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Trouble Solo'ing Taris 2+


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You don't offer any information regarding why you are struggling. How are people supposed to help you with anything when we don't know what you are doing wrong? Sure, we could tell you how we did it, but more than likely this is a l2play issue on your part, so you'll just screw it up. I'm not trying to be insulting, just realistic.
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So, wait, you were what level, and the Rakghoul was what level? I'm level 19 and just starting on Taris, so I haven't tried one of those yet, but in the space station mission I took on a few of those champion droids and did just fine.


Some random things you might not be doing would include: activating the damage absorption ability, letting Catman attack first to soak some early damage (and make sure all his abilities are turned on), are you well equipped? I think those are the biggies, but it could be any number of things.

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So this is not exactly the fastest way of doing things, but this will get you through any fight against one big baddy. It also has the awesome benefit of taking no real skill.


1. Turn on your support cell.

2. Tell your companion to attack big baddy.

3. Target your companion.

4. Cast medical probe.

5. Cast hammershot (on your companion)

6. Cast hammershot (on your companion)


Then repeat 4-6 until the baddy is dead.


It doesn't matter what you're specced, this will get you through pretty much any fight that is appropriate level for you without even requiring any cooldowns. If your companion gets to full health, throw some hammershots at the baddy.


If this doesn't work, it's not a fight you're supposed to solo.

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Level 20 Nekghoul (not Rakghoul) I will not spoil it for you if you have not done the story line, but they are nasty


I am level 23, Commando, and yes, I burned every cool down I could during the fight, even tried kitting him around the tree 20 times, but he still killed me, then a level 22 Jedi walks up and facerolls it, like it was nothing.

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Every elite I take on I send my pet on him first. Let him get a little aggro and then I let loose with everything I have. Usually a Plasma grenade, full auto, charged.... I've yet to die to one. My pet doesn't always survive, but he can be rezzed easily after I take him down.


I also craft my own armor, so I usually have good armor on.

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Ok, I wasn't going to post but seeing as your comparing yourself to Jedi I'll chip in.


I'm a Vanguard Shield Specialist with a Healer companion and I can solo 2+ hero content, not just Champ's that can't take me below 80% HP but also x2 elites at once and x2 tough and an elite. I think the Quests were Fallen Knight and Mutations, these went smooth as silk. Would have been quicker in a proper group tho.


Haven't tried doing x3 elites yet but I know it would be tricky even for a tank plus healer companion (level 20 ish, dunno about high level).


Just like a poster mentioned above you can send in your companion 1st. Before I had a healer companion or taunt I would send in Aric then slowly work up my damage and pull aggro when he was around 25% HP (practice make perfect) then hold threat till mob is dead. Once I had taunt it became very efficient.


Now I have a healer companion all I can say is :D

Edited by Ramaos
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Level 20 Nekghoul (not Rakghoul) I will not spoil it for you if you have not done the story line, but they are nasty


I am level 23, Commando, and yes, I burned every cool down I could during the fight, even tried kitting him around the tree 20 times, but he still killed me, then a level 22 Jedi walks up and facerolls it, like it was nothing.


You should have no problem killing him if you keep your ammos at .6/sec recharge.


1. Ask your companion to start attack.

2. Cast grav shot

3. High impact bolt

4. hammer shot until you are at 10 ammos.

5. grav shot

6. shockstrike

7. hammer shot until you are at 10 ammos. Repeat 2 to 7.

That's basically the best DPS rotation you can get to down him as fast as possible. If he get near you, cast concussive charge. You can throw a cryo grenade after the first grav shot. In the worst case scenario, just use no retreat for another grenade. When casting hammer shot, always run sideway to keep him away from you as much as possible.


Me I had no trouble killing any elite in a matter of seconds on Taris that way.

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Never had an issue with taking down champions solo. I do know that Combat Medic and Gunnery spec's seem best for it, though. Combat Medic being the superior of the two as Grav Round is nice damage, but completely unneeded when you start stacking in your heals with good damage.
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The trick is to split the damage intake between your companion and yourself, I've found. Unless you're full on tank or healer, at any rate. For me (gunnery) I seemed to have the greatest success letting Aric unload and keep going til about 75% health then fully unload on it myself and getting threat. By the time I started getting low and all defensive cooldowns spent it would be dead. If not, too hard for me solo.
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OP, I think it would help us a lot if you would let us know which spec you have. (just general, medic or gunnery)


If you are a medic, send in Aric to "tank" and just heal him and occasionally DPS the Nekghoul if Aric's health is ok but only use Hammer Shot for DPS unless you're sure you won't need the ammo very soon for healing Aric.


If you are Gunnery, then I don't have the experience to help you but others have suggested to send Aric first to take some hits before you go all out and take agro.


Another option is to finish your class quests on Taris to get your next companion who is a healer and try using that companion to keep you alive. I'm not sure how good that companion is at healing at I haven't tested it yet but it might work.

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I watched a Jedi Councilor solo a Nekghoul Champion a level lower than me, but in 3 tries, he killed me dead each time.


I am not sure what to do I want to get these quests done, but I am getting my *** kicked, and it seems easy for the Jedi.


I think it's a player issue, not a class one. I soloed them without trouble.

Edited by razcalking
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I have never had an issue with elites, though the melee ones are worse than the ranged. You have to use your tools. Medpacks, player made grenades, stuns, knockbacks etc etc. To defeat an elite mob you will have to use every tool you have. Even use your aggro reducer to bounce aggro from you to your pet.


Learn to use these tools and you won't have an issue.

Edited by Karanis
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I've not had any issues with 2 man quests so far. I'm a Lvl 31 Gunnary Commando. I change my tactics depending on the target, whether its melee or ranged. Melee I just kite around and slap them away from me with stock strike and the aoe knock back (I never pay attention to skill names.)
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