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Stunned...full resolve...rooted...rooted...rooted...no resolve...stunned...


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I'm personally glad that my one root isn't affected by resolve. So gratifying seeing a ballcarrier melt in a firepit from my root...Makes me think my 31 point talent isn't such a waste after all.


Anyone carrying the ball across a fire pit deserves to be extra crispy while waiting for the gate. Everyone has the "Throw Huttball" ability which is the ONLY way the ball should be crossing a fire pit.

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Do you people realize that all the complaining about resolve just makes any other complaints on this forum have less credibility? Resolve is smart, it works, and it is not bugged. Read the sticky, learn how it works. I cannot believe how much whining there is about an effective gameplay element that actually works.


I bet all you people who think you can be stunned/pulled/pushed with full resolve are the same people who are stunning ball carriers to full resolve, allowing them to score.


Here's some more silliness:


this is a major problem, especially in Huttball .They need to put Roots on Resolve. The Sniper Leg Shot and mirror ability for Gunslingers as well as the Force Leap from Jedis. These are not on resolve and this issue needs to be fixed. I'm fine with the Jedi still jumping at me but not with the 2 second root with a full bar. That's a major problem and tips the scales during PVP.


You can pass the ball while you are rooted.


The jedi need the root on their leap or it will be useless. You're kiting me, I manage to separate us by 10 meters, and then leap. Except, whoops, you're still 6 meters away because you were running while I was leaping. What is the point of a gap closer if it doesn't close the gap? If you said, "there is none," You're Right!


I know for a fact that force leap and charge still roots or snares you with a full resolve bar which is stupid. That shouldb e put on resovel beacuse considering the number of people who play those classes it kills you get leapt on 3 times right in front of the in-zone during a Huttball match.


No. See above. Also, what's an in-zone? "Let's go do some sports."


Are you from Pittsburgh?


Haha. Yinz gotta read up on resolve. It needs understood better. Now please excuse me, my pierogies are done. It's my comfort food for when after my baseball team loses.

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ps I have yet to see anyone document/prove that resolve is broken. Until you link a vid of it, resolve works.


I don't think the argument is typically that resolve is *literally* broken, I think the argument is that whatever purpose it's supposed to serve is not correct. It only "works" (as in prevents CC) for people who are being mass healed and super tanky because everyone else usually dies long before they get to benefit from it. 99% of the time my resolve bar is full its while I'm waiting for the door to open out of the respawn.

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This game is more absurd than any other PvP game I have played when it comes to CC. I can't for the life of me understand how a root is not CC either. Stun and the entire other team can literally kill you before the stun wears off and no amount of damage breaks it? Really? In huttball If I have the ball I can step on a fire area, stun full resolve, break it and 99.9% of the time I am rooted again before literally one step and get caught in the fire. My CC break is almost completely useless because the second you use it you are rooted. Not to mention almost every class has a slow on some spammed ability. With full resolve I am still not able to move a huge amount of time, yet I can try to grapple people without full resolve and have it work maybe 20% of the time.
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Just had a wonderful game vs some operative / combat marauder / sorc group.


>Stunned full durations full resolve

>immediately rooted, rooted, rooted again, rooted again until my resolve was out

>Stunned full durations full resolve

>rooted again through my entire resolve bar


Explain in what world it's ok to survive almost an entire minute without being able to move a single inch thanks to a complete lack of diminishing returns or immunity to cc


This is completely broken


So you're a commando who can't do ranged DPS or use cleanse?

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Anyone carrying the ball across a fire pit deserves to be extra crispy while waiting for the gate. Everyone has the "Throw Huttball" ability which is the ONLY way the ball should be crossing a fire pit.


so you basically say that you're so naive to believe that more than 5-10% of the players even think about running in front of the ballcarrier to position themselves for a pass? I am not even speaking of really doing it, but just about having such an idea :D Nice one, mate...really

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Roots are fine. Problem is many teammates don't support their own team (by using Stuns/roots/knockbacks/pulls/grapples/etc.) of their own on any enemy that is capable of rooting - instead, as the OP stated, they just grab popcorn and watch as he tries to survive the onslaught.


If you're a good player, you know roots need to be there - yes, roots are certainly annoying, but they do what they're meant to. If you added roots to the resolve bar, slows would become the next thing that people would cry about to be put on the resolve bar (crush/exhaustion slows you down to 10%, which is pretty close to being rooted, honestly - sludge grenades are AoE 70% slows, and as if juggs/guardians weren't useful enough, the fact that they can spam their AoE slow -without any resource cost if talented, mind you-, they would become the gods of slowing) and ALL melees (including VG/PT/Sin/Shadow) would dominate the game even more than they already do since they'll always be at full resolve and full resolve would also give them root immunity, so there would be absolutely no significant method to counter them.


As it stands right now, most classes have at least one method to counter roots (at least the options are available to them via specced talents) - but many of the people that complain about roots would rather be face-melting specced instead of taking the specs with counters and/or preventatives (i.e. AP/Tactics tree for PT/VG's). Only DPS sorc/sage classes have no possible method to counter the majority of the longest roots (which are typically physical or tech-based debuffs that can be "dispelled" by merc/commandos and ops/scounds) - not that dps sorc/sages are useless when they are rooted, though - unlike many melee classes.

Edited by SinnedWill
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Anyone carrying the ball across a fire pit deserves to be extra crispy while waiting for the gate. Everyone has the "Throw Huttball" ability which is the ONLY way the ball should be crossing a fire pit.


Any good ball-carrier will have a method to counter roots - and they can cross fires without significant concern for rooting so long as they have their cooldowns ready - i.e. defense chance increasing abilities, root/snare breaking/immunity, etc. Good luck with deep frying anyone clever enough to save these defensives for such moments as they cross them.

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Are you guys blind or don't actually read what Bioware says, I now have proof of a contradiction of the system they call resolve.


"Austin Peckenpagh (Senior Designer): Resolve is meant to put a lid on effects that take control away from you, the player. It's meant to limit the effectiveness of chain stuns, sleeps, and knockbacks. However, it is not meant to impact the ranged and melee (kiting and anti-kiting) balance of the game. "


Here was Bioware's definition of resolve since beta,


"While a target’s Resolve bar is empty or filling up, that target can be CC’d

Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty"


Ok so lets break this down we have one version of Bioware that says,


"Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty"


Now we have another since this was said by Austin Peckenpagh (Senior Designer),


It's meant to limit the effectiveness of chain stuns, sleeps, and knockbacks. However, it is not meant to impact the ranged and melee (kiting and anti-kiting) balance of the game.


Now lets go over this again since alot of your posting and thinking you know what you are reading,


We have one side that says "cant be cc'ed until the bar is empty", well we know that was a lie and that isn't happening in the game.


Now Austin Peckenpagh says "its meant to limit the "effectiveness"


That means the system is retarded, cc immunity isn't 100%, that means the resolve is a crap form of cc immunity and it needs fixed or gutted to provide a balance due to huge amounts of cc in the game.


A system that is suppose to make you immune for a limited amount of time and lets in more cc when your wanting to break free is crap, is anyone here going to tell me that there is not over 15 cc moves in the game?


Do any of you want me to make a list of all the cc in the game, and we can do the math how resolve isn't protecting you to alot of the cc in the game?


I don't think you do, I don't think Bioware would either, Resolve is a blanket to cover the mess mechanic of cc immunity over your eyes people, wake up.

Edited by Caeliux
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Just had a wonderful game vs some operative / combat marauder / sorc group.


>Stunned full durations full resolve

>immediately rooted, rooted, rooted again, rooted again until my resolve was out

>Stunned full durations full resolve

>rooted again through my entire resolve bar


Explain in what world it's ok to survive almost an entire minute without being able to move a single inch thanks to a complete lack of diminishing returns or immunity to cc


This is completely broken


How did the whole team focus you down, full res you, root you, full res you, root you, and not kill you? During the time you were rooted, did you ever try ccing back? And finaly, as I'm sure someone has pointed out, if a team is using teamwork against you, use teamwork back. Not only can your "lolmando" cleanse roots, so can your teammates! It's astounding how vocal call outs work.


And the resolve bar has been discussed to death. I'm not saying I like the system or that it's the best out there, but six months in the game and I have never seen someone get stunned after they have been white bar'd. And six months in there still is not a video of it happening.

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Resolve has always been a broken/poorly implemented system. Even if it's "working as intended", it still feels broken to most of the player base. Since BioWare is pretty narcissistic about this kind of stuff, don't look for a fix anytime soon.
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If a combination of 2 Snipers and 2 socrs want to keep you rooted for an entire game that is fine. Your team should go win while your opponents play 2-4 people down.




Sounds like they were griefing you.


Working as intended.

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Are you guys blind or don't actually read what Bioware says, I now have proof of a contradiction of the system they call resolve.


"Austin Peckenpagh (Senior Designer): Resolve is meant to put a lid on effects that take control away from you, the player. It's meant to limit the effectiveness of chain stuns, sleeps, and knockbacks. However, it is not meant to impact the ranged and melee (kiting and anti-kiting) balance of the game. "


Here was Bioware's definition of resolve since beta,


Ok so lets break this down we have one version of Bioware that says,


Now we have another since this was said by Austin Austin Peckenpagh (Senior Designer),


Now lets go over this again since alot of your posting and thinking you know what you are reading,


We have one side that says "cant be cc'ed until the bar is empty", well we know that was a lie and that isn't happening in the game.


Now Austin Peckenpagh says "its meant to limit the "effectiveness"


That means the system is retarded, cc immunity isn't 100%, that means the resolve is a crap form of cc immunity and it needs fixed or gutted to provide a balance due to huge amounts of cc in the game.


A system that is suppose to make you immune for a limited amount of time and lets in more cc when your wanting to break free is crap, is anyone here going to tell me that there is not over 15 cc moves in the game?


Do any of you want me to make a list of all the cc in the game, and we can do the math how resolve isn't protecting you to alot of the cc in the game?


I don't think you do, I don't think Bioware would either, Resolve is a blanket to cover the mess mechanic of cc immunity over your eyes people, wake up.


I'm going to assume that English is not your first language and offer the following explanation for why you are perceiving a contradiction that does not exist.


It is meant to limit the effectiveness of multiple or chain CCs, which it does. CC immunity is 100% with full resolve which makes more than 2-3 CCs (depending on the kind and timing) ineffective thereby limiting the effectiveness of chain CCs. There is no contradiction in what they said.


As for your CC count, there are only 4 kinds of CC in this game:

Stuns - Loss of control, can still take damage.

Mezzes - Loss of control, breaks on damage.

Blinds - Loss of control, can still take damage (none of these are on demand, they are all procced through talents).

Knockback - Pushes and Pulls that forcibly move your character.

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If a combination of 2 Snipers and 2 socrs want to keep you rooted for an entire game that is fine. Your team should go win while your opponents play 2-4 people down.


QFMFT! If, on the other hand, if 4 enemies are consistently focusing on you and your team is losing then clearly they are much better than you. That is not a problem with resolve, that is a problem with match imbalance.


I have played against some of the strong premades on fatman and they are probably reading facebook and watching netflixs as they curb stomp my PUG. They do have 4 guys burning me down because the rest of my team is waiting to get through the door at the respawn point.


I'd read your post but you're mistaken when you say you're being stunned and knocked back while you have a full resolve bar. so it just reminds me of the kids who think others are cheating because they dont know the game mechanics and/or class talents


yeah. I pay close attention to resolve (mine and others) and for the most part it seems to be working as described.


It is really hard to take folks seriously on this issue without a fraps video because of all the folks crying "wolf" who clearly don't know what they are talking about.


Help us all out folks -- if you see something repeatedly happen (e.g. resolve being broken) then catch it on video and post it. This will allow more experienced players to either correct your understanding of game mechanics or confirm the bug. You'll be happier too because you will either understand the game better or you will have folks taking your claim seriously rather than dismissing you.

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Resolve has always been a broken/poorly implemented system. Even if it's "working as intended", it still feels broken to most of the player base. Since BioWare is pretty narcissistic about this kind of stuff, don't look for a fix anytime soon.


The only statistic we can be sure of is the following:


It feels broken to 100% of the people who complain about it on the forum.


Unless you did a Gallup Poll?

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Resolve has always been a broken/poorly implemented system. Even if it's "working as intended", it still feels broken to most of the player base. Since BioWare is pretty narcissistic about this kind of stuff, don't look for a fix anytime soon.


If it is working as intended then it is by definition, not broken.

At that point the problem isn't with the system, it is with the disconnect between what the players are wanting and what the developer is providing. Nothing is "broken", it is disliked.


HUGE difference.

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For those of you who think that roots and snares are CC, I give you this scenario.


You are playing a sorc in PvE, about to start a tough pull in a HM, and the tank tells you "CC the battle droid."


Do you:


1) Snare the battle droid with Force Slow?

2) Root the battle droid with Creeping Terror?

3) Mez the battle droid with Whirlwind?


(HINT: if you say 1 or 2, I am putting you on ignore.)


See, the thing about a snare or a root is that it won't stop the battle droid from BBQing the healer when the tank doesn't pick it up because he THOUGHT YOU CC'D IT.


And in PvP, a snare or root won't necessarily stop an enemy player from doing a number of things, including:


1) CCing you with an actual CC

2) killing you

3) cleansing the snare/root

4) throwing the Huttball

5) using consumables

6) rooting/snaring you back to maintain range

7) etc


For these reasons, snares/roots are not subject to resolve. They are gap control mechanics, not CC.


Also: if you think that you are being CCd with an actual CC while you are whitebarred, you are mistaken.

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Anyone carrying the ball across a fire pit deserves to be extra crispy while waiting for the gate. Everyone has the "Throw Huttball" ability which is the ONLY way the ball should be crossing a fire pit.


So what you are saying is that only a few select classes in this game should ever run with the huttball? So what do you do when there is no one in front of you and they throw you the ball? Ground it if there is no one near you every time? If you can't jump up to the enemy line from the pit there is no way to the goal without going across the fire. If there is no one in front of you on your team you should do what exactly? I don't have any speed, jump or immunity and one break that I can be rooted within half a second of using. I realize there are classes that will be better at running the ball but it should not be set that only some should ever even attempt it. If you don't have those classes in your Pug do you just drop the group?


I'm sorry but if there is a 5 meter section of fire and I use my one and only CC break in the middle of it I should AT LEAST get the other 2.5 meters before I am frozen in place again.

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The change to knockback's effect on resolve has already pretty much killed slinger/sniper marksmanship tree's ability to keep enemies at range since leg shot no longer slows the enemy and I'd say changing it so roots add to resolve and are effected by it would break it further but a 2 second root is pretty useless. I'm just saying.
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I'm going to assume that English is not your first language and offer the following explanation for why you are perceiving a contradiction that does not exist.


I know what I read, you must of totally skipped Biowares version I laid before you.



It is meant to limit the effectiveness


Meant to limit is the problem, resolve should be making us immune like the way they said it was suppose to.


"While a target’s Resolve bar is empty or filling up, that target can be CC’d

Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty"


That is what is suppose to be going on, "target that cant be cc'ed", problem is cc moves bypassing the resolve, meaning Bioware allows some cc to bypass the resolve.

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If a combination of 2 Snipers and 2 socrs want to keep you rooted for an entire game that is fine. Your team should go win while your opponents play 2-4 people down.


This is how I feel! I love when I get 5 guys attacking me and not able to finsh the job easily! It means that my team of at least 7 usually 6 as I have a healer helping me survive can take on 3 guys for victory!....unless they are just defense medal camping and aren't trying, then it really ticks me off!

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If it is working as intended then it is by definition, not broken.

At that point the problem isn't with the system, it is with the disconnect between what the players are wanting and what the developer is providing. Nothing is "broken", it is disliked.


HUGE difference.



Resolve isn't broken...it just sucks.

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Cael, "CC" moves are not bypassing resolve. Roots and snares are not considered to be CC; as Bioware has said, they are for kiting/gap closing. How many more people need to explain this difference to you? Resolve is working exactly as intended.


Tux: I think you'd feel a lot differently about resolve if they took it away and added DR instead; then we'd actually have never-ending stuns instead on top of roots and snares.

Edited by Sock_Bramson
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I'm sorry but if there is a 5 meter section of fire and I use my one and only CC break in the middle of it I should AT LEAST get the other 2.5 meters before I am frozen in place again.




Look at me from a defender point of view (pretend that I am the defender): I want to kill you, because I don't want you to score. I keep dps ing you, but the healer above the rails is out of my range and he is healing whatever damage I put. Your death at the fire pit is my last straw and I cc you there, I know -EXACTLY- that you will use your cc breaker and I immediately after throw my root at you to make sure you don't cross it. Now it is you or that healer's problem to immediately cleanse it or pass the ball to counter my act.


It is working as intended. If you used your cc breaker and are rooted in place, just pass the ball, toward the players at your back if you have to. And be fast about it.


And your comment about some people being better at carrying the ball: Well, yes, half of the classes are better at carrying the ball. Half of the classes are better at defending against the ball carrier. Emphasis needed on the word -better-. Meaning, anyone else can do it, some people have advantage in it. If you don't have that advantage, you have advantage in controlling the mid, and/or defending against the ball carrier. If it happens that all your hutball team group is snipers-ops-mercs-powertechs (a composotion I have NEVER seen yet), means you can defend better and you need to make use of "pass the ball" ability more often.

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