loads of blanket statements here and most of them are wrong : From a ranged dps perspective : smart people who start in 50's wz don't enter with 0 expertise nor do they enter with full recruit , they cherry pick the recruit pieces and their best pve pieces to give themselves reasonable expertise and some decent stats that allow you to actually kill other players. All the % gain from expertise isnt much use if there is damn all stats to boost in the first place. Buffs to incoming healing are also pretty useless when you actually don't get any healing , which happens probably more than 50% of the time when you are running in unrated solo queue.


From a healers perspective yes everyone they play with should have full recruit. But solo queuing starting 50's is about gaining medals for yourself, aquiring coms and contributing to a win , not just about making the healer ( who half the time isn't present or doesn't heal you) looking good. Burst dps from good pve optimised gear mixed with recruit is better than burst from full recruit full stop. so are hp and 2 or 3 thousand extra hp will go some way to alleviate the increased damage you take and not make you an instant target like someone who has say 13 -15 k hp.


Yes when people see you are doing and taking more damage you may get focused but anyone who has low recruit level hp is an instant target because the odds are they have low hp and they hit about as hard as a wet flannel so they are an easy kill .

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Loads of blanket statements here and most of them are wrong : From a ranged dps perspective : smart people who start in 50's wz don't enter with 0 expertise nor do they enter with full recruit , they cherry pick the recruit pieces and their best pve pieces to give themselves reasonable expertise and some decent stats that allow you to actually kill other players. All the % gain from expertise isnt much use if there is damn all stats to boost in the first place. Buffs to incoming healing are also pretty useless when you actually don't get any healing , which happens probably more than 50% of the time when you are running in unrated solo queue.


Where does the fresh lvl 50 guy get his PvE gear from?

Does that mean I have to farm HM FP's and Ops before I can go into a wz?

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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Loads of blanket statements here and most of them are wrong : From a ranged dps perspective : smart people who start in 50's wz don't enter with 0 expertise nor do they enter with full recruit , they cherry pick the recruit pieces and their best pve pieces to give themselves reasonable expertise and some decent stats that allow you to actually kill other players. All the % gain from expertise isnt much use if there is damn all stats to boost in the first place. Buffs to incoming healing are also pretty useless when you actually don't get any healing , which happens probably more than 50% of the time when you are running in unrated solo queue.


From a healers perspective yes everyone they play with should have full recruit. But solo queuing starting 50's is about gaining medals for yourself, aquiring coms and contributing to a win , not just about making the healer ( who half the time isn't present or doesn't heal you) looking good. Burst dps from good pve optimised gear mixed with recruit is better than burst from full recruit full stop. so are hp and 2 or 3 thousand extra hp will go some way to alleviate the increased damage you take and not make you an instant target like someone who has say 13 -15 k hp.


Yes when people see you are doing and taking more damage you may get focused but anyone who has low recruit level hp is an instant target because the odds are they have low hp and they hit about as hard as a wet flannel so they are an easy kill .


No a smart pvper will have maxed comms before he hits 50 and will have mixed recruit/bm. Bringing any pve gear into pvp is stupid, simple as that.

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