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Why do so many players not buff themselves?


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One of the things I like to do when running into players that I'm not grouped with is check to see if they are buffed. If they are missing any of the buffs I can give them then I buff them. I have seen a large number of players and it appears to be growing that are out running around doing quests and fighting that have zero buffs on them. How do you not know that your class has its own buff? It just makes me shake my head to see how many people are running around hurting themselves by not doing something as basic as buffing.


Has this been something you guys have encountered as well? I used to feel a little irked when I would buff a person and expect them to return the favor with a buff I didn't have but after seeing so many people running around with no buffs I've stopped being irked by it.

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I like how buffing once gives me all class buffs.


Yes, I like that as well. Unfortunately it seems a large number of players don't even know how to buff themselves let alone work to unlock the ability to get all four class buffs.

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One of the things I like to do when running into players that I'm not grouped with is check to see if they are buffed. If they are missing any of the buffs I can give them then I buff them. I have seen a large number of players and it appears to be growing that are out running around doing quests and fighting that have zero buffs on them. How do you not know that your class has its own buff? It just makes me shake my head to see how many people are running around hurting themselves by not doing something as basic as buffing.


Has this been something you guys have encountered as well? I used to feel a little irked when I would buff a person and expect them to return the favor with a buff I didn't have but after seeing so many people running around with no buffs I've stopped being irked by it.


I thought I was the only one doing this.


Now I know I am not alone. :cool:

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Yes, I like that as well. Unfortunately it seems a large number of players don't even know how to buff themselves let alone work to unlock the ability to get all four class buffs.


So there is an ability to get all four class buffs?

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I do buff myself, but here are some of the reasons I don't always return buffs:


1. I am afk.

2. I am preoccupied with something else and do not notice that someone has buffed me, particularly if I have vendor, skill, crafting, etc. windows up on my screen.

3. Someone randomly decides to "help" me kill something, effectively stealing my kill and making me take longer to do my quests, and then buffs me thinking that I'm going to be eternally grateful for what they did.

4. I am afk.

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Why is it that I might not have my own buff on me? Two main reasons.

- I recently logged in, or recently died, and forgot that I needed to refresh it.

- I didn't notice that it had faded, as it is not a permanent buff, but does hang around a long time before it needs to be refreshed.


Gripe follows:


As for the "all four buffs within one" - you assume too much. Not only am I a fairly recent player, but I rarely put in more than about 10 hours a week, AND am an alt-oholic. I have several characters, and none are above 40. While it is an impressive (to me) accomplishment that you have at least four characters at 50, please try to avoid implying that it is a requirement, and that those who don't are somehow lesser. In another game (and not the one you likely just thought of), I was a fairly hard core raider. I have since lost interest in that kind of stress in my game. I am now so very casual that even casuals tend to call me casual.



I will try to remember to buff myself, but I'm no longer worried about every little detail, and sometimes they escape me. Oddly enough, I really like helping others, and what reminds me to buff myself is when I go to buff others and then realize that I needed to rebuff myself.

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So there is an ability to get all four class buffs?

Play all 4 classes to the end of chapter 2. (Completing the chapter 2 quests for a class unlocks the use of that class buff for all your characters on the server. They are "translated" to be the other faction's equivalent if the character in question is on the other faction).

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One of the things I like to do when running into players that I'm not grouped with is check to see if they are buffed. If they are missing any of the buffs I can give them then I buff them. I have seen a large number of players and it appears to be growing that are out running around doing quests and fighting that have zero buffs on them. How do you not know that your class has its own buff? It just makes me shake my head to see how many people are running around hurting themselves by not doing something as basic as buffing.


Has this been something you guys have encountered as well? I used to feel a little irked when I would buff a person and expect them to return the favor with a buff I didn't have but after seeing so many people running around with no buffs I've stopped being irked by it.


I do the same thing, when I encounter other players on a planet, I'll often see if they don't have one of my three buffs and if so, buff them, unless they're running around with no buffs at all.

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I do buff myself, but here are some of the reasons I don't always return buffs:


3. Someone randomly decides to "help" me kill something, effectively stealing my kill and making me take longer to do my quests, and then buffs me thinking that I'm going to be eternally grateful for what they did.



If someone helps you kill something they are not "stealing your kill" if you already tagged it. The only time they can "steal" your kill is if they are not in the same group as you, and by the time you attack the mob, it is grey to you.

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If someone helps you kill something they are not "stealing your kill" if you already tagged it. The only time they can "steal" your kill is if they are not in the same group as you, and by the time you attack the mob, it is grey to you.


They do steal them if you are fighting a group of linked mobs and you haven't done damage to one or more of them yet. You might argue that they aren't mine if I haven't damaged them yet, but if they are linked and I have them crowd controlled or they are attacking and damaging me and/or my companion, then I do consider them to be my claim. In any case, it's rude and uncalled for for someone to interfere with what I'm doing and potentially putting me in danger by breaking my stuns. I do not get credit for my quests when others roll through and kill my linked mobs. (Note that I'm not talking about any of the other mobs in the same area that aren't linked together. Those are fair game to anyone.) It has happened time and time again to the point where I try to wait until anyone visible to me has left the area or are preoccupied with something else before I start my fights. So no, I'm not going to buff or thank someone who comes through and robs me of my time because they can't seem to find their own mobs to kill, even if there are hundreds of mobs available other than mine. It's a huge pet peeve for me. Thank goodness for the instanced areas where I can handle my own fights in peace!

Edited by bekkilyn
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They do steal them if you are fighting a group of linked mobs and you haven't done damage to one or more of them yet. You might argue that they aren't mine if I haven't damaged them yet, but if they are linked and I have them crowd controlled or they are attacking and damaging me and/or my companion, then I do consider them to be my claim. In any case, it's rude and uncalled for for someone to interfere with what I'm doing and potentially putting me in danger by breaking my stuns. I do not get credit for my quests when others roll through and kill my linked mobs. (Note that I'm not talking about any of the other mobs in the same area that aren't linked together. Those are fair game to anyone.) It has happened time and time again to the point where I try to wait until anyone visible to me has left the area or are preoccupied with something else before I start my fights. So no, I'm not going to buff or thank someone who comes through and robs me of my time because they can't seem to find their own mobs to kill, even if there are hundreds of mobs available other than mine. It's a huge pet peeve for me. Thank goodness for the instanced areas where I can handle my own fights in peace!


If I feel the need to help someone kill their mobs it's either only the ones that are already grey, or the person looks like they're about to go down. Taking someone else's mobs while they're still red is bad form.



I do like now being able to do all 4 buffs while on my guardian (only one I need left), since I can buff myself and my friends without having to remind them to apply their own for us. It also allows me to fill random people's buff bar (especially on the starter areas).


I don't think it should be expected that people return the favor though, since there are reasons a person wouldn't buff you back, even if they would otherwise. I know I've felt the need to chase someone down to buff them back, since my own buff was on CD from buffing myself right as he did the same.

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Play all 4 classes to the end of chapter 2. (Completing the chapter 2 quests for a class unlocks the use of that class buff for all your characters on the server. They are "translated" to be the other faction's equivalent if the character in question is on the other faction).


Oh nice, thanks for the tip...that means....I have a lot of levelling to do...be right back!

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Why you ask?


IMO, three of the 4 buffs are crap and you really wont see that much difference with them on you, thats why. The only buff worth anything is the crit buff. I don't even know why they bothered putting those buffs in the game in the first place, a total waste of time. They are more of an annoyance really. It's not like in the games of old where you saw a big differece in character effectiveness with buffs such as Everquest or Dark Age of Camelot.

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One of the things I like to do when running into players that I'm not grouped with is check to see if they are buffed. If they are missing any of the buffs I can give them then I buff them. I have seen a large number of players and it appears to be growing that are out running around doing quests and fighting that have zero buffs on them. How do you not know that your class has its own buff? It just makes me shake my head to see how many people are running around hurting themselves by not doing something as basic as buffing.


Has this been something you guys have encountered as well? I used to feel a little irked when I would buff a person and expect them to return the favor with a buff I didn't have but after seeing so many people running around with no buffs I've stopped being irked by it.


I use my class buff. Yes. But to be honest do you really need them for ordinary questing? In the low and mid levels the 5% buff won't make such a difference. Take the trooper/ bounty hunter buff for example. How much bonus health does it grant on level 15 with only quest reward gear? How much does it grant at level 50 with a decently geared toon?


During "normal" play the buffs didn't make the difference. It was rather figuring out target priorities and which targets required CC. How to start a battle and have the companion focus the right targets. The latter is still a bit tricky if you want to avoid having the companion break CCs.

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