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Character Transfer, Server Populations, and You (Part II)


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Just one wish: Let us choose between ALL destination servers. At the moment I have 28 characters on german PvE- and RP-Servers for only two destination servers. There's really no way to get them all to destination servers, maybe not even with more charakter slots. So please, just implement a cross-server transfer which is just limited to the same region (US and EU) or language.

I'm getting really annoyed by the matter und all I want is an answer to the question if we even can expect something like that. And fast, not soon!

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So all the people who stayed behind to preserve their names are getting hosed anyway.


Why didn't you guys just treat this as a merger from the beginning? Was it semantics? Were you afraid of calling them 'mergers'?


Why do you do everything half assed?


I agree, they called it transfers and it caught me off guard of what it would be like, I thought I'd be able to transfer anywhere to any of the destination servers but in the end we find out only transfers from certain origin servers.

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The longer info is held back from the community the bigger the unsub button gets for people....


See, that's the thing.


If they'd of said:


"Hey guys,


We're going to test out our server transfer code and load test it by allowing you guys to transfer from your dead server to a populated one. You will be getting a reward for doing a transfer, so we encourage you to try it so that we can get a small scale production test completed and can move onto large scale server mergers.


On top of testing our server transfer code, we are also using this as an opportunity to further load test and improve out current game servers and game engine so that we can provide the best, uninterrupted, and large scale MMO we possibly can.


We are trying to put the massively back into this MMO so that we can have a healthy and happy player base and add some much sought-after features such as larger scale open world PVP.


Thank you for your understanding. We will be monitoring your input closely and please don't hesitate to send all the bug reports you can so that we can further enhance this game for you.



BW Dude"


people would have been much happier. It's a short write up and it is very transparent and indicated the future.


Sure, people would whine about the usage of the word 'test' and such, but it's the nature of an ever expanding game. You can't reliably fully test anything for an MMO in-house or on a test server with limited population can only get you so far. It's best just to get things into the hands of users ASAP so that they can give feedback and such, that way the game will improve much faster. And being transparent will make people less frustrated because they know it's being worked on, how fast it's being worked on, and know that their concerns aren't being overlooked.


Posts like the one I made up would make the reasonable people happy, which is probably the majority of people, including those who don't visit the forums. The whiners will whine regardless, so it's not going to change.

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I have characters on Namadii Corridor (origin) and The Harbinger (Destination). Gameplay on The Harbinger is great. The multiple instance solution that was implemented a couple of days ago works great to reduce the lag. Namadii Corridor is almost empty and sad to play in.


My problem is that I have 6 characters in each server. There may be one or two that I'm willing to delete, but that still won't be enough to fit all my characters on The Harbinger. So I'm wondering how the automatic transfers will work by the end of the Summer.


It would be much easier if BW were to open one of the other selected destination servers for each origin server. For example, Namadii Corridor is a PVE - West Coast Server. Transfers are available to The Harbinger which is another PVE - West Coast. Just open transfers from Namadii Corridor to Drooga's Pleasure Barge which is also PVE - West Coast.


I am sure that a lot of people will transfer to the new destination servers if that is done. I for one would much rather transfer my characters myself now than wait for the automatic transfers.


We (husband and my self) would like this also because we have toons on the Harbinger and can't transfer there, as well as Perlemian Trade Route. Back pret launch started on harbenger after launch move to Perlemian because of wait times. I can only transfer to Drooga's. We would like to transfer to Harbenger but can't. I call CS and was told that maybe in the furture we will be able to. Now it sounds like that is not going to happen. We would like all our toons on one server. The longest wait time we have seen has been 15 mins. (That enough time to get a drink, and maybe a snack) we have logged in on Perlemian many time and it might be just us on the server (tried the fleet, and several planets) its a ghost server. However we can't tansfer our toons to the server with all of our other ones.

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I figured I would throw in my .02 on this subject:


For all of you that are concerned about "super servers" and being laggy, etc, etc, you have a valid point. However, keep in mind this: Eve Online is a single instance cluster of servers that supports tens of thousands of players on at the same moment <45K on simultaneously the last time I looked>. It has its share of quirks, of course, but overall it is a very successful setup.


If things are done correctly behind the scenes with SWTOR, there is nothing to be concerned about. I, for one, have some confidence in the game and I am willing to be patient. Everyone always talks about how WoW does everything right, and why can't BW be like Blizzard. WoW didn't start out with all the bells and whistles you see now. It took over 5 years before cross-instance grouping came about. Inheritance items, same deal. The list goes on. SW:TOR introduced the group finder within 8 months of launch. Yes, it's not cross-server, yes, it started out a bit buggy, but is working pretty dang darn good so far and will continue to be improved upon.


It takes TIME for implementation of things. You can't expect things to be done overnight, it's just not possible. It's the same with other games that people always jump ship to the latest and shiniest and then piss and moan about how it's not as good as WoW. Just be patient...things will come. If you don't want to be patient, then unsubscribe and go back to WoW or Rift or LOTRO, or wait for GW2 or whatever other game floats your boat. You'll be back ... they always come back ...


This is not a shameless plug for BW and SW:TOR, nor am I an employee, but I say this: Bioware, keep up the good work and continue improving this great game. Ready, trolls? Let the flaming begin ...


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People are getting a little ridiculous about their names. I've used my screenname as my main character going back to Pen and Paper / Ulitma / and Neverwinter nights. It isn't hard to create a new name. I've gone by Jebeï or Jebein to accomodate it when someone else has my name. If you are a big roleplayer, then tell the people you roleplay your nickname (Jebei in my case).


I'm never happy with losing a name but quitting over it is silly. There are many other reasons in the game worth quitting but they are slowly addressing them (I'm loving LFG).


I do like someone's suggestion of allowing the people who have stranded toons the option to transfer to any server once the merges are done. It only seems fair for the people who have no place to go (I toons that can't transfer because I've got 8 on the destination already).

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So going on what he said and your response, you want them to have a group whose sole reason for being is to sit around coming up with ways to just piss you off Zannis?


It would be the one department that was good at its job, lol.

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Its not the amount of people on the server that makes you lag in a group its your comp need a better one or upgrade yours not biowares fault


Seen this canard several times.


Ever ask why Nvidia and AMD don't "fix" any SWTOR problems? They know its not the graphics card causing the problems, it's the servers.

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Overall, I have come to my senses and I figured when it comes to names, I can find some way to work around it I'm sure, I won't be happy, but I will still have it.


However I would be more than happy to use server transfers, except for my biggest concern that I want all of my characters and all of my friends on the same server. Names can be worked around, but you don't want to lose the people you've been playing with for the past several months. Also all of your individual characters, I personally chose my characters crew skills specifically so I could perfectly and evenly distribute different crew skill assets. What was the point of all that work, careful planning, and cross faction (single account) mailing if your just going to have all of your characters scattered away throughout the universe?

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no way i am deleting toons


I feel for you but this is the outcome I am expecting. Ask yourself this: why would Bioware care about how much time you sunk into your characters as long as you are subbed? They were marketing this game as being family and friend oriented and yet they let people get seperated during the original transfers and they would not allow people to consolidate their characters. If anything they want you to lose your progress so that you will have to do it all again = more sub time from you.

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Good riddance if you quit over losing a name. If losing a name in a video game qualifies as a tradegy in your life, you're extremely blessed. I lost 5 names and both legacies in the transfers, and I probably like a couple of my new names better than the originals. Get over it.


Because video gaming is the same thing to everyone else like it is for you, right? You are gravely mistaken.

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If anything they want you to lose your progress so that you will have to do it all again = more sub time from you.


Not exactly. Deleted Toons = no sub at all anymore. That's the way it is.

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I feel for you but this is the outcome I am expecting. Ask yourself this: why would Bioware care about how much time you sunk into your characters as long as you are subbed? They were marketing this game as being family and friend oriented and yet they let people get seperated during the original transfers and they would not allow people to consolidate their characters. If anything they want you to lose your progress so that you will have to do it all again = more sub time from you.


I really hope it doesn't come to that. I love playing this game, but I don't want to start all over again.

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Just to make sure, if you were already on a Destination Server, you do qualify for the special pet and commendations, right?


By taking advantage of the Free Character Transfer Service today, you will earn an exclusive in-game pet, the Gannifari, and 25 Black Hole Commendations to help purchase high level gear. If you already have characters on a qualifying server (including destination servers), then you get rewarded too!

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I had 8 toons from level 35 to 50, and all are empire. I decided to pick 4 to move to designated server (leaving 4 slots to work on republic toons) ... I really expected a second choice from my original server to a new one for the remaining four characters.


As a full month has now passed since transfers started, and I have not played for 3ish weeks (except for inventory control, damn you buggers for not moving mail too) I think it very unlikely I will log into game again. I have 37days left from my pre-order release with 1 6month billing actually billed, and account cancelled. Rather sad a starwars game license that had so much promise can't keep me entertained.


"Peace is a lie?" or "Fun is a lie." :mad:

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By taking advantage of the Free Character Transfer Service today, you will earn an exclusive in-game pet, the Gannifari, and 25 Black Hole Commendations to help purchase high level gear. If you already have characters on a qualifying server (including destination servers), then you get rewarded too!


Thank you :) I swear I saw that and heard it, but a friend got me paranoid recently so I wanted to double check

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Not exactly. Deleted Toons = no sub at all anymore. That's the way it is.


For a few yeah, but do you really expect all of the people that are enjoying this game enough to have more than 8 toons to stop playing?

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I really hope it doesn't come to that. I love playing this game, but I don't want to start all over again.


The best advice I can give is to get as many characters as you can to 50 and finish out their class stories if that is what you are interested in, that way you can delete them for the other characters that are going to get transfered.

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This is why SWTOR is failing and people now are starting to hate BW because all the disinformation and lying.


I don't even really feel that's it's disinformation and lying; this whole fiasco is coming off more like an unplanned scramble, and that's even worse.


It's like they keep giving out conflicting and incomplete information because NO ONE knows what the heck is really going on. And that sense of confusion and treating the player base like mushrooms does more to poison the relationship than any honest bad news they could give us. I've seen it happen time and again in MMOs, and for awhile I thought it would be different with TOR. For the first few months, it seemed like there was a long term game plan. But this server consolidation is coming off as panicked and half-arsed. That does not inspire confidence.


So you're doing a server merge. Fine, most of us saw this coming when you announced you'd lost a quarter of your post launch user base (not to mention the long list of "Light" pop servers). Servers cost money to host, and if they don't have a certain average population, they're not paying for themselves. Consolidating populations and eliminating those extraneous servers is necessary. We (the player base), by and large, can and will live with that. There'll be ************, there'll be ragequitting, sure, but that's expected. Most of us will get through it.


But the disorganized information and conflicting responses to questions really make us nervous. It makes it look like this isn't well thought out, which makes us question the future. We've all seen too many other games go belly up because of poor planning and management, and most of us won't stick around to see it crash. There's always something new coming along for us to spend our money on.


Perhaps this situation wasn't anticipated, or at least was not expected to happen at this time. I want to believe that you guys had planned to have the open character transfer in place before you planned to push the server consolidation. That it is merely the timing of this, which I suspect is being driven by EA suits, that caught you unaware. I want to believe that because the alternative, that you didn't see this coming, is unpalatable in the extreme.


Unfortunately, your handling of information release so far has not been inspiring. There have been far too many conflicting, incomplete and non-committal answers. And it is the last that hurt the most. Ok, so maybe you don't know the answer to the additional character slot question right now. Things are obviously in flux and everyone is scrambling to sort it out. We understand that. Just say so and then commit to having a definite answer by a definite point in time. Say "We don't know right this moment, but we're going to get together and figure it out and have a definite answer but next Wednesday." And if something happens that invalidates that commitment, come out and tells us that too.


That's all we really want. Show us that you have a timeline and you aren't afraid to announce it. Show us that you have a plan, that you're committed to making this work for the largest number of players possible, and that you aren't afraid to stand up and admit that plans are going to have to change. The majority of your playerbase understand that sh*t happens sometimes, and plans change. We don't necessarily like it, but we'll accept it. But not being decisive and showing us that you're committed to this scares us and makes us question everything else you say.


I enjoy this game. My friends enjoy this game. We want to believe that this is just a minor bump in the road, and that we can trust you to keep things on track.

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