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New Speeder, shiney Bioware


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Ok i have no problem with them giving a speeder for referring, What i do have a problem with is the freaking speeder has 110% speed at rank one. What ticks me off is i have the digital deluxe edition i payed 80 bucks i get a free speeder too 90% speed one that became useless when i hit 40. Basically that speeder means the people that have it save the 400+k from having to buy any training or the mounts. Perhaps i wouldn't be as jaded if the VIP bracelet had ANY use besides suicidal jumping off the top or looking at the 1.5mil mount that the vip vendor sells, ONLY thing he sells. The camera is blah and the droid gets put in your bank cause its not a pet as was advertised. I mean are you trying to piss off the player base?
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I bought the Digitial Deluxe as well. And... tbh, the only thing worth the price has been the speeder.


Nevertheless, I don't begrudge them giving a swanky new speeder for referrals even at 110% speed. I don't feel slighted in the slightest since I've gotten great use of the DD speeder on 7 toons.


And now... I have a friend or two that would love this game! Going to have another ride real soon!

Edited by Rafaman
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Meh, none of the levels really mean much at all(least to me) you get where your going one way or another.


This. Unless you are some hardcore phat PvE'r that flies all over the planets, it's really no big deal.


IMO, they are doing since because they know they NEED new subs.

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Ok sorry i was ranting, wheres my special items on the vip vendor i was promised, the only advantage the digital deluxe had was the speeder, that's been kinda nullified. Honestly i want my 20 bucks back downgrade me to normal. oh and Amazon has the game for 20 bucks so for 15 dollars more than the digital deluxe you can get your own 110% speed mount. Edited by jasonnallen
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Ok sorry i was ranting, wheres my special items on the vip vendor i was promised, the only advantage the digital deluxe had was the speeder, that's been kinda nullified. Honestly i want my 20 bucks back downgrade me to normal.


Don't disagree with this. I mean, people complain about the CE? They have got to be kidding. The DD is, basically, the speeder at this point. They need to amp up a few things since we don't have anything tangible to show for the DD edition.

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It is a little crazy that the DD had such junk in it.


No problem with the speeder for refering people but that all the DD stuff was rubbish as none of it was worth having. Even the speeder is only 8k to get a better looking speeder.

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I happen to agree with the OP here.


While I don't mind them giving perks to players who refer friends but I think it's time Bioware showed some love to the DD, CE and Security Key players.


Personally - I LOVE my DD speeder. I would like to see an option to upgrade it to the 110% speed.


More exclusive items sold by the VIP vendors and something really cool for the CE players. (FYI - I don't have CE, but I think these guys / gals deserve something for spending so much cash.)


I want LEGACY unlocks to work like VETERANS REWARDS, rather than money sinks.

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So if I'm reading this correctly, you paid extra real money in order to get non-real things in a game exclusively for bragging rights and are now peeved that other people are able to get different non-real things for getting other people to pay real money?


That, my friend, is the way the cookie crumbles.

Just as an FYI, in the digital distribution age there is no reason to ever buy a collector/limited/special edition if it costs more. You never get anything good. In the old days of boxed games you could get some phat loot, but those days are dying thanks to MMOs and Steam.

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Ok i have no problem with them giving a speeder for referring, What i do have a problem with is the freaking speeder has 110% speed at rank one. What ticks me off is i have the digital deluxe edition i payed 80 bucks i get a free speeder too 90% speed one that became useless when i hit 40. Basically that speeder means the people that have it save the 400+k from having to buy any training or the mounts. Perhaps i wouldn't be as jaded if the VIP bracelet had ANY use besides suicidal jumping off the top or looking at the 1.5mil mount that the vip vendor sells, ONLY thing he sells. The camera is blah and the droid gets put in your bank cause its not a pet as was advertised. I mean are you trying to piss off the player base?


You just bought a copy of the game. What these other people did (supposedly) is refer a friend who liked the game so much that they decided to pay for a subscription and stay awhile. You simply bought in... they expanded the player base.


When you and I become as useful to the game's success, we too can have our 110% speeder at Level One.


Good luck!

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Why would you be mad over this? We're bringing new customers to them, and it's nice to get a really cool reward with a perk involved with it. If you refer 1 person you just basically gave BioWare 60+ dollars plus additional subscription money, I think that calls for a thank you, at no cost. Edited by Jesira
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Why would you be mad over this? We're bringing new customers to them, and it's nice to get a really cool reward with a perk involved with it. If you refer 1 person you just basically gave BioWare 60+ dollars plus additional subscription money, I think that calls for a thank you, at no cost.


Yeah it nice to have new customer to the game so that in a few months time another 400k of original customers that purchased the exclusive stuff at the beginning get over looked leave the game. EA is not interested in the customer base they are interested in cold hard cash just to appease the share holders and they are doing it by bribing players into recruiting people because EA can't market the game anymore. if a speeder or some perk was not on offer no player would go out of his way to recruit someone.


EA would bribe the devil if they could.

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I'm feeling the same. I've felt that as soon as i realized that speeder they give is worthless because there are much faster, much better ones. Like great ones from rides.


Now i fell like they have spit at my face... They should have give this speeder to CE/DD from the beggining.

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Don't disagree with this. I mean, people complain about the CE? They have got to be kidding. The DD is, basically, the speeder at this point. They need to amp up a few things since we don't have anything tangible to show for the DD edition.


Yellow/Black color crystal. They're expensive, but end game versions are available.


But I agree about there being very little for owning the DD.


And, oh by the way, the Speeder you can buy now is not the speeder you could be before.

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You know, perhaps the Deluxe edition was never intended to be a permanent change to the state of the universe (Star Wars or otherwise).


Perhaps it was just a marketing idea, and a good one at the time, that many people bought and enjoyed.


Now, they have different marketing ideas, with different rewards.


Next year, they'll have different marketing ideas, with even better reward.


The speeder that you now have to refer a friend to get will eventually be available to everybody. And next year, there will be some other, new, even cooler reward for referring friends. And everybody who refers a friend NOW will complain all over the boards next year that "Hey, I referred a friend last year, and all I got was a stupid speeder that anyone can get now! BW, give me the new cool gadget now for my referral last year!"

Edited by DPCummerbund
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