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What were the devs thinking??


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SWTOR has introduced many unique aspects to the MMO world like, story, the legacy system, companions, and more. Unfortunately, the game has its many flaws that drag the game down to an extreme disappointment.


Here are the reasons why...


1. The story and planets are extremely linear- SWTOR might have commited the worst sin possible in an MMO and that is that they made almost all the planets linear. I found myself with my trooper in tatooine looking for a base where hostages were held. Unfortunately, after running around for 15 minutes into an Imp base, I had to google search a map of tatooine just to find out that there was only one way into the base. This is just one example out of many. The story is also linear, It is go here, go there, kill this, kill that, and there really is no mystery on where you are going at all.


2. Even though the devs did say most choices you make matter, the fact is they dont. Played my JK to level 50 and without giving any spoilers, lets just say I saved people, killed people, and helped people, but did it matter? Nah it did not, all I got was a mail message with a commendation or a companion gift but not once did I regret any choice I made and I sure as hell did not play the perfect character.


3. Pointless quests and travel time kill the story- This is a key issue to the game, the planets may be linear but, they are sure large. The problem with them being so large is that I may have a story quest that makes me feel like I am in a rush and that I have only 2 minuets to get to my next objective, but when I have to travel 10 minuets on a slow speeder, it takes me away from the story. Along with the long travel time, SWTOR still could not avoid the kill this, pick up that quests. By level 30, I had enough of the boring quests so much that the only quests I listened to, were my story quests. Another issue I found is that these boring quests, are so out of the way of the story quests, it makes them even more pointless. The bonus quests for example, some of them might have stages and they make you kill an excessive amount of enemies, or loot an excessive amount of items. Well you a likely saying, "why dont you just skip those quests, the are bonus after all." Well the issue with that is that if you skip bonus quests, you will find that the quests will quickly out level you (unless you do the pointless planet bonus series.)


4. Lack of companion use - The sad part about SWTOR is that I had more attachment to my 8+ companions in KOTOR 2 then the 5 or so I had in SWTOR. I currently have a level 50 JK and I almost have all companions maxed out on affection (with the exception of T7) and only Kira has given me a story mission. This makes me feel more like the companions are "pets" not companions.


5. Combat is not heroic one bit- The devs not only promised that the choices would matter, but they also promised that combat would be heroic. Once again, what they said was a stretch, sure you might take on 4 or 5 enemies at once but still, the lightsabers dont lock, the lightsaber barely deflect blaster fire, and it still feels like I am taking a plastic club and just bashing the person to death without them even responding to me hitting them.



6. Finally, the game uses a lot of stallers- Without giving any spoilers at all, Lets just say in the JK story, right when something important could happen the game makes you do repetitive tasks like destroying weapons or such just to stall for the epic conclusion to the planet or chapter.



SWTOR in my opinion, should have been a single player game. They could have explored many more options in the story and they could have created a smoother expierence for the player. I was beyond excited when I heard about this game and after watching the dev walkthroughs, I could not wait to get my hands on this game. Unfortunately, my expectations were far to high for this game and it was a complete disappointment. If you watch any of the 6 Star Wars movies, you will less appreciate this game just because it does not fit the bill. You dont feel like Han, Luke and Leia escaping the imps, or the feeling or being in a tight situation just like at Jabba's Palace. You never feel the betrayal or sadness when Anakin betrayed Obi-Wan and killed Padme, and in my situations as a JK, I never felt sorry for anyone no matter what happened. If the devs were more honest with its customers, then this game would not receive the major criticism that it faces. They promised that the choices would matter, and in reality, they dont matter one bit, they promised heroic combat, but the only enemies that regognize that I am hitting them are the weak enemies, not the silver units or elites. Most of the time they do not block lightsaber attacks, the only consistant time they would is if you used ability number 1 which is the ability that generates focus. I think the devs were trying to deceive the customer by showing that ability number 1 gets blocked by units, but as you progress all of your other abilities you gain at a later level dont get deflected by lightsabers, almost all units just stand there and act like I am hitting them with a styrofoam stick.



Any thoughts? Agree? Disagree? (I'm sure many of you will rip on me about what I said about the prequels, but if you think into the story a little deeper, you feel sad for Anakin, Padme, the Jedi and others and it is truly a tragedy)

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It was announced today that Georg Zoeller, the lead dev and man most directly responsible for the current state of the game, has resigned.


I've given this game multiple chances, but I'm just about done.

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It was announced today that Georg Zoeller, the lead dev and man most directly responsible for the current state of the game, has resigned.


I've given this game multiple chances, but I'm just about done.


You got a link to that?

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It was announced today that Georg Zoeller, the lead dev and man most directly responsible for the current state of the game, has resigned.


I've given this game multiple chances, but I'm just about done.


You realize the guy was pretty much clueless, right? You have to be pretty dense if his leaving is your final straw.

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I would make another wall of text but briefly, I disagree in almost every point you made. If you were playing one char, solo on some dull pve server, no wonder you havent enjoyed anything.:p


If you disagree with me, then please explain how I am wrong. I find many people who were fans of this game in 2009 when they released the trailer feel like it is their duty to defend this game. I myself got sucked into the hype and felt like there was no way this game could go wrong. I played it, I still defended it, until I had seen enough of the boring quests, stallers, choices not mattering, terrible combat, and pets or as SWTOR defined them as "companions."


If the devs told us what there game was like directly then I would be totally fine with the product. They did not have to say that the combat was heroic, or that the choices have "MAJOR" impact on the rest of the story, or that companions all have a "unique" story to them. They promised way to much and either completely failed at what they said or only went halfway. This video proves my point with combat...

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I was going to post something about complaining and the section of the MMO community that'll never be happy because they're devoted to being miserable.... but I really don't care enough.


So, for the sake of humor I'll just paraphrase South Park


<MMO players>Rabblerabblerabblerabble <Developer>Look, you can't just lurk on the forums all day saying 'rabble rabble rabble' <MMO players>But Dev! We don't know what else to do!

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I agree with you entirely, but let's get something straight: This is our opinion. Right and wrong don't enter into it.


I respect everyone opinions as my own, but this is a discussion, there is no problem with me asking for more insight.

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I respect everyone opinions as my own, but this is a discussion, there is no problem with me asking for more insight.


No, but there is something wrong with saying "Prove me wrong" over a subjective opinion. No one can do that because it's impossible.

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5. Combat is not heroic one bit- The devs not only promised that the choices would matter, but they also promised that combat would be heroic. Once again, what they said was a stretch, sure you might take on 4 or 5 enemies at once but still, the lightsabers dont lock, the lightsaber barely deflect blaster fire, and it still feels like I am taking a plastic club and just bashing the person to death without them even responding to me hitting them.


This. I agree with, ! always felt the same about those light sabers not deflecting or what not. Fact is with my class it does constantly parry, which is also annoying though, because I have to spam the combat buttons to 'make it' actually throw a strike at the enemy. Accuracy, is not over rated, but even does this even if your have 100% accuracy anyway.


I am more disturbed by the fact, nothing about this feels cinematic ? doesn't feel like I am part of a heroic adventure, especially when the AI suddenly goes nuts, and decides to do one large area attack on you. (This happens in many area's and planets) within the game.

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No, but there is something wrong with saying "Prove me wrong" over a subjective opinion. No one can do that because it's impossible.


I disagree, if someone gives me reliable proof that I was wrong with my claims, then I will take back what I said. What I ment by saying that is prove your point, not I am right you are wrong thank you and goodbye.

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It was announced today that Georg Zoeller, the lead dev and man most directly responsible for the current state of the game, has resigned.


I've given this game multiple chances, but I'm just about done.


LOL he was only in charge of combat, I gota laugh how things get so blown out, next he will be the President of Singapore.../facepalm

He was in incharge of ONE part of the game....

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I would really like for choices to matter more in the game. I heard when I started out that on a certain class, if you chose to save people instead of kill them, they would help you with your final boss battle. I have yet to learn if it's true or not, but I'm guessing it's a no. I hate to bring up ME3, but that's kind of what it reminds me of. You made all these choices, throughout 3 games, hundreds of hours of playtime, and....nada. The ending doesn't change one bit based on those decisions.


I'm not so much displeased with the linearity IN the planets as I am with the linearity OF the planets. Meaning, I'm fine that once I'm on planet, it's pretty linear. I just hate how it's the same order of planets for every single class. There is no change. That bothers me. I have a feeling that will be fixed though.


You usually get one good companion story per class. And it's usually one of your first characters. With the JK, it's Kira, with the JC, it's Qyzen. Mako for the BH, and so forth. While I'm not super happy with it, I do understand what that is, and I'm okay with it.


As for the battle system, I like it. It has always seemed just fine with me.

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LOL he was only in charge of combat, I gota laugh how things get so blown out, next he will be the President of Singapore.../facepalm

He was in incharge of ONE part of the game....


The irony is that the whole game revolves around comat with the exception of conversations.

Edited by Tuscad
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There is not much you can do about it in an MMO, especially if a developer is not ready for innovation.

I myself thought that at least class missions/story would be enough to have me entertained, but no, those are VERY diluted by all those generic "kill x of y" missions, that at some point i stopped caring and actually forgot what was the main story.

They said that this was kotor 3,4,5.....and it is, if you talk about play time and not enjoyment.

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I would really like for choices to matter more in the game. I heard when I started out that on a certain class, if you chose to save people instead of kill them, they would help you with your final boss battle. I have yet to learn if it's true or not, but I'm guessing it's a no. I hate to bring up ME3, but that's kind of what it reminds me of. You made all these choices, throughout 3 games, hundreds of hours of playtime, and....nada. The ending doesn't change one bit based on those decisions.


I'm not so much displeased with the linearity IN the planets as I am with the linearity OF the planets. Meaning, I'm fine that once I'm on planet, it's pretty linear. I just hate how it's the same order of planets for every single class. There is no change. That bothers me. I have a feeling that will be fixed though.


You usually get one good companion story per class. And it's usually one of your first characters. With the JK, it's Kira, with the JC, it's Qyzen. Mako for the BH, and so forth. While I'm not super happy with it, I do understand what that is, and I'm okay with it.


As for the battle system, I like it. It has always seemed just fine with me.



In the JK story the people you save appear on the last mission, you have a simple convo with them and that is it, they dont aid you at all, and the sad part is, it took 50 level ups just to see my choices re appear and then find out later that they dont even do anything


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in the jk story the people you save appear on the last mission, you have a simple convo with them and that is it, they dont aid you at all, and the sad part is, it took 50 level ups just to see my choices re appear and then find out later that they dont even do anything



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Sit still feels like I am taking a plastic club and just bashing the person to death without them even responding to me hitting them.

There was a South Park episode where Cartman tried to "murder" Kyle by taking him out in a rowboat and beating him to death very very slowly with a wiffle ball bat. Is there a game where the combat IS exactly this? I mean animated in-game to look and feel like exactly what it is; which it is in all games; just beating something for five minutes with a padded club until it falls down "dead?" Cause I want to play THAT game.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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SWTOR has introduced many unique aspects to the MMO world like, story, the legacy system, companions, and more. Unfortunately, the game has its many flaws that drag the game down to an extreme disappointment.


I think the main problem is down to Bioware's inexperience with mmo's. This is Bioware's first mmo and it seems they tried to put too many single player elements (what Bioware is most famous for aka strong single player story) into the game.


I remember I talked to Daniel Erickson pre launch and he seems to want to focus on the class stories which to me feel a lot like a single player story.


I suppose it could have being worse originally flashpoint's weren't supposed to be re-playable.

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1. Name one MMO that is non-linear. Every MMO bread-crumbs you from one quest hub to the next. And, let's face it, there are only 2 types of quests: kill x things and fed-ex quests. Everything can be boiled down to those 2 arch-types.


2. So the choices did matter. Because they didn't matter much (or to your high expectations) does not mean they didn't matter at all.


3. I'll agree that there seems to be a lot of travel in game. But all your class quests are based in the same zones you could be questing in. And some of the bonus stuff is stupid. "1) Kill 50 guys. 2) Pick up 20 boxes, but first, you have to kill all the guys standing around the boxes." That sort of stuff is stupid. But, bonus is bonus. Skip them. Also, see my 1 about quests.


4. True. A few more quests with my companions would be cool. But then people (like you) would be hollering about BW forcing you to run all over the galaxy to fulfill bonus fluff quests.


5. Once again, its more you than the devs. My sith deflects blasters all the time (it is cool when I kill a guy with that). Sorry that BW can't meet you and your expectations on Mt. Olympus with a gold plated sparkle pony.


6. Just repeating previous complaints to make it look more impressive than it is. Also (I haven't started my JK yet till I unlock Chiss) how many books/movies has the protagonist about to reach his goal to have it suddenly snatched away? Complaining about 6,000 year old literary devices is like the woman complaining there aren't enough benches to sit on the other week.


Unfortunately, my expectations were far to high for this game and it was a complete disappointment.

Yeah, we get that. That is all you had to post. As soon as you realize that it is you and not the game, the more fun you will have.

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I think the main problem is down to Bioware's inexperience with mmo's. This is Bioware's first mmo and it seems they tried to put too many single player elements (what Bioware is most famous for aka strong single player story) into the game.


I remember I talked to Daniel Erickson pre launch and he seems to want to focus on the class stories which to me feel a lot like a single player story.


I suppose it could have being worse originally flashpoint's weren't supposed to be re-playable.


Sure there was inexperience with MMO's but still, they delayed launch many times, it took them many years and like a hundred million dollars to make a rushed game that delivers every aspect to the game either halfway or not at all

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