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You Need To Reward Open World PvP - ASAP!


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That's strange, as several people have reported getting Merc commendations for World PvP.


I guess we need an official confirmation, then.


I finished my queue and can now confirm this. I have NO merc commendations in my currency inventory at all, even though I killed 3 enemy players in Tatooine last night, 2 of them higher level and 1 lower than me.


In short, this is.. shocking.

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I finished my queue and can now confirm this. I have NO merc commendations in my currency inventory at all, even though I killed 3 enemy players in Tatooine last night, 2 of them higher level and 1 lower than me.


In short, this is.. shocking.


I wonder if they only reward max level world PvP in Ilum?


Makes sense, as I've seen no sub-level 50 items available for Mercenary commendations.


But the simple fact that they HAVE Mercenary commendations suggests that they're going to implement their use soon, regardless.


Still, I think it's very unfortunate if you won't be rewarded for open world PvP as a low level.

Edited by DKDArtagnan
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BioWare: "But but bu.... Ilum...?"


Well said OP. My Trooper is level 25 and has yet to run into any open world PvP. What's up with that?



You should blame the horrible instancing in this game for that.



EVEN IF Bioware decided to give open-world pvp rewards how can you do any pvp if we are devided to the point where the second more then 15 people enter 1 zone somebody gets thrown into a different instance??

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How many times has it been confirmed that kills in open world PvP yields Mercenary commendations - which is exactly as useful as Warzone commendations?


Why are we still debating this?


You want rewards? Go PvP in the way you want.


Now, since I don't know how MANY commendations open world PvP yields, I can't speak about balance. But obviously the system for rewards is in place.


Uhh, no.


I said 'totally disingenuous' in my OP for a reason, I knew you get Merc commendations for Illum PvP - and Georg knew it too, that's why he was able to claim you get rewards for Open World Pvp - but THAT's the disingenuous part!


He knows Illum is hardly Open World, and that you also don't get rewards from REAL Open World pvp - and the fact that the rewards from wz's VASTLY outweigh any measly reward they have for Open World PvP (fyi, it's not hard to beat nothing).


If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know this too - or you're being disingenuous as well.

Edited by Darth_Eclipses
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they should have implemented pvp servers with factional balance in the first place.

instead we have huttball wz ad nauseam, and hardly any republic player to kill in world pvp.

THAT is the major problem to be fixed.

after, the world pvp needs to be worked on. that include personal and faction wide rewards, and fleshing out of Objective based world pvp zones such as illum.

give us the thrill of pvp, this is supposed to be the most antagonistic faction based game, yet I feel like playing hello kitty online.

Edited by dudafett
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I was making my way through the quests in Alderaan and I got my first kill on a Jedi Sentinel! I paused and waited for some sort of huge Codex update, achievement to flash my screen, some sort of guild message to let everyone know I just got my first wpvp kill or something. AND NOTHING HAPPENED, NOTHING!




nobody even noticed except the dead Jedi :(


Oh, that brings up another subject, how come I can't see who someone is targeting? I can't tell if Joe over here is targeting me or you. Seems like an easy fix there too

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Uhh, no.


I said 'totally disingenuous' in my OP for a reason, I knew you get Merc commendations for Illum PvP - and Georg knew it too, that's why he was able to claim you get rewards for Open World Pvp - but THAT's the disingenuous part!


He knows Illum is hardly Open World, and that you also don't get rewards from REAL Open World pvp - and the fact that the rewards from wz's VASTLY outweigh any measly reward they have for Open World PvP (fyi, it's not hard to beat nothing).


If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know this too - or you're being disingenuous as well.


He doesn't "know" Ilum is hardly open world PvP. That's THEIR version of it, because it happens in a large part of the world.


I'm all for minor rewards for random world PvP - but I'd never actually do that much if they don't implement proper objectives.


You're trying to make your vision of open world PvP into the only vision.


That's not dishonest - but I'd say it's rather narrow-minded.


Implementing major rewards for random ganking would be VERY detrimental to the game. It has nothing to do with a War. War is about land and objectives. It's not about ganking people and getting medals for being an ***.


What we can probably agree on, is that they should implement MORE open world PvP - rather than what Ilum seems to be. But I think we both know SWtOR will never be a primarly PvP game. If you don't, then you're being very naive.

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"You Need To Reward Open World PvP"


An oxymoron.


It's not open world PvP if it's organized and objective-based.


The whole point of that "open" is that it's spontaneous and driven by people's own desire to fight; not driven by getting a pat on the head and a monetary reward.




Those things you metion, OP, would actually be detrimental to open world PvP. "Ok.. I gotta go kill some guy in Tatooine to unlock this title." FAIL! It feels forced and ridiculous.


The reward for true "open world pvp" is in the fight itself.



Edited by Viconiuz
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"You Need To Reward Open World PvP"


An oxymoron.


It's not open world PvP if it's organized and objective-based.


The whole point of that "open" is that it's spontaneous and driven by people's own desire to fight; not driven by getting a pat on the head and a monetary reward.





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pff you guys are loot hunter for show off while pressing space in the capital, and call yourself hardcore pvp player, b u l l s h i t.

world pvp reward is the fun that comes with it and if you dont find anyone because they all doing warfront/bg or whatever just go to the capital and kill them while they are in queue for it

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Hmm, really what needs to happen is if there are rewards in Warzones there needs to be equal rewards in open world or open world will never happen. That is part of the reason (among many reasons) that Warhammer failed. Scenarios offered higher exp/currency rewards than open world did for the time spent in them.


It's really dissappointing to me that there is a lot of content that BioWare stated would be in the game that didn't make it for release and who knows if they still plan to implement it.


Originally all the higher tier planets were supposed to have open world RvR lakes with objectives that gave rewards for participating. You were supposed to be able to earn mercenary commendations that were the reward for participating in open world PvP. There was supposed to be mercenary specific gear you could buy with those commendations or you were supposed to have the option to change those commendations to the warzone ones so that players weren't forced to participate in both if they didn't want to.


We haven't heard a mention of that content since it was announced... 6-7 months ago.


I want to see how Ilum turns out, but I have a feeling it will lead to further dissappointment. At least the PvE in SWTOR is top notch. I will have to get my PvP fix some where else unless things change though.

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Hmm, really what needs to happen is if there are rewards in Warzones there needs to be equal rewards in open world or open world will never happen. That is part of the reason (among many reasons) that Warhammer failed. Scenarios offered higher exp/currency rewards than open world did for the time spent in them.


It's really dissappointing to me that there is a lot of content that BioWare stated would be in the game that didn't make it for release and who knows if they still plan to implement it.


Originally all the higher tier planets were supposed to have open world RvR lakes with objectives that gave rewards for participating. You were supposed to be able to earn mercenary commendations that were the reward for participating in open world PvP. There was supposed to be mercenary specific gear you could buy with those commendations or you were supposed to have the option to change those commendations to the warzone ones so that players weren't forced to participate in both if they didn't want to.


We haven't heard a mention of that content since it was announced... 6-7 months ago.


I want to see how Ilum turns out, but I have a feeling it will lead to further dissappointment. At least the PvE in SWTOR is top notch. I will have to get my PvP fix some where else unless things change though.


I can certainly agree with that. Meaningful open world objectives and areas where you fight for a reason.


But the game just launched - and it has more content at this stage than the vast majority of MMOs do at launch.


Let's give them a chance, shall we?

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I also support this thread, I want an MMO I can play for a long time. I dont see it happening without a good open pvp system....Lineage 2 is free now. I hope it is a serious expansion soon after launch.


because the first impression is good. the expectations are high.



Thanks for making the game.


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I long for the awesome PvP elements of a game like Rising Force Online (Before the Codemaster servers were shutdown and some other company opened a really crappy and laggy server). 3 races in a state of constant warfare with 3 daily Chip Wars where you fought for control over the Mine \o/
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they probably don't want level 40 guys traveling back to level 1-10 worlds and farming xp or what ever from newbs. And you know there will be plenty of *** holes that will do just that.


Well they addressed that issue in the same announcement with a lot of the other PvP stuff that didn't make it. Originally higher level characters going to planets lower than their level were supposed to be debuffed to the stats of the highest level for the zone. So if a level 50 went to Balmorra which is a 16-20 zone then their stats would be close that of a level 20 character.


Now we already know this is possible. Everyone that joins a warzone is buffed to similar stats of a level 50. Of course true level 50s will have better stats, but that is due to their gear progression that the system doesn't really make up for.


That system if implemented would make open world PvP possible at all levels much like how the Warzones are handled now. I really really hope that BioWare still plans to add these features... maybe they will have a PvP patch that includes this content. If they added what I meantioned in my 2 posts I could play this game for years.

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Im torn on this issue. On one end I agree, there should be some reward for Open world PvP(OWPVP). If your on a PvP server thats what your there to do. But on the other i think that you shouldnt reward Open world pvp. Making the rewards too good will promote people to actively find other people(usually easy targets) and farm them, to recieve the best gear. Those doing the farming arent recieving a real challenge, and those being farmed are having there gaming experience destroyed. True PvP is in a controlled enviroment, with even teams, such as Warfronts/Battlegrounds/Arena Style matches.


Seperate Loot tables, and special quests/titles is a little too much IMO. Exp, money, and maybe some valor to improve your pvp rank, anything more is counterproductive to enhancing the PvP experience.

Edited by Haystak
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Even if you had a system in place that rewarded open PvP equally to wz you'd still have the majority of PvP (on PvP servers) taking place in warzones.


One main reason:


Warzones > Open PvP because the ZZZEEERRRG doesn't determine the winners and the whiners for the vast majority of fights.


I like Open PvP, but getting roflstomped by 10X my number gets old real fast. For every "good" fight you find you'll either get curbed stomped or faceroll your oppenent dozens of times more.

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