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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ditch the 5 levels rule please


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Its so annoying that no matter how good your gear is , if an enemy is 5 levels higher than you , most of your attacks just miss, even if he is just a grunt.


I like being underlevelled for the planets im on because its more of a challenge or sometimes i like to press on with class quests a bit early, i should be entitled to that.


So right now im running a lvl 21 alt on tatooine to do a class quest, i have over 420 strength and 350 end. more than most of the 25's i bump into. I can comfortably take out lvl 25 elites with 5k hp, but a lvl 26 grunt with 1000 is sometimes impossible because it is 5 levels higher than me, i will ding 22 very soon and with the exact same gear and no new abilities i will dust him with ease


Anyone else come across this?

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This has actually been there since the beta.. And probably needs to be there.. Nobody needs to be lvl 12 and questing on Voss.. It is there to insure that you progress in the proper order and can't skip to far ahead.. Otherwise people might finish the quests on Corellia and still be lvl 45 or something.. At that point, going back to Tatooine to do the quests or planet that you skipped, won't give you much XP for leveling..


In the end it is there for a reason and should stay there.. It is really nice to leave Corellia and be lvl 50..

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This has actually been there since the beta.. And probably needs to be there.. Nobody needs to be lvl 12 and questing on Voss.. It is there to insure that you progress in the proper order and can't skip to far ahead.. Otherwise people might finish the quests on Corellia and still be lvl 45 or something.. At that point, going back to Tatooine to do the quests or planet that you skipped, won't give you much XP for leveling..


In the end it is there for a reason and should stay there.. It is really nice to leave Corellia and be lvl 50..


I finished Corellia at 47, so it's not much of a difference. I do think it's rather arbitrary that you simply can't do damage if they're a few levels above you. If you have the skill and stats to outdo an opponent above you then more power to you.

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Its so annoying that no matter how good your gear is , if an enemy is 5 levels higher than you , most of your attacks just miss, even if he is just a grunt.


I like being underlevelled for the planets im on because its more of a challenge or sometimes i like to press on with class quests a bit early, i should be entitled to that.


So right now im running a lvl 21 alt on tatooine to do a class quest, i have over 420 strength and 350 end. more than most of the 25's i bump into. I can comfortably take out lvl 25 elites with 5k hp, but a lvl 26 grunt with 1000 is sometimes impossible because it is 5 levels higher than me, i will ding 22 very soon and with the exact same gear and no new abilities i will dust him with ease


Anyone else come across this?


The only reason you can manage against the lvl 25's is because of how tight they kept the damage/health increases per level. I think this is a good thing, but it results in needing to have an arbitrary cut-off beyond which you can't really hurt something that high. The alternative is much greater increases with each level, but this has gearing downsides as it becomes more important to keep gear near the best and causes average players to be nearly completely level locked.


Anyway, without one or the other or it's a mess with low levels grouping to skip half the content to start doing higher worlds content.

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As Inspirator mentioned, the difficulty increases while leveling are almost entirely artificial, a factor of the enemy defense and attack changing based on the level differential between you and them. Your actual stats grow very little until you get near 50, and without the level differential bonuses a good player would be able to beat much higher level content. I'm sure they do it that way to try and head off stat inflation, and it works pretty well.
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I finished Corellia at 47, so it's not much of a difference. I do think it's rather arbitrary that you simply can't do damage if they're a few levels above you. If you have the skill and stats to outdo an opponent above you then more power to you.


But you don't have the stats. Get more accuracy if you want to hit higher level NPCs.


If level difference between you and your target didn't innately affect your chance to hit, then by the time you were level 50 you'd have +2,670% Accuracy and 2,500 defense to counteract everyone else's accuracy.

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What's really annoying is leveling another guardian in tank spec, being 3-4 levels higher than the mobs on Alderaan, and seeing one silver, and 2 normals take anywhere from 3/4 to 2/3 of my health using Kira. We're both over geared for those mobs. 2 silvers can come close to killing me if I don't pop a defensive skill.
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It's been like this in nearly every mmo.

Your stats are based on you attacking, or receiving attacks from someone equal level as you.

It's not a 5 level rule....it applies to people 4 levels above you too. You just notice it with that extra level.


I don't understand why new people come into MMOs and want to change core designs, that are designed that way for very good reasons....people have already explained why, I'm not going to go into that.

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It's been like this in nearly every mmo.

Your stats are based on you attacking, or receiving attacks from someone equal level as you.

It's not a 5 level rule....it applies to people 4 levels above you too. You just notice it with that extra level.


I don't understand why new people come into MMOs and want to change core designs, that are designed that way for very good reasons....people have already explained why, I'm not going to go into that.


there seems to be a real cut off point at 5 lvls' as i said i can take a mob 4 lvls higher than me inc strong enemies or a elite or boss 4 levels ahead, but a weak grunt with less that 1/4 of my health is very difficult to solo.


and im not new to MMO's i played wow for years and swg. and im well aware that a similar effect existed in wow and that you couldnt even see th lvl of a npc that was much higher than you, i just didnt notice the effect to be so obvious as a 5 lvl cut off point and even when we are talking about very weak enemies

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yeah because the second I get my ship, if there is no 5 level instant miss mechanic, I go to Corellia with my friends who are level 50, I tap the mobs, they kill them, I get booku xp.


This is what it is stopping.

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yeah because the second I get my ship, if there is no 5 level instant miss mechanic, I go to Corellia with my friends who are level 50, I tap the mobs, they kill them, I get booku xp.


This is what it is stopping.


This right here.


It is a mechanic to prevent power leveling. It is also standard mmo procedure. I know you said you played WoW but don't remember the 5 level limit. in early WoW it could be brutal, you might be able to handle regular mobs 4-5 levels above you, one at a time but never a group of them. Elites and higher there was just no way you could even stand toe to toe let alone kill them.


Now just so you know there is a change coming to the industry I feel, this change makes the level mechanic unnecessary since the mechanic for combat is skill based rather than level based. The difference is that at higher levels you get more combat moves. Secret World is about half way there and it is very cool. GW2 is going there for World PvP, level 1 or level 50 it doesn't matter you can all hit each other and do damage.


Until then though we have a leveling and combat mechanic that works as designed.

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yeah because the second I get my ship, if there is no 5 level instant miss mechanic, I go to Corellia with my friends who are level 50, I tap the mobs, they kill them, I get booku xp.


This is what it is stopping.


.... "booku"? XD


Not sure if intentional misspelling or has only heard word said aloud.

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More importantly, mobs that are grey to you should not attack you.

They sort of don't. It seems their aggro radius shrinks to near zero when you hit a certain number of levels above them; but if you stand on top of them for long enough anything with a red nameplate will attack eventually. It's kind of a clever mechanic really; it gives 99% of the effective "grey immunity" that other games do, while not leaving you completely free to just stand around anywhere forever.

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