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Character Transfer, Server Populations, and You (Part II)


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So how many feel that Bioware has dropped the ball big time? Being forced to a server of their choice, and then to see i can create a new character on any of the servers is what I consider a breach of ethics. I was literally told on the phone to start a new character on the server I wanted to play on and that maybe at some point I will be able to transfer my lvl 50s to that server. You pay money each month to have a game and while it is virtual property it is still ones property, as has been ruled in multiple court rulings. Ok I get they are shutting down servers and consolidating; but give me a break. We should be able to choose.


They can open the servers up and limit the # per day of allowed inbound transfers or something.


BioWare moderators - I would appreciate a response to this as I am ready to contact the appropriate media and government channels to see if they might be able to get an appropriate response from you other than "hope, wait, and see."


I would love to see you go out there and force them to give an answer....Go ahead let us know what you find out lol

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I would love to see you go out there and force them to give an answer....Go ahead let us know what you find out lol


It has happened multiple times in the past - problem is when people just say I'm "unsubscribing, take that" it does little to nothing to impact a developer or gaming company. But with the Government wanting funds and sticking their nose into everything other than what they should be doing ... if the least I can do is cause a little more severe heartburn then by all means I will do it and if others do the same might be surprised what happens. Letters to congressmen, local/national gaming communities, and the like. Will it turn into much, who knows but it is better than simply stating "unsubscribe" ...

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It has happened multiple times in the past - problem is when people just say I'm "unsubscribing, take that" it does little to nothing to impact a developer or gaming company. But with the Government wanting funds and sticking their nose into everything other than what they should be doing ... if the least I can do is cause a little more severe heartburn then by all means I will do it and if others do the same might be surprised what happens. Letters to congressmen, local/national gaming communities, and the like. Will it turn into much, who knows but it is better than simply stating "unsubscribe" ...


Please post the results of your finding/outcome i will be very happy to read them

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It has happened multiple times in the past - problem is when people just say I'm "unsubscribing, take that" it does little to nothing to impact a developer or gaming company. But with the Government wanting funds and sticking their nose into everything other than what they should be doing ... if the least I can do is cause a little more severe heartburn then by all means I will do it and if others do the same might be surprised what happens. Letters to congressmen, local/national gaming communities, and the like. Will it turn into much, who knows but it is better than simply stating "unsubscribe" ...


I would really love to be the intern that reads/answers your congressman's mail if you write him to complain about how you don't like how EA is handling server mergers. Please post your letter and the response for us all to marvel at. The government already sticks their nose in EA's business but isn't going to give a damn about server mergers in some MMO, other than whether or not this means more or less tax revenue.


EA doesn't care what the neckbeards in various gaming communities think...considering they don't care what their actual customers think, as evidenced by a total lack of replies to this thread. Anyone think a MMORPG.com or Massively.com editorial is going to change anything?

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the Devs complete lack of response to most things these days is nothing but insulting.... yet another reason this game is quickly becoming one of the biggest let downs of all time.


I've noticed that too. It's kinda sad that they've gone from very helpful to almost ignoring players. A lot of people left WoW because they were sick of being left in the dark with legitimate question and even when you did get a response, they got a canned troll response(something like Soon TM) from the devs, instead of a proper answer. I will not give money to a company like that, neither will a lot of other people. How many more people have to leave before Bioware gets their act together again?

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I've noticed that too. It's kinda sad that they've gone from very helpful to almost ignoring players. A lot of people left WoW because they were sick of being left in the dark with legitimate question and even when you did get a response, they got a canned troll response(something like Soon TM) from the devs, instead of a proper answer. I will not give money to a company like that, neither will a lot of other people. How many more people have to leave before Bioware gets their act together again?


majority of the playerbase isnt touching swtor even if it goes F2P.

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What the hell... I'll give the "direct approach" a shot...


Dear Joveth or ANYONE on the "Community Response Team",


May we PLEASE have some kind of rough timetable for when "paid transfers" (or FREE transfers of choice if you want to be NICE to us) will be made available to us. This forum thread is HUGE and very active and it feels like you are purposely ignoring the question.


I don't want to believe that, so PLEASE take notice of this post and reply as soon as possible.


I am BEGGING you... PLEASE talk to us about this!


(I may be fooling myself, but I want to say I really tried...)

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What the hell... I'll give the "direct approach" a shot...


Dear Joveth or ANYONE on the "Community Response Team",


May we PLEASE have some kind of rough timetable for when "paid transfers" (or FREE transfers of choice if you want to be NICE to us) will be made available to us. This forum thread is HUGE and very active and it feels like you are purposely ignoring the question.


I don't want to believe that, so PLEASE take notice of this post and reply as soon as possible.


I am BEGGING you... PLEASE talk to us about this!


(I may be fooling myself, but I want to say I really tried...)


I completely agree with you. It's ridiculous that they're still sitting on this. The free transfer service started like a month and a half ago, do they REALLY need that long to monitor server population?


Besides, I'm WILLING to pay money to consolidate all characters on the same server. It's a win-win situation: Bioware gets money (happy Bioware), and I get all my toons together (happy me). It's just baffling why they're still waiting ...

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I completely agree with you. It's ridiculous that they're still sitting on this. The free transfer service started like a month and a half ago, do they REALLY need that long to monitor server population?


Besides, I'm WILLING to pay money to consolidate all characters on the same server. It's a win-win situation: Bioware gets money (happy Bioware), and I get all my toons together (happy me). It's just baffling why they're still waiting ...


I am afraid this wont happen because the bioware management has an agenda and what you suggest is not on it

you are both correct a "real" Server Transfer should be done not sever shifting witch is done here .

Who of bioware had this crazy idea in the first place

Every goood mmo has server transfer so why cant they just copy it .

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I completely agree with you. It's ridiculous that they're still sitting on this. The free transfer service started like a month and a half ago, do they REALLY need that long to monitor server population?


Besides, I'm WILLING to pay money to consolidate all characters on the same server. It's a win-win situation: Bioware gets money (happy Bioware), and I get all my toons together (happy me). It's just baffling why they're still waiting ...


It is like they do not want to tell us what is happaning if you no what i mean?

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You would be amazed what people do once something is free :tran_cool:


I don't think people can be that manipulated anymore, I checked mmorpg, people don't care if swtor goes F2P or not, they are going to play GW2. I wouldnt touch swtor that much either, at most I'll hop into swtor for 30 min. A couple guys said even if swtor goes fully free with no restrictions he still wouldnt even touch the game based on the issues the game has.


You'd be suprised..........bioware will only have 20 percent potential players........

Edited by Jonoku
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Wanted to drop my bit here too..... this has been my first MMO ever, my friend finally managed to talk me over to try.. she guided me over the first bumps and since then i have loved this.. both being grouped with her and playing solo with other characters.. but now... this character transfer that poofs away 80 % of servers.. things are changing BIG time... and it does NOT make me one happy subscriber who has been around since the pre-orders...

I DO like other people.. but what i don't like is.. seeing a dozen players in a queue waiting for the mission objects to re-pop.. little planets with like 150 players around at the same time...

Yes, i like to group with my friend(s) and i love to play solo but if i have to pay for being in queues in a crowded server, that's not my idea of enjoyment.. i hate , i really really hate to see where this is going.. down down down :( And that's because i have loved my character story lines and exploring new planets.. yes, i have 50 characters too and i still have loved this.. till this happened :(

I have NO idea what has been in those person's heads who have thought that we "ALL" want to be on crowded servers.... please BW tell me again how this is an "improved playing experience" if i already had my friends earlier for grouping and also had some space for solo playing.. what has become better ????

Oh well.. I am not one happy subscriber now and will cancel my account very soon i think... it's such a big shame they managed to spoil this so quickly... that's my opinion.. i still love this world :(

Edited by FinnBomb
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Yeah your right,

For me I have the limit restrition on game requiment to play the game, and so far even if I lag a lot, the game style is great been able to play both solo and in group with friends and having a great time playing. but with this Transfer server thing, they really are cosing me alot of trouble... you see I have a few characters that I have name (and very mush like those name) and when transfer I will be force to change does name, and that really REALLY suck for me.

I might be a small problem for others to have to find nice and logical names to rename there toon but for me I value the name I can use in a mmorpg more then the game itself and till now this game been the best I seen so far. But I now...

I just hate MMO that inplead update that cost so mush problem to everyone, but you know when it`s a free 2 all MMO you can`t really complain... but this Is not a Free 2 all MMO (Not yet atless), you &$$%/ pay to play this game, so why should I be stip of my Character names and fun for playing this game because some play when to mass PVP with one another... that suck...


Sorry, I usealy a very clam and nice player that always try it`s best to be polite nomather what but I just pay a 60 day pre-paied card last night and now I see I`ll loss my fun in the game. that just bad sorry... I might have to end my subcription... can go playing a game that keep tosing player around from server to server just for they benifis and forcing play to change name all the time. no sorry that don`t work for me...


From a :mad: PAYING player that love the game as it was before...

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So I transferred some of my toons and it said everything was okay but when I log into that server a couple of my character's have their names as random letters all capped. This is a fairly large thread so I am not sure if this has been addressed.
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I tried to move my character over to a server for the reward.


They only gave me one choice, which I absolutely did not want. From contacting them, they really don't seem like they care.


I guess they're probably going to force me to that server anyway....

Edited by wigglezs
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So I transferred some of my toons and it said everything was okay but when I log into that server a couple of my character's have their names as random letters all capped. This is a fairly large thread so I am not sure if this has been addressed.


What this means is you moved to a server where the character names you chose were already taken. When you try to log in they will likely have you change your name. Sorry.

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Well, complaints and all aside, the cat's out of the bag now. SW:TOR is going Free to Play in the Fall supposedly according to the blurb on the launcher. So cancelling isn't going to have much of an impact.
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I tried to move my character over to a server for the reward.


They only gave me one choice, which I absolutely did not want. From contacting them, they really don't seem like they care.


I guess they're probably going to force me to that server anyway....


Make 8 characters on the server you don't want to be moved to , just create space bar and press esc a few times log out on them all. Then when they force transfer your characters they wont be able to send them there. Obviously you will be moved somewhere else but its the only solution we have atm.





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Make 8 characters on the server you don't want to be moved to , just create space bar and press esc a few times log out on them all. Then when they force transfer your characters they wont be able to send them there. Obviously you will be moved somewhere else but its the only solution we have atm.


Or perhaps they'll all be sent to the same server and you'll have to pay Cartel Coins to unlock the excess ones. We don't really know how automatic transfers are going to be handled at this point.

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