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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

why all the secrecy about the hackers on this game?


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Come on BW, from what I can tell things are getting better about ridding our world of the cheaters/hackers/AKA PVP bullies. But enough is enough, when an operative can cloak out of combat 7 or 8 times in a span of 30 sec, when a bounty hunter has a FULL heat bar and NEVER loses heat AND is still spamming tracer missile or heals, when a sniper in recruit gear can 3 shot a guardian in full augmented warhero gear with def cooldowns running, when a healer is doing 500k dps and 400k healing in a single battle. Come on enough is enough, I know this game is a story-line based mmo and pvp is not the main focus. Understanding that I can see why you have done little to implement an anti-cheat engine in your game. THE REAL FOCUS SHOULD BE this, your core players who are for the most part pve'ers and casual players should be taken care of. Stop letting the pvp bullies (cheaters/hackers) rule the warzones. Those of you who fall into the category of being a social or casual player who are cheating just to get even should be ashamed of yourselves. The rest of you who are hacking b/c you enjoy the gaming experience of noob pwning are getting what you deserve. All of the casual gamers and pve'ers are avoiding pvp b/c of people like you. We're going to let you pvp against all the other hackers and let you beat yourself to a bloody pulp and get all raged b/c you can no longer enjoy your experience of noob pwning b/c now the ODDS are EVEN and not in your favor any longer. Yes trolls I admit i'm a little enraged myself by this but have accepted that there is nothing we can do to stop you. So PLEASE BW, and most importantly PLEASE SWTOR COMMUNITY put a stop to this farce that is ruining the game experience for the rest of us. I hate to say it but daily i'm tempted to go back to panda craft and wait for the Elder Scrolls MMO to come out.
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Come on BW, from what I can tell things are getting better about ridding our world of the cheaters/hackers/AKA PVP bullies. But enough is enough, when an operative can cloak out of combat 7 or 8 times in a span of 30 sec, when a bounty hunter has a FULL heat bar and NEVER loses heat AND is still spamming tracer missile or heals, when a sniper in recruit gear can 3 shot a guardian in full augmented warhero gear with def cooldowns running, when a healer is doing 500k dps and 400k healing in a single battle. Come on enough is enough, I know this game is a story-line based mmo and pvp is not the main focus. Understanding that I can see why you have done little to implement an anti-cheat engine in your game. THE REAL FOCUS SHOULD BE this, your core players who are for the most part pve'ers and casual players should be taken care of. Stop letting the pvp bullies (cheaters/hackers) rule the warzones. Those of you who fall into the category of being a social or casual player who are cheating just to get even should be ashamed of yourselves. The rest of you who are hacking b/c you enjoy the gaming experience of noob pwning are getting what you deserve. All of the casual gamers and pve'ers are avoiding pvp b/c of people like you. We're going to let you pvp against all the other hackers and let you beat yourself to a bloody pulp and get all raged b/c you can no longer enjoy your experience of noob pwning b/c now the ODDS are EVEN and not in your favor any longer. Yes trolls I admit i'm a little enraged myself by this but have accepted that there is nothing we can do to stop you. So PLEASE BW, and most importantly PLEASE SWTOR COMMUNITY put a stop to this farce that is ruining the game experience for the rest of us. I hate to say it but daily i'm tempted to go back to panda craft and wait for the Elder Scrolls MMO to come out.


Just one little thing:


I believe this is an exaggeration.


You know, when you get beaten by that school bully, you always tell your dad that there were actually 3 Anderson Silvas beating you and you had your hands tied :D

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Communicating what they are doing about hackers undermines the effort to stop them.



If they say, "This new patch includes code to check to see if you're using a speed hack!" then they will figure out how to get around that and all that hard work would be for nothing.

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interesting how it seems that the hackers are exclusively concerned with pvp


PvE is easy mode compared to PvP.

Not to mention PvE bosses don't get mad when you beat them.


edit: on the positive side of this, bosses don't send out raging wall of texts either.

Edited by islander
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Come on BW, from what I can tell things are getting better about ridding our world of the cheaters/hackers/AKA PVP bullies. But enough is enough, when an operative can cloak out of combat 7 or 8 times in a span of 30 sec, when a bounty hunter has a FULL heat bar and NEVER loses heat AND is still spamming tracer missile or heals, when a sniper in recruit gear can 3 shot a guardian in full augmented warhero gear with def cooldowns running, when a healer is doing 500k dps and 400k healing in a single battle. Come on enough is enough, I know this game is a story-line based mmo and pvp is not the main focus. Understanding that I can see why you have done little to implement an anti-cheat engine in your game. THE REAL FOCUS SHOULD BE this, your core players who are for the most part pve'ers and casual players should be taken care of. Stop letting the pvp bullies (cheaters/hackers) rule the warzones. Those of you who fall into the category of being a social or casual player who are cheating just to get even should be ashamed of yourselves. The rest of you who are hacking b/c you enjoy the gaming experience of noob pwning are getting what you deserve. All of the casual gamers and pve'ers are avoiding pvp b/c of people like you. We're going to let you pvp against all the other hackers and let you beat yourself to a bloody pulp and get all raged b/c you can no longer enjoy your experience of noob pwning b/c now the ODDS are EVEN and not in your favor any longer. Yes trolls I admit i'm a little enraged myself by this but have accepted that there is nothing we can do to stop you. So PLEASE BW, and most importantly PLEASE SWTOR COMMUNITY put a stop to this farce that is ruining the game experience for the rest of us. I hate to say it but daily i'm tempted to go back to panda craft and wait for the Elder Scrolls MMO to come out.


Holy wall of text batman!

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Bioware have already started banning people for hacking.


I do remember reading that the SWTOR anti-cheat software was not enabled and that people could really do whatever they wanted although this has never been confirmed.


It's very easy to manipulate the game, especially the parts which are processed client side however the servers could detect things like this and automatically kick and ban players... unfortunately Bioware has either chosen not to hire programmers who know enough about security or else have just chosen to leave the security part out of the game.

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PvE is easy mode compared to PvP.

Not to mention PvE bosses don't get mad when you beat them.


People run around in circles in PvP and have no clue how to play their class, yet they are wearing full BM gear and probably a piece or two of Warhero gear... If you run around in circles in PvE, you'll still be wearing those 50 oranges with level 40 mods in them until they raise the level cap and you get some more leveling gear.

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Whenever you see something that's genuinely suspicious, you can write and submit a ticket about it.


And yes, Bioware DOES act on information submitted by players, even though they don't tell us.


Just last night, I heard a bit of juicy gossip from a guildmate about a certain notorious "griefer" guild that had once targeted us. Word was, BioWare is VERY aware of that particular group's history, and clamped down hard on their griefing in this game. So hard, in fact, that they wound up only being able to grief one another in their own guild.


That guild is now in... disarray.

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Whenever you see something that's genuinely suspicious, you can write and submit a ticket about it.


And yes, Bioware DOES act on information submitted by players, even though they don't tell us.


Just last night, I heard a bit of juicy gossip from a guildmate about a certain notorious "griefer" guild that had once targeted us. Word was, BioWare is VERY aware of that particular group's history, and clamped down hard on their griefing in this game. So hard, in fact, that they wound up only being able to grief one another in their own guild.


That guild is now in... disarray.


i like this whole angle...less mess than the more commonly accepted notions of prosecution that dont work very well...


in essence,this is what i think is going on,click on the link


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THE REAL FOCUS SHOULD BE this, your core players who are for the most part pve'ers and casual players should be taken care of. Stop letting the pvp bullies (cheaters/hackers) rule the warzones.


I'm a PvE-er. I just don't play warzones. Fixes the cheating problem quick and easy.

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THE REAL FOCUS SHOULD BE this, your core players who are for the most part pve'ers and casual players should be taken care of. Stop letting the pvp bullies (cheaters/hackers) rule the warzones.


I'm a PvE-er. I just don't play warzones. Fixes the cheating problem quick and easy.


same here...i used to play a totally pvp online fps afew years back...got very good at killing other players...but i got tired of several things


1.the hilaritys of the tsunamic tidal wave of hacks


2.profanity spewing children


3.unintelligable spanish ravings


4.the monotony of doing that same thing over and over and over again...which didnt bring me very much sense of accomplishment



so you could say im a retired-ish pvper

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People run around in circles in PvP and have no clue how to play their class, yet they are wearing full BM gear and probably a piece or two of Warhero gear... If you run around in circles in PvE, you'll still be wearing those 50 oranges with level 40 mods in them until they raise the level cap and you get some more leveling gear.


People run around in circles because it works for PvP. If it didn't work, you wouldn't see it. It takes more dexterity to do it as well.

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Come on BW, from what I can tell things are getting better about ridding our world of the cheaters/hackers/AKA PVP bullies. But enough is enough, when an operative can cloak out of combat 7 or 8 times in a span of 30 sec, So PLEASE BW, and most importantly PLEASE SWTOR COMMUNITY put a stop to this farce that is ruining the game experience for the rest of us. I hate to say it but daily i'm tempted to go back to panda craft and wait for the Elder Scrolls MMO to come out.


Ok What I am going to say is all true, the story goes like this:


I was killed by a operative in the span of 5 secs, not once or twice either last week, he was on a roll with this crap. I have been playing since early access but I do not know anything about actual hacking in this game. So I got extremely pissed and went on a rant in a ticket i submitted, but I never said anything about hacking. My rant was on nerfing cheap operative abilities and that was mostly it. Not all operatives play like this or do so much damage to a toon in mostly battlemaster and a few war hero pieces either.


The operative was hitting with consistent 4k crits really fast with a damn near perma stun. What bugged me was, how I can not see him in stealth when he is right around me, how he was going in and out of stealth so fast during the fight and directly after the fight. I don't see all stealth based characters doing that.


That night customer service contacted me in game, why you ask? Because I gave the name, server and faction of the character of the person who was using the operative. The CS rep was asking questions and said they take hacking very seriously, my reply was I don't even know if that was hacking, I just know that it is completely unfair. The very next day I ran into the same player again in pvp and his playstyle was completely different. No more perma stun and crit hitting me at all. He was now easy to kill where as the night before, I could not even see him.


In conclusion, if you do see or believe someone is hacking, submit a ticket immediately, I don't think bioware is playing around with these players.

Edited by SentinelDranoel
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Ok What I am going to say is all true, the story goes like this:

So I got extremely pissed and went on a rant in a ticket i submitted.

That night customer service contacted me....

The very next day I ran into the same player again in pvp


In conclusion, if you do see or believe someone is hacking, submit a ticket immediately, I don't think bioware is playing around with these players.


You saw him the very next day? Ive seen people get banned for spamming general chat for 3 days, and this guy (if he was cheating/exploiting) was on less then 12 hours after you spoke with customer service? Yeah, they must have cracked that whip really hard on him/her.

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Ok What I am going to say is all true, the story goes like this:


I was killed by a operative in the span of 5 secs, not once or twice either last week, he was on a roll with this crap. I have been playing since early access but I do not know anything about actual hacking in this game. So I got extremely pissed and went on a rant in a ticket i submitted, but I never said anything about hacking. My rant was on nerfing cheap operative abilities and that was mostly it. Not all operatives play like this or do so much damage to a toon in mostly battlemaster and a few war hero pieces either.


The operative was hitting with consistent 4k crits really fast with a damn near perma stun. What bugged me was, how I can not see him in stealth when he is right around me, how he was going in and out of stealth so fast during the fight and directly after the fight. I don't see all stealth based characters doing that.


That night customer service contacted me in game, why you ask? Because I gave the name, server and faction of the character of the person who was using the operative. The CS rep was asking questions and said they take hacking very seriously, my reply was I don't even know if that was hacking, I just know that it is completely unfair. The very next day I ran into the same player again in pvp and his playstyle was completely different. No more perma stun and crit hitting me at all. He was now easy to kill where as the night before, I could not even see him.


In conclusion, if you do see or believe someone is hacking, submit a ticket immediately, I don't think bioware is playing around with these players.


I think I ran into the same person, was their toon a fat body type?

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Sounds like the OP plays republic and is mad


As someone that plays both, trust me, neither side is any more innocent then the other regarding pvp hacks.


Ive seen assassins kill 4 people (1 on 4) and then shoot to other side of map with full health

But the problem is Ive seen Shadows do exact same thing!

All you see is the blur lines like someone had rescued them

Only problem is they move to a spot so far past rescue range no mistake can be made.


The two biggest hacks I see in this game are the speed hack and the invincible hack


I just report the names and move on because there is nothing else we can do


If im right right, the infor EA can look up will show it

and if im wrong, that will also show up


Just report the players and move on when you suspect hacking.

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Quote: Originally Posted by SentinelDranoel


Ok What I am going to say is all true, the story goes like this:


I was killed by a operative in the span of 5 secs, not once or twice either last week, he was on a roll with this crap. I have been playing since early access but I do not know anything about actual hacking in this game. So I got extremely pissed and went on a rant in a ticket i submitted, but I never said anything about hacking. My rant was on nerfing cheap operative abilities and that was mostly it. Not all operatives play like this or do so much damage to a toon in mostly battlemaster and a few war hero pieces either.


The operative was hitting with consistent 4k crits really fast with a damn near perma stun. What bugged me was, how I can not see him in stealth when he is right around me, how he was going in and out of stealth so fast during the fight and directly after the fight. I don't see all stealth based characters doing that.


That night customer service contacted me in game, why you ask? Because I gave the name, server and faction of the character of the person who was using the operative. The CS rep was asking questions and said they take hacking very seriously, my reply was I don't even know if that was hacking, I just know that it is completely unfair. The very next day I ran into the same player again in pvp and his playstyle was completely different. No more perma stun and crit hitting me at all. He was now easy to kill where as the night before, I could not even see him.


In conclusion, if you do see or believe someone is hacking, submit a ticket immediately, I don't think bioware is playing around with these players.


I think I ran into the same person, was their toon a fat body type?


Ive had the same experiences as well.


Its why I say for people to report those they even suspect of hacking


EA will be able to see if something is askew regarding this and act responcibly.

Edited by Kalfear
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