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Why I won't transfer servers - Character Attachment


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If we leave we lose our identity. That is all we truly have.


My identity in real life is still in tact. I'll be fine. Really, you will be too. If your plan is to quit if forced to name change, then you (and I mean this in a non troll way) may as well un-sub now and save yourself time and money.

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for now.


They do need to work on a resolution for this though. I'm sure they are figuring it out now.


Pretty sure they have it all figured out.


1 day after the quarterly report is due they'll give some kind of stupid pet to the troops to keep them in line and subscribed.


1 day after the next one due there will be touted new "transfers" that won't fix all the problems, but what the hey, they are working on it.


Rinse and repeat as the calendar moves thru the ensuing year...

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Pretty sure they have it all figured out.


1 day after the quarterly report is due they'll give some kind of stupid pet to the troops to keep them in line and subscribed.


1 day after the next one due there will be touted new "transfers" that won't fix all the problems, but what the hey, they are working on it.


Rinse and repeat as the calendar moves thru the ensuing year...


Yeah.. "Transfer for free to any server you want, available only one day after the billing cycle"

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I do not understand OP at all. Really.

We play in an evironment that does not allow duplicates. We know this.

Anyway, OP is passioned about the names so they would surely be very original and from his/her own imagination?

It would not be much to obess over if the names were names almost anyone could choose, which seems to be the case here. And if that IS the case, perhaps the names, as unoriginal as they seem to be, are not that much to be attached to in the first place?

During the transfer, I had to rename One character out of 16 and none of the legacy names. Sure, it hurt a bit having to scrap good old Captain Boomer - but he died well and donated all his posessions to his replacement - so no harm done.


The short version: if you want to keep your names - Be sure to be original!

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Well, it was pretty original when I came up with it in 1981.


But no matter what, when you are forced from 15 servers to one with no control whatsoever, the chances are low.




even in 1981 it wasn't original. Shayde=Shade


that's like me saying Im all original for 'inventing' the name Kleanex or Zerocks

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It boils down to what is more important to you, your toon's name or playing on a full server. Apparently, losing your name is too important to you. Though I disagree about the high priority you put on keeping your toon's name, that's your choice, but accept that you're prerogative is what's holding you back from transferring and that's the end of it.
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I can see your viewpoint, but you get out of a game what you put into it. I'm defined ingame by my identity ingame, it has been consistent over 10 different MMOs, and it was a very important part of my part of my community.


It's the only thing of value I have in this game. Every other bauble and trinket can be bought/sold/looted.


A big part of it is my investment in the story. I watched Shayde's story unfold and take shape depending on what choices I made. It was my epic journey, creating an unrivaled criminal empire. Granted, there's a couple thousand others out there, but not quite like me. I guess that's the fault of the developers, in making a story so damn engaging. :p


Funny thing, both my kids transferred without a problem. They didn't care because it was insignificant to them.


This just illustrates why so many developers don't understand player retention. It is the attachment I feel that keeps players playing the game. Hell, there's thousands of ex-SWG players who would jump at the chance to play that game again because of what they invested into their characters in that game. There's people who wouldn't quit that thing even after sony screwed the game up beyond recognition because of their personal investment in the lives of their toons.


That's devotion, that's loyalty.


But I digress.


Either way, I guess my toons will die when they shut Space Slug down. Honestly, I can't see how they expect people to come back and play TOR if they come back to having to transfer their toons and meet new people or reguild.


I completely agree with you. I have been playing MMOs for about... 12 years now. I never really cared about the name of my character until "Star Wars: Galaxies" came out. I created a toon on day one and kept that character as my only toon in that game until the servers went offline. Any sci-fi game that I have played since (even non-mmo games) I use the same character name. As you said, my character is defined by myself. I escape reality and control a character that I have created and worked hard to make back stories, freinds, etc., with. I am lucky enough that it is a unique name so I never really have had an issue obtaining it.


I'll admit though, when I first entered BETA in this game... I got my name fine. Day one of early access, got my name. If I didn't get it though... it might honestly have swayed my decision to play or not.

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I can sympathize about the name thing because this game is very story driven. It plays more like an RPG then an MMO so people get attached to their characters like you would in any other Roleplaying Game.
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Well, it was pretty original when I came up with it in 1981.


But no matter what, when you are forced from 15 servers to one with no control whatsoever, the chances are low.


I don't know about that - my Thief was named Shayde and my Illustionist MysticSyne when I started D&Ding in the late 70's. I used both of those names when Wizardry came out in '80 or '81, so I think I can call dibs.


But anyway, I do agree with you in part. I was originally on Krayt Dragon, which wasn't too bad off population-wise. I ended up re-rolling to Firaxan Shark (at the time I didn't realize how bad the pop was there), because one of the names I wanted to use as an alt was taken on KD. I debated about using special characters in the name, but like to keep things simple for myself - it would of just been confusing for me to have to remember the slight deviation.


I am fortunate that all my characters got to keep their names in the transfer process. If not, most likely I would be waiting until the Paid Transfers come out. Unlike you, I don't feel that my own identity comes from the characters I have in game, but it is the identity of the characters themselves. Like you, I have reused several names throughout all the games I have played (Shayde and Mistic however were left behind in Wiz 5), and identify the characters by their name. However, as an aside, I found it rather amusing that when I was Alpha testing Stronghold Kingdoms someone actually recognized me via one of the names I used for my cities. Turns the guy remembered the name because I had helped him out a few times back when Guild Wars was first released.


Don't get discouraged, hopefully the Paid Transfers will be here sooner rather than later and you can find a place where Shayde can remain Shayde (I thus grant you permission to continue to use that name).



Edited by BJWyler
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Did you at least wonder why they give you carrot to make you transfer? It's not aimed at those that transfered and are already happy and playing with decent population. And it doesn't really hurt anyone directly if people are playing with 10 other on server(But keeping such servers isn't beneficial, so it's logical they will get rid of some of them, do standard merge).


They want people to be done with free transfers, so thay can perform next stage. Forced merge, paid transfers, whatever. But free transfers will go away and people won't be allowed to complain - so much time to transfer, rewards given for transfering, if you didn't take advantage of this, it's your fault.


But hey, if you have to go to this one server that isn't avaible to you, go ahead, prepeare money and wait.

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I don't know about that - my Thief was named Shayde and my Illustionist MysticSyne when I started D&Ding in the late 70's. I used both of those names when Wizardry came out in '80 or '81, so I think I can call dibs.


But anyway, I do agree with you in part. I was originally on Krayt Dragon, which wasn't too bad off population-wise. I ended up re-rolling to Firaxan Shark (at the time I didn't realize how bad the pop was there), because one of the names I wanted to use as an alt was taken on KD. I debated about using special characters in the name, but like to keep things simple for myself - it would of just been confusing for me to have to remember the slight deviation.


I am fortunate that all my characters got to keep their names in the transfer process. If not, most likely I would be waiting until the Paid Transfers come out. Unlike you, I don't feel that my own identity comes from the characters I have in game, but it is the identity of the characters themselves. Like you, I have reused several names throughout all the games I have played (Shayde and Mistic however were left behind in Wiz 5), and identify the characters by their name. However, as an aside, I found it rather amusing that when I was Alpha testing Stronghold Kingdoms someone actually recognized me via one of the names I used for my cities. Turns the guy remembered the name because I had helped him out a few times back when Guild Wars was first released.


Don't get discouraged, hopefully the Paid Transfers will be here sooner rather than later and you can find a place where Shayde can remain Shayde (I thus grant you permission to continue to use that name).




Haha Wizardry. Those were the days. Had Shayde there too. Started in D&D like I think everything we play can be originated in. :D


Pretty damn original for an 11 year old.

Edited by Shayde
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Short of Bioware taking the names from the people that already have them on the destination server. And giving them to the OP so he can feel "complete" you will never be able to 100% satisfy people like them.
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Short of Bioware taking the names from the people that already have them on the destination server. And giving them to the OP so he can feel "complete" you will never be able to 100% satisfy people like them.


I guess nobody airing their opinion would make you complete? Gross generalizations are just that. Funny how sick-minded this community is when someone gives their opinion on something, it must be belittled or shouted down if it doesn't shoot sunshine out of their backside.


They could have easily given us more choice in where we wanted to be. Their destinations they chose are all so overfull it is horrible, they should never have merged so many into so few. Queues this long after release is a sickness.

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I guess nobody airing their opinion would make you complete? Gross generalizations are just that. Funny how sick-minded this community is when someone gives their opinion on something, it must be belittled or shouted down if it doesn't shoot sunshine out of their backside.


They could have easily given us more choice in where we wanted to be. Their destinations they chose are all so overfull it is horrible, they should never have merged so many into so few. Queues this long after release is a sickness.


This is begging for a cliche of some sort:


Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda...

"Hindsight is 20/20"


It could have happened that way, but it didn't. It's ok to be upset about it and it's even ok to air that feeling. It's not ok to have the expectation that everyone else is going to feel the same way you do or agree with your opinion.


I'd bet a virtual arm-wrestling match that they are gonna go straight on to imminent-domain tactics and move you whether you like it or not.

Edited by Marrkin
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All I know is that I have enjoyed playing on my empty server more then any other time the game has been out. I dont even know or care what 25 black hole points are... LOL. I finally feel like I am the hero in the universe like it was meant to be..... not just a rat in a maze. I absolutely hated going to the Fleets and seeing all these people flying around in their speeders...... such an immersion killer.


I understand why Bioware has to merge, its economics. I will however stay and enjoy my gaming experience as long as possible even if I lose out on some pixel rewards later.

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Well, it was pretty original when I came up with it in 1981.


But no matter what, when you are forced from 15 servers to one with no control whatsoever, the chances are low.


Everyone thinks they were the first to come up with their name. There are words like shadow, shade, dark, raven, night, etc. (anything to do with darkness), that are bound to be taken very quickly as names in any MMO, as are any variations on the names (be it variant spellings, accented characters or variant spellings with accented characters. They're very popular. Case in point: the name Shayde is taken on 217 servers in WoW.


That being said, yes, it's unfortunate that you will have to change your name if you transfer to your destination server, but if you're that attached to it, see if you can find the name on a different destination server and transfer there when transfers become available.

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Everyone thinks they were the first to come up with their name. There are words like shadow, shade, dark, raven, night, etc. (anything to do with darkness), that are bound to be taken very quickly as names in any MMO, as are any variations on the names (be it variant spellings, accented characters or variant spellings with accented characters. They're very popular. Case in point: the name Shayde is taken on 217 servers in WoW.


That being said, yes, it's unfortunate that you will have to change your name if you transfer to your destination server, but if you're that attached to it, see if you can find the name on a different destination server and transfer there when transfers become available.


I donot think there is enough players left on the 100+ servers to do another round of transfers.

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They should at least give us more options to move to. Hell, if I could pick the server I would pay to transfer, especially if I could keep my identity.


My identity is all I have in this game. If that is gone, I have nothing.


I have a question for you.. You are putting ownership on your identity.. In fact to the point you almost make it seem like it is a physical ownership. Who is to say that the other player who has the same name(s) as your characters doesn't feel the same way?


My character names are very original, to the point that I had no problem and lost only one.. I attempted to make place holders back when transfers were first acknowledged, but the server I ended up on was not one where I made place holders.. I only made place holders on that server the week that transfers started.

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