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Warzone Quiters..... Should It Be Tracked?


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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.

Here is a break down I been thinking about.


1. if you manually leave a warzone or get voted out, you loose 2 points.

2. If you get kicked from the warzone from the desertion buff you loose 1 point.

3. If you enter a match already in progress and manually leave, you only lose 1 point.

4. If you get disconnected from the game from your end (latency, disconnect, game shutdown.) you loose .5 points.

5. if you manually leave no less then 45 seconds before the battle starts you loose .25 points.

6. If you leave from a Group Finder Que, you loose 0 points.

7. If the game disconnects you, like server lag, shutdown and the like, you loose 0 points.

8. If you leave a warzone Que or leave a window pop for a warzone you loose 0 points.


You can go into the negatives. -100 is the cap.


Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight. The more negative points you have, the more problems you have. I don't want to deal with your personal baggage. There just isn't enough room in my cargo hold.





You can also gain points. the higher the points you have, then more reliable your connect is, the less you /ragequit, and overall teamwork you represent.


1. If you complete a warzone that was already in progess you gain 1 points.

2. Each MVP vote you get, you gain .5 points.

3. If you complete a warzone you gain .25 points.

4. If you gain 5 medals you get .25 points.

5. If you get 10 medals or more you get additional .25 points.


You can gain points for reliability. 100 is the cap.





I honestly don't care if your connection is bad. If your connect is bad, that is your problem. Either way, I still can not rely on you. If you leave cause you can't face defeat, then how am I to trust you when things get rough. I am sure we all have that story where someone yells at everyone, leaves, and then we stomp the enemies and win.


I want to play PvP with the people that will stick it out, have a good attitude and never back down from the fight. I want to rely on my teammates, more so in ranked PvP. I am not looking for the system to monitor wins or losses. You can still gain votes and medals even if you are not the winner. I do not want winning or loosing to factor in, I want people to stick it out. If you are going to hit that button to accept the warzone, accept it! You just made a commitment to 7 other people.



So with that thought out. Does anyone have any ways they would make this better? Any more opinions? I want to have a discussion on this. Tell me how I am right, and how I am wrong.

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Give it up and QQ more,,,


None of you even realize that right now is the better thing. A person who leaves when the going gets tough is NOT someone you want on your team ANYWAYS. You will not be punishing them for leaving you will be punishing yourself and others like you because ALL THEY WILL DO IS JACK AROUND.


Seriously think about it I would rather people leave and maybe get someone who is decent then to force them to stay and have them do jack..... Vote kick only works if they are not participating well that is easy really.


So back off and let them LEAVE for the LOVE A GOD


Besides why would some people (myslef included) want to put themselves through noobie pvp when the they can't even hold a single node? No thanks I have better things to do.

Edited by dkangl
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Give it up and QQ more,,,


None of you even realize that right now is the better thing. A person who leaves when the going gets tough is NOT someone you want on your team ANYWAYS. You will not be punishing them for leaving you will be punishing yourself and others like you because ALL THEY WILL DO IS JACK AROUND.


Seriously think about it I would rather people leave and maybe get someone who is decent then to force them to stay and have them do jack..... Vote kick only works if they are not participating well that is easy really.


So back off and let them LEAVE for the LOVE A GOD


Besides why would some people (myslef included) want to put themselves through noobie pvp when the they can't even hold a single node? No thanks I have better things to do.


You do have a good point, even if its full of bile and hate. I must say, since you start the post with the standard "QQ", I immediately am ready to disregard anything that you type. But , I shall answer your vicious attack with some thoughts.


You also have to consider, Am I GOING to get someone else?

Just because the quitter leaves, does not mean I WILL get someone better, I may also get someone worse. That is pure speculation.

The fact is , if I have a team mate leave, I am one person down. There is no guarantees someone will replace them.


Also that someone's actions will degrade if there is a system that will ACTUALLY TRACK their behavior.

If we have someone that fools around, we have the vote kick, or need I remind you of that.


Let them leave for the love of god? There is a button, I am not asking to FORCE that you can not leave. I am asking that I can see, if I am going to start a match with someone that WILL NOT LEAVE, or jack around.


Don't you get it?


If you have this system, and are going to make a pre-made for ranked or non-ranked. You can see what you are getting into. Or would you rather jump in and hope we get someone as stellar and personable as you?


I honestly am not sure, who "QQ"'s more. Then person that tries to make a debate on this, or the Highly vocal minority that screams whenever someone tries to make a new post.


He has a point non-the-less. IS it better to have them leave and get a replacement, or is there a trend that once a person leaves its harder to get the spot filled? Thank you for your insight.

Edited by pinmoney
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You do have a good point, even if its full of bile and hate. I must say, since you start the post with the standard "QQ", I immediately am ready to disregard anything that you type. But , I shall answer your vicious attack with some thoughts.


You also have to consider, Am I GOING to get someone else?

Just because the quitter leaves, does not mean I WILL get someone better, I may also get someone worse. That is pure speculation.

The fact is , if I have a team mate leave, I am one person down. There is no guarantees someone will replace them.


Also that someone's actions will degrade if there is a system that will ACTUALLY TRACK their behavior.

If we have someone that fools around, we have the vote kick, or need I remind you of that.


Let them leave for the love of god? There is a button, I am not asking to FORCE that you can not leave. I am asking that I can see, if I am going to start a match with someone that WILL NOT LEAVE, or jack around.


Don't you get it?


If you have this system, and are going to make a pre-made for ranked or non-ranked. You can see what you are getting into. Or would you rather jump in and hope we get someone as stellar and personable as you?


I honestly am not sure, who "QQ"'s more. Then person that tries to make a debate on this, or the Highly vocal minority that screams whenever someone tries to make a new post.


He has a point non-the-less. IS it better to have them leave or get a replacement, or is there a trend that once a person leaves its harder to get the spot filled?


yea men lieke i wuz q up fo a gaem and bamz i join a 5-0 hutbull and gat da pley fo lieke 30 secs beforw et ended i wus maed

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we have the vote kick




That only works if they are not participating, if they are just out and about looking for 1v1 fights or to harass some idiot yet not really helping the team the VK will not work.

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we have the vote kick




That only works if they are not participating, if they are just out and about looking for 1v1 fights or to harass some idiot yet not really helping the team the VK will not work.


That is a very good point. Its impossible to track a player just out to cause havoc.

I did mention the medals would gain you more points though. There is medals for damage, attackers, and defenders, and time . Would you think that only certain medals would be tracked as gain in points. If you are doing what you should then you would gain more points.

On the other hand, taking down possible enemies is in a round-about way helping, may be not directly.



QUOTE jolleebindu

When it counts it is. If you leave a rated match it counts as a loss. The unrated matches are for more casual players. Enforcing quitting rules on casual players is a bad idea.


Hmm very good point. Would you say then this is better suited for just the ranked matches, or would you stand that the lose is suitable on its own?


Also how do you feel on the lose recorded for non-ranked?

I could see how the system itself would discourage others to PvP even in non-ranked matches.

Edited by pinmoney
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I don't care for ideas of leaving a warzone causing a negative impact, and here's why. I play while I am at work, that's the only time I CAN play since I don't have internet at my home, and it's 45 minutes to town in any direction for me. Sometimes, while I am playing, even in the middle of a warzone, someone comes up and it requires me to do about 2 minutes of work. More than enough time for an enemy player to come kill me, and for the Warzone to kick me. I would be upset beyond all belief if I got another penalty other than no EXP, no Valor and no commendations.
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I don't care for ideas of leaving a warzone causing a negative impact, and here's why. I play while I am at work, that's the only time I CAN play since I don't have internet at my home, and it's 45 minutes to town in any direction for me. Sometimes, while I am playing, even in the middle of a warzone, someone comes up and it requires me to do about 2 minutes of work. More than enough time for an enemy player to come kill me, and for the Warzone to kick me. I would be upset beyond all belief if I got another penalty other than no EXP, no Valor and no commendations.


Yes personal life can cuase problems, but that is also a factor in ranked matches. The concept is to have a rating on all factors, not only if a person quits, but if they NEED to quit. On a non-ranked match I would love to battle with you. Then again if the ranked match needs your undivided attention, your work would interfere.


If would cause turmoil, that is not to be disregarded. Yet the trend is to look and leave. People see you quit out, they do not see the reasons why. I can understand how it would be frustrating. Would you say this would work better for ranked matches only?

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i am a quitter when i see people in civil war in 5 defending the only turret we have because they gave up while game is still going i rather leave honestly then look at them sitting at turret and me fighting vs the remaining 8 enemy


i am a quitter after i told 3 time to people to don't stay up over our goal area to pew pew down in the pit with the ball carried by a class with leap u tell them once u tell them twice at the 3th time shame on u if u stay in a team that stupid


i am a quitter if in voidstair people divide 7-1 defending and stay fighting 7vs3 when the other side is 5vs1 and this happen for real many many time i count the people at the other door 7 (none in the rez area) i look around i am alone vs 5 red

just because at start they zerg right when u have done killing them u cannot sit at right and hope they come back for more just rush to the other side if u see only 2/3 red name coming back and 6/7 green can't u understand that the other side probably have 5 red


I am a quitter when in novare i see people keep trying the far cap (that is way easier to defend for the other team) they keep running on and on for 5 minutes keep trying and trying in small due to long distance they never regroup once the dead get back there the one there are dead and so on and on.. (while the enemy easily regroup in 4/5)


I won't ruin 5/10 minutes of my "free" time with people with no brain i sometimes wonder if they are bot or people would you honestly stay in a warzone where 4 player are bots? well some people is worst then bots.

Edited by Pekish
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I keep seeing this come up over and over again. The only thing I ever think is "does it really matter?". Unless you are doing ranked (which I can't see people leaving being a problem) or you are trying to complete your weekly, who cares if you win or lose? Below 50 there is no sizable benefit to winning and above 50 you will win some and lose some. Please, stop worrying about what others are doing and enjoy the game for yourself; after all, it is only a game. Personally, I don't care if people leave, I don't care if my team wins or not as long as I know I did the best I could and that I had fun. In the end, that is all that really matters. Edited by Ronyo
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Great responses! In such a small time. I can see why the system itself would not improve very much.


I agree , this does come up every now and then, but if you look at the bright side. Sometimes opinions change, or other avenues of thoughts are explored. May be one day we can get a idea that people can agree on, or back.


In such a short time there have been some really good posts on this. I am actually impressed.


One question though that troubles me. Does Group Finder still make it a lose in ranked warzone if you leave?


I rather NOT have that be the case.

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I keep seeing this come up over and over again. The only thing I ever think is "does it really matter?". Unless you are doing ranked (which I can't see people leaving being a problem) or you are trying to complete your weekly, who cares if you win or lose? Below 50 there is no sizable benefit to winning and above 50 you will win some and lose some. Please, stop worrying about what others are doing and enjoy the game for yourself; after all, it is only a game. Personally, I don't care if people leave, I don't care if my team wins or not as long as I know I did the best I could and that I had fun. In the end, that is all that really matters.


yes it does matter... i work i have a family i play when i have some personal free time and i play to enjoy myself relax and meet people (not bots) that share my passion for mmorpg


my time is limited and i rather not waste it... add to the fact that if i finish the warzone and requeue togheter with them i will 70% end up in the same team of brainless bots if i quit in the middle i most probably end up with a different team it MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE


sorry but the time is mine and i do what i want with it and if people is proven stupid bot-like i rather play with different people

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There isn't anything wrong with leaving a warzone , if it's at the start of the match. Though if you're doing it half way into the match that's a dick move.


Unless they add a title to the warzones saying which warzone the queue is for people are going to quit. I refuse on most days to play civil war, and some times voidstar; I don't like either of them, and I've put up with them for 6 months.


Or if its a 4-8 man pre-made. I tend to leave those matches; I like to only join pugs, but most pugs don't work together. So a pre-made vs a pug is boring. I'd rather leave and rejoin the queue after a few seconds, when my spot is filled.


Don't punish the "quitters" most of them have very good reasons to. Make the pre-made have their own queue, and you won't see many quitters. There's no fun in pug vs pre-made. One team is working together one isn't.

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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.

Here is a break down I been thinking about.


1. if you manually leave a warzone or get voted out, you loose 2 points.

2. If you get kicked from the warzone from the desertion buff you loose 1 point.

3. If you enter a match already in progress and manually leave, you only lose 1 point.

4. If you get disconnected from the game from your end (latency, disconnect, game shutdown.) you loose .5 points.

5. if you manually leave no less then 45 seconds before the battle starts you loose .25 points.

6. If you leave from a Group Finder Que, you loose 0 points.

7. If the game disconnects you, like server lag, shutdown and the like, you loose 0 points.

8. If you leave a warzone Que or leave a window pop for a warzone you loose 0 points.


You can go into the negatives. -100 is the cap.


Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight. The more negative points you have, the more problems you have. I don't want to deal with your personal baggage. There just isn't enough room in my cargo hold.





You can also gain points. the higher the points you have, then more reliable your connect is, the less you /ragequit, and overall teamwork you represent.


1. If you complete a warzone that was already in progess you gain 1 points.

2. Each MVP vote you get, you gain .5 points.

3. If you complete a warzone you gain .25 points.

4. If you gain 5 medals you get .25 points.

5. If you get 10 medals or more you get additional .25 points.


You can gain points for reliability. 100 is the cap.





I honestly don't care if your connection is bad. If your connect is bad, that is your problem. Either way, I still can not rely on you. If you leave cause you can't face defeat, then how am I to trust you when things get rough. I am sure we all have that story where someone yells at everyone, leaves, and then we stomp the enemies and win.


I want to play PvP with the people that will stick it out, have a good attitude and never back down from the fight. I want to rely on my teammates, more so in ranked PvP. I am not looking for the system to monitor wins or losses. You can still gain votes and medals even if you are not the winner. I do not want winning or loosing to factor in, I want people to stick it out. If you are going to hit that button to accept the warzone, accept it! You just made a commitment to 7 other people.



So with that thought out. Does anyone have any ways they would make this better? Any more opinions? I want to have a discussion on this. Tell me how I am right, and how I am wrong.


^Same guy will come in here complaining when there is no one queuenig because they all left due to this system.


There isn't anything wrong with leaving a warzone , if it's at the start of the match. Though if you're doing it half way into the match that's a dick move.


Unless they add a title to the warzones saying which warzone the queue is for people are going to quit. I refuse on most days to play civil war, and some times voidstar; I don't like either of them, and I've put up with them for 6 months.


Or if its a 4-8 man pre-made. I tend to leave those matches; I like to only join pugs, but most pugs don't work together. So a pre-made vs a pug is boring. I'd rather leave and rejoin the queue after a few seconds, when my spot is filled.


Don't punish the "quitters" most of them have very good reasons to. Make the pre-made have their own queue, and you won't see many quitters. There's no fun in pug vs pre-made. One team is working together one isn't.


I actually agree with what you've said here. Allow people to pick which WZ they want and less people will leave. Put premades against premades and... lesss people will leave. This would take much less time and resources to impliment than the convoluted idea that the OP proposed.

Edited by timidobserver
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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.

Here is a break down I been thinking about.


1. if you manually leave a warzone or get voted out, you loose 0 points.

2. If you get kicked from the warzone from the desertion buff you loose 0 point.

3. If you enter a match already in progress and manually leave, you only lose 0 point.

4. If you get disconnected from the game from your end (latency, disconnect, game shutdown.) you loose 0 points.

5. if you manually leave no less then 45 seconds before the battle starts you loose 0 points.

6. If you leave from a Group Finder Que, you loose 0 points.

7. If the game disconnects you, like server lag, shutdown and the like, you loose 0 points.

8. If you leave a warzone Que or leave a window pop for a warzone you loose 0 points.

9. If you're pinmoney you loose 100 points.


You can go into the negatives. -100 is the cap.


Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight. The more negative points you have, the more problems you have. I don't want to deal with your personal baggage. There just isn't enough room in my cargo hold.





You can also gain points. the higher the points you have, then more reliable your connect is, the less you /ragequit, and overall teamwork you represent.


1. If you complete a warzone that was already in progess you gain 1 points.

2. Each MVP vote you get, you gain .5 points.

3. If you complete a warzone you gain .25 points.

4. If you gain 5 medals you get .25 points.

5. If you get 10 medals or more you get additional .25 points.


You can gain points for reliability. 100 is the cap.





I honestly don't care if your connection is bad. If your connect is bad, that is your problem. Either way, I still can not rely on you. If you leave cause you can't face defeat, then how am I to trust you when things get rough. I am sure we all have that story where someone yells at everyone, leaves, and then we stomp the enemies and win.


I want to play PvP with the people that will stick it out, have a good attitude and never back down from the fight. I want to rely on my teammates, more so in ranked PvP. I am not looking for the system to monitor wins or losses. You can still gain votes and medals even if you are not the winner. I do not want winning or loosing to factor in, I want people to stick it out. If you are going to hit that button to accept the warzone, accept it! You just made a commitment to 7 other people.



So with that thought out. Does anyone have any ways they would make this better? Any more opinions? I want to have a discussion on this. Tell me how I am right, and how I am wrong.



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^Same guy will come in here complaining when there is no one queuenig because they all left due to this system.


What an excellent post, no really. It had well thought out ideas... laughter, humor and a pile of trite condensation.


You got a better idea maverick?


Or is the idea of someone posting an idea to daunting for you. Please enlighten us, or perhaps expand on your wonderfully inaccurate and defamatory comment. :) I am sure we are all waiting on bated breath for your insight and overall tactful responses.


OH all right you twisted my arm. I'll expand on that errr well I guess thought. I am sure there hand to be SOME brain activity the be able to make the letters line up so well.


He is trying to say, if a system that introduced, not a punishment, but a over-all record of one's activities in PvP is introduced, this would cause a negative outlook to PvP overall. He feels that there would be a schism (divide for you Timmy) between the players that would like this and those that would not. This divide could reduce the overall players that would want to PvP and indirectly make less PvP matches for those that want to play.


Thus the over all concept he is introducing is that there would be less PvP, to the point where I would come back at a later date and make a new post to find a way to introduce more players into PvP warzones.


That sum it up timmy?


Got to agree too.


If we could Que for the warzones areas we want to play in, less would leave.

Edited by pinmoney
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What an excellent post, no really. It had well thought out ideas... laughter, humor and a pile of trite condensation.


You got a better idea maverick?


Or is the idea of someone posting an idea to daunting for you. Please enlighten us, or perhaps expand on your wonderfully inaccurate and defamatory comment. :) I am sure we are all waiting on bated breath for your insight and overall tactful responses.


OH all right you twisted my arm. I'll expand on that errr well I guess thought. I am sure there hand to be SOME brain activity the be able to make the letters line up so well.


He is trying to say, if a system that introduced, not a punishment, but a over-all record of one's activities in PvP is introduced, this would cause a negative outlook to PvP overall. He feels that there would be a schism (divide for you Timmy) between the players that would like this and those that would not. This divide could reduce the overall players that would want to PvP and indirectly make less PvP matches for those that want to play.


Thus the over all concept he is introducing is that there would be less PvP, to the point where I would come back at a later date and make a new post to find a way to introduce more players into PvP warzones.


That sum it up timmy?


Got to agree too.


If we could Que for the warzones areas we want to play in, less would leave.


Congratulations, you've got uptight over a single sentence response with a simplistic, yet logical theory.

Edited by Brimmer
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Congratulations, you've got uptight over a single sentence response with a simplistic, yet logical theory.


Yeah I did. I should apologize. It was rude and pointless for me to make a comment like that. It shows no concept of cooperation. It was trollish and well just mean.


Sorry Tim. After reading your expansion to your post, your edit, I find your idea of being able to que for the warzones you want to great.


Would that deminish the PvP or expand it?


If we have people queuing for matches that no one wants, will that make them que for others

Or much like the matching system we could put down a priority of which ones we would want to be in and have the system do a "best match" that expands over time.


Sorry tim, once again.

Edited by pinmoney
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No, they shouldn't. If I'm not on a force using class then I don't want to play huttball vs the premades that have the right class comps to farm it (IE: All guard/shadow/sent/sages on voice chat, etc). When huttball pops, I will leave immediately. Tough crap for the pug I'm in, they'll get someone else before the match starts. On the flipside if I'm on a force using alt I will stick around for huttball for sure. Why should I be forced to play a WZ that caters specifically to AC's with sprints/pulls/pushes/knockbacks/leaps, etc when i don't have those tools at my disposal?
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Yeah I did. I should apologize. It was rude and pointless for me to make a comment like that. It shows no concept of cooperation. It was trollish and well just mean.


Sorry Tim. After reading your expansion to your post, your edit, I find your idea of being able to que for the warzones you want to great.


Would that deminish the PvP or expand it?


If we have people queuing for matches that no one wants, will that make them que for others

Or much like the matching system we could put down a priority of which ones we would want to be in and have the system do a "best match" that expands over time.


Sorry tim, once again.


Yippy a positive post. :p


I like how DCUO does it, they have their "daily quests" apart of the queue. Each day randomly a "warzone" is tagged, and you get 2x the reward for picking that warzone as your queue. You may queue for which ever warzone you wish.


All a lot of people want are two VERY simple things.


Separate queues for pre-mades and pugs (reinforcements for pre-mades can't come from the pug queue) they loose people thats their own problem.




Ability to pick which warzone we queue for.

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Should warzone quitters be tracked? Is solo queue separated from premades? Then hell no. Fix premade vs. PUG first, or don't bother fixing quitters at all. Give us a reason to actually want to play the WZ out. I've been in dozens of matches vs. double premades from the same guild since the mega servers filled up when I'm just queuing by myself. There's not even a point for me to try in that match. Until you take premades out of my queue, I won't support any deserter debuff, penalty, or tracking of any kind.
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I am getting a bit tired getting into a warzone and having someone leave after it starts. I think we should implement a system that tracks how many times you bail on a Warzone and gives you an overall score others can see.

Here is a break down I been thinking about.


1. if you manually leave a warzone or get voted out, you loose 2 points.

2. If you get kicked from the warzone from the desertion buff you loose 1 point.

3. If you enter a match already in progress and manually leave, you only lose 1 point.

4. If you get disconnected from the game from your end (latency, disconnect, game shutdown.) you loose .5 points.

5. if you manually leave no less then 45 seconds before the battle starts you loose .25 points.

6. If you leave from a Group Finder Que, you loose 0 points.

7. If the game disconnects you, like server lag, shutdown and the like, you loose 0 points.

8. If you leave a warzone Que or leave a window pop for a warzone you loose 0 points.


You can go into the negatives. -100 is the cap.


Loosing points means you are less reliable in a fight. The more negative points you have, the more problems you have. I don't want to deal with your personal baggage. There just isn't enough room in my cargo hold.





You can also gain points. the higher the points you have, then more reliable your connect is, the less you /ragequit, and overall teamwork you represent.


1. If you complete a warzone that was already in progess you gain 1 points.

2. Each MVP vote you get, you gain .5 points.

3. If you complete a warzone you gain .25 points.

4. If you gain 5 medals you get .25 points.

5. If you get 10 medals or more you get additional .25 points.


You can gain points for reliability. 100 is the cap.





I honestly don't care if your connection is bad. If your connect is bad, that is your problem. Either way, I still can not rely on you. If you leave cause you can't face defeat, then how am I to trust you when things get rough. I am sure we all have that story where someone yells at everyone, leaves, and then we stomp the enemies and win.


I want to play PvP with the people that will stick it out, have a good attitude and never back down from the fight. I want to rely on my teammates, more so in ranked PvP. I am not looking for the system to monitor wins or losses. You can still gain votes and medals even if you are not the winner. I do not want winning or loosing to factor in, I want people to stick it out. If you are going to hit that button to accept the warzone, accept it! You just made a commitment to 7 other people.



So with that thought out. Does anyone have any ways they would make this better? Any more opinions? I want to have a discussion on this. Tell me how I am right, and how I am wrong.


simply put. F this whole idea.

I will quit ever warzone I enter that we are already losing. I will quit every warzone when 3 or more players have less then 14k Hitpoints. I will quit every Novarre Coast unless I see 3 people who I trust. I will quit every warzone when after 1 minute and we are losing and 4 people go turret hump our only turret. I will quit 60% of huttballs that we dont have a ball carrier. I play to win and for fun. I don't quit warzones because we are losing. I only quit a warzone in progress if my team mates arent trying. I have every right to quit a warzone for any reason I see fit before it starts. And I definitely have the right to quit a warzone that is already in progress when I enter. Also why should I get any points at all for DC'ing.

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All I'll say is if they put in some of deserter debuff or "tracking" for quitting before they put in the ability to choose your WZ. I'm gone come GW2 or MoP, and I don't really have any interest in either of them.


PvP in this game is already on thin ice with the CC-fest and rateds being a joke with ops frame STILL bugging out not showing people and certain comps being near unbeatable.


Was Vanilla WoW horribly imbalanced and a CC-fest too? Yes it was, but at least it had AV and a reason to go out into the world where PvP constantly happened. A lot more than I can say for TOR.

Edited by Stncold
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simply put. F this whole idea.

I will quit ever warzone I enter that we are already losing. I will quit every warzone when 3 or more players have less then 14k Hitpoints. I will quit every Novarre Coast unless I see 3 people who I trust. I will quit every warzone when after 1 minute and we are losing and 4 people go turret hump our only turret. I will quit 60% of huttballs that we dont have a ball carrier. I play to win and for fun. I don't quit warzones because we are losing. I only quit a warzone in progress if my team mates arent trying. I have every right to quit a warzone for any reason I see fit before it starts. And I definitely have the right to quit a warzone that is already in progress when I enter. Also why should I get any points at all for DC'ing.


Ding ding ding, we've found the problem causer. A person that quits because he isn't winning.


Indeed you do, but did you ever stop to think that there are other people like you? ( :( ) That quitting the match caused the reinforcement queues, you get pulled into.

Edited by Brimmer
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