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10 Good
  1. Except that bioware likes to make things retroactive.....
  2. Ok sorry i was ranting, wheres my special items on the vip vendor i was promised, the only advantage the digital deluxe had was the speeder, that's been kinda nullified. Honestly i want my 20 bucks back downgrade me to normal. oh and Amazon has the game for 20 bucks so for 15 dollars more than the digital deluxe you can get your own 110% speed mount.
  3. Ok i have no problem with them giving a speeder for referring, What i do have a problem with is the freaking speeder has 110% speed at rank one. What ticks me off is i have the digital deluxe edition i payed 80 bucks i get a free speeder too 90% speed one that became useless when i hit 40. Basically that speeder means the people that have it save the 400+k from having to buy any training or the mounts. Perhaps i wouldn't be as jaded if the VIP bracelet had ANY use besides suicidal jumping off the top or looking at the 1.5mil mount that the vip vendor sells, ONLY thing he sells. The camera is blah and the droid gets put in your bank cause its not a pet as was advertised. I mean are you trying to piss off the player base?
  4. The fact that i have to even get full battlemaster to survive a jugg/mauarader in recruit in pvp annoys me. Instead of nerfing Mauraders (which believe me there not to bad if you handle them correctly) They should focus on the other classes that need buffed, while i agree sorcs were OP with the wrath chain lightning build, now we have no burst to speak of and its killing us in WZ, especially when a Jugg or maurader an dish out 12k in about 3 seconds with the conditions right, and thats against someone in full battlemaster . I apollogise for bringing up sorcs but it is the class i play.
  5. couple things when it is same side pvp can you make it so the opposing sides aoe's look different cause when its imp vs imp or repub vs repub its really farking hard to tell. Another is we keep having turret squatters in Alderaan, like 4 or 5 people is there any way to discourage squatting on a node such as a debuff when more than 2 are there for more than 5 minutes or something.
  6. I crush meters as a madness/lightning hybrid in any OP i am in Sorc's are fine learn to play the class (and i out dps my buddies rakata geared maurader)
  7. Ok since everyone has been so helpful here ya go http://j.mp/sSW9qR <--- SWTOR security key apk as for installing it i ran it with the adb tool in the sdk kit and it installed and runs just fine
  8. As my Sith says, "Obey or die." Implement this i wanna make wild happy droid um....do droids "do it". Nm don't care IMPLEMENT!
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