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Stunned...full resolve...rooted...rooted...rooted...no resolve...stunned...


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Just had a wonderful game vs some operative / combat marauder / sorc group.


>Stunned full durations full resolve

>immediately rooted, rooted, rooted again, rooted again until my resolve was out

>Stunned full durations full resolve

>rooted again through my entire resolve bar


Explain in what world it's ok to survive almost an entire minute without being able to move a single inch thanks to a complete lack of diminishing returns or immunity to cc


This is completely broken

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Just had a wonderful game vs some operative / combat marauder / sorc group.


>Stunned full durations full resolve

>immediately rooted, rooted, rooted again, rooted again until my resolve was out

>Stunned full durations full resolve

>rooted again through my entire resolve bar


Explain in what world it's ok to survive almost an entire minute without being able to move a single inch thanks to a complete lack of diminishing returns or immunity to cc


This is completely broken


I agree. If you were stunned and rooted 10+ times, you definitely shouldn't have survived.

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I agree. If you were stunned and rooted 10+ times, you definitely shouldn't have survived.


Right, because the rest of my team isn't attempting to stun, root, and kill their team, nor attempt to heal me. They were just watching me and eating popcorn.


For the record, I am a fully augmented war hero and I blew every cooldown, and the opposing team was a mixed battlemaster group. The fact still stands that cc is broken, and this is not an exception to that.

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My thread = "Resolve and the issues by Caeliux" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=480190


I still have not fraps nothing yet due to lack of me playing enough, but don't fear I still will try my best to weigh in more as time comes.


I also notice the problems of resolve worse after 1.3, especially when your carrying the huttball. I find it kinda ironic that Bioware won't take a bite and least confirm that the problem with resolve and all the cc in the game is broken and needs fixed.


It don't take a mmo genius to notice that resolve is a system that either needs reworked, or completely gutted out.


Lets face it, its broken and has been since beta.

Edited by Caeliux
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My thread = "Resolve and the issues by Caeliux" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=480190


I still have not fraps nothing yet due to lack of me playing enough, but don't fear I still will try my best to weigh in more as time comes.


I also notice the problems of resolve worse after 1.3, especially when your carrying the huttball. I find it kinda ironic that Bioware won't take a bite and least confirm that the problem with resolve and all the cc in the game is broken and needs fixed.


It don't take a mmo genius to notice that resolve is a system that either needs reworked, or completely gutted out.


Lets face it, its broken and has been since beta.


I'd read your post but you're mistaken when you say you're being stunned and knocked back while you have a full resolve bar. so it just reminds me of the kids who think others are cheating because they dont know the game mechanics and/or class talents

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Everytime i get stunned or rooted i look at my resolve and its full.


Do i:


A. Complain that resolve is broken


B. Realise that my resolve has just reached full bar and thats why i was stunned/rooted


Since its happend to me quite a bit i'm leaning toward option A?

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I'd read your post but you're mistaken when you say you're being stunned and knocked back while you have a full resolve bar. so it just reminds me of the kids who think others are cheating because they dont know the game mechanics and/or class talents


You don't need to come on the forums to prove me wrong, you need to wonder if people like me are right. Calling the kettle black when in fact its orange don't make you any smarter, so please stop tooting your own horn and read what people say then dissing.


My point is this, Bioware has said,


"While a target’s Resolve bar is empty or filling up, that target can be CC’d

Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty"


I am here to tell you its a lie.


Lets read this together shall we,


"Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty"


I have been force choked with full 1000 white bar, have been snared full 1000 white bar, have been slowed full 1000 white bar.


choke = cc, snare = cc, slows or impairing movements = cc, remember full white should dismiss cc.


Those that understand that some CC moves bypass resolve will say the same thing I am, my problem is people like yourself don't get it and Bioware won't say nothing on this matter, they never did during beta either.


Lets read it together again,


"Once the target’s Resolve bar is full (>= 1000), the bar begins to drain and the target can’t be CC’d until the bar is empty."


If you can't find the contradiction of this then you are looking at the picture with glasses with black dirt on them, and is blinded by alot of SWTOR broken game mechanics.

Edited by Caeliux
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If a combination of 2 Snipers and 2 socrs want to keep you rooted for an entire game that is fine. Your team should go win while your opponents play 2-4 people down.


this is a major problem, especially in Huttball .They need to put Roots on Resolve. The Sniper Leg Shot and mirror ability for Gunslingers as well as the Force Leap from Jedis. These are not on resolve and this issue needs to be fixed. I'm fine with the Jedi still jumping at me but not with the 2 second root with a full bar. That's a major problem and tips the scales during PVP.

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Everytime i get stunned or rooted i look at my resolve and its full.


Do i:


A. Complain that resolve is broken


B. Realise that my resolve has just reached full bar and thats why i was stunned/rooted


Since its happend to me quite a bit i'm leaning toward option A?


C. Make a vid of your next few pvp matches and watch your resolve bar during the match and realize that it was not actually full before you were stunned.

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Theres a difference between crying because you got stunlocked but resolve is broken just by Roots from Leaps and Charges not being on REsolve. Especially for Shadows/Assassins and melee classes ebcause it just kills their survivability, giving anything like a Vanguard tank a rediculous advantage.
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I always assumed whilst my bar is 'grinding up' I can be CC'd... normally 2 stuns, then my bar is full.


Whilst my blue bar is white, I cannot be stunned, knocked back or rooted, but I can be snared.


I've not pvp'd since 1.3 hit PTS in the first 7 or 8 days... they finally managed to break something that was actually useful and fair in pvp? EA not fixing it?


Welcome to my freaking world.


They don't care, they never will... at least, they never will whilst the game still profits.

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This is not true.


whats not true about it. Slows & Roots are technically CC. You are controlling the crowd. But Bioware purposefully left them both off the resolve list. Why? Who Knows? I've said it many times that they shouldn't add to resolve but should be immune to when resolve is full. Why this isn't so is stupid. It's the reason why you get so many complaints about CC. If bioware would have any common sense they would have changed this. Then people would have to start using their cc more wisely. Instead of how it is now. Look its off cooldown better use my stun.

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I always assumed whilst my bar is 'grinding up' I can be CC'd... normally 2 stuns, then my bar is full.


Whilst my blue bar is white, I cannot be stunned, knocked back or rooted, but I can be snared.





I know for a fact that force leap and charge still roots or snares you with a full resolve bar which is stupid. That shouldb e put on resovel beacuse considering the number of people who play those classes it kills you get leapt on 3 times right in front of the in-zone during a Huttball match.

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C. Make a vid of your next few pvp matches and watch your resolve bar during the match and realize that it was not actually full before you were stunned.


This ^


This is actually option B but worded better ;)

Edited by revgd_freeze
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whats not true about it. Slows & Roots are technically CC. You are controlling the crowd. But Bioware purposefully left them both off the resolve list. Why? Who Knows? I've said it many times that they shouldn't add to resolve but should be immune to when resolve is full. Why this isn't so is stupid. It's the reason why you get so many complaints about CC. If bioware would have any common sense they would have changed this. Then people would have to start using their cc more wisely. Instead of how it is now. Look its off cooldown better use my stun.


No, THIS^^^

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Asking for roots to respect resolve and saying that resolve is broken are two separate issues.


Please stop saying "roots" = cc in swtor. Currently "roots" does not equal cc. Until you get that fact of the game through your head you do not understand how the rules work in this game.


Now if you want to argue that roots should respect resolve, that is a separate argument and is totally a valid debate.


ps I have yet to see anyone document/prove that resolve is broken. Until you link a vid of it, resolve works.

Edited by Meanerr
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Resolve is buggy, but not the way the OP describes it.


There is a known bug with force choke (and pub equivalent) that ignores resolve. So you can be in full resolve and still get force choked, it happens - but rarely (happened to me maybe 4-5 times in several 1000 wzs).


What I notice mostly these days is the opposite:


Target's resolve bar is EMPTY, you use a stun, your ability goes into cooldown but nothing happens to the target.

No stun, no animation and most importantly no filling their resolve bar.


I have seen this happening with my sniper, my sorc and my merc versus all Pub classes, but not versus Imps.

Might also be related to a bug that makes "diversion" fail to knock entrenched gunslingers out of cover. Works as intended versus other snipers.


Seems to be faction dependent - not sure if it's a bug or an exploit but it's becoming annoyingly frequent.

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this is a major problem, especially in Huttball .They need to put Roots on Resolve. The Sniper Leg Shot and mirror ability for Gunslingers as well as the Force Leap from Jedis. These are not on resolve and this issue needs to be fixed. I'm fine with the Jedi still jumping at me but not with the 2 second root with a full bar. That's a major problem and tips the scales during PVP.


It is not a major problem. It is working as intended so does not need to be fixed.

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Resolve is buggy, but not the way the OP describes it.


There is a known bug with force choke (and pub equivalent) that ignores resolve. So you can be in full resolve and still get force choked, it happens - but rarely (happened to me maybe 4-5 times in several 1000 wzs).


What I notice mostly these days is the opposite:


Target's resolve bar is EMPTY, you use a stun, your ability goes into cooldown but nothing happens to the target.

No stun, no animation and most importantly no filling their resolve bar.


I have seen this happening with my sniper, my sorc and my merc versus all Pub classes, but not versus Imps.

Might also be related to a bug that makes "diversion" fail to knock entrenched gunslingers out of cover. Works as intended versus other snipers.


Seems to be faction dependent - not sure if it's a bug or an exploit but it's becoming annoyingly frequent.


I have seen this as well, Or they use two cc breakers back to back. There has been several times I have been fighting on my operative, Knock someone down with hidden strike, they use their cc breaker on it, I stun them, and then they use the same cc breaker again and get out of it.


Also, While on my gunslinger there has been several times I have been mezzed out of cover while Hunker Down is active.


Bioware needs to fix the resolve system, because not being able to control your character or move is just as bad as a team of operatives stunlocking George zoeller out of a job.

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I know for a fact that force leap and charge still roots or snares you with a full resolve bar which is stupid. That shouldb e put on resovel beacuse considering the number of people who play those classes it kills you get leapt on 3 times right in front of the in-zone during a Huttball match.


Working as intended. Get another person on your team in the goal area and pass to them. Teamwork can be used on both sides.

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